Warring States Call

Chapter 1983 Chapter 1993: 3 speeches and 3 concessions

Chapter 1983: One thousand nine hundred ninety-three: three words and three concessions
Zhou Tianzi, the royal power collapsed, and the power fell to the side. Right now, it is all in the hands of Han Yi. Since ancient times, the concessions have always been three words and three concessions. Although Han Yi has this sign, he should not be too impatient. First of all, it is the first test.

The current emperor of Zhou is King Zhou Nan. This name may not be familiar to everyone, but he contributed a word in history, called "high debts", which refers to him.

The last time, in order to prevent Wang Jian from capturing the King of Zhou, Han Yi had no choice but to move the King of Zhou to Chang'an. Now the overall situation has been settled. Han Yi led the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty to the gate of Yangzhai City. .

Han Yi was sitting in the car, and the surrounding soldiers were fierce. There was no other reason. Although the world is unified, there are not a few people who want Han Yi to die. They are lurking in the dark, trying to ambush Han Yi, but most of them fail. In the end, along the way, Han Yi encountered three or four ambushes, but most of them were wiped out.

Han Yi was naturally not surprised. After all, even Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of the ages, dared to kill him, and Han Yi was naturally included in their schemes. Han Yi, who was sitting in the carriage, closed his eyes and meditated. This is a habit that Han Yi has developed for many years. Close your eyes and touch the world with your senses.

"Your Majesty! The King of Zhou welcomes you ten miles away!" Southern Prime Minister Han Feizi accompanied Han Yi to pay homage to Emperor Zhou. Han Yi, who had closed his eyes for a long time, opened his eyes and leaned on the door of the carriage to look at the city wall. !"

Han Yi stretched out his hands, stretched his waist, then straightened his clothes and got off the carriage. He stretched out his left hand, as if he was asking for something.

Han Feizi quickly took out the bamboo slips from his bosom, put his hands in front of Han Yi and said, "Please, Your Majesty!"

Han Yi took the bamboo slips with one hand, strode forward, and looked at King Zhou Nan, who was surrounded by everyone, with a pair of eyes. He was about [-] years old, and he was in his prime. Wearing a red emperor robe, seeing Han Yi approaching, he looked very nervous, with nowhere to place his hands, and wanted to show his majesty with his hands on his back, but he was afraid of offending Han Yi, and his hands were serving under his lower abdomen, and he felt too Losing the emperor's face, this hand is not released, nor is it not released. In the end, they have no choice but to hang down on both sides, maintaining a moderate state.

King Zhou Nan is also looking at Han Yi at this moment. Now Han Yi is middle-aged and in his prime, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger. He is wearing a robe of the king of Han, holding bamboo slips in both hands, with sharp eyes, and the soldiers behind him are fierce. The general dismounted from his horse, holding all kinds of weapons in his hands to prevent assassins around him. Among them, Fei Lian and Dian Wei were the most conspicuous, sweeping around with eyes like torches, protecting Han Yi in the center.

"Minister! Han Wangyi pays homage to Zhou Tianzi!" Han Yi held his bamboo slips in both hands, and did not intend to bend down. Instead, he sent the bamboo slips forward, and said darkly and indifferently: "Six kings are all four seas! Today Make a big decision, and send it back to the emperor! To comfort the spirits of Wen, Wu, and the kings of Zhou in heaven!"

"Hahahaha! The King of Han's merits are in the future, and the history is in Sheji!" King Zhou Nan reached out to take the bamboo slips sent by Han Yi, but his smile was a bit bitter, because he knew that today's things would be hard to be good. Yes, King Zhou Nan smiled, with a bitter smile in his eyes, and made a gesture of invitation to Han Yi, and said with a smile: "Gu has already set up a banquet in the palace, please, King Han!"

"Well!" Han Yi nodded, looked at King Zhou Nan, and said in his heart: You are still sensible.

King Zhou Nan walked ahead, waiting for Han Yi, Han Yi was naturally not polite, the two kings walked at the same time, Dian Wei and Fei Lian followed closely behind, putting great pressure on King Zhou Nan, but also There was no other way, he stroked his forehead, looked at the lights, his mouth was full of bitterness.

Will the 800-year foundation of the Zhou Dynasty be ruined in my hands?
Zhou Tianzi looked up at the blue sky, and then entered the palace with Han Yi. After three rounds of dishes and five flavors of wine, King Zhou Nan knew that he could not drag on any longer. Looking at Han Yi who was sitting at the same table with him, King Zhou Nan mentioned With the corner of his clothes, he walked into the center of the hall and said: "The King of Han is both civil and military. He is the reincarnation of Yao and Shun. I know that I have little virtue and insufficient status. Please ask the King of Han to become the emperor! Create this eternal peace for the people!"

Han Yi looked at King Zhou Nan with a smile, then helped him up and said, "Don't talk nonsense, the Son of Heaven, I will not take on this important task!"

Afterwards, the two argued, but Han Yi insisted on not giving in, and King Zhou Nan had no choice but to give up.

Han Yi led the crowd back to Chang'an, picked up the tea just produced this year, Han Yi took a sip, and felt the fragrance on his lips and teeth, while Xin Qiji standing below had a serious expression.

Han Yi looked at Xin Qiji with a smile and said, "The news has spread!"

"Yeah!" Xin Qiji nodded, without Han Yi's reminder, he said directly: "The people everywhere don't show too much resistance, and some people even agree that the king is the emperor!"

"Oh!" Han Yi fumbled for his beard, looked stunned, and said for a while: "So! Is there less resistance?"

"Yes!" Xin Qiji nodded, then thought of something, opened the bamboo slips in his hand and said, "But some aristocratic families in various places very much agree with the king's approach, thinking that the emperor is still the emperor, and the king is a saint! Don't steal Guozuo, start Singing praises to the king in the south, although they are praising the king on the surface, but in fact they are hindering the king's next move!"

"It's just some jumping clowns, don't worry about it!" Waving his sleeves, he looked at the bamboo slips in his hands indifferently, scratched his temples, looked at one of the bamboo slips in Xin Qiji's hand and said: "These aristocratic families are just jumping clowns. Let's take one step and move the family to Wang Ye!"

"My lord! You are...!" Xin Qiji was stunned, he didn't understand what Han Yi's purpose was.

"These aristocratic families are scattered all over the place, and they will only slowly infiltrate the people everywhere. There is only so much fat in the interest. The aristocratic families are hungry wolves who are greedy. The wolves will never be fed enough. If they are not full, they will target the people. , and gather these aristocratic families together, let them eat that piece of meat by themselves, and if a dog bites a dog, it will never touch other people!" Han Yi picked up the tea cup and took a sip, took out a box from the seat after a while, threw it He said to Xin Qiji, "New tea leaves! Try it!"

"Thank you so much, my lord!" Xin Qiji took the tea leaves in a panic, and with a chuckle, recalling what Han Yi just said about the family relocation, he frowned and asked, "My lord! Will this cause the family to retaliate!"

"No!" Han Yi put down his cup and said, "Tell them that the land will be given to them first come, first served, and the land will be distributed to them. In addition, there will be news that their original land will be taken back by the state! If they want to cultivate, they need to pay ordinary land. triple the taxation of the people"

"Your Majesty is brilliant!" Xin Qiji's eyes lit up when he heard it, this move was so clever that those aristocratic families would definitely rush back day and night.

Han Yi looked at Xin Qiji, pointed to the box in his hand, raised the teacup in his hand and said, "What do you think of the tea leaves?"

"This thing is really extraordinary, and I have been lucky enough to drink it a few times!" Xin Qiji held the box in his hand, as if he had found a treasure.

"I just hope that these tea leaves can flow into the people, not be used by the dignitaries! You understand!" Han Yi smiled and looked at Xin Qiji, because Xin Qiji has spread wineries all over the place. For Xin Qiji, these are just a piece of cake. Cultivate well, sell to Tianji, and sell it loosely from Tianji to various places, so as to quickly spread tea to the people. Although tea is spread now, it is only aristocratic and rich. The reason why the tea leaves were not harvested was that the most important thing was that Han Yi only got the small ones, not the big ones.

After all, the common people are the mainstream of consumption. The output of tea will continue to expand, and the market for consumers must expand. Otherwise, the output of tea will increase, the value of tea will depreciate, and Han Yi's income will be even smaller. This is not what he wants to see.

"No! I will live up to the king's great trust!" Xin Qiji bowed his hands with a solemn expression.

"Well! Go down!" Han Yi waved his hand, and Xin Qiji retreated immediately.

Han Yi rubbed his wrist, decades passed in a blink of an eye, it can be said that time is rushing, Han Yi looked at the bamboo slips in his eyes, smiled slightly, but he was very idle and comfortable.

Han Yi put his hand against his forehead, wanting to take a fake sleep, but he was old, lacked energy, and felt a little sleepy.

"Grandpa...!" A clear and childish voice sounded, and then a little figure of Didi bumped over and ran over. Gao Lishi hurriedly chased him back and shouted: "His Royal Highness, slow down! Be careful not to fall! Slow down!"

Han Yi, who was sleepy at first, suddenly regained his energy. His eyes lit up and he stood up and walked to the front of the main hall. A child's head was exposed at the door of the hall. Looking at Han Yi inside the house with big watery eyes, he was wearing a red dress and holding a rattle in his hand.

This rattle was designed by Han Yi, and he ordered Lu Ban to build it and send it to Han Huang.

"Huang'er is here!" Han Yi laughed, stretched out his hand to hug Han Huang, scratched his little nose, and said with a smile: "Come to grandpa to kiss!"

"Don't... the beard hurts!" Han Huang quickly grabbed Han Yi's beard and avoided it left and right. This appearance was very uncomfortable.

"Hahahaha! Good! Good! Don't kiss! Don't grab it! It hurts...hey...hey...it hurts!" Han Yi pretended to be in great pain, and Han Huang played more and more vigorously.

Gao Lishi on the side was worried when he saw that, who in this palace would dare to grab Han Yi's beard like this, because he thought his life was not long enough.

The grandpa and grandson played around for a while, then Han Yi took Han Huang's hand and said with a smile, "How about grandpa taking you fishing!"

"Okay!" Han Huang yelled childishly, Han Yi then put Han Huang down, and walked towards the fish pond with big hands and small hands. Han Yi held a bamboo pole, looked at Han Huang and said, "What did you learn today!"

"Today, teacher Wang Xizhi taught me a few words, and then teacher Yao told a few stories, and then the get out of class is over!" Han Huang sat on the stone bench, looking innocently at the fish in the fish pond.

"Oh!" Han Yi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, fishing with peace of mind, but the child couldn't sit still and was bored, the bamboo pole in his hand was up and down for a while, as if he wanted to check if he had caught any fish, The butterflies that flew over in a short time attracted Han Huang's attention, and Han Huang stood up and wanted to catch the butterflies.

Han Yi stretched out his hand to grab Han Huang's small neck, and said with a smile, "Where are you going!"

"Catch...catch butterflies!" Han Huang pointed to the butterflies flying around, his two gem-like eyes were about to burst into light, but Han Yi smiled indifferently: "Little Phoenix! If your father takes care of you , likes you, suddenly one day he doesn't like you, doesn't take care of you, but likes other children! Are you willing?"

"I don't want to!" Upon hearing this, Han Huang stopped, turned her head, and her eyes were full of grievances.

"The same is true for doing things! Fishing is fishing well, and you have to concentrate! Although you may not be able to catch fish, as long as you work hard, you will eventually gain something! When you do something by yourself, you must concentrate and have perseverance. You can't give up halfway!" Han Yi stroked Han Huang's little head with a doting look on his face.

Of course, spoiling belongs to spoiling, and the reasoning should be explained to Han Huang. After all, it is time for him to have fun, there is a first time for everything, and he cannot be allowed to develop bad habits.

"I see." Han Huang then sat down, picked up the fishing rod with both hands, and stared at the lake with firm eyes. Of course, he was also extremely affected by the outside world. Han Yi smiled and patted Han Huang's little head, admiring in his heart: It's a good seedling!But still need to hone ah.

After half a quarter, a fish finally took the bait on the surface of the lake. Han Yi closed the shot, and Han Huang jumped excitedly beside him and said, "Okay! Grilled fish! Steamed! Grandpa, I want to eat fish!"

Han Yi laughed, and the smile in his eyes became more and more cheerful. He looked at Gao Lishi and said, "Go! Bring the crispy cake!"


The grandpa and grandson played around for a while, Han Huang got into the carriage and returned to the prince's mansion under the protection of Jiang Wei. Han Yi watched the carriage go away, and the smile in his eyes also restrained. The happy moment is over, and the next thing is...

"Your Majesty! King Zhou Nan sent someone to submit the letter of abdication!" Gao Lishi enshrined the bamboo slips in his hand, Han Yi was slightly taken aback, turned his head to stare at Gao Lishi for a long time and said: "Don't read it, spread the news, burn the bamboo slips, Tell the people of the world that you will not accept it!"

"No!" Gao Lishi chuckled, this time he had already said twice, and it was only one more time.

Yangdi, the palace

King Zhou Nan sat on the bamboo slips, took a deep breath, and listened to the reports of the courtiers below. King Zhou Nan felt like sitting on pins and needles, sighed for a long time and said: "Tell Han Sizhong to prepare a carriage for the widow, and the widow will go to Chang'an in person. Submit the letter of abdication!"

"Your Majesty can't do it... Zhou's 800-year foundation is just...!" The eyes of the courtiers behind him were full of blood and tears, and they all cursed Han Yi for not being planted by others.

King Nan of Zhou looked up to the sky and sighed: "The era of the Zhou Dynasty is over, and the world has already fallen into the hands of Han Yi. Although Gu is the Son of Heaven, he is actually a puppet. Although Han Yi is called a subject, he is actually the Son of Heaven. points, let him go!"

(End of this chapter)

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