Warring States Call

Chapter 1966 Chapter 1975: Tuobaqian

Chapter 1966 One Thousand 970 Chapter Five Tuobaqian
Wang Yecheng

Han Yi looked at the bamboo slips in his hand, his wheat-bran-colored cheeks didn't move for a while!Han Yi put down the bamboo slips and said: "Great victory in Jinyang, Sun Wu beheaded Qin general Guo Kan!"


"I'm waiting to congratulate the king!" Everyone congratulated Han Yi in unison to express their congratulations to Han Yi. Han Yi stroked his beard and said for a long time: "Three great victories, what do you generals think next!"

"Your Majesty! With such an opportunity, lead an army to attack Qin and bring it into the territory!" Han Qinhu took the lead in expressing his opinion, strode out, and came to Han Yi, clasping his fists together with a dignified expression.

"What do you guys think!" Han Yi swept around, this time he planned to listen to the suggestions of the public.

"Fight! Fight to Xianyang!"

The generals are also divided into two factions at this moment, one faction is extremely passionate and wants to invade Xianyang, while the other faction remains silent, neither agreeing nor opposing, secretly thinking about the concerns after this battle.

Han Yi rubbed his temples, looked up at the map on the shelf, and immediately said: "The situation is not good!"

When everyone heard Han Yi's words, they all had question marks on their foreheads. What does this mean? Are you planning to withdraw troops?
Han Yi rubbed his brows and said: "It's good to destroy the Qin State, but the domestic logistics is about to be overwhelmed, and it can only last for two months at most. Dear friends, you have a way to capture the Qin State within two months." , not to mention whether it can be captured or not, the Hangu Pass alone is hard to pass.”

When Han Yi said this, the whole person felt a lot of melancholy. He rubbed his eyebrows and glanced at the soldiers around him from the corner of his eye. Seeing that everyone felt that it was difficult, Han Yi also knew that this battle might be difficult to continue. .

"Your Majesty! Hangu Pass is not the only way to enter the hinterland of the Qin Kingdom!" Yue Fei stepped forward and said with a dignified expression. He has guarded Wang Ye for decades, and he has long been familiar with the terrain outside Hangu Pass. When he is free on weekdays, he keeps planning how to break into Hangu Pass, and even he has evolved several tactics, which can be said to be day and night.

Han Yi glanced at Yue Fei, scanning everyone's astonished expressions, stroked his beard, looked at Yue Fei with a smile and said, "What's your plan, tell me!"

"Your Majesty! Hangu Pass is not a must to invade Qin. There is also a road from the old General Zhuge to leave Qin. This is the way that General Zhuge used to leave Sichuan from Shu. I have sent people to investigate this place many times. Although the terrain is complex, there are faint mountain roads to be found. Your Majesty can send a vanguard to enter the hinterland of Qin State, cut off the connection between Shu and Guanzhong, and then the army will open the mountains and flat roads along the way. Within half a month, Qin State will definitely be in danger!" Yue Fei came to the map, and with a stroke of left and right, a brand new road appeared in front of everyone. Yue Fei said half aloud: "This time, the troops can be divided into three groups, and one of them will stay at Hangu Pass to confront the Qin army. If there is a domestic war, Hangu Pass can be stormed. The other route is what I just said. As for the subsequent route, it is to send the grasslands to start, mainly cavalry, to attack for eight hundred miles, to take the Guoyi Canal, and to cut off their horses. In this land, these three roads go out together, within a month, Qin will be in danger, and there are many granaries in Shuzhong. As long as Shuzhong is taken, the pressure on domestic logistics will be greatly relieved. Great benefit!"

"Oh!" Han Yi's expression froze, he thought carefully about Yue Fei's suggestion just now, looked at the map, stroked his breath, and there was a hint of thought in his eyes. War is inevitable, but how to maximize the benefits of war is still a question. It is necessary, Han Yi groped his chin, thinking about the feasibility of Yue Fei's plan, for a moment Han Yi felt that the plan was very practical, and half-said: "Capture the tiger!"

"Here!" Han Qinhu strode out, and everyone was shocked, knowing that Han Yi was about to make a move.

"Order Deng Ai, let him and Wang Ping's Wudang Flying Army be the vanguard, enter the land of Shu first, cut off the food and grass in the middle of Shu, Xue Rengui accepts the Zhenbei Army, and marches into Qin State together!" Han Yi folded his hands on his chest, He let out a long breath with a heavy snort, and his expression looked indifferent.

"The last general takes orders!"

"Xun You!" Han Yi looked at Xun You who was sitting at the back, and called his name directly.

"Yes!" Xun You was not as aggressive as the previous two, but responded, Han Yi nodded and said, "It is said that Huo Qubing and Zhao Yun will go north into the grassland, sweep Yiqu, and take Yiqu within half a month. See you later!"

"No!" Xun You was terrified when he heard the order. It was the first time he saw Han Yi so serious.

"Soldiers, this battle is about the national war! The unification of the world is now, and this may be one of the few opportunities for you to make contributions. I hope you will cherish it. After this war is over, the world will be unified, and there will be no more wars!" Han Yi He bowed his hands to everyone.

"Your servant will never give up!" Everyone didn't hold back, and returned the gift one after another. At the same time, many people also knew that if they wanted to go further in the future, this battle would be the end. There are not many opportunities. In the future, it will be the world of those civil servants. They will rule the world, and these generals can only be left alone. As long as they don’t commit crimes, they can drink afternoon tea every day and hug two concubines at night. Take a nap, it was a fairy-like day.

"The army on the middle road will attack Hangu Pass alone. This battle is very important. Han Qinhu, you send someone to tell Lu Su that no matter what, you must give me two months' food and grass for the 70 army. It only takes two months!" Han Yi stretched out his hands, telling himself, but also telling everyone that we only have two months, and there are not many opportunities left for them.

Now that it has entered the middle of September, Huo Qubing and Zhao Yun rode their horses to Yiqu day and night after receiving Lu Hanyi's order.

"Drive... drive... drive!" The sound of war horses came again and again, and the whole earth was shaken. Huo Qubing was riding a war horse, and the black armor around him made a rattling sound, and Ma Sui immediately greeted him: "Go slowly, the soldiers can't hold it anymore, let's take a rest!"

Huo Qubing was also panting heavily, and kept groping for the palm of his hand, looking at the panting horse under his crotch, Huo Qubing also knew that the limit was reached, the weather was really too cold, and immediately said: "Send an order! Rest for an hour!"

"No!" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that, at least they didn't have to hurry anymore.

"Crack...crack...crack..." Thousands of soldiers dismounted from their horses, all clutching their crotches and walking with bowed legs. The crotch really hurt. They couldn't bear it anymore, and they limped Sitting together, they rubbed their thighs.

Huo Qubing rode on his war horse, looked around, and asked halfway, "Where is Zhao Yun's white horse Yicong?"

"Hmm! I saw it just now. I passed in front of us. It's about three miles away!" Ma Sui took out the freshly roasted dried meat from the fire, and bit his instinctive teeth hard, but luckily he said it smoothly. , Just rinse the water in the gourd and go down.

This journey can be described as overcoming thorns and thorns. There are grasslands as far as the eye can see. It is still warm during the day. At night, the temperature drops, and the cold wind hits the face, like a stepmother's ear scrape. One slap after another, the pain is deadly.

"Sanlidi! His grandma's! Put me on the horse!" Huo Qubing bit the jerky on his mouth, turned over and grabbed the rope and got on the horse. Looking at the hesitant people around him, he immediately shouted angrily: "Everyone is stunned!" What are you doing! Get on your horse!"

"General! Didn't you agree to rest for an hour?" Ma Sui showed a bitter expression, a little reluctant. After all, the brothers just got off the horse to rest, and the buttocks haven't been warmed yet. Who can stand it again? .

"It's all a damn thing! You take the lead, if you can't beat me, I'll behead you!" Huo Qubing changed his amiable image, whipped his horse and left, angrily shouting: "We can't let those people in white robes The guys look down on you, everyone speeds up, don't stop without my order, wait until Yiqu is captured, good wine and meat are waiting for you, I will personally celebrate for you!"


On the boundless prairie, Ma Sui is riding a war horse, boo boo, there is no way!In order to hurry up, he ate, drank, and slacked on the horse. Running all the way down, it can be said that he pissed all the way.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!" The horse team appeared before everyone's eyes. Ma Sui's complexion suddenly changed. He immediately retracted his bird and shouted angrily with his gun: "The whole army is preparing for war! There are enemies in the north!"

Tens of thousands of troops are waiting in full battle, with bows and swords in hand, and on the north side of the army, a wolf cavalry charges. There are more than 3000 people, one or two are dressed in grassland Hufu, and they are all holding bows in their hands. Knife and horse bow.

Huo Qubing naturally noticed the outfits of these people, and immediately shouted angrily: "The archers are ready, if they are barbarians on the grassland, if they have no malicious intentions, let them go, if they dare to get in the way, kill them on the spot!"

"Drive!... Drive!" I saw a small group of people walking out of this wolf cavalry unit. Under the moonlight, there were as many as 30 people.

"Woooooo! Which country's army are you from! What are you doing on the grassland!" The leader was riding a war horse. Huo Qubing glanced at this person up and down, and saw that he was wearing black wolf fur, holding a scimitar in his hand, Like a hungry wolf, the black eyes stared at Huo Qubing, as if he regarded him as his prey.

"Hu people, don't hinder our journey, or we will be killed without mercy!" Huo Qubing held the horse rope, not intending to fight, but all the soldiers under his command were holding sword hilts, as long as they found something wrong, a big battle would happen anywhere Inevitably.

"I am Tuobaqian! I don't mean to hinder you. You are the Korean army. I can see that your marching footprints seem to be going to Yiqu. Where is the land of the Qin people? What do you want to do!" Tuobaqian comforted the single queen The soldiers, motioning them not to move around, stared at Huo Qubing, waiting for his reply.

"The current Yiqu belongs to the Qin State, but it will not be in the future!" Huo Qubing turned his horse and was about to shout angrily, but Tuobaqian behind immediately urged the horse, but at this moment, all the soldiers behind Huo Qubing pulled out together Jian, staring at Tuobaqian solemnly.

Tuobaqian was slightly astonished, looked at Han Yi and said: "If you attack Qin, please count us. My troops are all elite cavalry. We are very happy to help you against Qin!"

"Hungry wolves in the grassland, you don't have a share in the meat of Yiqu, just go back and forth from wherever you go honestly!" Huo Qubing didn't want to accept them. After all, more than ten years ago, there was a great war between the Central Plains and the grassland. The dead and wounded soldiers piled up like a mountain, which can fill up the Wuhe River, and the two civilizations have long been in an endless situation.

"We don't want this piece of meat! We want Yingzheng's head. If you go to Xianyang, my people can be driven by you, and I can even serve the respected King Han!" Tuobaqian also had no choice, he was dissatisfied Temujin ruled, and the tribes did not dare to take him in, because taking him in was against Temujin, and no one in the entire grassland would offend the huge Temujin for the mere three thousand wolves, in the words of the grassland , that is, this is a matter of talent without a long brain.

"How can I trust you!" Huo Qubing squinted his eyes, staring at Tuobaqian with tiger eyes, as if he wanted to see through him.

"I'm willing to obey any of your arrangements!" Tuobaqian bowed to Huo Qubing with one arm folded on his chest. Through the moonlight, Huo Qubing carefully observed Tuobaqian. There is a pair of spiked earrings on his head, with dreadlocks on his head, and he is black and quite resolute.

"Deng Qiang! Zhang Hao!" Huo Qubing stared at Tuobaqian, and greeted the two generals behind the crowd.

"Here!" Both of them came to Huo Qubing in sharp armor, waiting for his next order.

"The two of you chose 3000 fine riders to join the [-]-strong army! That's right!" Huo Qubing seemed to have just remembered that he didn't remember his name just now, and subconsciously asked, "What's your name!"

"Tuobaqian!" Tuobaqian didn't show much resistance. In his opinion, it was just adding 300 people, and it seemed good to gain Huo Qubing's trust.

"You have no objection!" Huo Qubing said indifferently, pointing to the 3000 people who joined Tuobaqian.

"No objection!" Tuobaqian was still the same as before, like an obedient dog, but anyone with a discerning eye knew that it was a wolf, and the initial relationship was established in this way, and the rest was hunting.

Huo Qubing rode a war horse, looked at Tuobaqian who was going away, and said indifferently: "If this wolf shows its fangs to you, you can kill him. I believe you are all capable. There are only 3000 people here, not you 300 opponents!"

Huo Qubing's words are not nonsense, there is not much difference between the two sides of the war horse, but the armor equipment is very different, the tiger and leopard cavalry have iron armor, while the wolf cavalry has leather armor, there is no armor at the back, only the front armor, and the weapons Not to mention, the Han army is equipped with swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hammers, bows and arrows, while the wolf cavalry has only pitiful scimitars and spears.

(End of this chapter)

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