Warring States Call

Chapter 1981 Chapter 1991: Zhao Gao's rebellion

Chapter 1981: Chapter 91: Zhao Gao's Rebellion
Bashu and Sichuan, although the territory is not small, can form a country by itself, but one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Zhang Lu and Fusu are like two Gu cups. They are kept in a Gu cup. Only one person can survive. Of course, the current Han Yi is a Gu breeder, and he will not easily let another Gu die when he has not collected enough benefits.

Suddenly in the main hall, Zhao Gao was sitting on the seat, feeling a little decadent and exhausted, as if he had lost all energy. Looking at the chicken soup in front of him, Zhao Gao could only feel that he could not taste the taste, and felt the signs of itching on his body gradually. , Zhao Gao felt a sudden fear in his heart, as if he would die here at any time, he had experienced it once, it was spring a year ago, the sky was lightly raining, Zhao Gao was alone in the house, and he refused to eat the medicine delivered to him. Instantly, his eyes turned red and his whole body was incomparably itchy. The helpless Zhao Gao finally resigned to his fate and took the antidote.

"Squeak!" The black wooden door was pushed open, and Yan Le, who was thirty years old, was wearing an official uniform, holding a bronze sword, and came to Zhao Gao with a gloomy expression, followed by a middle-aged man dressed as a doctor, Holding a black medicine box in his hand, he limped along with Yan Le into the main hall, with a simple and honest face, Yan Le came to the main hall, saluted Zhao Gao: "My lord, I have already brought you here"

Zhao Gao looked at the cripple in front of him, frowned a lot, and took a deep breath.Waving his sleeves, he said, "Well! Let's go out."

"No..." Yan Le took it for granted, bent over and saluted and slowly retreated to the door. Before leaving, he also closed the door and watched Yan Le leave. The Zhongnan man disguised as a cripple immediately stood up and quickly Stepping up to Zhao Gao, he didn't look like a cripple at all, he looked like he was walking like flying.

"My lord" Zhao Gao looked at this person, changed his previous dark look, and his voice sounded full of pleading, the middle-aged man didn't bother to support him, took out a black porcelain bottle from his arms, and threw it directly to Zhao Gao , Zhao Gao hurriedly picked it up with his hands, quickly opened the cork, swallowed the medicine inside, closed his eyes for a long time, and then spit out a mouthful of foul breath to see, kneeling on the ground in relief, the sweat on his forehead streaked across his cheeks. His cheeks made him shudder, he looked at the middle-aged man, kowtowed on the ground and said: "Thank you, my lord."

"Master Zhao, the food is good." The middle-aged man ignored Zhao Gao, but came to Zhao Gao's food table alone, looking at the delicious chicken soup in front of him, the man didn't care, took a sip, and praised: "Good Ah, comfortable"

"My lord likes it, I'll have someone send it to you every day." Zhao Gao looked obsequious, the middle-aged man sat in Zhao Gao's original position, Zhao Gao stood opposite, like a child who made a mistake, quit Talking too much, the middle-aged man put down the chicken soup, wiped himself drunk, and joked: "Master Zhao, your time is running out, my king's patience is almost gone, the original half a year has been extended by a year and a half, you There are still three months, if you don’t do anything, I’m afraid you won’t be able to see the dusk of Chang’an.”

Zhao Gao was stunned, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Don't worry, my lord, I will do it next month, and I will definitely not disappoint my lord."

"That's good, you know the king's methods." The middle-aged man seemed to think of something for a while, looking up at Zhao Gao and said, "How many troops do you have now, do you need help?"

"It's true that I don't have many troops right now, but it's more than enough to deal with Fusu, but Meng Tian must leave, otherwise, with Meng Tian's protection, I won't be able to strike. Moreover, after Fusu's death, Meng Tian will definitely be suspicious, and I need an adult to take action." Get rid of Meng Tian." Zhao Gao swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and asked tentatively, although he also knew that this person said that he would help just now, it was just a slap in the face, but if you don't ask, do you know if he is willing to help?

"Meng Tian has [-] Meng family troops in his hands, Zhao Gao is so scheming, he threw Meng Tian to us." The middle-aged man's eyes flashed a trace of murderous intent, this Zhao Gao was purely looking for death, and the plot came to him.

"Don't get angry, my lord. This subordinate is just telling the truth. Naturally, I have a way to deal with Meng Tian. Please calm down, my lord." Zhao Gao wiped the sweat from his forehead when he heard that something was wrong, and immediately spoke to comfort him.

"Hehe" the middle-aged man smiled strangely again, staring at Zhao Gao and said, "I just said that I would help you, but I can't break my promise, so let's do this! This time I will give you three hundred light crossbows and three thousand poisonous arrows If you touch it, you will die, even if you scratch Meng Tian's skin, it will kill him, I think! With this thing, you will definitely be able to kill Meng Tian."

The middle-aged man came to Zhao Gao's side, patted his shoulder with his hands, and said indifferently: "Think carefully, the things will be delivered tonight, special reminder!" The middle-aged man came to Zhao Gao's ear , softly said: "If you don't do anything in three days, when Xinsi comes, you will suffer."

Zhao Gao was terrified, he had heard a little about what the middle-aged man said about Xin Si, he was a murderous person, if he came, he would have to be ripped apart, Zhao Gao squinted his eyes and dared not speak , while the middle-aged man was still walking with a limp, walked out of the hall, and left leisurely. Yan Le saw the man coming out, and bowed his hands to salute. The middle-aged man smiled and nodded, looking very kind , and then under the leadership of the servant, he pretended to walk out of the mansion.

Zhao Gao tightly clenched his fists, his body was shaking non-stop due to the anger all over his body, Yan Le walked in at this moment, with a solemn expression: "My lord, do you really want to do it?"

"Hmm! Time doesn't wait. Meng Tian will leave in one day. Let's wait until the third day. At that time, Meng Tian has gone far away, and he will not be able to come back to help at that time. As for Meng Tian, ​​you can be sure." Zhao Gao looked at Yan Le, his eyes were full of deep He still knows Yan Le's weight, and it's okay to make suggestions, but it's pure nonsense to let him go into battle to kill people.

"Subordinates must go all out." Yan Le cupped his hands and bowed with a respectful expression.

Zhao Gao looked at the gradually dimming sky, and the last twilight of the sunset shone on his cheeks. Feeling the last remaining warmth on his cheeks, Zhao Gao secretly sighed in his heart: "Everything is fate, you can't escape it, you can't avoid it. let him go"

"Don't worry, my lord!" Yan Leying drank, then turned around and walked away, with murderous aura all over her body.

Half a day later, Meng Tian took the lead in dispatching troops. After all, the food and grass of the Qin army could hardly last. Fusu occupied half of Shu, how could he feed 40 troops? Ah, so Meng Tian can only choose the second national policy, which is to use war to support war, and use war to plunder people, food, and supplies. Only in this way can the army maintain its operation.

But the negative impact of this is also very large. The first is that Fusu lost the hearts of the people in Shu, and the people complained about him. The second is that the Qin army began to be exhausted after many days of fighting. It is very helpless to fall straight down. Third, if you win the battle, you can comfort the soldiers with supplies, but if you can't get anything, the morale of the soldiers will drop, and sometimes they will even mutiny.

Fusu looked at the back of Meng Tian going away, the dark color was a bit dignified, if he had a choice, he didn't want to send troops to fight, but in order to keep Qin's last hope, Fusu had to do so, Zhao Gao beside him was holding a Putting a black fleece on Fusu's body, he said, "It's getting cold, my lord should wear more."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao! If my father is still alive! Why is my Qin Kingdom here?" Fu Su stroked his forehead with a helpless and dignified expression.

"My lord! Excessive sadness is useless, let's go back and rest first." Zhao Gao stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, and Fu Su didn't think much about it. Zhao Gao is an old man beside Ying Zheng. They seemed to be the most loyal people in their eyes, they nodded in agreement, and followed Zhao Gao down to rest.

In the dimly lit hall, Zhao Gaonian served a bottle of chicken soup and was putting away the wine. Fusu looked at the chicken soup in front of him with mixed feelings in his heart. He looked at Zhao Gao and said, "The country is in trouble now, so there is no need to be so extravagant next time!"

"No..." Zhao Gao enshrined the spoon in his hand in front of Fusu, and placed the chicken soup in front of Fusu.

Fusu was too lazy to look at it, so he stretched out his hand to pick up the chicken soup, looked at the bamboo slips in front of him, took a sip of the chicken soup, savored it carefully, frowned, looked at Zhao Gao and said, "Why does the chicken soup taste wrong today, it has a strange smell. "

"Aha!" Zhao Gao suddenly felt chills, and hurriedly explained: "Today, this chicken soup is specially added with a medicinal material. They said that it has the effect of prolonging life, and it is very useful, so I am here to give it to His Highness to try."

"Oh!" Fusu's eyes were horrified, he looked carefully at the chicken soup in his hand, took a sip of the chicken soup, and drank it without any doubts. After all, Zhao Gao is the old man beside Ying Zheng, and he has always been loyal. .

Fusu is a generous man, but he is too short-sighted, which is also what Ying Zheng has been worried about. As the saying goes, it is difficult to guard against house thieves by day and night, and it is Zhao Gao's way.

"Hmm!" Fu Su suddenly felt his lower abdomen burning hot, clutching his lower abdomen, his complexion changed for a while, from blue to red, from red to white, looked at Zhao Gao and said: "Zhao Gao! I'm in pain! Send the doctor to come quickly." "

Zhao Gao pretended to come to Fusu to help him, and when he came behind Fusu, he took out the cloth he had prepared in his arms, looked outside the hall and said, "Lao Ai, close the door."

"Nuo" walked into a carefree eunuch, about thirty years old, a man who didn't look like an eunuch at all, stretched out his left and right hands, and directly closed the door.

Fusu's complexion changed, his heart was full of thoughts, his eyes were a little terrified, he covered his abdomen with his hand, blood was spitting out of his mouth, his left hand firmly grasped Fu Zhao Gaodao's arm and said: "Zhao Gao! What are you going to do! Ah!"

"My lord! I'm sorry, we can only live if you die." Zhao Gao's eyes showed a murderous intent, he pulled out a white cloth from his arms, and held Fusu's breath tightly. Fu Su let him struggle, but he had already pulled out Zhao Gao's palm.

Fusu stepped on the table with both feet, and the utensils on it were scattered all over the floor. The floor was in a mess, which can be described as a miasma. Fusu kicked forward suddenly, and the whole seat was turned over. Zhao Gao gritted his teeth, his eyes were red , eyes full of ruthlessness, half-sleeve Fusu struggled less and less, vomited blood, and died on the spot.

"Set fire!" Zhao Gao let out a foul breath, wiped the blood from his hands with a cloth, and greeted Lai Ai.

Lao Ai was not slow, she took out a candle from her bosom, blew on it and threw it on the fire pillar, instantly the fire filled the entire city lord's mansion.

Lai Ai clapped her hands, looked at Zhao Gao and said, "My lord! Let's go."

"Well! Let's go!" Zhao Gao looked at Lai Ai and signaled him to go first, but Lai Ai didn't think much, opened the secret door and was about to go out, when Zhao Gao suddenly stabbed his sword into Lai Ai's back, and the blood sword pierced through Lai Ai Lai's lower abdomen, Lai's eyes were full of puzzlement, she looked at Zhao Gao suspiciously: "Why...why?"

"No reason! From today onwards you are Zhao Gao! You will die instead of me! I can't let others suspect that I killed Fusu! Lai Ai! Go with peace of mind." Zhao Gao killed Lai Ai with an arrow, and then killed him Put together with Fusu's body, the flames blazed, and the news that the entire mansion was flooded spread throughout the city. Countless soldiers came to put out the fire, but it was of no avail.

At this moment, Zhao Gao was already dressed up as a servant, and sneaked out of the city amidst the chaos in the city. The fire burned for three or four hours before it was completely burnt out. There are charred corpses, one of whom can be identified as Fu Su by the size of the body, and the other is blindly guessed to be Zhao Gao by others.

In an instant, the Qin army was at a loss, Fusu died, and the only one left who could take care of everyone was the son Hu Hai.

It is said that when Meng Tian sent troops to Wucheng, he marched for three days without encountering a single scout, which made Meng Tian feel that something was wrong. As he went deeper, the [-] Meng family troops fell into Yan Le's treachery in an instant.

It turned out that Yan Le knew that he was not Meng Tian's opponent, relying on the three hundred rotten sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs under his command, he was definitely not Meng Tian's opponent. Finally, Yan Le tipped off the news and told Wu Han that Meng Tian wanted to attack Wucheng.

After Wu Han got the news, he checked it day and night. After confirming that the news was true, he dispatched two generals, Ge Congzhou and Zhang Guiba, to ambush Wucheng.

"Drive..." Meng Tian and his group came to the outside of Wucheng, but they didn't see any of them. The cautious Meng Tian ordered the soldiers under his command to go forward to check, but the soldiers who came back shook their heads and said: "Inside no one"

Meng Tian's face became more serious, looking at the Wucheng in front of him with tiger eyes, he was shocked in his heart and said: "It's not good! I've been tricked, withdraw!"

"Drive! Withdraw quickly" Qin Junzhong was in a state of turmoil in an instant, and he didn't know why he was so flustered all of a sudden.

Ge Congzhou appeared on his horse, staring at Meng Tian in front of him with tiger eyes, and laughed loudly: "Old man Meng Tian, ​​today is the day of your death."

"Meng Tian, ​​you have nowhere to go! Put down your weapons and surrender quickly" Zhang Guiba shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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