Warring States Call

Chapter 1962 Chapter 1971: Capture Wang Jian Alive

Chapter 1962 Chapter One Thousand 970 One Captured Wang Jian Alive

When Wang Jian woke up, it was already noon on the second day. At this time, the Qin army was under siege, without food and water, and some soldiers even fainted from lack of water. Last night, tens of thousands of wounded soldiers did not receive proper treatment. And died of serious injuries.

"How's the situation! Where's Wang Ben?" Wang Jian straightened up with difficulty, his gray hair drooping on both sides of his head, and he looked very lonely. Uncle Zhou Feng held water in his hand and handed it to Wang Jian. Wang Jian took a sip, but Feeling unfinished, smashing his mouth, his cloudy old eyes scanned the hall, but he didn't see his son.

"General, he..." Uncle Zhou Feng's voice was a little choked up, as if he didn't want to admit the fact, he just wanted to open his mouth and then closed it tremblingly.

Wang Jian looked at his expression, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, he seemed to want to laugh or cry, his expression was very tangled, bloodshot eyes were covered with white eyeballs at this moment, the whole person seemed to have turned into a scourge, and he was speechless for a while. Choking, the thin palms grabbed the quilt on the bed, as if telling himself stubbornly, to hold on.

"Huhu... Huhu!" Wang Jian took two deep breaths, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice angrily: "Shangjia!"

"General! Is your injury still not healed?" Uncle Zhou Feng changed his face when he heard Wang Jian's intention that he wanted to lead the army himself, and hurriedly stopped Wang Jian.

"What nonsense! Upper armor!" Wang Jian yelled angrily, and suddenly stood up. The pain in his chest made him almost faint, but Wang Jian gritted his teeth and persisted. He picked up the sword on the bed with a solemn expression. Said: "All the sons of my Wang family died in battle, how can I live on the bed! Don't insult the military spirit of my Wang family, Shangjia!"

"The last general will personally put on the armor for the great general!" Uncle Zhou Feng looked solemn, changed his worried appearance in the past, and went to get Wang Jian's armor with a dignified expression.

The tiger-shouldered Qin Ming armor was put on Wang Jian's body. Wang Jian was solemn and solemn, with a Qin sword on his waist, his eyes were like a tiger, and his hair was combed meticulously. When Wang Jian came out of the hall, several guards looked at Wang Jian and said, "General! General...!"

"Son of Great Qin!" Wang Jian took a deep breath and shouted, tens of thousands of soldiers joined the army, waiting for Wang Jian's order.

"Qin people only have heroes who die standing up, and there are no cowards who die kneeling. I will lead people to fight in person. Warriors of Qin, whoever fights with me!" Wang Jian pulled out the sword in his arms, Under the cold wind, the three-foot-long sword exuded a frightening cold light, and all the soldiers under his command showed solemn expressions.

"Sima Yi is willing to fight with the general!" Sima Yi, who was wearing outer armor, bowed to Wang Jian and strode forward with an awe-inspiring look.

Sima Zhao was a little stunned at first, but the short moment of stupefaction made Sima Zhao recall his father's teaching yesterday, and immediately stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, "School Lieutenant Sima Zhao of the Left Army is willing to fight with the general!"

"At the end of the day, Zhou Fengshu and Zhou Wenyu are willing to be pioneers!"

"Fan Yuqi is willing to go there!"

A group of fierce generals asked for the battle one after another, and many soldiers under their command all asked for their lives, the voice was so loud that it frightened Jiuxiao.

Yue Fei, who was guarding the gate of the palace, heard the sound in the palace, and looked up at the palace. Yue Fei's brows were involuntarily furrowed. Zhang Xian, who was beside him, came behind Yue Fei, and said solemnly: "General! Qin Jun Morale is on the rise!"

"I know!" Yue Fei stretched his brows, staring at the palace with tiger eyes, and immediately got up: "Tell the soldiers under your command to prepare for battle! The Qin army may launch a breakout!"

"No..." Zhang Xian didn't dare to delay, and hurried down to make arrangements. Han Zu, who was scolding outside the palace gate, started to retreat. They greeted the ancestors of these Qin people a lot this night, and even took water to take a bath in front of them, annoyed. These Qin people can't wait to rush out.

Today's sun is very strong, Han Yi is sitting on the air vent, blowing hot wind, holding a teacup in his hand, drinking every sip, it is extremely comfortable, the sound of the palace gate is so loud that even Han Yi noticed it When they arrived, the surrounding generals held the weapons in their arms with solemn expressions.

"Open the city gate! Kill!" Wang Jian yelled hysterically, holding the sword himself and commanding the soldiers.

"Fire the arrows!" Zhang Xian held the halberd in his hand, stared at the soldiers who were charging continuously, and waved his hand.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The bows and arrows all over the sky fell like raindrops.

"Kill!" Holding a pair of black Qin army shields in each hand, Wang Shuang charged forward in strides. Niu Gao held an iron whip and looked Wang Shuang up and down with tiger eyes. A prehistoric wild beast, rushing towards the crowd, going forward without hesitation.

"The thief general is so courageous!" Niu Gao yelled angrily, and hit Wang Shuang head-on with his whip. This whip was powerful, as if it could shatter the world with one blow.

"Go away!" Wang Shuang raised his hand and raised his shield, and the two armors collided together, sparking countless sparks. Niu Gao's tiger's mouth was hurt by the shock of the palm of his hand, and he was careless in his heart. Wang Shuang laughed. , the shield in his left hand hit Niu Gao's throat straight, if this blow landed on him, he would be half disabled if he was not dead.

Niu Gao's complexion instantly became the color of a pig's liver, and he immediately held the iron whip in both hands and guarded it in front of him.

"Kang Dang!" The shield and the iron whip rubbed against each other, creating countless sparks, and Niu Gao was repelled a few steps. Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, Yue Yun quickly reached out to support Niu Gao, and said in a gloomy voice, "Are you all right?" !"

"Cough! What's the matter with your Uncle Niu? This grandson is too strong. Let's see your Uncle Niu take him down!" Niu Gao grinned, patted Yue Yun's shoulder, and coughed dryly. To fight up.

Seeing Niu Gao's appearance, Yue Yun shook his head helplessly, picked up the double hammers in his hand, and rushed forward in three steps at a time. Niu Gao was still behind and pretended to say: "Cough! Look at this kid, big brother, you don't care. , all trying to grab credit with us, we uncles, we still have to give in to him, don’t we? Hey! Look at what you did!”

"Go!" The silver hammer in Yue Yun's hand fell suddenly, Wang Shuangmian's expression changed, and he immediately raised his shield to block.

"Kangdang... Kacha...! Spray" The shield on Wang Shuang's left hand was directly smashed to pieces by Yue Yun. The wrist of his left hand was bent, which was obviously broken. With Wang Shuang's door wide open, the silver hammer in Yue Yun's hand directly hit Wang Shuang's lower abdomen.

"Wow!" Wang Shuang vomited blood mist, and his whole body was hammered into the air for a full meter before he landed on the ground. At this moment, Niu Gao ran over with a smile, "Nephew, I'll help you!"

Yue Yun chuckled, kicked Wang Shuang over, and then led others into the arena, Niu Gao tied Wang Shuang with a smile, and captured him alive.

"Kill!" Wang Jian raised his long sword and pointed his tiger eyes at the front. Yue Fei's face froze, and immediately the killing intent welled up, and he shouted angrily: "Kill!"

"Wang Jian! You and I should understand! Drive!" Yue Fei urged his horse to charge and kill.

"Protect the general! Kill!" Zhou Fengshu and Zhou Wenyu rushed to kill them, Yue Fei was not afraid, the silver spear in his hand opened wide, and the Liuhe gun could be seen faintly.

"Drive!" With a long cry of the war horse, Yang Zaixing urged the horse to charge forward and rushed to Yue Fei's surroundings, saying, "General! Go quickly! I'll stop these two people!"

"It's up to you!" Yue Fei rode on the horse, Zhou Fengshu's forehead was bulging, and he shouted angrily: "Old Yue Fei, don't go!"

Uncle Zhou Feng was about to chase after him, but Yang Zaixing reversed the silver spear in his hand. With one move, white stripes appeared in the waves, and the silver spear flashed like a sea wave, intercepting the two of them here, with an indifferent expression: "Choose!"

"Ding, Yang Zaixing activates the attribute of breaking the army, also known as the seven kills. Every time he kills, the force value will increase by 1, which can be repeated seven times in a row. After seven times, the force value will remain unchanged!"

"Ding, the second attribute of breaking the army, charge into the battle! Acute vanguard! Invincible, strengthen the soldiers to fight by 1∽3 points! Yang Zaixing's command ability increases by 3"

"Ding, the current Yang Zaixing's basic force value is 104, the force value of the Desperate Soul Spear is increased by 1, the force value of the Black Tiger Colt is increased by 1, the force value of the Seven Kills is increased by 1, and the current force value of Yang Zaixing is 107!"

"Whoosh!" The cold light flashed, Yang Zaixing shot down, and his feet surged like huge waves in the water. He shot at Uncle Zhou Feng with one shot. Turning over the long spear in Zhou Fengshu's hand, the shooting style is like the wind and waves of the sea, one wave after another, continuous, the silver spear flashed, and pierced Zhou Fengshu's throat.

"Be careful!" Zhou Wenyu's complexion changed drastically, and he rushed to rescue. Niu Gao seized the opportunity at this moment, and slapped Zhou Wenyu's waist with a whip, only to hear: "Crack!"

"Ah!" Zhou Wenyu grinned his teeth in pain, rolled off the horse, and clutched his waist. At this moment, he still didn't forget to pull out the saber at his waist, and stared at Niu Gao with wide eyes.

Seeing the big piece of fat fall, the soldiers under his command stabbed with guns one after another.

At first Zhou Wenyu was able to fight left and right, but as time dragged on, he was stabbed to death at the moment, and Zhou Fengshu did not have Zhou Wenyu's assistance, and was shot and killed by Yang Zaixing, and died on the spot.

"Wang Jian is to die!" Yue Fei came to attack with a gun, Wang Jian dragged his sick body to confront Yue Fei, but after three breaths, he was beaten by Yue Fei and had no power to fight back.

"Liuhe big gun!" Yue Fei yelled angrily, knocked Wang Jianpai off his horse with one shot, and then yelled angrily: "Take it!"

Han Guo and Han Xiu who were behind stepped forward to tie up Wang Jian's five flowers. The surrounding soldiers wanted to rescue Wang Jian, but Yue Fei immediately shouted angrily: "Do it without authorization! Kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Shouts raged among the crowd, shaking mountains and seas, the morale of the soldiers of Qin State collapsed rapidly at this moment, and they could no longer find any meaning of resistance in their hearts. The main general has been captured alive, without water and food, and there is no chance of resistance up.

"Victory!" A soldier couldn't help cheering, the forbearance of many years was released at this moment, they won, and all the elites of Qin State were wiped out at this moment.

"Victory... won!" Countless shouts swept through the 60 troops like a tsunami, but the Qin army seemed extremely depressed. They didn't know where they would go, whether they would be killed or forced labor.

Han Yi listened to the cheers from the people around him, but he couldn't get up for joy, he was almost melancholy. This battle was really too difficult, and he himself was a little uncertain about the difficulty.

Three hours later, all these Qin soldiers were finally taken care of. Han Yi was sitting on the main seat, and Yue Fei in a blood armor strode into the hall. Every time he took a step, his body would drop a few drops of blood. Yue Fei knelt down immediately when he saw Han Yi Authentic: "Your Majesty! The 12 soldiers of the Qin State were all suppressed! Captured the Great General of the Qin State Wang Jian, the Six Chiefs of the Qin State Sima Yi, the General Gong Gong, the Second General Fan Yuqi, and the rest Mao Jiao, Meng Ying, Yao Jia, Feng Jie, Wang Shuang and others..., Sima Yan and Sima Zhao, Sima Yi's relatives, were all captured!"

"Oh!" Han Yi was slightly astonished, smiled, looked around and said, "My dear friends! Today's fish is really good, all the big fish are hooked!"

"Hahahahaha!" Everyone was smiling, but Yue Fei was a bit out of place and still maintained his serious expression. Han Yi looked at this upright man and said, "What's wrong with Pengju! Why are you unhappy after winning the battle! "

"Although this battle was won, too many soldiers died in the battle!" Yue Fei's voice was a little low, but the surrounding soldiers also silenced, after all, death is not a good thing.

"Give more compensation to the soldiers who died in battle! More efforts will be made to compensate in the future!" Han Yi was also a little melancholy, and Pang Wanchun's death was hard for him to let go of.

"Bring Wang Jian in!" Han Yi suppressed the depression in his heart, covered the corner of his mouth, and announced his next step.


Within half a stick of incense, Wang Jian came in dragging his broken body. His armor was pulled out, his hair was disheveled, and the wound on his shoulder kept gushing blood, which stained his white skirt red, and his gray hair covered his face. His face, hands and feet were all covered with chains, and he was escorted down to the military tent by two young generals, Han Guo and Han Xiu.

Han Yi could vaguely see that behind the gray hair was a beast that wanted to tear people apart.

Han Xiu immediately shouted angrily: "Kneel down!"

Seeing that what they said didn't work, the two tried hard to push Han Xiu down, but Han Yi waved: "No need!"

"Yes!" The two young generals could only withdraw behind Han Qinhu. Han Qinhu glanced at the two boys and shook his head helplessly. Perhaps they would not understand that the greatest punishment for the enemy is to respect them.

Han Yi glanced at Wang Jian, but it was difficult to do so. Han Yi said: "General Wang! Do you surrender!"

"Han Wang! You are also a generation of heroes. In order to deal with the old man, the five major Korean soldiers and horses came out together, oh no! Yue Fei is also a famous general!" Wang Jian swept everyone's cheeks one by one, and then sonorously said: "Yue Fei, This battle between Han Xin, Wu Qi, Han Qinhu, Zhuge Liang, and Yuan Chonghuan, the old man deservedly lost!"

"It's useless to talk too much! I admire the old general, and I don't want to do fearless killings. Surrender!" Han Yi sighed and crossed his hands, as if he was waiting for Wang Jian's answer.

"How can a loyal minister serve the second master? King Han, don't insult me, and don't even try to use me to threaten the king. Please ask King Han to send this old man on the road. Thank you Wang Jian."

(End of this chapter)

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