Warring States Call

Chapter 1968 Chapter 1977: Having a child should be like

Chapter 1968 One Thousand 970 Chapter Seven

Qin State's six poems have now become four. Fan Sui and Sima Yi were killed one by one and the other was chopped off. .

Lu Buwei, Shang Yang, Baili Xi, and Gan Luo sat together, watching one battle report after another, their hearts were already sinking to the bottom of the valley, and the four of them had been working without sleep for three days just to come up with an idea. A solution.

"Report! Four adults! Dingyang is gone!" Feng Tang ran over in a panic, with a dignified expression.

"What!" Lu Buwei stood up directly, his face was full of horror, he calmed down, and felt that he had lost his composure, so he sat back in his seat, the hand holding the brush didn't know what to write, when the ink fell on the bamboo slip Then Lu Buwei came to his senses, put down the brush in a hurry, and took a bamboo knife to cut off the ink stain just now.

Bailixi fumbled for his palms, and a lot of cold sweat had already appeared on them. Shang Yang closed his eyes and meditated, and finally let out a breath of foul air after a long time. For a while, he didn't know how to respond. Gan Luo seemed a little irritable, and he looked sullen in his seat.

Looking at the posture of the four, Feng Tang could only sigh and sit on one side, waiting for the decision of the four.

"Right now...!" Bailixi stroked his beard, pointed at the map with his palm, and was about to speak, but there was a loud shout from the hall, which sounded like a question.

"How did this battle go, and what are you four guys doing for food!"

The four of them were all stunned for a moment, but when they looked back, they saw the leader, wearing the robes of King Qin, black clothes and red dragon robes, a Qin crown on his head, a Kunlun tiger jade pendant on his waist, his double as a dragon, and black and white hair. The white hair is like snow and the black silk is like ink, black and white are distinct, the beard is like a dragon's beard, floating wantonly at the corners of his mouth, his eyes are full of questioning, and there are two members of the royal family standing behind him, both wearing royal robes, the one on the left is powerful, With a hulking back and a strong waist, the person on the right has cunning eyes like a fox, but when he walks, he walks like a dragon, but when viewed from a distance, he is very powerful.

"See you gentlemen!" All four of them were sweating coldly on their foreheads. They never expected that the three most prestigious sons of Qin State would come here.

Young Master Ying Si, Young Master Ying Dang, and Young Master Ying Ji, these three have a high reputation in Qin State. Right now, Ying Zheng is in a coma. Although the government is temporarily controlled by the four of them, but now that the three of them are in trouble, things will change. trouble.

"Hahahaha!" Lu Buwei instantly showed his tact as a businessman, greeted people with a smile, looked at the three of them and said, "I don't know what the three young masters are here for!"

"What's the matter! Do you have the face to ask?" Ying Si narrowed his eyebrows slightly, his eyes were as cold as a sword, and seemed to see through the two of them at any time. Lu Buwei said: "Battle of Liukou! My Qin general Bai Qi died in battle, and Wang Jian did not surrender in the Yangzhai battle. Once the 50 elites in the country were wiped out, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

"The news just came! Dingyang is gone! All the land in the north has fallen into Han Yi's hands! I need an explanation! What about Yingzheng?" Yingji's chest was heaving up and down. Now that the state of Qin is in danger, if he doesn't show up at this time, people in the country will forget about him.

"My Great Qin was established by martial arts, and Zhang Lu of Bashu is still a flea! What are you doing for food!" Ying Dang put his hands on his waist, his eyes were full of resentment.

"Three!" Shang Yang also stood up at this moment, straightened the wrinkles on his body, and said solemnly: "The purpose of your trip may as well be straightforward. At present, the foreign troubles of the Great Qin have begun, so don't make any troubles!"

Shang Yang looked at the three people, and in his words, he told them that the external troubles had not been resolved, and the internal troubles could not be re-emerged. Otherwise, the Qin State would surely perish.

"Are you threatening me to wait?" Ying Si seemed to understand Shang Yang's meaning, rubbed the center of his eyebrows on the left corner, and said in front of everyone: "I want to see the king! Get out of the way!"

"Your Majesty is in a coma right now, and I can't meet you, but I hope you will be happy!" The four of them didn't say much, and they bowed their hands and saluted to the three of them, as if they were still reticent.

"No one can stop me from waiting today!" Ying Ji waved his sleeves and shouted angrily, "Ying swing! Enter the palace!"

"Get out of the way!" Ying Lang slammed his hips, and strode forward, his armor shaking all over his body. Ying Lang was a head taller than the four people in front of him. Facing the oppressive feeling of Ying Lang, the four stopped him In front of him, he was pushed away by Ying Dang.

"Impossible! Are you waiting to force the palace?" Bailixi pointed at Yingdang and cursed angrily, his gray beard waving wantonly, trying to put pressure on Yingdang in the name of forcing the palace.

"Hmph! Lord Baili's hat is too big to buckle. We can't bear it. We have no weapons, no soldiers and no swords. Get out of the way!" Ying Si was too lazy to talk nonsense with this little old man, strode forward, and pushed Baili Xi walked towards the gate of the palace.

"Presumptuous!" An angry roar came to everyone's ears. Ying Zheng was wearing a royal robe, holding the king's sword in his left hand, and the majesty around him spread out. Zheng's eyes were full of anger.

"Your Majesty...!" Baili Xi looked at Ying Zheng's slightly sullen face, and was sweeping towards Ying Zheng's footsteps. He felt that his footsteps were flimsy. Bai Lixi's expression changed, and he cried out secretly, and was about to step forward to help him But Ying Zheng waved his hand to signal him not to move.

"Three uncles! What's the matter here!" Ying Zheng pressed the King Qin sword in his arms, suppressing the discomfort in his heart, but his breath was not smooth.

"Your Majesty! Han Yi's army is under pressure. I don't know how the King wants to deal with it!" Ying Si felt Ying Zheng's faint coercion, and was not afraid. He took a deep breath and looked directly at Ying Zheng, with a gleam in his eyes. question.

"Gu already has a countermeasure! This matter requires the help of three uncles!" Ying Zheng looked at the three of them, stroked his beard and said, "Now that Dingyang has fallen, and the flames of war have spread across the country, Gu intends to gather all the people in the country. The soldiers and Han Yi will fight to the death, and I heard that the three uncles have tens of thousands of followers, whether they can be used by the Great Qin, the national war is in one fell swoop, and the victory or defeat is at stake!" Ying Zheng looked at the three of them, his eyes full of anticipation .

The three felt chilly, and Ying Zheng directly threw the problem at them. If they leave, these diners will never return. If they don't, they will be cast aside by the people of the country.

Ying Si pinched his beard, turned his eyes around, and said half aloud: "You are somewhat sure!"

"Gu is not sure!" Ying Zheng smiled calmly, and then stepped forward and said, "In this battle, the lonely general will personally lead the troops. If he wins, the world will fall into Qin's hands, and if he loses, Qin will be destroyed!"

"You're betting on the state of Qin...!" Yingji heard what Yingzheng meant, fixed his eyes on Yingzheng, and asked with an embarrassed expression, "Are you betting on the state of Qin?"

"Wrong! This is not a gamble!" Ying Zheng walked down the stone street, staring at the three of them with tiger eyes and said: "This is the final counterattack. Rather than deploying defense lines everywhere to fill the holes of the Han army in all parts of Qin, it is better to strike head-on. This is our last chance, this is the only fight!"

The three of them were speechless for a while, looking around, but they didn't know how to answer. Ying Zheng looked at the three of them with a playful look in his eyes, and said indifferently: "Three uncles! Why don't you dare? Where is the momentum of forcing the palace just now?" went!"

"My lord!" Ying Ji strode forward, looked at Ying Zheng and said, "Fearless aggressive tactics are useless. I will fight with you in this battle! But if you fail, you will know the consequences!"

Ying Ji turned around and strode away from the palace. He has his own determination and boldness. After all, he is the famous King Qin Zhaoxiang in history.

Ying Si and Ying Dang looked at Ying Ji who was leaving, Ying Zheng laughed strangely, stepped forward three steps, pointed at Ying Zheng and said cheerfully: "Zheng'er, I really did not misread you, I will fight you in this battle." Help me with all my strength, of course! If you lose this battle, follow me down too!"

Ying Si patted Ying Zheng's shoulder with a smile. Although those eyes showed killing intent, they were more support for Ying Zheng. After all, they and Ying Zheng were grasshoppers on the same rope. If it is over, Qin will also perish, so how can they live better?

"Hmph! Uncle, don't worry, I will die before you!" Ying Zheng didn't show any fear, but looked at Ying Si with a smile.

Ying Si froze for a moment, took three or four breaths in astonishment, glanced up and down at Ying Zheng, Ying Si turned around and put away his original sly smile, replaced by a supreme majesty, groping With a snorting beard, Ying Si strode out of the hall, killing intent surged all over his body.

Ying Si inspected Ying Zheng's body just now, and naturally noticed the vanity of Ying Zheng's footsteps, but Ying Si has no intention of revealing the matter. Now Qin needs a king to sit in Xianyang, not a few ambitious guys .

Ying Lang was slightly taken aback, didn't the two agree to force the palace?But looking at the current trend, the two of them seemed to have no such plan. Yingdang felt a little overwhelmed with both palms. Under Yingzheng's gaze, Yingdang took a deep breath and said, "Yes!"

After finishing speaking, Ying Lang ran out of the hall without looking back, as if fleeing from here. He didn't want to bear the pressure of Ying Zheng alone, after all, it was too uncomfortable.

Seeing the three of them leave, Ying Zheng seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and sat down on the ground, panting heavily, the cold sweat on his forehead was like rain, and he looked quite tired. Zhao Gao hurriedly supported Ying Zheng, with a flustered expression, said, "Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty...!" Lu Buwei and the others hurried to Ying Zheng's side. Zhao Gao looked at Feng Tang who was sitting in a daze in the corner, and immediately said, "What are you doing here! Go find a doctor!"

"No need!" Ying Zheng waved his hand to stop him, took a deep breath and said, "Pass down the order to bring back Nei Shiteng's 50 soldiers and horses in Shu, and issue a recruiting order across the country! The order to gather troops is to prepare [-] soldiers and horses. Han Yi will fight at Hangu Pass!"

"Your Majesty... this is a warlike war!" Baili Xi's expression changed immediately after hearing Ying Zheng's words. Ying Zheng wanted to gamble the fate of Qin on this battle.

"There is no other way around this. The people of Qin can only die standing up, not living on their knees, and we have no other choice!" Ying Zheng took a long breath, looked at Baili Xi and said, "Go down and get ready! "

"No!" Everyone could only bite the bullet and go down to prepare. They knew that the next battle was related to the fate of Qin, and they had no way out.

Looking at the backs of the four people going away, Feng Tang wanted to bid farewell, but Ying Zheng greeted him: "Wait!"

"Your Majesty still has orders!" Feng Tang swallowed, bowed his hands, not daring to look up at Ying Zheng.

"Go! Call son Fusu over!" Ying Zheng rubbed his forehead, stood up with difficulty, and took a deep breath to cheer himself up.

"No!" Feng Tang didn't dare to neglect, and went outside the palace to tell the young master Fusu.

Ying Zheng was a little worried. He began to worry about what happened to him. He could still suppress these three people while he was alive. If he died, would Fusu be able to suppress these three people? Hu Hai, that useless Ying Zheng, had no hope at all. And among the princes, only Fusu has the appearance of Mingjun.

In the dark hall, Yingzheng was lying on the bed, and the young Fusu was brought in front of Yingzheng. At this time, Fusu was already married, and he was no longer the hairless little ghost. Yingzheng looked at him The eldest son, I saw him with a handsome face, a tall figure, and a personable appearance in a white dress. His brows were full of tolerance and kindness. Ying Zheng nodded first, but then showed a look of disappointment, and said for a while. : "There is more than enough benevolence! Not enough power!"

"Father! It's my son...!" Fusu looked puzzled, seeing disappointment in his father's eyes.

There are no more than a few types of emperors in history. One type is too benevolent, but lacks dignity.

The other is the tyrannical king, who is extremely warlike and prone to militarism. Both of these are extreme types, but Fusu is too benevolent, without the rigidity and majesty of an emperor. Very naive, not at all the opponents of the three just now.

"Have a son like Han Chener!" Ying Zheng screamed helplessly, when he learned that Han Yi's son was capable of both literature and martial arts, why didn't he want to raise his own son, but he was very disappointed. Ying Zheng wanted to look up to the sky and scream: "The sky is not fair, why is it so harsh on me to win Qin!"

Han Yi's eldest son, Han Chen, joined the army as a young man, fought south and north, and made great achievements in battle. Countless Wei generals, Qi generals, and Lu generals died in his hands. In the past few years, Han Yi has been on expeditions abroad to manage the country in an orderly manner. The second son, Han Feng, is courageous and resourceful, and the fourth son is a famous young general who is famous all over the world.

Yingzheng looked at Fusu, sighed helplessly and said with a long breath: "Starting from today, you learn to govern the country, and remember that blindly kindness is weakness. As an emperor, you must know the way to kill and take the middle way. You can clear!"

"My son, keep in mind my father's teachings!" Seeing Ying Zheng's haggard appearance, Fu Su also wanted to share a part or two for Ying Zheng.

(End of this chapter)

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