Warring States Call

Chapter 1975 Chapter 1984: Bloody Battle

Chapter 1975 One Thousand 980 Chapter Four: Bloody Battle ([-])
"Looking for death!" There were several roars from the chaos army, and then several people rushed out, and after a closer look, it turned out that Wang Gui, Luo Rong, Dong Yi, and Zhang Qing urged their horses to kill, and An Dianbao Unafraid, he swung the saber in his hand vigorously and rushed towards the four of them head-on.

After Tao Sanchun looked at it, he greeted immediately: "General An, don't panic, I'll help you!"

"Humph!" An Dianbao let out a cold haha, apparently not wanting Tao Sanchun to help, but there are too many Qin troops now, and one more helper can help him share a little.

"Kill!" An Dianbao yelled angrily, swung the shield in his left hand suddenly, and flew the Qin soldiers in front of him with a shield, rushing to kill the four people head-on.

"Looking for death!" Luo Rong and others flashed their swords one after another to help An Dianbao. Zhang Qing squinted his eyes, turned his horse's head immediately, stared at Tao Sanchun beside him, and greeted: "This man will be handed over to you three." Hey, I'll deal with this guy!"

"Okay" Wang Gui shouted angrily, raised the simple knife in his hand, and the three of He Zi besieged An Dianbao, and the three of them surrounded An Dianbao like a revolving lantern. The four of them came and went, fighting four sparks Splash, on the surface, the four of them suppressed An Dianbao, but in fact, they supported left and right, and the situation was extremely difficult.

"Boy! Keep the head!" Tao Sanchun laughed, holding the saber tightly in both hands, and slashed down head-on, beheading a Qin pawn in front of him.

Zhang Qing took out a stone the size of a baby's fist in his arms with his backhand, squinted his eyes, held a gun in his left hand, held the stone in his right hand, stared at Tao Sanchun provocatively, and snorted coldly with disdain: "Old man! Come here!" !"

"You're looking for death!" Tao Sanchun's eyes burst out with blood, and he strode forward. A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhang Qing's mouth. He secretly calculated the distance of Tao Sanchun in his heart. After a while, Zhang Qing threw the gray stone in his hand suddenly, and groaned: "middle!"

"Ding, Zhang Qing's throwing stone attribute is activated, and his force value is increased by 5. The current Zhang Qing's basic force value is 98, the horned teeth's force value is increased by 1, and the dragon horned beast's force value is increased by 1. The current Zhang Qing's force value is 105!"

"Ah!" Tao Sanchun was hit by the stone in the face, and he closed his eyes in pain. The eye socket of his left eye quickly overflowed with blood, staining half of his cheek red. When he opened his eyes with difficulty, Zhang Qing's horned tooth gun He stabbed suddenly, hit his throat, and everything stopped in an instant, Tao Sanchun tightly grasped the gun barrel with both hands, but he didn't let go far away.

An Sishun on the side had just been killed as a partial general of the Qin army. When he looked back, Tao Sanchun was already dead, and immediately shouted angrily: "Sanchun!"

An Dianbao, who was fighting fiercely with the three of Luo Rong, glanced at Tao Sanchun out of the corner of his eye, and cursed angrily, "This trash...!"

"Get out!" The horned spear in Zhang Qing's hand took advantage of the situation, and smashed him on An Sishun who was rushing to kill him. Coldness flashed in his eyes, and the silver spear in his hand flashed and flickered around. The silver snake pierced An Sishun's chest.

"Bastard!" An Sishun couldn't move his hand, he could only watch the gun get bigger and bigger in front of his eyes, and with a plop, it fell to the ground with Tao Sanchun's body, and entered the underworld with him, which can be described as extremely depressed .

"Looking for death!" Ji Sang's eyes were red, and he fought Zhang Qing, but after twenty rounds, Ji Sang was already at a disadvantage and could only hold on.

But Ran Min was like a galloping hungry wolf, charging forward desperately, glaring at Wei Yan, followed by hundreds of cavalry, the left and right Qin troops were not Ran Min's opponents, the only people he killed were blood men, and the horses were blood horses .

Wei Yan naturally noticed Ran Min's movements, with a normal face, holding a knife in front of him, and shouted angrily: "Fire the arrow!"

"Let go!" Lieutenant General Ying Ben stopped in front of Ran Min. He was Wei Yan's lieutenant general. In fact, to put it bluntly, it was Ying Zheng's eyes on Wei Yan's side. After all, Ying Zheng didn't have the talent to employ talents, but he didn't trust him 100%

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Cold arrows shot into the sky, like dense raindrops, which made people tremble with fear. As the saying goes, no matter how skilled you are, you are afraid of kitchen knives. Although Ran Min is brave, if you are shot by the rain of arrows In the middle of the attack, he will also be shot into a sieve, look around, combine the two guns with one hand, and grab a Qin Bing's neck with one free hand, suddenly lift it up, and block it in front of him, only to hear: "Plop, plop, plop!" !"

Countless arrows rained down on this soldier, and he grinned in pain, but Ran Min grabbed his throat with one hand, and the tremendous force made his face turn purple. After a wave of arrows rained, Ran Min only scratched his skin , and this soldier was already dead, with blood dripping down his clothes on Ran Min's horse. Ran Min disdainfully threw the body in the crowd, and shouted angrily: "Whoever stands in my way dies!"

Ran Min is wearing a battle armor, and his whole body is red. Since the last battle with Xiang Yu, Ran Min has already broken through his limit, and his force value has broken through 140. Now dealing with these miscellaneous fish is like chopping melons and vegetables.

"Raise the shield and charge!" Seeing that Ran Min had no intention of stopping at all, Ying Ben called on the soldiers under his command to rush forward and attack, trying to block Ran Min out.

"Break!" Ran Min shouted angrily, swinging the weapon forward.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!" Soldiers were knocked back by the huge force, and they were stepped on by the soldiers charging behind.

"Drive!" Ran Min clamped the horse's belly fiercely, and the horse suffered from pain. He instantly lifted his horse's hooves, jumped into the air, jumped over the soldiers in formation, came to Ying Ben in front of Ying Ben, and swung his gun at Ying Ben. On the chest armor.

"Puff!" Ying Ben vomited blood, fell to the ground, crawled on the ground, looked at Ran Min's back with his eyes open, his eyes became increasingly dim, and Ran Min's shot directly broke his bones. Folded, five internal organs shifted, he couldn't live anymore.

"Save the general! Hurry up!" Ying Ben's family general thought that Ying Ben was still alive, and wanted to urge the horse to rescue the rescuers, but the soldiers behind him followed closely.

"Kill!" Wang Rare, the centurion of the Qin Army, ran into Ran Min head-on, and stabbed Ran Min's weapon with the silver spear in his hand.

"Kang Dang!" The huge force made Wang Rare feel that he had stabbed the mountain and it was difficult to shake. The weapon in Wang Rare's hand, which was shocked by the shock, came out, and the tiger's mouth opened. Before Wang Rare could react, Ran Min shot him. Wang Rare's temples were instantly bloodshot, and Wang Rare's eyes were bloodshot, and he died directly from the stabbing.

"Wei Yan is to die!" Ran Min opened his mouth and shouted angrily, there was still a distance of eight meters from Wei Yan, and Wei Yan was not prevented from fleeing. After running three or four meters, Ran Min suddenly jumped into the air, his eyes shouted angrily: "Death!"

"Ran Min! You are presumptuous! The old man will fight with you!" Wei Yan was somewhat angry, and urged his horse forward, holding the saber tightly in both hands, and slashed forward suddenly.

"Ding, Wei Yan's pre-war attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 3, the base force value is 97, the force value of the white tiger knife is increased by 1, the force value of the long-haired horse is increased by 1, and the current force value is 102!"

Wei Yan's sword was as fast as a gust of wind, it passed by the wind, and the sound was like sand. Wei Yan held the sword with both hands, rolled his eyes and raised his eyelids, and shouted: "Death!"

"In the light of the candle, dare to compete with the bright moon!" Ran Min didn't pay attention to Wei Yan's move at all, killing intent surged all over his body, scarlet blood burst out of his body, like two giant pythons, circling On Ran Min's arms, they gradually covered the soldiers, and gradually condensed into a dark color, which made his scalp feel numb.

"Boom...!" The sky was full of stars, and Wei Yan's white tiger knife turned into a sky full of stars,

Wei Yan was shocked when he saw his face, he dropped the broken knife in his hand, and put his hands in front of him.

"Ding, Wei Yan's struggle attribute is activated, reducing the enemy's force value by 5 points, and it is currently invalid for Ran Min!"


"Kang...!" The sound of metal impact resounded throughout the battlefield, and everyone looked up at the battlefield between the two, holding their breath, looking forward to the ending.

"Puff...!" The spear pierced Wei Yan's throat and cut through Wei Yan's main artery. The blood stained Ran Min's face, but Ran Min was used to it. Looking around at the surrounding soldiers, he drew his sword and cut off Wei Yan's head, and shouted angrily, "Who dares to be presumptuous!"

"The general is dead!"

"Revenge for the general! Revenge!" I don't know who yelled this voice, but the morale of the Qin army did not plummet as expected, but it seemed that they had been greatly insulted, and they attacked Ran Min one after another.

"Hmm!" Ran Min was also a little stunned, and wondered in his heart whether these Qin Jun had taken aphrodisiacs, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and they were extremely difficult to deal with.

"Crack!" Seeing that the spear was about to fall into Ran Min's eyeballs, a cold light flashed, Geng Hao waved the bronze sword in his hand, slashed down with one sword, cut off the spear, and came to Ran Min angrily. He shouted: "General Ran Min, don't panic, Geng Hao is here to help you!"

"Yeah!" Ran Min and Geng Hao back to back, feeling the temperature coming from the robes behind them, Ran Min stared at Qin Jun in front of him, and said with a ferocious smile: "Good brother, Ran has written down this friendship, and he will definitely repay it in the future!"

Ran Min recalled the killing just now, and swallowed involuntarily, but he still had lingering fears in his heart, and he didn't dare to push himself forward like before. Although he was skilled and courageous, he couldn't stand the crowd, tens of thousands let him kill for a day It may not be possible to finish cutting. To put it bluntly, people live in groups.

"Kill me!" Wei Yan died in battle, and Yinghua took over the current military affairs of the Qin army. He rode on a horse and looked around, watching Ran Min surrounded by hundreds of horsemen. He held the sword in his arms and pointed at Ran Min. If this person is not killed, there will be no result in this battle.

"General Ran Min, don't panic! A certain family is here!" An Dianbao yelled angrily, entangled with the three of them, and it was difficult to achieve results within a hundred moves. After a long while, An Dianbao gritted his teeth and suddenly took half a step back , Luo Rong thought that An Dianbao was going to leave, so he immediately came to kill him with a gun.

An Dianbao's eyes turned cold, and his eyes were filled with the look of a decisive battle. He took half a step back, stared at An Dianbao angrily, and snorted coldly: "Death!"

"Tear!" Wang Gui slashed at An Dianbao's back, An Dianbao didn't care, and charged at Luo Rong head-on, Dong Yi beside him wanted to rescue him, but it was too late.

"Ding, An Dianbao's fighting life attribute activates, the force value is increased by 10, the basic force value is 100, the knife force value is increased by 1, and the current An Dianbao's force value is 111!"

"Ah!" Luo Rong screamed, and fell to the ground. An Dianbao chopped off his head. At the same time, An Dianbao stabbed Wang Gui in the back. Wang Gui and Dong Yi snorted coldly, "Two bastards! Look at the knife!"

"Fighting" Wang Gui and Dong Yi looked at each other, Wang Gui was the first to block Dong Yi, caught An Dianbao's powerful knife, almost fell to the ground, and took three steps back, and Dong Yi Affected by Wang Gui, he also kept taking steps back, seeing that An Dianbao wanted to continue to charge forward, he immediately shouted angrily: "Come on! Rescue!"
The two naturally knew that they were not An Dianbao's opponent, so they could only greet the soldiers on both sides backwards. An Dianbao took a deep breath and opened his mouth to shout angrily: "Come on!"

"Come on!"

"Kill!" All the soldiers under his command burst into overwhelming voices, and the battlefield was like a turbulent giant wave. The flesh and blood on both sides were constantly blooming and colliding with each other, just like the water of two rivers entangled with each other.

"Heavy crossbow!" Among the Qin army, Liu Tongxun, the general of Baiqi, got off his horse and put away the long sword in his hand. His black beard fluttered in the wind, his black eyes were piercing, and his tiger eyes stared at An Dianbao, shouting angrily: "put!"

"Tie!" The heavy crossbow pierced the armor, and the heavy voice spread to everyone's ears. An Dianbao's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly dodged to the left. Flying out, the blood was like a blooming Bana flower, a fresh life fell here.

"His grandfather's! Give it to me!" An Dianbao gritted his teeth and charged forward with a knife.

"Charge...charge!" Xiong Kuohai, who was chasing after him, flew up and down with a brass stick, killing dozens of people in a row, bloody all over his body, and there was no enemy around him.

The army appeared, but Ji Sang finally couldn't withstand Zhang Qing's attack, and was defeated immediately. Zhang Qing didn't want to let go of the fat in front of him, and angrily shouted: "The thief will leave!"

"Sweep!" Ma Yuan blocked the way and rushed out, staring at Zhang Qing with wide eyes, and swept the horse's leg with the Dragon Elephant Ancient Nose Knife in his hand, trying to chop off Zhang Qing's horse's leg.

Zhang Qing was about to fall all of a sudden, he felt trembling all over, and a bad premonition arose in his heart, he hurriedly tightened his hands on the horse, and shouted angrily: "Get up!"

The horse's front hoofs were lifted, and it was able to avoid Ma Yuan's machete. Ma Yuan immediately urged the horse, took the opportunity to change the weapon, and waved the drum and urn golden hammer in his hand, urging the horse to kill.

"Looking for death!" Zhang Qing took out the stones in his pocket, took two at random, and shouted angrily, "Go!"

Two baby-sized stones went straight to throw at Ma Yuan. Ma Yuan's face turned cold, and he swung the double hammers in his hand directly.

"Crack... Hula la!" The stone thrown by Zhang Qing was directly smashed into pieces by Ma Yuan. Ma Yuan's eyes turned cold, and the silver hammer in his left hand became a full moon in his hand. Tiger eyes stared at Zhang Qing, furious. Drink: "Go!"

"Pfft!" The silver hammer was getting bigger and bigger in front of Zhang Qing, holding up the battle gun in his hand to block, under one blow, Zhang Qing immediately vomited blood, fell off the horse by the hammer, his chest didn't come up, and passed out. , The soldiers who originally belonged to An Sishun's old department rushed forward immediately and chopped off Zhang Qing's head with a knife, feeling aggrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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