Warring States Call

Chapter 1964 Chapter 1973: Summoning

Chapter 1964 Chapter 970 Chapter [-] Summoning

"Ding, Meng Wu, Wang Shan, Zhong Hui, Ling Jing, Zhen Hu, Zhong Hu, Yan Qi, Ruan Wengxin, Sima Xin, Zu Dashou, Wang Bolong, Ding Tianqing, Bi Xian, Xun Kai, Wang Buchao, Yu Di, Zhu Xie, Guan Chong, Dang Jin, Zhou Chang, Zhou Ke, Guo Tu, Xu You, Huang Tianhu, Duan Er, Duan Wu, Ying Qian, Ying Zhuang, Ying Fu, Zhou Dewei, Wang Yu, Fan Sui, Wang Li , Pang Wanchun, Lu Jiong, Bian Xi, Chen Yaozi, Wang Ling, Wang Ji, Chang Wenjun, Guo Si, Li Jue, Ma Huan, Ji Anbang, Yu Qiujin, Wang Ben, Zhang Bofen, Heng Chong, Heng Xuan, Wang Jian, Sima Yi , Sima Zhao, Sima Yan, Zhou Fengshu, Zhou Wenyu, Liu Ting, Liu Xian!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining summoning points! 584 summoning points, the current host's summoning points are 1991 summoning points!"

"Ding, Zhou Dewei's basic force value is 100, and the system needs 2 people to hit the table!"

"Ding, Wang Jian's basic command value is 101, and the system needs 3 people to hit the table!"

"Ding, Liu Ting's basic force value is 100, and the system needs 2 people to hit the table!"

"Ding, Liu Xian's basic force value is 100, and the system needs 2 people to hit the table!"

"Ding, there are currently a total of 9 people who are off the charts!"

"Ding, the system cannot give rewards to the host because there are less than 10 people, please forgive me!"

"It's okay, after the explosion is over, ten consecutive summons!" Han Yi looked at the bright stars in the sky, wishing to smoke a cigarette to entertain himself.

"Ding, please be the host!"

"Hurry up, don't grind!"

"Ding, the watch burst is about to start!"

"Ding, the current No. 1 Outlaws of the Marsh Bao Peisong: Force 90, Commander 80, Intelligence 67, Politics 51. The current implantation identity is a bandit who joined Zhang Lu's army!"

"Ding, the second person who hit the list is the rumor of the Water Margin Huanzhang: force 76, commander 24, intelligence 92, politics 50. The current implantation status is to join Zhang Lu's army as a think tank, because the family is poor and wants to achieve a career!"

"Ding, Li Zhu, the third person who is currently on the list, has 93 military strength, 58 intelligence, 78 intelligence, and 64 politics. The current implantation identity is Qin State Ranger Assassin!"

"Ding, currently the fourth person on the list is Pu Gu Huai'en of the Tang Dynasty, with 98 military strength, 93 intelligence, 79 intelligence, and 70 politics. The current implantation status is a general promoted by Li Shimin!"

"Ding, the fifth person who is currently on the list is Miwu Zhenxiaolitu of the Yuan Dynasty: force 99, commander 92, intelligence 87, politics 85, and is currently implanted as a general promoted by Temujin!"

"Ding, Tuhai, the sixth person who is currently on the list: force 97, commander 87, intelligence 79, politics 72. The current implantation identity is a general recruited by Nurhachi!"

"Ding, the current seventh person on the list, Wuliangha Ashu: Force 95, Commander 93, Intelligence 75, Politics 72, the current implantation status is a warrior in the Temujin clan!"

"Ding, Bank of China, the eighth person currently on the list, said: Force 71, Commander 77, Intelligence 90, Politics 75. The current implantation status is a villain who has taken refuge in Nurhachi!"

"Ding, Jin Chaoshimo Ming'an is the last person on the list: force 87, commander 84, intelligence 95, politics 94. The current implantation status is a general promoted by Nurhachi!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! It's interesting!" Han Yi stroked his beard, and there was a cold look in his eyes. In his opinion, Ying Zheng was resolved, and the next step was to go to the outside world. After all, throughout history, the Central Plains has been harassed by the grassland for many years. To live the day, I have to fight to determine the universe.

But the negative problems that followed also came. The people under his command have been fighting hard for a long time. Now that the world is at peace, they all want to cultivate their moral character and don't want to send troops to fight. At that time, the resistance in the country will increase. This is always a trouble. Moreover, it is difficult for soldiers in the south to adapt to the cold in the north. Every year, soldiers will freeze to death. At that time, the country will not be able to easily start this battle from an economic point of view. choice.

"Ding, the current explosion is over, may I ask the host if you want to summon!"

"Summon!" Han Yi raised his brows and said solemnly.

"Ding, the current summoning begins!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining Fu Hongzhi from the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties: Force 99 Commander 90 Intelligence 84 Politics 72 The current implantation status is a general who has performed well in this battle and has been promoted. The current position is partial general!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Hufan of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties: Force 97 Commander 92 Intelligence 85 Politics 80 The current implantation status is a general promoted by Wang Shouren, who is currently accompanying Xue Rengui to resist Meng Tian's attack!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining Hu Dahai from the Ming Dynasty: Force 98 Commander 95 Intelligence 90 Politics 81 Currently implanted into Hu Fan's younger brother, he is a heroic man, respectful corporal, but illiterate!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the three kings Yuanji: strength 70 commander 92 intelligence 92 politics 90 The current implantation identity is Wang Meng's little granddaughter, just born now! Special attribute virtuous: able to properly handle the affairs of the palace and not let the husband behave ,"

"Hmm!" Han Yi suddenly regained his spirits. This girl came really well. He just booked a grandson for himself.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring Tuobaqian: strength 99 commander 90 intelligence 71 politics 60 The current implantation status is the last child of the Tuoba family, because of the blood feud with Yingzheng and Temujin's inaction, he brought three thousand under his command The wolf rider is wandering around the area of ​​Zhao, wanting to seek refuge with the host!"

"Hey! This guy is well-behaved!" Han Yi's eyes lit up immediately. Wolf riders are extremely good at roaming, and can almost cover the entire north of Qin.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties Yang Bo: Force 95, Commander 87, Intelligence 75, Politics 87. The current implantation identity is Yang Ye's uncle!"

"Ding, the current host summons the seventh person Li Bi of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties: Force 96 Commander 91 Intelligence 71 Politics 81 The current implantation identity is Li Jing's uncle, currently fighting with the army!"

"Ding, the eighth person summoned by the current host is Lu Jiuyuan of the Southern Song Dynasty: force 71, commander 89, intelligence 100, politics 95. The current implantation identity is Wang Meng's grandson!"

"My dear! This guy has come out!" Han Yi was a little stunned, his eyes staring like copper bells. In this era when a hundred flowers bloom, Lu Jiuyuan, the Siwei, can only reluctantly be employed, but as the flowers wither, when the time comes Han Chen's generation, which belonged to the era of Lu Jiuyuan's liberation, had come. At least Han Chen would not be in a situation where no one could be used. Even as long as Lu Jiuyuan lived long, it would be no problem to be a veteran of the three dynasties.

"Ding, the current host summons the ninth Tang Dynasty Wang Fangyi: force 94, commander 95, intelligence 94, politics 66. The current implantation identity is Wang Meng's second son!"

"Ding, the current Su host summons the last person Tang Dynasty Zhang Sili, military strength 99 commander 92 intelligence 89 politics 57 current implantation status is a talent promoted by Sun Wu, because he is extremely good at terrain warfare, so he is very favored by Sun Wu!"

"Ding, the current summoning is completed, consuming 1000 summoning points, and the current host still has 991 summoning points, may I ask the host to continue summoning!"

"Can I think you're provocative?" Han Yi closed his eyes, feeling the cool summer night wind blowing on his cheeks, and asked jokingly.

"Ding, yes!"

"You won!" Han Yi curled his lips in disdain. As an emperor, he had to give up when it was time to give up, otherwise he would die a miserable death.

Three days later, outside Hangu Pass
Mao then asked the soldiers from the State of Qin to send the bodies of Wang Jian, Wang Ben, and Wang Li's grandfather and grandson to the city, and then hurried back. He was not a fool, Han Yi killed Fan Sui, and he was stupid If he went to the city to deliver Wang Jian's body, then he would definitely have his life to go there but not to return. The right way is to be an honest dog.

In the middle of the night, Ying Zheng didn't think about tea or food these few days. He sat on the throne extremely anxiously, waiting for news from the front line day after day, but after waiting and waiting, there was no news. This Wang Ye can no longer fight in.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Baili Xi was quite calm. He ran into the hall in a panic, pushed open the door, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and looked at Ying Zheng on the bed. He staggered and fell to the ground with a serious expression. Said: "Your Majesty!The three generations of Wang Jian's father and son... all... died in battle! "

"What did you say!" Ying Zheng stood up abruptly, his two sword eyebrows were like a dragon's beard of fire, exuding majesty.

"All the three generations of generals of the Wang family died in battle! The corpses were sent to the outside of Hangu Pass by the Han army. The soldiers patrolled tonight and found out that Sima Yi and his son were with them. Qin's 25 troops were beheaded. More than 15 people were killed. One hundred thousand troops were captured by Han Yi and sent to Yandi to build the Great Wall!" Bailixi's voice was almost pained.

"20 elite! It's gone! The lonely general! It's gone!" Ying Zheng couldn't accept this fact, and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"According to the spies who came back! General Wang Jian was trapped in Yangdi for half a month, without water and food. In addition, Cui Qianyou treacherously turned to Han Yi. General Wang Jian had no choice but to fight the Han army. After the defeat, he was captured alive by Yue Fei. He would rather die than surrender." ..." Baili Xi continued to explain the details in detail, but Ying Zheng was too lazy to say any more, and suddenly shouted angrily: "Don't listen to such nonsense! What should we do now!"

"Your Majesty hastily gathered troops and horses, recalled the three generals Meng Tian, ​​Zhang Han, and Guo Kan, and defended Hangu Pass, and then dispatched a general to confiscate Shu. First, stabilize the domestic situation. The king's foundation can be preserved! After a hundred years, the world will change, and the eldest prince and grandson are avenging the king!" Bailixi said with tears in his words, Qin suffered a blood loss in this battle, and the business of more than 30 years was ruined.

"What you said is all nonsense, I want to fight Han Yi! After a hundred years, I can't wait that long!" Ying Zheng waved his sleeves suddenly, with a serious expression, he picked up the sword on the sword stand, intending to break out of Hangu Pass .

"Your Majesty, don't do it!" Baili Xi quickly stopped Ying Zheng's absurd idea.

"Nothing! Gu has millions of soldiers! Why are you afraid of that old man Han Yi?" Ying Zheng held his sword and was about to go out. Baili Xi hurriedly pulled Ying Zheng, and said in a crying voice: "My lord! All the 40 elites in the country are all folded!" The loss is in the hands of Han Yi, even if he can still take out 50 soldiers and horses, the militia law has just been implemented, and it is difficult to defeat the enemy. This battle is going to be fought, and Qin is in danger." Bailixi said while pulling Yingzheng's thigh, with an embarrassed look on his face .

"What you're talking about is nonsense!" Ying Zheng pushed Bailixi away and scolded angrily, "Let's not talk about whether Gu can wait a hundred years, but Han Yi occupies the Central Plains, how can he let Gu separatist, and the Han army will die after a few years of fighting?" It can be recovered, but it takes decades for my country of Qin, one ebbs and another, do you think there is still hope for the orphan? Let's go!"

Ying Zheng immediately threw off his sleeves and shouted angrily, "Zhao Gao!"


"Pass down the order, and the three armies will start..." Ying Zheng was about to speak, but he was furious, and then spit out a mouthful of blood mist, and fainted in the hall.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!" Bailixi's complexion changed drastically, and he scrambled to Ying Zheng's side, and hurriedly shouted angrily, "Quick! Tell the doctor! Hurry up!"

Gao Lishi didn't dare to neglect, and prepared in a panic. After discussing with the other four, Bailixi decided to withdraw the 30 troops outside Hangu Pass, and asked Guo Kan to give up the Liang land that he had just occupied. Let him move the people of Liang State to Hangu Pass, and Guo Kan's task is to buy time. When necessary, he can abandon these people and quickly withdraw to Hangu Pass. There is no place to die.

The news that the Qin army had returned to Hangu Pass spread like wildfire, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but the soldiers and horses of the Han army continued to gather at Wangye, as if they were planning to launch a great war. Everyone was paying attention to this battlefield. This time the war has decided the ownership of the world.

The weather in September was a bit cool. Han Yi paid close attention to the battle reports from various places. Meng Tian and Zhang Han escaped from their shells. In order to get rid of the siege and interception of the Han army, they even gave up their military tents and evacuated here. The battlefield in the south came to an end. The restless forces also gave up their last hope one after another, and began to cultivate the fields honestly, planning for the future. At present, the eyes of all places are focused on the Jinyang battlefield.

The battle between Jinyang and Han has changed, and the Han army has become the dominant side. Sun Wu sent Fenglin Huanhan four troops to harass Guo Kan's logistics, and he sent troops to confront Guo Kan, trying to trap him to death. At this time, a hungry prairie wolf named Tuobaqian appeared in the rebellion army. He led three thousand wolf riders to harass Guo Kan's remaining troops continuously, making Guo Kan tired of coping.

huai river ditch
Guo Kan sat on the main seat with a serious look on his face, and the generals under his command said solemnly: "General! Withdraw your troops! These people were intercepted before they could reach Hangu Pass. Do you want to retreat! In winter, there is no food. The brothers are going to explain here!"

"I know all this! But...it's no longer a question that we can retreat if we want!" Guo Kan came to the map, pointed at the barracks in front of him with tiger eyes and said: "Fenglin Huoshan under Sun Wu's command is really powerful, no matter how fast our army marches How much, within half a day, the Shanzi army followed like a dog's nose, and the three armies behind followed, which entangled our army tightly. Once we fought to the death with them, Sun Wu's main force joined the battle. There is a chance!"

"Then what should I do, are you waiting to die here? It's really impossible to break it into pieces, and if you can run away, one is one"

(End of this chapter)

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