Warring States Call

Chapter 1967 Chapter 1976: Yiqu

Chapter 1967 Chapter One Thousand 970 Chapter Six Yiqu

Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao's [-] iron cavalry joined the [-] wolf cavalry, which immediately aroused a lot of discussion among the prairie men. Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao didn't care at all, and asked their soldiers to be smarter, and Tuobaqian didn't show any signs of it. Out of resentment, he urged his horse to come to the front of the army and said: "My sons and daughters in the grassland, it's time for us to take revenge. The Qin State once destroyed our homeland and robbed our wives and children. Now is the time for revenge. Wait a minute!" Come back to the grassland with me and cut off Ying Zheng's dog's head! Drive!"

"Drive... drive!" The group of prairie hungry wolves, who were dazzled by anger, urged their horses to charge. Huo Qubing, who was watching from the sidelines, frowned slightly. On the prairie, this wolf was riding faster or slower than them, and they He was able to quickly find fertile pastures and water sources to provide sufficient food for the war horses, and Huo Qubing's marching speed has increased by more than one grade than before.

"Drive... drive...!"

After traveling for three days and three nights, Huo Qubing and Huo Qubing ran for eight hundred miles, and finally arrived at the horse grazing land of the Qin State, Yiqu, which was originally called Yiqu State and was ruled by the Tuoba family, but now there is nothing like the past The appearance of this place has already been built into a military center.

The whole area is located in a vast flat land, all the surrounding trees were swept away by the Qin army, the five-foot-high city wall was built on the Huhe River, and the surrounding war horses were like a flock of sheep. Galloping, looking from a distance, it looks like dark clouds cover the top, covering this area of ​​clear grass. From time to time, there are sentinels from the Qin Dynasty patrolling on horseback. There are slaves here who are looking at the horses. The Qin people grazed war horses, cattle and sheep reluctantly under coercion and lure, and there were countless women washing food by the river.

"Drive!" Zhao Yun held a silver gun and urged the horse to come to Huo Qubing's side. The silver armor was very obvious on the grassland. The cold wind was blowing on his face, making Zhao Yun's black beard sway from side to side, and his tiger eyes stared at Yiqu in front of him. City, swallowed and said: "This Qin Jun is really a big hand, there is no place to hide around here, as long as it appears on the flat ground, it will expose the vision."

"What the eyes can see is limited after all. When Ma Sui comes back, let's hear the news about his return!" Huo Qubing was holding the horse rope, rubbing his hands non-stop, with a dignified look on his face.

"Damn Qin people, occupying our land and enslaving my descendants! These guys! Really deserve to die!" Tuobaqian gritted his teeth, clenched his horsewhip tightly, and wished he could rush up now and kill him personally. field.

"Drive... drive... drive..." Ma Sui appeared in front of Huo Qubing on a horse, gasped heavily and said, "There are 3 people in the city, and the main generals are Qin's General Zu Lun and Deputy General Luo Rong. He is so powerful, he was born with a thick back and waist, and he has to eat a sheep every day...!"

"Get to the point." Huo Qubing directly interrupted Ma Sui who was eloquent, looked at the battlefield ahead, and said these three words.

"Easy to defend but difficult to attack" Ma Sui didn't shy away from it, and said these four words. This is the conclusion he just came to. The reason is very simple. The surrounding area is flat and there is no shelter, so it is impossible to use tactics. Moreover, they came in a hurry without any equipment to attack the city. Under such circumstances, it was very difficult to take down Yiqu City.

Huo Qubing didn't say a word, his brain was running fast, he seemed to be thinking about the next strategy, and he had evolved countless combat plans in his mind, but the price he paid was also corresponding. After a while, Huo Qubing glanced at Tuoba Qiandao beside him. : "Have you been to Yiqu these days?"

"Come here! Every month we will rescue our clansmen, but the effect is minimal!" Tuobaqian did not hide, looking at the pasture in front of him, recalling the picture of him being here in the past, Tuobaqian tightly grasped the Scimitar, it was difficult to hide his anger in his eyes.

"Tell me! What's the general situation!" Huo Qubing didn't look at Tuobaqian, but questioned him.

"Are you insulting me?" Tuobaqian listened to Huo Qubing's meaning. He, who was originally good-tempered, seemed to feel that he had been insulted, and his black face was full of anger.

"I never insult my colleagues. Asking you is just to understand the situation. This is the key to victory!" Huo Qubing stared at the angry Tuobaqian indifferently, and his eyes were telling Tuobaqian, which eye do you come from? See that I have humiliated you.

Tuobaqian's grip on the saber loosened, he closed his eyes, and said reluctantly: "Every time we attack, the Qin people will take the initiative to attack. We are not his opponents. There are dozens of brothers He died in the hands of that Zulu wheel!"

"It's interesting!" Huo Qubing put his arms around his chest, turned his eyes away from the battlefield, looked at Tuobaqian with a smile, and said, "This battle may depend on you!"

"What do you want to do!" Tuobaqian stared at Huo Qubing, as if he wanted to see what kind of tricks this kid, who was not as old as himself, could play.

"Easy!" Huo Qubing snapped his fingers and turned his horse's head: "Our army is not easily exposed, so this battle still depends on you. You will be the bait to lure them out of the city, and leave the rest to us! How about it? !"

"Yes!" Tuobaqian did not hesitate, for such a highly mobile unit as cavalry, these were not a problem.

"Very good." Huo Qubing lightly gripped the horse's belly, looked back at Zhao Yun and said, "Can you help me?"

"No problem!" Zhao Yun didn't feel dissatisfied. On the contrary, in his opinion, as long as the task is completed, he doesn't care about the means.

"Thank you!" Huo Qubing said so unprecedentedly, Zhao Yun's resolute cheeks showed a smile, and scolded: "This brat...!"

After resting for a day, the soldiers were all refreshed and mounted their horses one after another. Tuobaqian took the lead, staring at Qin Bing's cattle and sheep, and immediately shouted angrily: "Let me grab it! Drive!"


"Report! General! Those bandits are here again!" Luo Rong, wearing armor, hurried into the big tent with a serious look on his face, staring at the general in front of him.

I saw this man holding the mutton in both hands, without even using a knife, he used his own mouth to bite off a piece of meat. The meat was roasted tenderly on the outside, and the oil stains on it covered the palm of the big man. Thick as a human thigh, wearing a suit of armor, wearing a Qin Guan, with a face full of flesh.

"Stop blah blah! It's fine if you take someone to solve it, do you want me to do it myself?" Zu Luan waved his hand very dissatisfied, signaling Luo Rong not to disturb him to eat meat.

"No! There are a total of 3000 people this time! I can't catch up with them with the infantry!" Luo Rong was a little bit dumbfounded, and all the cavalry in the army were under the control of Zu Lu.

"Beng" Zu Lulun threw down the sheep bone in his hand, randomly picked up the cloak on the back and rubbed it vigorously, picked up his six-foot mace, and cursed: "Every day, people can't eat the meat well, annoying died"

"Let's go!" Ancestral Wheel waved his sleeves, and within half a minute, an elite cavalry force of 1 people rushed out, charging straight at Tuobaqian's three thousand wolf cavalry.

"Chop Suey! You must not let them go this time, let me chase them! Hurry up!" Zulu Che yelled angrily, and charged forward on his horses. The black horses were like a rushing arrow.

Tuobaqian squinted his eyes, immediately turned his horse's head, and shouted angrily, "speed up! Hurry up!"

"Drive...drive...drive...!" Tuobaqian's cavalry were all light cavalry, and the ancestor wheel saw that the gap was about to widen, so he waved his whip and shouted angrily: "speed up, hurry up! Archers get ready! "

"Promise!" Thousands of archers bent their bows and set their arrows, their tiger eyes stared at the wolf rider in front of them, and the ancestor wheel immediately shouted angrily: "Let the arrow!"

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

"His grandma's" Tuoba was so angry that he almost drew his sword to kill people, but he could only endure it, staring at the soldiers behind him with tiger eyes, and immediately shouted angrily: "If you don't want to die, speed up for me, hurry up!"

"Drive! Hahahahaha!" Seeing a great harvest, Zu Lu couldn't help laughing, as the saying goes, beat the dog in the water, this is not a war, but a hunt, a hunt that is only beneficial to the Qin army.

Huo Qubing squinted his eyes, watching this game of chasing, with a hint of amusement in his eyes, and said after a while: "The fish is hooked, let's go! The net is caught, everyone!"

"No!" Everyone clapped their hands together, and a great battle was unfolding here. The weather that was originally clear for thousands of miles had become extraordinarily gloomy at this moment. He turned his horse's head and shouted angrily: "Soldiers, it's time for revenge. Pick up the scimitar in your hand and avenge your dead relatives, friends, and children!"

"Revenge! Revenge! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Many soldiers were waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

"Ah woo woo!" The three thousand wolf riders transferred their horses, and a big battle was about to start.

Ancestor Wheel was playing, and seeing the enemy turn their horses, he looked stunned, threw the bow and arrow in his hand, stared at the enemy in front of him with a smile, reached for the mace in his hand, and said with a smile: "It's interesting! This prey is gone!"

"Hahahahaha!" All the soldiers behind the Zulu wheel laughed, as if they had already regarded Tuobaqian's three thousand wolf riders as their possessions, Zulu Lun stroked his beard, and looked at Tuobaqian in front of him Said: "Hey! Boy, run! Please enjoy this general! Hahahahahahahaha"

"Hahahahahahaha!" All the soldiers under his command burst into mocking tsunami.

anger!The turbulent anger rose and fell on the chests of these people, as if turning into a hungry wolf at any time, trying to tear the enemy to pieces.

"Kill!" Tuobaqian's anger that was still accumulated in his heart was finally explosive, and he suddenly urged his horse to shout angrily: "Kill!"

The sound was like thunder, like a grand bell, sweeping the entire battlefield, both sides joined hands, blood and sharp blades mingled together, drawing out one after another picture scrolls.

"Kill!" Huo Qubing yelled angrily, two groups of troops rushed straight to the rear of Qin's cavalry, and the three groups of troops joined forces to besiege the wheel of the ancestors.

"General! It's not good, there is an ambush!"

"I know! You still need your nonsense! Turn around! Quick!" Zu Che shouted angrily, and yanked the horse rope. A group of war horses turned around in a hurry, but they bumped into a group of soldiers on white horses head-on. Write four big characters, and the name is: "White Horse Yi Cong!"

"Drive!" Zhao Yun held a silver gun and stabbed at the ancestral wheel from the front. Behind him, Bai Ma Yicong's battle robe was like snow.

"Damn it! Where did the dog come from? Get in my way! Die!" Zu Lulun was furious, and the mace in his hand smashed Zhao Yun's forehead head-on.

"Open!" Zhao Yun was suddenly not afraid, and swept the silver spear in his hand up and down, brushing out a white spear shadow.

"Ding, when Zhao Yun activates the gentian attribute, the force value of the enemy's 1 people will be increased by 1, the current ancestral wheel is 1, the force value will be increased by 103, the base force value will be 1, the force value of the gentian silver spear will be increased by 1, and the force value of the Yeyuezhao lion will be increased by 107. [-]. The current force value is [-]"

"Ding, the attribute of Zhao Yun's famous gun is activated, and the personal force value is increased by 5. Zhao Yun's current force value is 113!"

"Go away!" Zu Lulun looked at Zhao Yun's silver spear, his eyes were full of disdain, and the mace in his hand directly smashed forward.

"Kang Dang... Swoosh... Puff..." The shadow of the spear flashed, Zhao Yun swept down with a single shot, and the silver spear in Zu Lun's hand flew out immediately, Zhao Yun's silver spear reversed, each move lifted the sky, straight Stabbing the throat of the ancestral wheel, the blood flowed like water.

"Plop!" There was a sound of landing, and the ancestor wheel immediately died here. The leaderless Qin army was naturally squeezed by the three armies. Among them, the wolf cavalry was very brave, charging left and right, leaving almost no survivors, and buried the enemy's corpse under the knife's edge.

Half an hour later, this place has become a bloody place, blood flowed like a river, Huo Qubing put on the armor of the Qin army in boredom, led the army into the city of Yiqu, and cleared the way for the army. In half a day, the sun shone On Yiqu City, the original military flag with Qin characters was gone, replaced by a military flag with Korean characters.

In this battle, [-] people were beheaded and [-] prisoners were killed, more than half of them were killed by Tuobaqian. If Huo Qubing hadn't stopped him, Tuobaqian would have continued to kill, and all the horses of the Qin army had been captured by Huo Qubing. There were [-] excellent war horses, and then Huo Qubing repeated his old tricks and sent people to capture Dingyang, the capital of the Qin army. In an instant, most of Qin's control over the north was lost, and the Han army had another way to advance. Sun Wu's One hundred thousand troops set off in unison, entered Dingyang, ready to go south at any time.

At the moment, Xianyang Palace is in disarray, and the memorials from all over the country have not been reviewed. People are flustered, and even many clans feel that the situation of Qin State is over, and they flee Qin State one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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