Warring States Call

Chapter 1974 Chapter 1983: Bloody Battle

Chapter 1974 One Thousand 980 Chapter Three: Bloody Battle ([-])
Now that there are fierce battles on three sides, blood is everywhere, shouts of killing are mixed with cries for help, and there are bloody battlefields everywhere. Ordinary people will feel sick when they go to this stop, after all, it is too bloody here.

The distance between Hangu Pass and Wang Ye is hundreds of miles. The terrain chosen by the two armies is flat land. First, it is convenient for cavalry to fight, and second, there are no suitable battlefields around.

Ying Zheng's face was dark, and his black eyes swept the battlefield, as if he didn't want to give up any corner.

Standing on the high platform, Wu Qi naturally noticed the changes in the battlefield, and said after a while, "General Cao!"

"Here!" Cao Kerang rode a black horse to Wu Qi's formation. The cold wind was blowing on his cheeks, and a beard gradually grew on his chin, drifting wantonly with the wind. It seems to be telling everyone that I am amazing.

"General Cao, you lead [-] troops to harass Meng Tian's flanks. You don't need to fight to the death, you just need to make Meng Tian feel irritable!" Wu Qi did not arrange too dangerous missions for Cao Kerang. , the two belong to the same level, it is not good to be too driven, besides, many members of the Cao family have died in battle, it is unreasonable to arrange too dangerous tasks.

"The last general takes orders!" Cao Kerang got the order, and the leader urged his horse to rush to kill.

Wu Qi stroked his beard and looked in the direction of Gao Shun and Wen Yang. Although the camp and Xuanwu soldiers sandwiched the Han cavalry in the middle, the destruction of the Han cavalry was only a matter of time, but the battlefield was changing rapidly and there was not enough time. Children should be early.

"Tiger Zhejun!" Wu Qi glanced around and found that among the several troops on standby, only the Tiger Zhejun hadn't emerged yet. He reached out to take down the command flag, staring down with black eyes, and shouted angrily.

"Here!" Han Qifeng urged the horse to kill. Han Yi looked at Han Qifeng, and saw that this man had beautiful features, eyes like swords, and was eight feet long. He was riding a brown-yellow war horse with bright armor. The most important thing was This kid has a heroic look on his face, but his ten centimeter long beard has already betrayed his true age.

"You lead the Hu Zhe army, cooperate with the camp, and Xuanwu soldiers take down Qin's cavalry, I will only give you half an hour, if you can't take down the cavalry in half an hour, come and see me!" Wu Qi said nothing Show no mercy, this is a battlefield, there is no talk of affection, only life and death.

"Obey!" Han Qifeng didn't feel that it was wrong, bowed his hands to Han Yi and said: "The final general will swear to the death to complete it!"

After Han Qifeng finished speaking, he turned his horse's head, returned to Hu Zhejun, and shouted angrily: "You are our country's direct troops, most of them came from Yangdi, and there are many royal children among them. The world is unified today. If we don't Swearing to fight to the death, who can pacify the world for the family and country, follow me to kill, and destroy the Qin army!"

"Kill...!" Tens of thousands of soldiers sang loudly, bursting into a roar like a tsunami, charging and killing the Yan cavalry in a dense mass.

Ying Zheng naturally noticed the movements of the Han army. Looking at the struggling cavalry and Meng Tian's vanguard, Ying Zheng's eyebrows involuntarily twitched. The distance of the Han army was fighting to the death, unable to support the cavalry at all.

What is before Yingzheng is nothing more than a multiple-choice question. One is to send troops to rescue the cavalry, but hundreds of soldiers will be sacrificed in that way. Army fatal blow.

"Zhang Han!" Ying Zheng took a deep breath, rubbed his sore neck, his eyes sparkled coldly.

"The minister is here!" Zhang Han was wearing a silver-gray Qin armor, holding a spear, and his black eyes burst out with determination. He rode a horse and came to Ying Zheng with a breath of heat.

"You lead one hundred thousand troops from the headquarters, and head straight to Han Yishuai's flag on the left!" Ying Zheng's face was decisive and resolute. He is a king, with a ferocious side and a decisive side.

"Promise!" Zhang Han responded, turned over and mounted his horse, and shouted angrily: "The whole army will follow me to kill, let these bastards see, my Daqin's iron hooves will never stop!"

"Kill!" Tens of thousands of people opened their mouths and yelled angrily, and the sound of shouting and killing shook the world. After all, this battle has reached its peak.

"Kill!" Qin Jun's shout of killing naturally came into Wu Qi's sight. Wu Qi looked at Zhang Han's soldiers and horses charging, rubbed his hands unconsciously, and secretly estimated the strength of Qin Jun's troops. The last 25 soldiers and horses have already entered the battlefield. Logically speaking, Ying Zheng should have no more troops, but there are still hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in Ying Zheng's army. This makes Wu Qi a little suspicious. Is it true that there are 20 soldiers and horses, or is it a bluff and flashy.

"Drive!" Han Xiu rode a war horse and came to Wu Qi's high platform, thinking that Wu Qi didn't know the movements of the former army, and said one after another: "General! Zhang Han's [-] troops are coming!"

"I saw it!" Wu Dian nodded in agreement, then looked around, locked his eyes on Lan Yu and said, "This battle is up to General Lan!"

Lan Yu was stunned for a moment, unable to imagine that this task would fall on his head, glanced at Wu Qi, handed over his hands to accept the order, and shouted angrily: "The whole army will charge with me!"


"Drive!" Bai Wenbao galloped around on his horse, and there was no one on the left or right. Feng Qiji supported the current situation desperately, but several generals in the army died on the battlefield. Feng Qiji might not be able to protect himself today.

"Drive... drive!" Meng Jing fled in the direction of Feng Qiji on his war horse, his eyes were full of panic, and Chonghouhu, a killer, followed behind him. When he saw Feng Qiji, he thought he had encountered a savior, and hurriedly called for help. Said: "General Feng, save me!"

"Bastard! Run away! Die!" Feng Qiji was also unusually strong. He stuck the spear in his hand to the ground, held the bow in his backhand, and shouted angrily, "Death!"

"Whoosh!" Meng Jing thought that the arrow was shot behind him, not at himself, so he didn't dodge it, but the next second his face changed drastically, and he only heard: "Thump!"

Meng Jing was hit by an arrow in the throat, his whole body was trembling, he faltered in his mouth, his eyes were full of shock, he couldn't believe that he died in the hands of Pao Ze.

"There are warriors! Fa-rectification on the spot!" Feng Qiji also became ruthless, and with a muffled grunt, he retracted his bow and pulled out his spear, and the coldness in his eyes became more and more serious.

"This...!" The soldiers surrounded by Feng Qiji looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling a sense of loneliness in their hearts. It seemed that they would not be able to survive today, but they had to die happily. They couldn't be looked down upon, at least not. Shame on your own family.

"Charge!" Feng Qiji yelled, and the soldiers under his command charged left and right, setting off countless bloody storms, but they did not escape the solution of extinction after all. Thirty thousand brave men of the Huzhe Army joined the battlefield, and the cavalry were instantly surrounded on all sides.

"Bah!" Ping An spat, bit the back of the knife with his teeth, and urged the horse to slam into Feng Qiji, instantly turning his back on his back.

"Ah!" Feng Qiji howled miserably, and also fell to the ground, shaking countless smoke and dust.

"What a dog day! Pay for my brother's life!" Ping An yelled angrily, cut off the sword in his hand, cut off the water with the knife, and didn't even have a chance to tell Feng Qiji his last words. , died on the spot.

"Hoo hoo hoo...!" Panting heavily, Ping An cut off Feng Qiji's head and shouted angrily, "Your general is dead!"

The Yan cavalry looked back, and as expected, the general Feng Qiji lost his head, the [-] Yan cavalry killed more than [-] people, and all the main generals died in battle. The remaining [-] soldiers and horses, some were scattered, and some Some became deserters and were punished as deserters by the Qin army behind.

Han Qifeng came to the flag of the Han cavalry, held a knife in both hands, swung the knife suddenly, and chopped down the flag of the Han cavalry.

"Report!" Han Guo urged his horse to gallop forward, with joy in his eyes, he said, "Report to Your Majesty! The Yan cavalry was destroyed, General Xing Tian beheaded Luo Shixin, General Ping'an personally beheaded Feng Qiji, and General Han Qifeng captured the Qin army's Yan cavalry. flag!"

"Okay!" Han Yi smiled and uttered this sentence. The excitement in his eyes was beyond words. Wu Qi also let out a long breath of relief. Looking back at the battle situation of the soldiers, his brows tightened. The Chinese army won a small victory. , but the soldiers did not move. Although the army could be seen moving forward, Wu Qi was a little dissatisfied with the slow speed.

On the right side of the battlefield, Ran Min was covered in blood and spat out the blood from the corner of his mouth. During the battle just now, he was hit in the side of the face by a general, and the side of Ran Min's face was numb from the pain. Of course, the end of this general was also It was very desolate, and after being poked seven or eight holes by Ran Min, he left this world with great regret.

"His grandma's" Xiong Kuohai came to the front of the army on a horse, and was hit by an arrow on his shoulder. It can be seen how fierce this battle was. Xiong Kuohai gritted his teeth and broke the cold arrow that came. He said very ferociously: "Who is the chief general of the Qin army? He hasn't shown his face until now, and all the people he killed were trash. If things go on like this, how can we have the face to go back to the camp!"

Ran Min looked up at the black Qin army flag, and could vaguely see four flags, the most central one, with the character Wei written in a big script, and the latter two were Liu and Zhang's sons. Ran Min's brain was in the Running quickly, half-sleeve guessed: "It may be Wei Yan!"

"Wei Yan! Who is this!" Xiong Kuohai stretched out his hand to roll up the cloak behind his back with his hair full of black threads, and wiped the blood on his cheek with a big question mark on his head.

Just as Ran Min was about to answer Xiong Kuohai, Ma Ming's voice came from behind him: "Wei Yan is a general of Liu Bei in the early Shu, and his talent is not inferior to that of Zhang Fei and Huang Zhong. He has appeared in every battle, and it is a pity that he was not killed in the last Wang Ye battle!"

The two looked back and saw that it was Ji Sang who came, followed by two generals, namely Tao Sanchun and An Sishun, who were covered in blood. Looking at the anxious soldiers at the front, the three felt helpless for a while.

"After the last battle, Wei Yanshen knew that our army had many powerful generals, so he didn't dare to fight recklessly. Now it's time to fight a war of attrition. He deserves to be a famous general in the world, but unfortunately he can't be used by the king!" Ma Yuan rode a horse to the front of the battle, deeply Se Gang said fiercely.

"If he doesn't come out, then we'll kill him!" Ran Min squinted his eyes and said for a while, "Ji Sang"

"Yes!" Ji Sang replied, as if he had agreed to Ran Min.

"You lead the yellow turban warriors to open the way for me, and Xiong Kuohai, Tao Sanchun, An Sishun, and An Dianbao follow me to behead Wei Yan. If this person is not eliminated, the bandit army will never be destroyed!" Ran Min gritted his teeth and shouted angrily.

"No! It's too dangerous for a single army to go deep!" Ma Yuan was shocked by the difference in his face, and directly denied Ran Min's plan, and then added: "If you leave! Who will command this army!"

"Leave it to you for the time being! Xiong Kuohai is the lieutenant general!" Ran Min answered Ma Yuan fiercely, and then turned his horse around. Before Ma Yuan could reply, he shouted angrily, "Follow me!"


With a loud shout, Wei Yan was commanding troops to fight against the Han army. Suddenly, several generals from the Han army showed up. Jisang's yellow scarf fighters took the lead, forming a figure-eight formation, tearing apart the enemy army, and Ran Min rushed to attack. After killing it, Tao Sanchun, An Dianbao, and An Sishun were closely followed.

The surrounding generals and soldiers did not have any enemies with Ran Min. Wei Yan frowned. What he was most worried about happened. After Ji Sang tore open his mouth, a large number of Han troops poured into the Qin army, like a broken fishing net, and fled frantically. .

"Let the arrows! Let the arrows go!" Wei Yan yelled angrily, and Zhang Qing who was beside him urged his horse to come to the front of the army formation. He stared at Ran Min and yelled angrily, "Quick!"

"Let go!" Right in front of the battlefield, Xiang Shou, the centurion of the Qin Army, rode his horse and shouted angrily.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish!" The cold arrow shot into the sky, increasing the range of the Qin army, and fell on people, like rain hitting plantains, crackling, killing and injuring countless people.

"Raise the shield and charge!" An Dianbao dodged a soldier's shield at will, without any intention of stopping, calling on the soldiers under his command to charge forward and attack.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!" Some of the soldiers who were hit by the arrows gritted their teeth and rushed forward, because they knew that if they stopped, they would die.

"Kill!" Seeing that the bow and arrow were not working, Xiang Shou pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and personally led the soldiers to charge forward. The two armies fought, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and the portraits turned into machines. , will never give up.

"Kang...!" The sound of metal impact resounded throughout the battlefield, and Xiang Shou's arm was numb, but he was not afraid, and instead stabbed An Dianbao's throat with his sword.

"Puff...!" The blade pierced through the blood, Xiang Shou did not cut An Dianbao's main artery as he imagined, but An Dianbao avoided the killing sword, and slashed at Xiang Shou's lower abdomen, blood and flesh on the spot Flying horizontally, the soldiers behind immediately made up their swords and hacked Xiang Shou to death alive. Of course, An Dianbao's credit goes to An Dianbao.

An Dianbao recalled the killing round just now, he couldn't help licking his lips, holding the shield and saber in one hand and shouted angrily: "Charge!"

(End of this chapter)

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