Warring States Call

Chapter 1972 Chapter 1981: Leave it to you

Chapter 1972 One thousand nine hundred and eighty one is handed over to you

Meng Tian kowtowed to Ying Zheng and said, "This warlord must fight to the death, if he doesn't break the enemy's army, he won't return!"

Meng Tian took off the helmet at his waist, put it on, turned over and rode on the horse, holding the spear in his hand, and his tiger eyes swept the surrounding Meng family army, as well as Hou Junji who was waiting by his side, nodded at him and said: "Everything is according to the plan." conduct!"

"General Meng, be careful! If you fight again, you will fight to the death." Hou Junji clasped his fists with his saber in his hand, and bowed his hands at Meng Tian in return.

Meng Tian nodded heavily, then shouted angrily: "Where is the Meng family army!"

"In...in...in!" Tens of thousands of Mengjiajun roared hysterically, and the sound spread throughout the whole earth, like an earthquake, making people shudder. Behind Mengtian, the figure of the Mengjiajun general emerged, from left to right respectively : Meng Ao, Meng Tian, ​​Meng Jia, Meng Changshan, and the deputy generals of the left army Liu Feng, Hu Che'er and other young Qin generals!
Meng Tian took a deep breath, swung the dragon-tiger spear in his hand, and the silver light suddenly appeared, like frost, Meng Tian shouted angrily: "After years of fighting and wearing gold armor, if you don't break the enemy's force, you won't return, the whole army charges! Kill! "

The flags fluttered, the war horses neighed, like thunder shaking the sky, the horn of the charge continued to sound, and a battle flag of the Meng family army appeared in front of everyone.

Han Xin, who had been waiting for the battle, jumped up suddenly, the scales all over his body trembled, and Mengyan beside him swallowed his saliva, and asked tentatively: "Master! You...!"

Han Xin squeezed the bear saber tightly around his waist, and came to Wu Qi's side. Han Yi sat under the command platform, rubbing his hands, staring at Han Xin, looking at Meng Tian's military flag, Han Yi sighed, not there speech.

"Your Majesty!" Han Xin came to the front of the army, bowed his hands to Han Yi, and casually bowed his hands to Wu Qi on the platform as a salute, and then angrily shouted: "I will invite you to fight! Fight Meng Tian personally!"

"Don't be impulsive, General! Just wait for the right time!" Wu Qi comforted Han Xin with kind words, his eyes were busy expressing his emotions, signaling him not to be impulsive. Han Yi pinched his beard and didn't say much. Feeling impulsive, he folded his hands and sat back to his original position, too lazy to say anything.

The veins on Han Xin's forehead bulged, he shook his lips helplessly, and sat down on the ground, blinking his mouth helplessly, as if he was sulking.

"Huilong soldiers and horses!" Listening to the shouts of killing around, Ping An kept gathering the soldiers under his command, but the Qin army would not let them go easily. His teeth were closed, and the killing intent in his eyes surged, as if it would explode at any time.

"Go!" Gao Shun wiped the saber in his hand, he couldn't bear the turmoil in his heart anymore, he was nearly fifty years old with two gray handles, and he was still in good health, but he was no longer at his peak.

Compared with Gao Shun, Wen Yang has already escaped the innocence of his teenage years. He is now in his prime, with powerful arms and a mighty general. On both sides of the hand, once the Qin army came to attack and kill, they would fall into their trap. At that time, life or death would be up to them.

Luo Shixin rushed forward, with dead bodies behind him. The lethality of the cavalry was huge compared to the infantry. The people they passed were blood men, and the horses were blood horses. The smell of blood in the air became stronger and stronger.

"Huhuhu!" Luo Shixin rode a horse, broke through Ping'an's formation, and faced the archer who had taken a fancy to Chonghouhu. He grinned with a rough face, rubbed his neck, and said like thunder: "kill"

"Charge!" Countless soldiers roared hysterically, like hungry wolves in hell, hundreds of war horses, accompanied by Luo Shixin to break through the peaceful army formation, scattered to the left and right, like blooming fireworks. As he moved, a cold light emerged, charging forward, thousands of soldiers in the army tightened the horse's rope, clamped the horse's belly fiercely, charged forward, and faced Chonghouhu's archers.

The war horse neighed!The formation of soldiers was deafening, and the sound of shouting and killing around was like an overwhelming tsunami, shaking the earth. Soldiers on both sides lined up one after another, their sharp blades exuding endless chill under the sunlight.

Chonghouhu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, the sweat on his forehead dripped down his cheeks, looked at the soldiers on both sides, and immediately shouted angrily: "The whole army retreats, the shieldmen and spearmen form a formation to resist horses, hurry up!"

Chonghouhu didn't dare to neglect, just now he clearly saw that the Ping'an army was broken through the defensive formation, and the archers were almost completely useless once they were not protected by swordsmen.

"Kill!" Luo Shixin yelled angrily, and the iron spear in his hand fell in a straight line, hitting the soldier in front of him. As a centurion, Cheng Ji took a deep breath and yelled angrily: "Shoot the gun!"

"Shu, shu, shu!" The spear pierced Luo Shixin's horse, and the horse neighed immediately. Luo Shixin was in great pain. After a while, he swung the horse's hip resolutely, and then jumped off the horse.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whom Luo Shixin sees, swaying forward like a black whirlwind.

"Boom!" A shot fell like a mountain, and landed heavily on the soldiers in front. When Cheng Ji saw it, his eyes were full of anger, and he immediately shouted angrily: "The thief will not be rampant, look at a certain Xuanhua axe! "

"Whoosh!" With a cold light, he chopped at Luo Shixin's huge head. Luo Shixin turned his head to stare at Cheng Ji, and opened his mouth to shout angrily, "You're looking for death!"

This roar was like the roar of a lion in the east of the river, and Cheng Ji was stunned by the roar, fumbling for his mouth, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Go!" Luo Shixin kicked Cheng Ji's crotch. This kick could be said to be a lifeless kick. The painful Cheng Ji knelt down on the ground and rolled around.

"Death!" Luo Shixin yelled angrily, and directly smashed Cheng Ji on the back of the head with the iron overlord gun in both hands, causing his brains to flow backwards, and the scene was extremely bloody.

"Let the arrows!" Chonghouhu furrowed his brows, and immediately opened his mouth to shout angrily. The archers who were withdrawing suddenly turned their heads, and the cold arrows rained down, buzzing towards Luo Shixin.

"Damn it! Luo Shixin quickly rolled around, dodging the dense arrow rain, suddenly raised his head, and was hit by an arrow on his shoulder. Luo Shixin bared his teeth in pain, and then waved the weapon in his hand to knock down the cold arrow that flew towards him. He stared at Chonghou Hu and shouted angrily: "You man!Hugh! "

"Bastard! This evil star!" Chonghouhu swallowed his saliva, immediately turned his horse's head, and shouted angrily without looking back: "Withdraw the troops!"

Luo Shixin quickly found an ownerless horse, turned on his back, chased after him, and shouted angrily: "The thief will leave!"

"Luo Shixin, don't be impulsive! Don't fall into an ambush!" Seeing that Luo Shixin was about to go deep alone, Feng Qiji's face changed drastically, he immediately turned his horse's head, looked back at the general behind him, and immediately shouted angrily: "Meng Jing!"

"Here!" Meng Jing held the halberd, shaking the blood light on the halberd, and urged the horse to come to Feng Qiji's side. Meng Jinghu was seven feet long and was riding a black horse.

"Go! Lead a team of people to support Luo Shixin quickly!" Feng Qiji looked a little anxious. If this goes on for a long time, it will be like falling into a quagmire, and he will not be able to pull out.

"Promise!" Meng Jing straddled his horse and held the sword, the cold light of the sword in his hand flashed, and he shouted angrily: "The whole army charges!"

"Drive... drive...!" Luo Shixin urged his horse to charge forward, followed by the forward cavalry, Chonghou Tiger was panting on the horse, suddenly looking back, the tiger stared at Luo Shidao: "You are looking for death yourself, You can't blame me!"

"My man! What are you afraid of!" Luo Shixin flicked his big gun, completely disregarding Chonghouhu.

"You're looking for death! Drive!" No matter how you say it, Chonghouhu has a bit of a temper, urging his horse to charge, and the nine-ringed saber in his hand makes a tinkling sound under the cold wind.

"Huh!" Luo Shixin was about to urge his horse to kill Chonghou Tiger, but a young general behind him urged his horse to kill him, and shouted angrily: "General Luo Shixin, please calm down! Let me, Zhang Rou, take down this dog!"

"Drive!" Zhang Rou was so excited that the spear in her hand flew up and down, aiming at Chonghouhu's three vital points.

"Looking for death!" Chonghouhu held a knife in both hands, his whole body was filled with murderous aura, he clenched his teeth, and shouted angrily, "Cut!"

"Small tricks...not worth mentioning!" Zhang Rou didn't pay attention to Chonghouhu's knife at all, and blocked it with her spear.

"Crack...Tear!" The sound of weapons cutting mixed with the sound of flesh and blood resounded in everyone's ears, and Zhang Rou died here immediately.

"You're courting death!" Luo Shixin yelled angrily, urging his horse to charge and kill, wanting to kill Chonghouhu here, Chonghouhu's eyes were like torches, and the nine-ringed saber surged up and down, staring directly at Luo Shixin angrily, and shouted: "You too! "

"Kangdang" two tiger generals wrestled with each other, sparks shot out, the two fought for ten rounds, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Chonghou Tiger was always at a disadvantage.

Chonghouhu rolled his eyes, knowing that he was not Luo Shixin's opponent, and immediately bought a loophole, jumped out of the battle circle with Luo Shixin, and shouted angrily: "Withdraw! Withdraw!"

"The enemy will stop leaving! Keep the head!" Seeing that he was about to Chong Houhu, Luo Shixin let him go and chased him on horseback.

"Ambition to fall into battle, there is death but not life"

With a roar of anger, Gao Shun appeared in front of everyone with a simple knife on each waist, a long knife in his hand, and five spears on his back. Staring at Luo Shixin, he shouted angrily, "Kill this beast!"

"Kill!" The voice of the five thousand soldiers trapped in the camp was like a tearing cry. Watching from a distance, listening to the voice makes people feel heartbroken.

"Woooooo..." Luo Shixin's war horse began to become restless, and Feng Qiji, who was in the distance, saw the army flag trapped in the camp, his heart skipped a beat, and he immediately said: "Quickly withdraw the troops! Quickly!"

"I want to leave! It's too late!" Wen Yang held a silver gun and urged his horse to come before the crowd. His silver armor was shining golden under the sunlight, and he stared at Feng Quji with wide eyes and said, "The thief will leave! drive!"

"Xuanwu soldier! Do it!" Feng Quji was really flustered at the moment, cold sweat broke out on his back, and the cold wind blew, which made people sober up a lot.

"Soldiers, rush out!" Feng Qiji waved his hand suddenly, wanting to lead people out of the team, and he was rushing in. After all, Meng Tian had an order to not retreat until death, otherwise he would not only bear the infamy of deserters, but also be beheaded. It's really not worth dying like that.

"Charge!" Hei crushed and killed Wenyang's Xuanwu pawns.

Wen Yang sneered a few times in disdain, and immediately took three steps back, shouting angrily: "Iron Armor Formation!"

"No!" A group of dozens of people raised their barbed shields and kept pushing forward. Some horses knocked down one person, and the horse was also useless.

These thousands of Xuanwu soldiers are all armed to the teeth, and they are equipped with thick armor. Ordinary arrows can't hurt them. The only problem is that their endurance is not long enough, but Xuanwu soldiers have cavalry, which can serve They buy enough time.

Xuanwu soldiers blocked Feng Qiji's back route, the two armies fought bloody, the whole body was bloody and bloody, the two sides fought in full swing, it was difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

on the battlefield

"Rush over!" Luo Shixin looked at the army flags of the trapped camp. He knew that there was no way out, and the brave would win when they met on a narrow road.

"Drive!" Countless soldiers roared like a tsunami, and followed Luo Shixin without any look of fear.

"Cavalry?" Gao Shun took a step forward, the armor all over his body made a clanging sound, Gao Shun stuck his broadsword into the ground with one hand, looked at the vanguard Luo Shixin with tiger eyes, rubbed his nose, and called out: "Fu Width!"

"Here!" Fu Kuan said resolutely in his heavy armor.

"Horse pit! Back up to this point with the sword, attack and defense!" Gao Shun's voice spread throughout the trap camp, and Fu Kuan immediately understood that after all, the last time the trap camp used the trap, Cheng Feng's army was wiped out.

In an instant, the trapped camp in the front row used shields to cover the sight of the cavalry, and some of them determined the point of the enemy's charge, and asked the soldiers to dig pits on the spot. A group of five dug thousands of horse pits, skillfully and quickly , obviously familiar with the road, old business.

"Kill!" Luo Shixin was close at hand, and the shout of killing was getting closer and closer. Gao Shun saw the cavalry was about to charge up, and suddenly swung his knife and shouted: "Back!"

"Hahahaha! Being trapped in the camp is nothing more than that! You actually retreated! Brothers, charge!" Luo Shixin laughed, ecstatic in his heart, and Meng Jing hurriedly dissuaded him: "General! Be careful of tricks!"

"How is it possible!" Luo Shixin shook his arm, completely disregarding Gao Shun.

"Change!" Gao Shun clasped his hands in front of his chest and looked at Luo Shixin with contempt. In his opinion, this battle had become a battle of trapped beasts.

"Ha!" Thousands of shieldmen, in a group of six, used shields to defend. The shieldmen squatted down and suddenly pulled the ring control inside the shield. The shield was directly divided into two. Covered on top of everyone's heads, guarding the surroundings, the remaining one stretched out his knife and stabbed the long knife in his hand out of the gap, echoing the long knife of the soldier on the other side, forming a mixed horse rope.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...!" Luo Shixin had just stepped into the battle ring when the horse's front hooves fell into the horse pit. , was intimidated by the horse pit and dared not go forward.

"Siege!" Gao Shun waved his big hand, outflanked Luo Shixin with two wings, and trapped Luo Shixin in the trapped camp. Meng Jing's complexion changed drastically, and he shouted in shock: "General Luo!"

"I leave the rest to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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