Warring States Call

Chapter 1977 Chapter 1986: Internal Expedition

Chapter 1977 Chapter 980 Six: Internal Expedition
Han Yi scratched his forehead, his eyes were a little numb, he snuggled up on the tree and fell asleep, secretly said: "Let's start!"

"Ding, Yang Biao, No. 1 of the three kingdoms on the current list: force 70, commander 85, intelligence 90, politics 89. The current implantation identity is Yang Duanhe's son!"

"Ding, the second person on the list is Zahamu: force 98, commander 94, intelligence 92, politics 64. The current implantation identity is Temujin's brother, because the severe winter is coming, come to join Temujin!"

"Yeah!" Han Yi frowned, and suddenly opened his eyes. The word "severe cold" reminded him that many people will starve to death every year in the severe cold of the grassland. Property often caused great distress and danger to the people outside the Great Wall. If Genghis Khan took advantage of the end of the war and went south again, Han Yi would be uncertain.

First, the pressure on the food and grass of the Korean army is already urgent, and the people can no longer be squeezed too much. The people who have just gone south have just had their taxes reduced and exempted, and they need time to recover. Second, after many years of war, the soldiers need to recuperate and disarm. There is also the Great Wall. The construction problem, the city wall that has protected China for thousands of years must be built, but the problem is that the national treasury is empty. If corvee is used, if the security is not complete, it will step into the footsteps of Qin Shihuang and die in the second generation. This is not what Han Yi wants to see.

"Ding, the third person who is currently on the list is Zhenwuge: force 92, commander 81, intelligence 71, politics 60. The current implanted identity is the person who accompanied Zaham to join Temujin!"

"Ding, the fourth person who is currently on the list does not want to spend: force 89, commander 87, intelligence 81, politics 75. The current implantation identity is the tribal leader who has joined Temujin!"

Han Yi's heart sank a little. Temujin's power had skyrocketed. This was not a good thing for him. There were still three heroes on the grassland, namely Li Shimin, Temujin, and Nurhachi. The representatives of Tang, Yuan, and Qing dynasties developed in their hands, and Han Yi's heart sank a little.

"Ding, Cai Lun of the Eastern Han Dynasty is currently the fifth person on the list: military force 65 commander 72 intelligence 93 politics 75 special skill craftsman, this skill is activated, and Cai Lun's intelligence is increased by 7 points. The current implantation status is an internal manager who studied with Lu Ban. He is responsible for transportation on weekdays. Supplies!"

"Ding, Ma Jun, the current sixth person of the Three Kingdoms: Force 70 Commander 60 Intelligence 99 Politics 80 Special skill invention. After this skill is activated, intelligence will be increased by 3. It is a great inspiration for invention and transformation. The current implantation identity is Ma Yuan's son, because he didn't develop martial arts, he studied with Lu Ban!"

"It's interesting!" Han Yi pinched his beard, and there was a smile in his eyes. It seems that papermaking can be implemented. After the world is unified, Han Yi will clean up those aristocratic families. There are only two ways. The suburbs of Chang’an, but this will arouse their great resentment. The second is to draw from the bottom of the pot, Daxing education, using paper as a carrier, editing books, and distributing them to the people, but this result will cause strong backlash from the family, so you can’t do things impetuously , needs to be done step by step.

"Ding, Yang Zhen of the Eastern Han Dynasty is currently the seventh person on the list: force 66, commander 75, intelligence 95, politics 94. The current implantation status is Yang Ye's uncle, who is currently serving as the deputy of Chongpanlong!"

"Ding, the current eighth person on the list is Chai Wu of the Western Han Dynasty: force 97, commander 92, intelligence 85, politics 80, and the current implantation status is a general recruited by Li Shimin!"

"Ding, Yan Song of the Ming Dynasty, the last nine people on the list: force 75, commander 90, intelligence 96, politics 97, currently implanted as Li Shimin's deputy prime minister!"

"Ding, the three hosts are currently rewarded for breaking the watch!"

"Ding, the current No. 1 Sui Dynasty Yu Wenkai: Force 71 Commander 82 Intelligence 95 Politics 87 Special attribute construction, personal intelligence is increased by 5 during construction, and Yu Wenkai's current implantation identity is Yuwen Chengdu's uncle!"

"Ding, Li Chun from the Sui Dynasty is the second person on the list: force 87, commander 80, intelligence 99, politics 71 special attributes to build a bridge, and add 3 to personal intelligence when building a bridge!"

"Ding, Song Yingxing of the Ming Dynasty is the last person to hit the list: force 71, commander 75, intelligence 97, politics 81, special attribute weather, time for research and development of agriculture and weather, Song Yingxing's intelligence is increased by 5!"

"Ding, the host has obtained a total of 207 summoning points this time, and the host currently has 1088 summoning points!"

"It's interesting!" Han Yi fumbled for his beard, his black eyes watched as the sun ended, the sky became dim, and it was gradually shrouded in darkness, as if it had been put into a pocket. There was no light at all, only the sunset starlight Can see the way forward.

"My lord! It's getting dark! Go back!" Qin Qiong came to Han Yi's side holding a double whip.

"Hmm!" Han Yi nodded, feeling melancholy and desolate as he felt the cool night breeze.

In mid-October, Huo Qubing took down Mian Chu, and after being garrisoned by the general Ma Sui, the army Huilong entered Xianyang with Sun Wu and Zhuge Liang's army. In an instant, the entire Xianyang was surrounded by Han Yi, and the Qin army was in chaos. However, Yingzheng is confronting the Han army at Hangu Pass. The entire Xianyang has less than [-] troops. Facing the hundreds of thousands of Han troops, Xianyang City is in chaos. Zhang Lu in the south also began to restless and took down Qin After the third pass of the country's last barrier, he wanted to send troops to the north to fight the Qin army. In an instant, the entire Qin country began to collapse, and the aristocratic families fled south and east.

Xianyang City

Sun Wu looked at the majestic city wall of Qin Gaosong, like a sleeping giant sitting here. Baili Xi, Lu Buwei, and Shang Yang climbed up the city wall. Looking at the dark army outside the city, the three of them choked up their throats. It is not the opponent of the tiger and wolf division of the Han army at all.

"Listen to the defenders on the city wall! You have nowhere to go, open the city gate quickly, otherwise the day you break the city, you will be in exile!" Liao Yongzhong came to the front of the army on horseback and shouted loudly.

"Daqin only has warriors who died in battle, and there are no cowards who kneel on the ground! Attack and kill if you have the ability. There are a full 20 soldiers and civilians in my city, and outside Hangu Pass, Han Yi has been beaten by my king and fled. You wait for the end It's almost here, as long as the soldiers guard Xianyang, that's victory!" Bai Lixi's voice was loud, and his words were very straightforward. In this era of lack of information, ordinary soldiers can only capture useful information literally. , Some of the soldiers who had just joined the army burst out with fighting power like a mountain roar and a tsunami, staring resolutely at the enemy army below the city, planning to fight them to the death.

But some veterans who have experienced many battles smiled bitterly. These recruits don't understand, but it doesn't mean they don't understand. They have heard too many words of encouragement, which one is true and which one is false , they knew it as soon as they heard it.

"Stubborn!" Liao Yongzhong didn't bother talking to them, turned his horse's head and returned to the army.

Zhuge Liang stroked his beard, looked at Sun Wu with a smile and said, "General Sun! This battle is up to you!"

"Yeah!" Sun Wu nodded, he knew the seriousness of the matter, and the Han army's food and grass were about to fail, so this battle must be resolved quickly. Sun Wu urged his horse to come to the front of the army, and shouted angrily: "Soldiers Gentlemen! As long as this city is taken down, the world will soon be peaceful, and there will be no more wars in the world. As long as the city is destroyed, Qin's century-old foundation will be ruined, soldiers! For the long-awaited peace, for the sake of my wife's life Live a happy and comfortable life, be one of my generation! Fight for peace!"

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

"Charge!" The black soldier bee chrysalis surged towards the city wall, densely packed like ants.

Baili Xi swallowed his saliva, and shouted angrily: "The veterans lead the recruits, and the recruits lead the people to defend the city, defend the city!"

"Kill...!" The voices of the mountains and tsunami came and went, and the two armies were fighting. Whether it was the superiority of the troops, the quality of the troops, or the combat effectiveness of the soldiers, there was a huge gap. At this moment, his combat power is rapidly tilted.

"Bump! Bump! Bump!" A series of heavy weapons appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Let's put it this way, the lives of both sides are filling up the war.

"Prime Minister Baili! Prime Minister Lu and Shang Er have something to discuss with you!" Li Bing ran over in a panic, with a flustered look on his face.

"Okay! The city wall is handed over to you!" Baili Xi handed him the sword in his hand and asked him to command it.

"Ah!" Li Bing was holding the bronze sword in both hands, and almost didn't pick it up. Looking at the dark enemy army outside the city, his heart was trembling to the extreme, and tremblingly said: "Quick...quick...defend the city! Hurry up!"

When Baili Xi got down the city wall, he saw Lu Buwei and Shang Yang looking at Baili Xi anxiously, their expressions were extremely solemn, especially Lu Buwei's eyes were about to burst into flames. It was almost dripping water, with his intelligence, he naturally knew that something big had happened!He quickly ran to the two of them, looked at their frowning expressions, and immediately said, "What happened!"

"Hanguguan is a small win!" Shang Yang took a deep breath and spoke first. Hearing the shouts of killing outside, Shang Yang's eyes became more and more sinister.

"This is a good thing! Why are you frowning!" Baili Xi looked at Shang Yang's expression with suspicion, not knowing why he had to show a bitter face.

"There are no reinforcements! And the king's body is already...!" Lu Buwei looked around and saw that there was no one, so he opened his mouth.

"Boom!" Bai Lixi's brain was like a brainstorm, and he looked at the two people with dark faces in shock. What he feared most happened.

The three of them sat in their seats, Baili Xi stroked his beards, and said for a while, "If the Qin Kingdom perishes, I will meet the old Prime Minister Qianlong without words. If the two adults have a way out, I will not stop me!"

"Hey!" Lu Buwei chuckled, then shook his head and said, "The old man has already sent his family out of the city, so I have to ask Lord Baili for a glass of wine today!"

Both Baili Xi and Lu Buwei are smart people, so they naturally know what that glass of wine represents. Now they both set their eyes on Shang Yang, and Shang Yang said indifferently: "Of course the old man will go with the two generals."

"Gao Yi!"

"Gao Yi!"

"Gao Yi!"

The three of them complimented each other, Shang Yang took the lead and said, "Where are the young master Fusu and the young master Hu Hai? As long as the two of them escape, there is still hope for Qin!"

"The two young masters have left the city wall under the protection of General Wang Bao, and now they are rushing to Hangu Pass to seek the king's protection!" Shang Yang rubbed his temples.

"Hahahahaha! After this old man dies, I don't have any worries!" Bailixi smiled indifferently, came to the seat, picked up three wine bottles and a jug of wine, came to the two of them, opened the jug first, Smelling the aroma of the wine inside, Baili Xi chuckled and said, "This is Chang'an's spirits. This old man managed to get it. The two adults are lucky!"

"Well! Good wine! Refreshing!" Shang Yang also admired, and Lu Buwei pointed at Baili Xi, swaying like a rattle, staring at Baili Xi with a smile: "Old boy! You are not authentic, I’ve been to your house dozens of times, but I haven’t had a drink once!”

"Hey!" Baili Xi smiled, and casually and helplessly took out a white jade bottle from the box, pulled out the cork on it, and poured the red powder inside into the wine. The three of them looked at each other, but I'm not talking anymore.

"Three princes!" Baili Xi squinted his eyes and looked at the two, as if telling them whether we should remove the last obstacle for the king.

"No need!" Lu Buwei chuckled, rubbed his wrist, and said with a normal face: "The three of them have been dealt with!"

"Eh!" The two were stunned for a while, looked at Lu Buwei with a puzzled expression, and said, "Aren't you joking with me?"

"Of course not!" Lu Buwei patted the dust on his body and said, "Didn't you realize that the big battle is coming and General Nesten hasn't shown up yet?"

"En!" Both of their hands froze, and they looked at each other, and they both saw the meaning of sighing in their eyes. These young masters are all talented in both civil and military skills, but they are all selfish. There were piles of corpses, and Ying Zheng knew that his two sons were not their enemies, so he killed them.

Junhou Mansion
Yingji held the Qin sword in his hand, and Yingdang beside him was killed by an arrow. Only Yingsi was left to fight with himself. The two of them stood back to back and looked at the figure outside the hall. Their faces were filled with astonishment. Yingji took the lead and said : "Nestern! You bastard!"

"Hey!" Ying Si smiled sadly, staring at Nei Shiteng and said, "It seems that Ying Zheng called you here, right? This guy is going to kill us now, and he won't last long!"

Nei Shiteng was astonished, and then he was relieved. The power of these three people spread all over the Qin country. If they didn't know the situation of Ying Zheng, it would be a ghost. Nei Shiten looked at the two and said: "Both of you are I am a great Qin talent, but it is a pity that I was born in the wrong era with the king, so I succeeded to protect the young master! I am sorry, you two, do it yourself, die decently!"

"Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! Yingzheng has a good trick, he played with us in the palm of his hand, it seems that Xianyang City is also in his scheme!" Ying Si smiled sadly, and then drew his sword and killed himself. Ying Ji looked at Ying Si's body, smiled indifferently and said, "I finally know why the late king chose this kid, he's ruthless enough! He's courageous."

"Tear!" Yingji drew his sword and slayed himself. Looking at the bodies of the three, Nei Shiteng stroked his beard and said, "Burn it! Let's go!"


(End of this chapter)

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