Warring States Call

Chapter 1982 Chapter 1992: Central Plains Unity 1

Chapter 1982: Chapter 92: Unification of the Central Plains
"How could this happen!" Meng Tian said with a dark face, riding a war horse, holding a dragon and tiger sword in his hand, looking around, frowning solemnly, looking around, there are enemy troops on all sides.

Wu Han pressed the weapon in his arms, stared at Meng Tian below with an indifferent expression, and said: "General Meng! Surrender! There is no point in resisting the corner, it will only increase casualties!"

Meng Tian raised his head and glanced at Wu Han, with a sad and heroic attitude, he shouted loudly: "Wu Han! You are a savage in the mountains, what face do you have to speak nonsense in front of this general, just relying on Zhang Lu's men Can the chops stop the old man? Overwhelmed!"

Meng Tian shouted angrily, the dragon-tiger sword in his hand shook, he turned his head and glanced at the many soldiers behind him, and shouted angrily: "The Meng family army follow me to break through!"

"Meng Tian is going to be rampant! Look at the knife!" Ge Congzhou shouted angrily, and urged his horse to fight with Meng Tian. In an instant, the army was anxious. You come and go, swords, guns, swords and halberds, and the sound of killing is everywhere.

Meng Tian and Ge Congzhou fought, the two fought with swords and swords, fought for twenty rounds, it was hard to tell the winner, Zhang Guiba saw that Ge Congzhou couldn't take Meng Tian, ​​so he immediately urged his horse to charge out, angrily reprimanded Meng Tian: " Bandits are rampant, watch the sword!"

"Don't hurt my grandson!" Meng Ao yelled angrily, with his gray beard fluttering in the wind, he won the face-to-face confrontation with Zhang Guiba with a long knife in his hand. Grinning his teeth in pain, he looked at Zhang Guiba and shouted angrily, "Little man is crazy! Look at the knife!"

"I think you're an old birthday star eating arsenic, and you're getting impatient!" Zhang Guiba's eyes were red, he suddenly leaned back, grasping the saber in both hands, exerting force in his waist, and shouted angrily, "Cut!"

"Ding, Zhang Guiba's courageous attribute activates, his personal force value is increased by 5, Zhang Guiba's basic force value is 100, the anticlimactic sword's force value is increased by 1, and his current force value is 106!"

"Ding, Meng Ao's Eagle Vision attribute activates, which can weaken the enemy, halve the skill damage, and add 2 to the personal force value. The current Zhang Guiba's brave attribute activates, and the force value is 106. Meng Ao reduces Yu Wenqing's force value by 3 points. Guiba's force value is 103, Meng Ao's force value is increased by 2, and the current force is 102"

"Kang Dang!" With a sound of sparks flying, the two generals were fighting fiercely, both sides were entangled, and Yan Le, who had been lying in ambush in the dark, looked at Meng Tian who was fighting from a distance, looked back at the doorman behind him and said: "Be sure, shoot Meng Tian with one arrow!"

The doorman squinted his eyes, staring at Meng Tian who was holding the Zhan Ge, and said: "But that general is holding the Zhan Ge!"

"That's right!" Yan Le watched the flames of war spread everywhere, with a dignified look on his face. The doorman held a poisonous arrow, aimed at Meng Tian's direction, and shot an arrow, but just after he shot a hundred meters, he was blocked by a Qin soldier with his body. Yes, countless question marks appeared in Yan Le's mind, looking back at the doorman, the middle-aged man was also blushing, shame on him!It's really embarrassing.

Meng Tian swung away Ge Congzhou, his black eyes scanned the surroundings, his complexion turned pale, he immediately turned his horse's head and shouted angrily, "Go! Go! Get back!"

Yan Le squinted his eyes, stared at Meng Tian's escaping back for a while and said, "Follow me to ambush!"

"Kill!" How could Zhang Guiba and Ge Congzhou let Meng Tian go? They immediately urged their horses to catch up. Standing in front of the formation with Ge Congzhou on Tuesday, Ge Congzhou was not easy to get angry, he drew his sword and charged, charging back and forth seven times, beheading Meng Changshan from his horse.

Fuhupo, the terrain here is uneven, like a giant riding on a tiger, hence the name Fuhupo, Yan Le lays an ambush here, and Meng Tian's tens of thousands of troops also broke through the siege of Zhang Guiba and others, after all Zhang Guiba The soldiers under Lu's command were all mobs, not the opponents of the Qin army at all, and naturally they all became cannon fodder.

"Drive... drive... drive!" The smoke and dust filled the air, Meng Tian was riding a horse, covered in blood, obviously left over from the charge just now, panting heavily, looking at the surrounding soldiers in a dark and dignified manner, and said with a frown: "What about the casualties!

"The situation is not good! More than 1 soldiers were lost!" Meng Ao rode a war horse to his grandson's face. His dark and fat cheeks turned bright white at this moment. There was no other reason. When he was retreating, Zhang Guiba secretly shot him coldly. At this moment, he grinned his teeth in pain, but it was hard to say.

"Let go!" Yan Le sneered, and hundreds of archers behind him shot at Meng Tian and Meng Ao, the grandfather and grandson. The cold arrows were like light rain. Although there were not many, they were quite concentrated and almost covered them all. ,

"Grandfather, be careful!" Meng Tian didn't have time to think, he pushed Meng Ao off the horse and stood in front of him. In an instant, countless cold arrows landed on Meng Tian's body. Falling off a horse can be described as broken bones and tendons.

"Meng Tian!" Meng Ao's eyes were bloodshot, looking at Meng Tian who was shot with arrows, Meng Ao raised his head to stare at the assassins on the city wall, and shouted angrily: "Nei Shi Teng killed them!"

"Come on!" Nesten swallowed his saliva, and immediately charged forward, wanting to cut several people off the horse.

"Evacuate!" Seeing that the matter had been completed, Yan Le didn't bother to bother with them, and immediately called everyone to evacuate.

"Tian'er! Tian'er!" Meng Ao covered Meng Tian's system with his hand, seeing the black blood spewing out of Meng Tian's mouth, Meng Ao knew that it was a poisonous arrow, Meng Ao became a little old in an instant, and shouted angrily: "Military doctor! Military doctor !"

However, the march was in a hurry, so where would there be a military doctor? Meng Tian covered the corners of his mouth, looked up at the sky with tiger eyes, stared at Meng Ao for a while and said, "Grandfather... my son... my son... just please... please...you!"

Meng Tian looked up at the dusk of the sunset, today's dusk is bright yellow, and even revealed a lot of blood red color, Meng Tian thought of Ying Zheng, thought of Meng Yi, Meng Tian smiled and said: "My lord! Brother! I'm here ...!"

"Thump!" Meng Tian's hand fell to the ground weakly, and a generation of famous generals fell on the battlefield.

"Tian'er...Tian'er...Puff!" Meng Ao was so excited that he spat out a mouthful of black blood, only then remembered that he had been shot in the shoulder by an arrow, and now the poison was spreading, Meng Ao naturally had no way out , the two famous generals in the world did not die on the battlefield, but they were plotted against by the enemy.

"Kill!" Tens of thousands of soldiers shouted. Ge Congzhou and Zhang Guiba rushed out. In an instant, most of the Qin army was dispersed, and the prisoners were captured. On the way, he saw Ge Cong Zhou and others chasing him, his own soldiers were defeated, Wu Han ordered his army to besiege Fuhupo, Nei Shi Teng raised his head to the sky, looked at the setting sun, and cried out sadly: "I have failed the king's trust! "

Then Nei Shiteng drew his sword and killed himself, and the corpses rolled down the mountain. Deng Yu admired the loyalty of the three men, so he dug graves on the spot and buried the bodies of the three men on Fuhupo.

Meng Tian, ​​Fusu, Meng Ao, and Nei Shiteng, the main force of the Qin army, died in the battle of Wucheng, and the army was defeated. Thirty thousand Mengjia troops were captured, and only a few remnants fled back to the country.

For a moment, the situation became chaotic, and Zhao Gao finally let go of his heart, took a deep breath, and came to the place where he was supposed to meet. At this time, Xin Qiji was looking at the bamboo slip in his hand, and said: A sneer appeared, and Zhao Gao also appeared in front of him. At this moment, Zhao Gao was disheveled, wearing a black cloak, covering his face, as if he didn't want others to see him. When he saw the original middle-aged man, he was suddenly excited Quite a lot.

The middle-aged man looked at Zhao Gao and made a gesture of please. Only then did Zhao Gao see Xin Qiji sitting on the rock. In front of Xin Qiji, even the strong man had to be honest and honest. Dare to speak too much.

"Zhao Gao has seen Xin Si!" Zhao Gao bowed to Xin Qiji and bowed his hands. Xin Qiji rubbed his neck, put away the bamboo slips in his hand, and stared at Zhao Gao with black eyes, as if he wanted to see through him.

Zhao Gao was looked at with hairs all over his body, he took a few steps back unconsciously, swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, stared at Xin Qiji with tiger eyes, whether he was advancing or retreating, the second monk was completely confused.

"You are Zhao Gao!" Xin Qiji asked Zhao Gao with a smile, holding a bamboo slip in his left hand and slapping his right hand.

Zhao Gao was a little apprehensive when Xin Qiji looked at him, and he seemed to be naked when he was watched by Xin Qiji. He was a little nervous. Looking at Xin Qiji, he plucked up his courage and said, "My lord! You can see that this task has been completed. This is the antidote!"

"Hey!" Xin Qiji laughed strangely, then took out a bottle of black ceramic medicine pot from his bosom, and threw it to Zhao Gao. Zhao Gao held it in his hand as if he had found a treasure, opened the bottle cap, and drank the potion inside. After that, there was a burst of sweetness in his throat, Zhao Gao's face was rosy, his heart that had been hanging was completely let go, his tiger eyes stared at Xin Qiji and said: "Thank you, my lord!"

"Hey!" Xin Qiji didn't say much, got up slowly, looked at Zhao Gao, without a trace of emotion in his eyes, rubbed his wrist, and said to the middle-aged man beside him, "Let's go!"

"No!" The middle-aged man did not hesitate, and followed Xin Qiji closely, walking down the mountain.

Zhao Gao was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to think of something, and immediately said: "My lord! King Han promised me...!"

Xin Qiji stopped in his tracks, looked back at Zhao Gao, and asked with a smile, "Do you think you can still see the sun tomorrow?"

Xin Qiji looked at the gradually setting dusk, with a hint of indifference in his eyes, and walked down the mountain holding the bamboo slips. Zhao Gao turned his back, and then Zhao Gao only felt his internal organs were burned, his body was as uncomfortable as being burned, he clutched his heart, at this moment a sense of suffocation emerged in Zhao Gao's five senses, Zhao Gao knew himself Hitting the trap, staring at Xin Qiji with cloudy old eyes, tremblingly said: "You...!"

Xin Qiji didn't say much, he walked down the mountain with big strides, only to hear behind him: "Plop!"

Zhao Gao fell directly to the ground, his body as if facing an ice cellar, he stared at Xin Qiji out of breath, gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "Han Yi... little... son...!"

Zhao Gao gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "Bastard...do you think I have no back? As long as...I don't...go back alive...Yan Le...must...must...will Han Yi...do not defend promise……!"

"Hmph!" Xin Qiji paused, turned his head to look at Zhao Gao and said, "Do you think you can hide from my eyes with such a small amount of money? It's better to leave now!"

"You...!" Zhao Gao was furious, spit out a mouthful of blood, black blood, a stench that was disgusting, Zhao Gao covered his heart, held it tightly, and shouted angrily for a while: "Han Yi... ...can't... die!
"I've heard these few words too much! Go with peace of mind!" Xin Qiji gradually drifted away, and Zhao Gao finally left this world with a look of regret.

Yan Le and his party had just escaped from Fuhupo, and they were killed on the spot by the Tianji soldiers who were chasing up, leaving no one behind.

The Qin State was unable to support itself, and many generals in the army were killed or injured. Under the siege of Deng Yu and Wu Han, they retreated steadily and were finally destroyed by Zhang Lu.

At this moment, Zhang Lu was so complacent that he ordered his soldiers to massacre all the nobles of Qin State, leaving no one behind. Then Zhang Lu occupied the entire Shu land, and Qin State was thus destroyed in the long river of history. The Shu State regime that supported Su, but It lasted for a year and a half and it was completely destroyed, and the last country that prevented Han Yi from unifying the world was completely destroyed.

Han Yi sent Pang Tong as an envoy to ask Zhang Lu to surrender, but Zhang Lu, who had absorbed the Qin army, didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and even threatened that if Han Yi wanted to attack, he would attack directly. Turning against the water, beheading Zhang Lu in Chengdu, Zhang Lu's regime, which was originally sharp-edged, quickly turned against the water.

Zhang Lu and Zhang Da were killed by Xin Qiji in the rebellious army, Bao Peisong, Wen Huanzhang, Li Zhu and others died in battle in Xianyang Palace, Du Yu, Ai Zi, Mao Kong, Qian Ao, Ji Yuan, Ji Hong, Ji Hu and others fled to the mountains and forests, and were surrounded by Xin Qiji and set fire to the mountains. Thousands of elite soldiers were all burned to death, but no one survived, and all died in the fire. , the people also ushered in the peace they had not seen for many years, and began to work and multiply one after another, and the land of the Central Plains was thriving.

A long-lost voice also sounded in Han Yi's mind.

"Ding, Meng Tian, ​​Fusu, Zhao Gao... and others died, because they had to meet the qualifications to explode the list, so they couldn't explode the list this time. In addition, a special reminder, the host destroyed the Qin State and completed the unification of the Warring States. 100 person will explode, and so on!"

Han Yi listened to the pleasant voice of the system, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. His colleagues implemented the county system and household tax. In order to liberate the labor force, Han Yi ordered the release of slavery. Each family can only have a hundred slaves. A large number of laborers emerged, and Han Yi distributed farmland and agricultural tools for them. The people were grateful for the moment. Of course, this move naturally caused the resistance of the aristocratic family. Of course, facing Han Yi, they could only smash their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs. Zhou Tianzi has no effect on Han Yi, and Han Yi's next move is naturally to abolish the emperor and stand on his own, but all this will take time.

(End of this chapter)

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