Warring States Call

Chapter 1971 Chapter 1980: Meng Tian leads the army

Chapter 1971 Chapter 980 Meng Tian leads the army
"The whole army is ready!" Meng Tian rode a horse and rushed back and forth in front of the formation, holding up the sword in his hand. The soldiers who were looking at the battlefield looked dignified, and they all grasped the weapons in their hands.

Meng Tian took a deep breath and shouted angrily, "Where are Guo Kui, Guo Shouwen, Guo Hama, Xia Gui, Wang Ba, Song Qian, and He Yuanqing!"

"Yes! Yes... yes!" The seven-member general urged his horse to come to the front of the battle, and came to Meng Tian, ​​waiting for his general order.

"Lead the army to charge!" Meng Tian didn't say much nonsense, and opened his mouth to shout angrily. The seven generals under his command got the military order, and they all knew that the battle had begun. They returned to their respective army formations, looking at the direction of the battle ahead with their tiger eyes, angrily Drink: "Kill!"

"Charge!" The sound of tens of thousands of people screaming and tsunami sounded like an overwhelming sea. At this moment, the originally orderly camp dispersed, and countless soldiers rushed into the battlefield like fat fish tearing through a fishing net. Charge forward and attack, the dark army of Qin rushed straight to Li Cunxiao and others in the center.

When the battle reached its peak, Li Cunxiao and Yang Zaixing raised their brows, they shook off the enemies in front of them one after another, and the retreating army joined Han Ming and the others.

Han Yi stared at the enemy army rushing forward, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Wu Qi in the center of the army formation.

Wu Qi gazed at the battlefield with tiger eyes, stroked his beard, his expression gradually became cold, immediately took out the command flag, and shouted angrily: "Where is Yue Yun!"

"Here!" The young general Yue Yun was riding a horse, staring at Han Ming's direction, extremely worried about Han Ming's safety.

"You lead the [-] Beiwei army to face the enemy head-on, and you must not withdraw until the order to withdraw is given!" Wu Qi looked resolute, and waved his sleeves, signaling Yue Yun to be tough.

"Decree!" Yue Yun rode on the horse, holding the plum blossom silver hammer in his hand, and shouted angrily: "Follow me!"

"Kill!" The morale of the Beiwei army is high, and the army's ability to move is also orderly. Although the formation is scattered, it can still be seen that the basic formation of the Beiwei army has not broken up.

Wu Qi was slightly startled, after all Yue Yun's Beiwei army was no different from his soldiers, the two armies were in the same position.

Ying Zheng pinched his beard and looked at the vanguard of the enemy army
"Where are the soldiers!" Wu Qi didn't dare to be negligent, he shouted angrily, after all, he was the chief general, and the troops under his command must not be held back, and even at the most critical moment, he must play a decisive role.



Two strong voices came out, and Xiong Kuohai and Ran Min came to Wu Qi's side with solemn expressions.

"The two of you led a side attack on Yingzheng's left army and beheaded Yingzheng's central army.

"Promise!" The two got the order, and a hundred thousand soldiers set off in unison, and the black phalanx charged forward.

Meng Tian squinted his eyes, watched Han Jun's movements, and his expression became serious. He turned his back on the Wei Army and the military pawns. These two armies are soldiers who have fought for a long time. Their combat effectiveness is not comparable to that of ordinary soldiers. The name of the army is very famous in the Central Plains. They are all troops who are good at fighting tough and deadly battles

Meng Tian's face became serious, but there is a saying in the art of war, first to move and then to control, Meng Tian began to doubt Wu Qi's motives, first took out the trump card, what is the intention, Meng Tian held the battle halberd, and immediately shouted angrily: "Wei Yan, Zhang Qing! , Liu Tongxun, Liu Zhiyuan, Fan Wenhu, Hei Yunlong"


Rows of military generals appeared in front of Meng Tian. The bright red war robes on Meng Tian's back were windless and automatic. He stared at the soldiers in front of him and shouted angrily: "Intercept this army! Don't let them advance!"

"Obey!" The six of them set off in unison, not daring to stay for long. The leader looked ahead and ran into the soldiers head-on. The two armies fought, and blood and flesh flew everywhere. This is a Shura field, and it is also a place of rest.

"Yan cavalry!" Meng Tian looked solemnly, looking at the enemy in front of him, Meng Tian didn't intend to delay, after all, the first to strike, and the rear to control others, he immediately shouted angrily.

"Here!" Feng Qiji, wearing the Great Qin Iron Armor, urged his horse to charge forward, his eyes full of indifference.

"Lead the army to charge and take the banner of the Han army's big tent. Without the order of this general, even if there are only one soldier left in the fight, you must fight!" Meng Tian also gritted his teeth. A lot of hard work was put into throwing, and if this cavalry of 3 people is gone, then the elite of the Qin cavalry will be gone.

"Luo Shixin, Luan Yanfang, Dao Yanzhi, you three assist Feng Qiji!" Meng Tian yelled angrily, gritting his teeth.

"Obey!" The three tiger generals each mounted their horses, and the soldiers and horses that pinned the hopes of the Qin army rushed to the enemy's position.

"Charge!" Led by Feng Qiji, the black cavalry rushed forward at an unusually fast speed, just like a Tyrannosaurus rex on land, and everything they passed was like an earthquake and tsunami, which made people dare not be slighted.

Han Yi looked at the cavalrymen charging forward. The enemy soldiers were all wearing hard Qin Hei armor, and each of them held a long blade in their hands, but the types were different. It's double swords.

Wu Qi stared at the cavalrymen in front of him, his tiger eyes swept around the battlefield, and said half aloud: "Ping An, Li Xianzhong!"

"Here!" Two tiger generals rode their horses to Wu Qi's body, with serious expressions on their faces.

"The two of you lead [-] troops, form a defensive formation with swords and axes, and prevent the enemy from breaking through the formation!" Wu Qi picked up a command flag and handed it to the second general of Ping'an.

The two got the military order, rode on the horses, and began to arrange the army formation head-on, with swords and axes in front, and the pikemen of the rear army arranged barriers.

Wu Qi stroked his beard and shouted angrily: "Chonghouhu!"

"Here!" The 30-year-old Chonghou Hu, dressed in heavy armor, came to the crowd first, staring at Wu Qi, waiting for his order.

"You lead [-] archers to cover for Li Xianzhong!" Wu Qi took a black command flag and threw it to Chonghouhu. After receiving the order, Chonghouhu immediately turned his horse's head and began to arrange the army formation.

"Trapped into the camp! Xuanwu soldiers prepare on the spot!" Wu Qi looked at the battlefield, the battle has already begun, and the next battle will definitely be intense, and the Han army's hole cards will also be on the top row. These are the two pairs of kings in Han Yi's hands. They will play their due role in the most critical battlefield.

"Drive... drive...!" Feng Quji took the lead, the weapon in his hand glowed coldly, staring at Li Xianzhong who was forming a formation, he immediately shouted angrily: "General Luo Shixin!"

"What's the matter!" Luo Shixin urged the horse to come to Feng Quji's side, and the iron overlord gun in his hand brought a gust of wind.

"You're ready to break the formation!" Feng Qiji rode a bombing horse, greeted Luo Shixin, and then shouted angrily: "Go to Yanzhi, break the enemy's formation! Kill!"

"Drive!" To Yanzhi took the lead, holding a saber, and his horse galloped on the battlefield, shouting angrily: "Charge!"

"Kill!" Qin Jun shouted to kill, the sound was deafening, and the black mass was like ants, constantly climbing and attacking forward.

"Let the arrows go!" Chonghouhu, who had just organized his formation, pricked up his ears, listening to the approaching hooves, secretly calculating the distance to the enemy, and then opened his mouth and shouted angrily, "Let go!"

"Swish...swish...swish...swish!" The buzzing sound of cold arrows sounded like locusts crossing the border. The first arrow fell through the air and shot less than ten meters away from the front of Dayan, reaching the brow of Dayan. Locked tightly, immediately shouted angrily: "Defense!"

"Swish! Swish! Swish!" The sound of the rain of arrows hitting the cavalrymen like raindrops made a tinkling sound. After a wave of arrow rain, a full 300 people fell here, and the number of casualties is not counted for the time being. , the number of deaths continues to rise.

Holding the big knife in his bosom, Ping An secretly applauded the opportunity, and angrily shouted: "Throw the gun!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Thousands of spears were thrown into the air, and people turned on their backs. The spears pierced through the flesh and blood. The horses neighed, and blood flowed into rivers.

Arriving at the vanguard of Yanzhi's troops seemed very chaotic, and the momentum of the charge was blocked a lot at this moment. Arriving at Yanzhi immediately shouted angrily: "Don't panic, keep charging!"


"Looking for death!" Ping An's eyes became cold, and he snatched the spears of the soldiers behind him, aimed in the direction, and threw them hard.

"Swoosh!...Bump!" Dao Yanzhi was thrown on the spot and fell heavily on the ground, shaking up countless dust and soil.

"It's now! Luo Shixin rushed over!" Feng Qiji looked solemn, and hurriedly greeted Luo Shixin behind him. This is the fighter he wanted. Taking advantage of the gap between the enemy's bow and arrow, he aggressively attacked and shortened the distance. , will not shoot arrows lightly, as for reaching Yanzhi, it is just a tactical need of Feng Qiji.

"Rush over! Kill these bastards! Charge!" Luo Shixin waved his big gun, and the horse under his crotch was like a black wind, charging towards him with a whistling sound. Er! I have come to take your head!"

"Scrap! Die!" Luo Shixin swung the iron overlord spear in Luo Shixin's hand and fell down, like a mountain pressing down on him. Li Xianzhong was not afraid, and raised the battle gun with both hands.

"Bang Dang!" The sound of metal delivery resounded impressively, Li Xianzhong's tiger's mouth cracked open, blood flowed profusely, the silver gun in his hand slipped out, his arms were sore, and he could no longer use his strength.

"Death!" Luo Shixin yelled angrily, and the black gun hit Li Xianzhong's head, his brain burst and his seven orifices bled.

"Show loyalty!" Ping An's face was pale, looking at the formation that was gradually being dispersed by the cavalry, Ping An's expression changed drastically, and he immediately shouted angrily: "Plum blossom formation, hurry up!"

"Gather!" The soldiers under his command didn't hesitate any more, they formed a group of five people, with shields for protection and blades outside, and they firmly blocked the enemy's offensive drive.

"Chop off the horse's legs!" Ping An yelled angrily.

"Kach... Kacha... Kacha!" A total of [-] cavalrymen charged forward suffered a loss, and the horses under their command had their hooves cut off, and there was an uproar on the battlefield.

"Use the mace!" Feng Qiji shouted angrily, jetting flames from his black eyes.

"Kill!" A group of two soldiers, with a chain in each hand, stared at the five-man shield plum blossom formation in front of them, outflanked them left and right, and pulled them suddenly, causing the formation to become disorganized.

Luan Yanfang urged the horse to shout angrily: "Kill!"

Ping'an Plum Blossom Formation was broken, his expression changed suddenly, he held a saber in his hand, stared at Luan Yanfang with tiger eyes, and shouted angrily: "Cut!"

"Looking for death!" Luan Yanfang was not afraid at all, the silver gun in her hand was flying up and down, the pear blossoms were raining, and they fought with Ping An.

"Looking for death!" Feng Qiji who was behind Luan Yanfang yelled loudly, wanting to rush forward to help.

Seeing it in peace, the plan has been made in mind, immediately turned the horse's head, bought a loophole and left.

"I want to leave! It's not that easy! Ha!" Luan Yanfang didn't know what the trick was, and urged the horse to chase after him. Ping An glanced back and scolded angrily, "Idiot! You are tricking me! Look at the knife!"

"Crack!" Pingan turned around and cut Luan Yanfang off the horse with a knife. His head fell to the ground. He stared at Feng Qiji and cursed angrily, "You old man, die!"

"Be careful, general!" Zhang Yu looked at Ping An with a shocked expression, and hurriedly reminded him.

Looking back, Ping An saw a large iron gun on his chest, and suddenly let out a muffled groan, Ping An flew backwards, fell heavily on the ground, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Death!" Luo Shixin immediately replaced the gun, Zhang Yu's complexion changed drastically, and he threw the silver gun in the killer's hand.

The military commander looked at all directions, and Luo Shixin was no exception. He turned his body slightly to avoid the shot, stared at Zhang Yu, and suddenly urged his horse, shouting angrily: "You are crazy! Look at the gun!"

"Kill!" Zhang Yu was not a coward, he pulled out the weapon in his arms, held the weapon in both hands, shouted loudly, and beat drums to cheer for himself.

"Boom... Dingling!" The war gun slammed down, Zhang Yu lost his hand immediately, the bronze sword was bounced away, the door opened wide, Luo Shixin stretched out his broad arm, and shouted angrily: "Come down!"

"Touch!" Zhang Yu's whole body was smashed to the ground, and his bones were broken. However, the matter was not over yet, when the cavalry of the Qin Army rushed to kill Zhang Yu, and Zhang Yu's body was directly trampled to pieces.

Ping An struggled to straighten his body, looked at the gradually retreating soldiers, coughed three mouthfuls of bruises, stared at the surroundings with tiger eyes, and immediately shouted angrily: "Gather the army! Hurry up!"

"Report!" Han Guo came up to Wu Qi on a horse, cupped his hands and said, "General Ping'an's army was defeated, and Generals Li Xianzhong and Zhang Yu were killed in battle."

"Oh!" Wu Qi narrowed his eyes into slits, stared at the flag of the Yan cavalry, stroked his beard and said, "This army must be the ace soldier of the Qin army, let Gao Shun and Wen Yang lead the troops to stop this beast Xing Tian, ​​Gao Chong, Jiang Song, and you led the soldiers and horses to assist the camp and the Xuanwu soldiers to encircle and suppress this army. The Red Flame Army, Baier Army, and Huben Army were on standby. Tie Yingruishi appears, report immediately!"

"Obey!" After everyone got the order, they urged their horses to leave, and Gao Shun and Wen Yang's Wang Zha Legion had already appeared in front of the army.

Meng Tian's tiger eyes always observed the situation on the frontline battlefield, and found that the cavalry had broken through the enemy's defense line. Meng Tian, ​​a veteran soldier, did not dare to be negligent. He knew that Wu Qi would definitely guard against falling into the camp, so he rode his horse and came to Ying Zheng, knelt down and said, "Your Majesty! The minister is gone!"

"General, be careful in everything!" Ying Zheng looked at himself as a young boy, without any unnecessary nonsense, but full of expectations for him.

(End of this chapter)

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