Warring States Call

Chapter 1963 Chapter 1972: Eagle Gu Langshi

Chapter 1963 Chapter One Thousand 970 Chapter Two Eagle Gu Langshi

After Wang Jian finished speaking, he kept his mouth shut, closed his eyes, and his whole body weakened, like an old man in his twilight years.

Han Yi stroked his beard and stared at Wang Jian with a solemn expression. He knew that Wang Jian had already developed a will to die. Even if he was forced to take him down, he still died of a hunger strike. But there are unfulfilled last wishes! Speak out!"

"Hahahaha! The last wish of this old man is naturally to go to Chang'an, but it's a pity that this life is hopeless!" Wang Jian was deeply moved, and the generals around were so angry that they wished to draw their swords and kill him now. Of course, Wang Jian was not a fool, and said to Han Yi: "Trouble King Han, bury the bones of my sons who died in battle! Don't let them fall into the belly of wild animals, Jian! Thank you!"

"Guyun, come and drag him out! Cut it off!" Han Yi waved his sleeves, Han Guo and Han Xiu directly pulled Wang Jian out, and only heard from outside the tent: "Crack!" Wang Jian's head fell to the ground.

Han Yi picked up the tea bowl, took a sip of tea, and said after a while: "The search for someone will sew up Wang Jian's body, find the bodies of Wang Ben and Wang Li, and send them back to Hangu Pass. In the past, King Qin was ruthless and hung Meng Yuan's body on the beam. Zhu, we can't be unrighteous, Wang Jian is a famous general in the world, send him back, and comfort him in this life!"


"Bring Sima Yi and his son first!" Han Yi rubbed his palms. He wanted to see what the Sima family looked like. Han Yi really wanted to see the family that caused the chaos of the eight kings and the chaos of the five.

The reputation of this family is not very good. First, Sima Yi usurped power, and his son seized the throne. It was not until his grandson Sima Yan became emperor. At that time, people said that the three families were divided into Jin Dynasty, and finally three families returned to Jin Dynasty. The people fought hard for a long time. Fighting every year, I thought the world was peaceful, but the Rebellion of the Eight Kings appeared, and it was the first time that it turned into a situation of chaos. At that time, it was really a dark age, and the people were called two-legged sheep, and the world was no longer a paradise. , but a hell, where people cannibalize one after another, change children to eat, and hunger is everywhere.

Sima Yi and Sima Zhao took Sima Yan with them. The three generations of leaders of the Sima family all surfaced. Han Yi stroked his beard and looked at the three of them. His face is wheat bran, he is wearing a white shirt, his hair is combed back, but his expression is unknown.

Sima Zhao is quite wise, but his face is delicate and white, showing some sharpness, but he does not move past the fragile truth, kneeling on the ground without saying a word, but the hazy breath makes people feel a little uncomfortable, it seems that this guy He is a born rebel.

Compared with Sima Zhao and Sima Yi, Sima Yan was more calm, unhurried, and not high-profile, so he just sat quietly on his knees, not knowing what he was thinking.

"System! Test the attributes of the three of them for me!" Han Yi stroked his beard, as if thinking about it.

"Ding, Sima Yi's wolf cares about attributes. If the wolf turns back, it will either repay favor or revenge. If Sima Yi has a favor with Sima Yi, Sima Yi's intelligence, commander, and politics will each increase by 1! And every time Sima Yi is appointed, his main strength will be reduced by 10. Below 40, His master will die suddenly, and Sima Yi's life will be extended by 3 years!"

"Playing Nima" Han Yi almost didn't jump up when he heard the news. No wonder this Sima Yi was able to kill the four kings of Cao Cao, Cao Pi, Cao Rui, and Cao Fang. This guy is really... dangerous!
"Ding, Sima Yi's eagle vision. After three generations of emperors, Sima Yi has fought against each other. After this skill is awakened, each of Sima Yi's four will increase by 1, and his son Sima Zhao will be awakened! All attributes will be increased by 2!"

"Wait! Let me check the four of Sima Zhao and Sima Yan!" Han Yi remembered that Sima Zhao was a character brought out, and he didn't have his four-dimensional until now. He needed to check to make himself confident

"Ding, Sima Zhao: Force 88, commander 95, intelligence 96, politics 95!"

"Ding, Sima Yan: Force 65, commander 90, intelligence 95, politics 92!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! Sima Yan's various abilities are balanced, but he is not considered a talented and general emperor. This Sima Yan is also a leaker. The social environment at that time was domestic and foreign troubles in Wu, and Sima Yan was under the foreshadowing of his father and grandfather. Only in this way can we rule the world.

"Ding, Sima Zhao's heart attribute is awakened after Sima Yi's eagle vision is activated, and he wants to plot the world. After this skill is activated, Siwei is increasing by one!"

"Ding, Sima Yan's virtuous and lazy attribute is activated, each of the four in the early stage will increase by 5, and the fourth dimension will decrease by 1 every three years."

"Tsk tsk!" Han Yi shook his head, smashed his mouth, looked at Sima Yi's look of death, Han Yi's mouth slightly raised, and said half aloud: "Sima Yi, the six poems of Qin State!"

Sima Yi slightly opened his eyes, those eyes were like old wolf Han Yi, Sima Yi said in a hoarse voice: "I have seen King Han!"

"General Sima! Are you willing to surrender!" Han Yi picked up the brush in his hand and played with it, as if he was conducting a test.

Sima Yi frowned when he heard the meaning behind these words. He felt that Han Yi had seen through him. Sima Yi couldn't figure out the meaning behind Han Yi's words. Facing Ying Zheng, Sima Yi didn't even feel that it was so difficult, he hesitated for a while, not knowing how to answer.

Sima Zhao on the side seemed to remember Sima Yi's warning, and coupled with his youthful vigor, he immediately copied it rote, and retorted: "King Han, kill him if he wants to, why bother to humiliate my father and son!"

"Okay!" Han Yi was waiting for this sentence. He clasped his hands together, and the playfulness in his eyes became more and more solemn, while Sima Yi, who was kneeling on the ground, cried secretly: "It's broken!"

"Drag them out! Behead them all!" Han Yi waved his sleeves without any politeness, and ordered the surrounding soldiers to push all three of them out and behead them for public display.

"Hmm!" Sima Zhao's complexion changed, his face became pale, and many question marks appeared in his mind: No!This is different from what my father said.

Sima Yi was also heartbroken, and immediately knelt down and said: "Please forgive me, King Han! My son doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, so I ask King Han to make amends! My Sima family is willing to lead a horse and hold a stool for King Han, and serve him for life. And my father and son surrendered." , it will inevitably disintegrate the internal resistance of the Qin State. The resistance of Han Wang to attack Qin State is relatively small. With the status of our Sima family in Bashu, it can help Han Wang quickly conquer Bashu. The king takes it in!"

Sima Zhao also knew that he had said something wrong just now, so he quickly kowtowed: "King Han! You are reckless, please forgive me, King Han!"

At this moment, Sima Yan couldn't help but kowtow like garlic, and kept shouting: "King Han forgive me!"

"Sima Yi has to say that the conditions you proposed are very moving, but most of the world has fallen into the hands of the solitary. Do you think Bashu can stop this king? Tens of thousands of soldiers in our country died at your hands. You should give them an account Drag it out! Kill it!" Han Yi yelled, this matter is not for discussion, he has to consider for the future generations, this Sima Yi is really too dangerous.

"Promise!" The surrounding generals strode forward, one left and one right detained the three people on the ground, dragged them out abruptly, and returned them with their heads.

"Ding... Sima Yi...!"

When the voice of the system rang in Han Yi's ear, Han Yi's heart was hanging, and he looked at Xun You who was standing aside and said, "Remember!"

"Promise!" Xun You spread out the bamboo slips in his hand, picked up a brush and dipped it in ink, and waited for Han Yi to deliver the order.

"Yue Fei stepped forward to accept the seal!" Han Yi waved his sleeves and began to distribute the seals to all the meritorious officials.

"The minister is here!" Yue Fei stepped forward, bent over and cupped his hands, looking quite reserved.

"You should take the lead in this battle. First, you alienate the people in Wangye, and you stick to it for a few days to buy time for the people to evacuate. Then you lead Wang Jian into the trap. The most important thing is that you captured Wang Jian alive and avoided more casualties. Gu said in advance However, whoever captures or kills Wang Jian will be made a marquis alone! Xun Youji" Han Yi straightened his clothes, and then said: "Confer Yuefei as the marquis of the founding of the country, one of the twelve marquises!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Yue Fei knelt down and kowtowed. Years of hard work have paid off today.

"Little General Yue Yun!" Han Yi looked at Yue Yun who was standing at the bottom without speaking, and directly called his name. Yue Fei was stunned, and immediately cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty! The child is still a child with a yellow mouth, and he cannot be rewarded!"

"General Yue Fei's words are different!" Han Qinhu came forward at this moment, pointing at Yue Yun and said: "My lord! This kid always takes the lead in every charge, and Yue Fei has even concealed Yue Yun's military achievements these years. When he was 16 years old, he once led [-] troops The Wei army defeated the hundreds of thousands of troops of the Qin State, Qin general Luo Yi was defeated by him, and the Eighteen Cavalry of Yanyun under his command was defeated by him. In the battle on the grassland, he sacrificed his life to save the Fourth Highness, and the famous general Li Mu even died in the Under him and the other young generals!"

"Oh!" Han Yi pretended to shine his eyes, as if he had picked up a treasure, and Yue Yun was a little uncomfortable looking at it. Han Yi stroked his breath, and immediately said: "Send him up!"

"Your Majesty...!" Yue Fei wanted to stop him, but Han Yi waved his hand and said, "There are so many heroes in our country who can keep peace for 50 years. Yue Fei, you have given birth to a good son! This is a blessing!"

"I'm ashamed!" Yue Fei's heart was full of excitement. With such an enlightened master, he would have no regrets in this life.

"Young general Yue Yun stepped forward to accept the seal!" Han Yi stretched out his hand to signal Yue Yun to step forward. Yue Yun felt a little uncomfortable, but he still walked forward slowly, and cupped his hands at Han Yi: "See you, my lord!"

Han Yi looked Yue Yun up and down, but saw that his battle armor was damaged, his whole body was covered in blood, and there was not a single spot intact. Han Yi couldn't bear it, and then thought to himself: "I will make Yue Yun a third-ranking officer, and I will give you a set of battle armor!"

"Your Majesty can't do it!" Yue Fei quickly waved his hands and said hastily: "Your Majesty conferring on this old man as a waiter is really treating my Yue family kindly. This position will definitely be handed down to this son in the future. Your Majesty must not add burdens to the country by being conferred upon me!"

"Hey!" Han Yi waved his hand and said, "Rewarding meritorious deeds is the foundation of our country. This son is young and promising. He should set an example for the young people in the country. Let the children and grandchildren in this big tent see that this is a young man." It should be a style, not blindly drunken and dreamy, that's it, and Yue Yun's title will be hereditary!"

"Your Majesty...!" Yue Fei wanted to talk to him, but Han Yi looked at Yue Yun and said with a smile, "I'm not thanking you yet!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Yue Yun knelt on the ground, glanced at his father from time to time, seeing his appearance of eating a fly, and secretly clumsy tongue.

"General Yue Fei! Congratulations!" All the generals around came forward to congratulate, feeling extremely jealous in their hearts. After the end of the war, the children of officials and eunuchs in Chang'an City will have to cry every night, and they will not return home at night. Once they go home, they will be afraid It is because of Yue Yun that he will be beaten by his father. After all, the tradition of showing off his children is the same.

Han Qinhu naturally also noticed his son behind him. Han Xiu and Han Guo were a little depressed, even jealous and ashamed. Their father was the first person to be named the Twelve Marquis, but now Yue Yun has surpassed him. Contemporaries, if they were not jealous, they would be too salty.

Han Qinhu glanced at his two sons, came to them, patted him on the shoulder, and encouraged him: "Don't be disappointed, you are also very good, it's just that the time has not come, but the real time is for someone Those who prepared, if you don’t have enough strength, how can you seize the opportunity? You only see Yue Yun’s beautiful moments, but none of you can imagine the dedication behind him. In the military camp, eight years of hard training and several years of fighting, if you want to get the fruit in front of you, you have to work hard!"

"We... will work hard!" Han Guo's eyes burst out with a gleam of brilliance, sweeping away the previous disappointment, and his eyes were full of excitement.

"Hmm! This is my Han Qinhu's son!" Han Qinhu patted the shoulders of the two of them, and then fell silent.

"Jia Xu's suggestion this time is classified as two meritorious services, and he is named the Marquis of Shouxiang, hereditary successor!" Han Yi took the lead in calming everyone's emotions, and said to Jia Xu who was sitting in the corner.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Jia Xu cupped his hands and bowed indifferently.

The crowd congratulated again. After all, Jia Fu had already been conferred the title of Marquis. Now counting Jia Xu, this is another one of two families. Everyone was envious. At present, there are not many people in Chang'an who have been conferred the title of one and two families. , Cao Cao counted as one, but his son died in battle, and this one family and two servants can only be regarded as comforting the Cao family, while Jia Fu and Jia Xu are not as valuable as Yue Fei, so the entire Yue family was pushed to the forefront at this moment. Many families proposed marriages in an endless stream, but Yue Fei rejected them one by one. Han Yi's unmarried sons belonged to Han Che and Han Wu, but Han Yi didn't intend to let them marry. It's very simple, with such a powerful Yue Zhang, it's hard to guarantee that these two boys won't have other ideas. In order to consider the overall situation, Han Yi can only exclude the Yue family.

The rest of the meritorious ministers Yuan Chonghuan, Zhuge Liang, Zhang Xian, Xing Tian and others all rewarded some financial resources, and Han Yi did not reward too much. After all, the number of [-] marquises is limited, and those who do not make great contributions cannot be included in the list.

After a lively celebration banquet, Han Yi also knew that the most important moment had arrived. Looking at the dark starry sky, Han Yi was filled with emotion, and said half-way: "System! You should work!"

(End of this chapter)

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