Warring States Call

Chapter 1976 Chapter 1985: Paving the way

Chapter 1976 One Thousand 980 Chapter Five: Paving the Road
"Your Majesty!" Li Chenglong was hit by an arrow, looking haggard, kneeling on the ground, the wound was stained with red armor, and his eyes were full of sadness.

"What's the matter!" Ying Zheng looked at Li Chenglong's downcast look, frivolously, with disgust in his eyes, and his white face was slightly blue, but on the surface he remained calm and stable as Mount Tai.

"Your Majesty! General Wei Yan died in battle! General Zhang Qing died in battle! General Ying Ben died in battle! The brothers in the Youjun are about to lose their hold, so withdraw your troops!" Li Chenglong couldn't help but shouted loudly. The soldiers all looked at each other in dismay, shocked in their hearts, and the Qin general who was behind also felt that this battle could not be fought again, and was about to step forward to help, but Ying Zheng couldn't help but speak.

"Come on! Beheaded!" Ying Zheng's voice was not high, but he did exude the power of life and death, and the disgust in his eyes became more and more intense.

Luo Yanqing and Yang Duan, who were behind Yingzheng, came to Li Chenglong from left to right, pressed left and right, and captured him. Li Chenglong looked terrified, and hurriedly shouted: "Your Majesty! What I said is the truth... Your Majesty..."

However, no matter how Li Chenglong howled, Ying Zheng did not take back the military order. Li Chenglong was dragged on the ground with scratches as long as three meters. As he walked further and further away, Li Chenglong knew that he would not survive, and said angrily: "Ying Zheng! You don't want to die!" If you listen to the faithful advice, you will definitely...!"

"Crack!" In order to prevent Li Chenglong from saying something that would irritate Ying Zheng, Yang Duanhe immediately slashed out with a sword and chopped off Li Chenglong's head. His face was stained with blood, but Yang Duanhe's resolute face was calm. Like water, without the slightest waves.

Many soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, their hearts were indeed extremely frightened and uneasy, and today's Yingzheng's murderous spirit was too strong.

"Those who dare to retreat! Kill without pardon!" Ying Zheng shouted angrily, and the surrounding soldiers were horrified. They could only suppress their inner anxiety. Ying Zheng covered the corners of his mouth and tried his best to suppress the discomfort in his chest.

Keke...!He coughed softly twice, feeling the moist corners of his mouth, but Ying Zheng didn't look down. Yang Duanhe, who returned to Ying Zheng's side, saw a trace of blood on Ying Zheng's hanging palm, and his brows were involuntarily solemn, but He knew he couldn't speak now.

"Luo Yanqing!" Ying Zheng looked at Luo Yanqing, who was on the side, and called out his name, his expression dignified and indifferent.

"Here!" Luo Yanqing rode a five-flowered horse and came to Yingzheng's eyes, and said darkly and resolutely.

"Lead five thousand soldiers to supervise the battle at the front! Anyone who dares to be afraid of the battle, beheaded!" Ying Zheng's voice was not loud, but the word "beheaded" was extremely serious.

"The last general understands!" Luo Yanqing clasped his fists with both hands, urged the horses, and led the army to move forward at a high speed, and began to search the soldiers on the battlefield. When encountering those who were afraid of the battle, they would be killed on the spot. innocent dead souls.

"Wild Wings!" shouted angrily, Gao Shun's thousands of trapped camps rushed forward and began to support Chen Dao. There were bloody battles on the battlefield. The combat power of the Qin army is so brave. Han Yi groped his beard and looked at the battlefield with some distress. These are his elite troops, and they are buried here for nothing. If Han Yi does not feel distressed, it is a lie.

"Your Majesty..." Fei Lian came behind Han Yi wearing a mask, with a dignified expression.

Han Yi looked at Fei Lian suspiciously, and asked in confusion, "What happened!"

Fei Lian immediately spoke in Han Yi's ear, Han Yi suddenly stood up, not as calm as before, looked at Wu Qi on the high platform and said, "Withdraw the troops!"

Wu Qi was taken aback for a moment. He thought he had misheard, and asked Han Yi again, "Your Majesty! Do you want to withdraw the troops...?"

"Withdraw the troops!" Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back, glanced at Wu Qi and said, "I'll leave the rest to you! Arrange it!"

"Promise!" Looking at the anxious situation in front of him, Wu Qi could only turn his horse's head, looked at the messengers around, and immediately shouted angrily: "The whole army withdraws!"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!" He said, without letting Qin Jun take advantage of it.

"The Korean army has withdrawn! The Korean army has withdrawn! Withdrawn! Long live the king... Great Qin is invincible... Invincible...!" Qin Junshan shouted like a tsunami, and the pale Ying Zheng seemed to be unable to hold on any longer. Wanting to fall backwards, Yang Duanhe behind him supported Ying Zheng to prevent him from falling, and said eagerly: "My lord... Your lord...!"

"Your Majesty!" The surrounding soldiers came to their senses and hastily recalled Meng Tian and Zhang Han to cover Ying Zheng and return to Hangu Pass.

When many generals returned to Hangu Pass, they all suspected why Han Yi withdrew his troops, but it was hard to say anything. The dim lights fluttered left and right, and everyone was silent. Han Yi came to the princes and stared darkly: " The spies dispatched in the Qin army have sent back news! Ying Zheng is seriously ill...!"

The faces of the people changed, seeming to be happy but not angry. Han Yi took a panoramic view of the faces of the people, and said indifferently: "This matter is not yet true, and our army can't spend our troops on these. Han Yi looked at Everyone said: "Temporary truce!Contain the main force of the Qin army, and he cannot be allowed to return to help. Let me wait for Zhuge Liang's news for now! "

Everyone was surprised, and knew that this was the safest way at present.

Inside the Qin army tent

Ying Zheng covered his mouth and coughed violently, his eyes were dark, and he seemed to be struggling to hold on. He was lying on the bed, breathing so softly that it was hard to detect. Zhao Gao, who was waiting on the side, was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. Walking out of the big tent, all the generals sat in the tail seat, staring at each other: "How is the king!"

The medical craftsman was dragged away by many main forces in the army. He had never seen such a battle before. He hurriedly set up a stand for everyone, but everyone kept talking to each other, and there was no sign of it. Meng Tian couldn't bear it anymore, and angrily shouted: "Everyone back down!"

Everyone was devastated, but due to Meng Tian's order, they could only walk out reluctantly. Meng Tian didn't even have time to change his blood armor. He stared at the doctor with tiger eyes, and the murderous aura around him bloomed at this moment, glaring at the doctor. : "What happened to the king! Tell the truth! Otherwise...!"

Meng Tian grabbed the weapon in his hand, murderous aura surged all over his body, this doctor dared to say no, Meng Tian guaranteed to kill him.

"Your Majesty's body has been suffering from dark wounds since he vomited blood. In the past few months, he has used the Anti-God Pill to prepare for the army. Although this pill has a refreshing effect, the medicine is three-point poisonous, and this pill is five-point poison. , Your Majesty overdosed, was exhausted, and has not been properly treated, and now he is sick from overwork, and his anger is not smooth, and he is fighting with his body, I am afraid... I am afraid it is...!" The doctor gritted his teeth, and his voice Tremblingly, he said, "I'm afraid...it won't last a month!"

"What did you say...!" Meng Tian stared at the doctor angrily as if struck by lightning, he really didn't believe what he said, obviously he grabbed the doctor to ask for clarification.

"General Meng Tian!" Zhao Gao came out of the big tent in a strange manner, staring at Meng Tian solemnly and said, "Your Majesty told you to go in!"

"En!" Meng Tian pushed the doctor away, strode into the big tent, Zhao Gao helped the doctor up, and said with a sullen expression: "If you talk about this matter! Kah!"

Zhao Gao made a gesture of wiping his neck, and the doctor was also frightened, and hurriedly cupped his hands and confessed: "Don't dare! Don't dare!"

"Yeah!" Zhao Gao nodded in satisfaction, and then stood outside the tent, guarding the door for Ying Zheng and Meng Tian, ​​his ears pricked up, as if eavesdropping on what they were saying.

In the big tent

The candlelight was weak, as if it reflected Ying Zheng's life, and it was about to run out. Ying Zheng lay on the bed, opened his eyes with difficulty, breathing stale air, Meng Tian hurriedly knelt down beside Ying Zheng, his eyes full of It's worrying, after all, he and Ying Zheng were good friends when they were children, both monarchs and ministers and brothers.

"Uh...Meng Tian, ​​you're here!" Ying Zheng shouted hoarsely, looked at Meng Tian who was kneeling beside him, drowsy, and asked Meng Tian.

"Your Majesty!"

"Hmm!" Hearing a familiar voice, Ying Zheng continued to speak: "In this battle, I wanted to repel Han Yi so that he would not dare to go west for 20 years. I'm afraid I won't be able to compete with him..."

"No! Don't worry, my lord...!" Meng Tian wanted to pat his chest to reassure him, but Ying Zheng interrupted him, and said exhaustedly: "Among the eldest sons who are alone, it is difficult to have an heir to the throne! If the throne is passed on to Fusu, with Fusu's temperament, he can't get entangled with everyone in the clan, if it is passed on to a few people in the clan, I'm afraid... Cough cough! It's hard for you confidantes to survive!"

"Your Majesty! Minister...!" Meng Tian was speechless for a long time, his voice was a little choked, Ying Zheng was thinking hard, but he couldn't think of a solution until now, but the head was getting heavier and heavier, Ying Zheng sighed for a long time: " If my Great Qin could have a son of Qilin, where would we be today!"

The reason why Ying Zheng wants to get a better understanding with Meng Tian is to remind Meng Tian, ​​and secondly, to tell Meng Tian that you have no way out, except to go forward bravely and assist Su to succeed to the throne, and what awaits you is death.

"Your Majesty!" There was a trace of tears in Meng Tian's eyes, and he stared at Yingzheng with tiger eyes, and said firmly: "I will do what the King asks me to do. Even if there are many difficulties and dangers ahead, I will go through fire and water. If the King passes away , I am willing to be buried for the king, and lead the horse and hold the stool for the king before and after death!"

"You...!" Ying Zheng sighed, looked at the gauze above his head, and muttered to himself: "I owe you too much to the Meng family. Among the heirs of the orphan, Fusu can still take on this important task. Han Yi will definitely be dealt with before he dies alone, Meng Tian! I will leave the rest to you!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty! Meng Tian will swear to die to assist the eldest son!" Meng Tian's voice was loud, and Zhao Gao outside heard his words, and his heart came into his throat. He is Hu Hai's teacher, and now Ying Zheng intends to pass the throne to Fu Su. His disciple will lose his share, which will make him how to deal with himself in the future, Zhao Gao thought of this, and began to secretly plan in his heart.

"I don't have many friends in my life! Meng Tian is one... go out" Ying Zheng closed his eyes slowly, his breathing became weaker and weaker, as if he had fallen asleep, his face was no longer black, but turned sallow, and he thought to himself : "I'm sorry! I'm still using..."

"Huh" Meng Tian let out a long breath, stood up, the armor shaking all over his body, got out of the big tent, glanced at Zhao Gao beside him, and solemnly said: "Take care of the king."

"Naturally, General Meng doesn't need to worry about this." Zhao Gao arched his hands, and looked like he was stretching out his hand without hitting a smiling face. Meng Tian was worried. He was worried about the future of Daqin. Now that the external troubles have not been eliminated, internal troubles have arisen again. It is a troubled time. .

Han Jun Big Tent
"The system will check Yingzheng's status for me"

"Ding, currently undetectable."

"Hmm!" Han Yi frowned, and stood up. Because of his excitement, the table was knocked down, and the food on the table was scattered all over the floor. Yu Chigong and Qin Qiong, who were on duty outside the tent, listened There was movement in the tent, and they entered the tent immediately. Looking at the meals scattered all over the place, the two of them were about to come out, but seeing that Han Yi was fine, they put away their weapons, and respectfully cupped their hands and said, "My lord! Are you all right?" !"

"Nothing!" Han Yi patted the soup on his body, wiped his palms casually, stroked his beard and said, "You are ruthless, the system."

"I have nothing to do tonight, I just want to go out for a walk. The two generals are working hard. You can step back and rest." Han Yi waved his hand, motioning for the two to rest.

"My lord! Assassins are rampant now! Let me follow and protect!" Qin Qiong worked steadily. In order to avoid what happened last time, Han Yi's whole body's protection was stronger than before.

Han Yi didn't refute, and led Xiaobai to find a place where the autumn leaves were falling. The sky gradually became dark, and the afterglow of the sunset could only be seen less than one-tenth of it. Xiaobai snuggled up against Han Yi's back , Feeling the grief of the master, he also uttered a little chirp, as if to comfort Han Yi.

Han Yi stroked Xiaobai's hair, looked at the sunset, and murmured in his heart, "Eternal Emperor, if he really died like this, he would be so lonely."

Han Yi thought about it carefully. Based on the news from Xianyang, Ying Zheng vomited blood and fainted when Wang Jian's entire army was wiped out. After the three princes forced the palace, Ying Zheng forced himself to take command. His body might not last long. Yes, Han Yi fumbled with his beard, wondering what he was thinking.

"Tsk tsk!" Han Yi pursed his mouth and said solemnly, "Yingzheng! I didn't win this battle, and you didn't lose either. You are worthy of being an emperor through the ages!"

"Ding, dead Guo Kan, Zulun, Liu Zhiyuan, Bai Qin, Li Xianzhong, Luan Tingfang, Zhang Yu, Ding Pulang, Cheng Ji, Zhang Rou, Luo Shixin, Cheng Ji, Dao Yanzhi, Meng Jing, Feng Quji, Xiang Shou , Tao Sanchun, An Sishun, Ying Ben, Wang Nande, Wei Yan, Zhang Qing, Luo Rong, Death! The system needs to explode!"

"Ding, Luo Shixin died in battle, his basic force value is 107, and the system needs 9 people out of the table!"

"Ding, Zu Lun died in battle, the basic force value reached 101, the system needs 3 people to burst the table, a total of 12 people"

(End of this chapter)

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