Warring States Call

Chapter 1973 Chapter 1982: Bloody Battle

Chapter 1973 One Thousand 980 Chapter Two Bloody Battle ([-])

"Ha!" Thousands of soldiers trapped in the camp gathered into an iron wall and besieged Luo Shixin. This will become a bloody place. Luo Shixin turned around, and the soldiers who rushed to follow Luo Shixin showed fear. Four or five The soldiers were leaning against each other, and hundreds of Zhuge Liannu were aiming at them behind the shields of the camp.

Fu Kuan waved the flag with his left hand, and said indifferently, "Let go!"

"Swish, swish, swish!" Zhuge Liannu's maneuverability was extremely powerful, and the sound of passing wind rang in his ears. In an instant, dozens of soldiers around Luo Shixin were killed by the random arrows, leaving only Luo Shixin standing in place, Swallowing, the arrow wound on his shoulder reminded Luo Shixin to stay calm and never panic.

"哐! 哐!" The two shield hands stepped aside, and Xing Tian appeared in front of Luo Shixin holding his relatives. The sun was shining on the battlefield. Embarrassed, he paused word by word: "Xing Tian!"

There was a smile on Xing Tian's rough cheek, but in Luo Shixin's eyes, it looked like a ferocious beast, which made Luo Shixin shudder. Xing Tian looked at Luo Shi and said, "Kill!"

Although the voice was not loud, it seemed that Luo Shixin's death sentence was directly pronounced. Xing Tian stepped up like a mountain, the ground shook, the dust was flying, and the battlefield was shaking everywhere. Luo Shixin's eyes flashed with determination. Holding the iron overlord gun, he shouted angrily, "Kill!"

"Ding, Luo Shixin's powerful attribute is activated, and his strength is infinite. With the iron gun, the force value will be increased by 5, and the base force value will be 107. The force value of the iron overlord gun will be increased by 1. The current force value of Luo Shixin is 113!"

"Ding, Luo Shixin's wrestling attribute activates, use strength to fight with others, each activation increases personal force value by 2 points, and consumes 2 points of enemy force value when fighting an enemy, the maximum number of times can be activated 4 times!"

"Ding, the current Luo Shixin is forced to activate, the personal force value is increased by 8, the current Luo Shixin's force value is 121, and the negative attribute of wrestling is activated... Ding, the attribute of Xingtian God of War is immune to this skill!"

"Ding, Luo Shixin's strength and madness attribute is activated! Facing an opponent with heavy weapons, he is full of pride! The force value is increased by 5, and if he is facing a heavy weapon, the enemy's force value will be reduced by an additional 5 points! The current force value of Luo Shixin is 126!"

"Ding, the negative attributes of Luo Shixin's power madness are not valid for Xing Tian!"

"Ding, Luo Shixin's Fierce Combat attribute activates, and when he encounters an opponent with a strength attribute, his personal force value will be increased by 8, and Luo Shixin's current force value is 134!"

"Big gun!" Luo Shixin yelled hysterically, and the scarlet blood light all over his body surged crazily at this moment, like two giant snakes hovering above Luo Shixin's arms, and the black iron overlord gun was like a giant dragon at this moment. , the shop came to Xing Tian to fight and kill.

"Devil Zhan!" Xing Tian didn't say much nonsense, he threw down the shield in his hand, held the battle ax in both hands, and strode out, killing intent surged all over his body, like a surging prehistoric force, facing Luo Shixin directly.

"Ding, Xing Tian's current force value is 141!"

Xing Tian's scarlet blood gradually deepened, and finally began to condense, and the color became darker and darker, like a black shadow. Xing Tian suddenly jumped into the air, the ape embraced the moon, and the battle ax in his hand slashed at Luo Shixin's head.

"Let's die together!" Luo Shixin snorted coldly, and the iron overlord spear in his hand was like a snake, killing Xing Tian's chest.

"Looking for death!" Xing Tian was not afraid, and suddenly threw the battle ax in his hand. The scarlet blood mang was circling in the air, like a hot wheel, and threw it straight at Luo Shixin. , but Xing Tian was a latecomer, and he was about to stab Xing Tian. At this moment, Xing Tian was holding the iron overlord gun with both hands. The huge force seemed to have stabbed a mountain, which was difficult to shake.

"Touch!" There was a sound of flesh and blood, and the battle ax hit Luo Shixin's chest, and immediately Luo Shixin flew upside down, a deep wound showing flesh and blood, and blood bloomed like a flower on the other side, Luo Shixin flew upside down and landed on the ground.

The blood on his chest stained the armor red, Luo Shixin spat out a mouthful of old blood, his body was arranged in a big character shape, his tiger eyes were staring at the sky, his eyes were empty and lifeless, the blue sky was full of white clouds, and the wind was blowing sand and dust Diffuse before Luo Shixin's eyes, Luo Shixin felt the severe pain in his body, and his eyes gradually became dark, and he could no longer see any light, and a generation of fierce generals fell.

Xing Tian waved Luo Shixin's Iron Overlord Spear, feeling quite heavy, and felt a little admiration for Luo Shixin. He came to Luo Shixin's side, put his Iron Overlord Spear by his side, retrieved his battle axe, and It disappeared in front of everyone.

Gao Shun rubbed his wrists, Gao Shun saw the desperate blow of the two just now, and the scene just now appeared in his eyes, but he felt extremely shocked, swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva involuntarily, and immediately shouted angrily: "Fu Kuan! "


"Contain the corpses! The whole army will follow me to pinch the cavalry!" Gao Shun didn't talk too much nonsense, he waved his sleeves and charged in Feng Qiji's direction.

"Charge!" Trapped in the camp and defending with shields, he marched forward, causing the whole earth to tremble. Feng Qiji, who was under attack from the front and back, changed his face and shouted angrily, "Come on! Hurry up!"

The cavalry has no previous charge, and the advantage of the horses is not clear now. Under the siege of the trapped camp and the Xuanwu soldiers, the battle circle is constantly shrinking. Yes, it can be said to be extremely aggrieved.

"Charge!" Meng Tian was riding a war horse, holding a dragon and tiger weapon, his whole body was full of murderous aura, and the [-] Meng family army under his command burst out like a giant roaring and shouting.

"Meet the enemy!" Chen Dao looked coldly at Chi Chi's Meng family army, his face was resolute, without the slightest panic, Chen Dao's dark eyes carefully scrutinized the enemy's armament and tactics.

Meng Tian first charged with cavalry, and the rear army's knives and axemen reaped the lives of the defeated army in the rear. The fighting method was extremely fast and decisive.

Chen Dao frowned. The Mengjia army's cavalry is divided into two types. One is the heavy armored cavalry, which is in the center and focuses on impact, while the left and right wings are light cavalry. , if this is a one-sided confrontation with Shang Meng Tian, ​​almost half an hour, the soldiers under his command will be lost here.

Chen Dao took a deep breath of cool air, rubbed his palms, breathed out his hot breath, looked at the Red Flame Army and Huben Army on the left and right, and thought to himself: I can only pin my hope on them.

"Shot array!" Cheng Ji held a battle gun and took the lead to fight at the front. Thousands of people in the front row lined up in an orderly manner. This momentum alone is unmatched by others. At the distance of Meng Tian's army, he suddenly raised his hand: "Archers are ready!"

Meng Tian rode a war horse, charged at the forefront of the battlefield, looked at the enemy's bugle, and wrote: White Ear Army
Meng Tian frowned tightly. He didn't remember that such an army appeared in the Han army, but there were always some impressions in his mind. For a while, Meng Tian thought of the Pingyang War in the past. Although this white-eared army was not the most brilliant, it was definitely There is a record of merit.

Meng Tian flicked the dragon and tiger weapon in his hand, the armor surged all over his body, and the cold light flashed faintly, Meng Tian shouted angrily: "Grandfather!"

"Drive!" Meng Ao urged the horse to go forward, which was a response to Meng Tian.

"Break the formation!" Meng Tian looked at his grandfather, who was armed to the teeth, and gave the order directly. Meng Ao suddenly urged his horse, and shouted angrily: "Tie Family Army! Hit it!"

"Woooooooo...!" The white bull horn blew, and all the armored heavy cavalry of the Meng family army entered the state of war in an instant, urging the horses fiercely, and the explosive power of the horses was greatly withdrawn in an instant.

"Crash!" Hundreds of burly men held their shields and stared at the repeated Meng family army. Cheng Ji held a spear and shouted angrily: "Shoot the gun!"

"Swipe, swipe...!" Thousands of spears fired forward one by one.

"Boom...ah... bump bump!" There was a sound of flesh and blood colliding, and there were explosions in the air one after another. The spearman in the front row was knocked into the air, screaming miserably, and fell to the ground with a muffled groan , with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, it seemed that he had injured his internal organs, making it difficult to survive.

On the other hand, the speed of the Meng family army's war horses in the Qin army slowed down at this moment, but the rear army arrived again, and the two armies have been fighting bloody.

Chen Dao's eyes were like torches, and he was still struggling to resist. Looking at the scattered white-eared army, he immediately shouted angrily: "The central army spread out, spread out to the two wings, showing a figure of eight, and spread iron ions!"

The white-eared army quickly dispersed, and the soldiers of Nie Ce untied the packages on their backs one after another, and scattered them on the ground in the center. In an instant, hundreds of black prototype balls appeared in front of everyone, with barbs and sharp horns everywhere on them. .

"Drive... drive...!" The Meng family army saw the enemy's gap, thinking that the enemy was about to be defeated, and charged along the gap in a straight line, but they didn't know that the horse was running uncontrollably, neighing and screaming, the horse stumbled, and hit the ground On the ground, the dust is flying.

The head of Cheng Ji's group of eight resolutely gave the order and shouted angrily, "Sting!"

Eight hundred silver spears seemed to be blooming, piercing the soldiers who fell on the ground, but because Meng Ao's vanguard was wearing heavy armor, these long spears pierced the body, only pain.

Because the front horse fell down, Meng Ao immediately tightened his horse, jumped into the air and landed on the ground, but then Meng Ao's horse lost control, screaming and screaming, Meng Ao fell to the ground, and he rolled for three or four meters before stopping.

"Kill!" Seeing the opportunity came, Cheng Ji strode forward, stabbing Meng Ao with the silver spear in his hand, but the result was predictable, it could only spark sparks on the battle armor, but it couldn't hurt Meng Ao at all. , This surprised Cheng Ji, looking at Meng Ao's exposed eyes, as if he had discovered a new world, he shouted: "Stinging eyes!"

"Little brat! Looking for death!" Meng Ao was full of anger, turned over suddenly, grabbed the spear that Cheng Ji stabbed with one hand, and pulled out the bronze sword in his arms with one hand, with a hint of sophistication in his eyes, the long sword slipped, Piercing into Chengji's lower abdomen, the blood instantly looked like blooming flowers, gorgeous and bright.

"You..." Cheng Ji's eyes were full of disbelief, Meng Ao was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, kicked Cheng Ji's body away, took the battle gun in his hand, and shouted angrily: "Get up!"

"Boom!" Hundreds of soldiers stood up and gathered around Meng Ao.

Meng Tian of the Chinese army swept the front with his tiger eyes, his brows were tightly furrowed, and he shouted angrily: "Don't attack the gap, crash to both sides, and tear apart the enemy army! Step forward, pave the way for the cavalry! Hurry up!"

"Kill!" The white-eared army slashed and killed the surrounded Meng Ao's remnant army one after another, but Meng Ao's armored army was extremely strong in defense, but the white-eared army was held back.

"Hahahaha! Little brats! Keep the dog's head!" Meng Ao was protected by armor, and he was not afraid of spears and bronze swords. Not hundreds, but more than twenty.

"Old man! How crazy! I'll kill you!" Tu Jinxiu was furious, holding a saber, and slashed at Meng Ao's chest from the dark side.

"Kang Dang!" Tu Jinxiu originally thought that Meng Ao would hide, but Meng Ao didn't even have the intention to dodge, holding a saber in his hand, intending to risk his life, Tu Jinxiu looked dignified, and shouted angrily: "Bull!"

"Here comes the big brother!" Tu Jinniu yelled, and came to Tu Jinxiu's side, seeing Meng Ao's saber was about to fall on his brother, he blocked it with the spear in his hand.

"Bang Dang!" The sound of metal delivery came, Meng Ao raised his head and glared at Tu Jinniu, the big knife in Tu Jinxiu's hand slashed down, making a sound of sparks, and a trace was drawn on Meng Ao's armor, but it was not injured. And Meng Ao in the slightest.

"This damn tortoise shell!" Earth Taurus was stunned for a while, and the murderous intent in his eyes gradually became stronger, but he had no choice but to shout angrily: "Attack him!"

"Understood!" Earth Taurus instantly realized that Meng Ao's feet had no armor, he couldn't help laughing, and shouted angrily: "Kill!"

"Kill!" The two looked at each other, and started to attack Meng Ao's foot.

Meng Ao's complexion changed in shock, his gray beard whirred under his helmet, and he stared at Tu Jinxiu with cloudy eyes, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, he could see that these two brothers, because of this Tu Jinxiu As the leader, this made Meng Ao's heart boil with killing intent, and suddenly shouted angrily: "Little brat, I will kill you first!"

After saying that, Meng Ao yelled angrily, waved his big sleeves, and the black tiger-striped shirt behind him brought a cold wind, and the soldiers behind him drew their swords to help each other, wrapping the two tightly.

"Damn it..." The two looked directly at the soldiers around them, their expressions were quite dignified, this Meng Ao was really difficult to deal with, and the two had no choice but to bite the bullet and get entangled with Meng Ao.

Meng Tian rode a war horse, his tiger eyes swept around, looking at the chaotic battlefield around him, gradually even he lost his way forward, this is inevitable, after all, he can no longer see the overall situation, the only battlefield he cares about is One-sided, the one who really controls the overall situation is actually Ying Zheng.

At this time, Ying Zheng held the King Qin sword in his sleeve, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more serious, and a feeling of sadness arose in his heart. It was his fault that tens of thousands of soldiers damaged this place, but for the future of Great Qin, these Sacrifice is inevitable and worthwhile, and kings often have to consider the overall situation.

Wu Qi squinted his eyes, and there was a strange expression on the corner of his mouth, not a smile, nor distressed, it always felt a little dangerous but not so scary.

(End of this chapter)

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