Warring States Call

Chapter 1985 Chapter 1995: Li Guangbi

Chapter 1985: Chapter 95: Li Guangbi

Yan on the Great Wall
The weather is not beautiful, today's snowstorm is extraordinarily heavy, the cold wind is piercing, coupled with the whistling north wind, it is like an invisible sword, piercing people's bodies one by one, the heavy snow covered the city wall, but the You can see the ancient marks on the city wall, with blood marks on them. The originally endless sky was covered by white snow, and the sunlight was covered by this wind and snow.

Liaodong, this piece of land originally belonged to the country of Yan. Since it was invaded by Li Shimin, the country of Yan retreated to the west of Liaoxi. There is a river between Liaoxi and Liaodong. This river is called Hunjiang. The origin of the name is unclear. However, Murong Ke, the defender of Liaoxi, often dealt with Li Shimin here.

Ever since the Kingdom of Yan surrendered to Han Yi and canceled the title of the country, Murong Ke was also thinking about where he should go, but with Han Yi's edict, Murong Ke was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Liaoxi prefecture, and Murong Ke was also accepting his fate. For stubborn resistance, perhaps Han Yi didn't need to do anything. Murong Ke was about to be forced to surrender because of the shortage of food and grass. Han Yi simply gave him a step, and he borrowed the slope to go down the donkey.

And Li Shimin's 28 soldiers and horses also quietly assembled. The soldiers and horses in Nurhachi's hands are not much more than Li Shimin's. Only 12 cavalry are available. I have dealt with Nurhachi a lot, but I don't dare to go too far. After all, Nurhachi has a lot of cavalry.

"Drive!" Nurhachi, who is nearly half a hundred years old, is riding a war horse, wearing a yellow and large armor, with a thick back and a scimitar at his waist, and a group of maroon sweat horses under his crotch, staring at Li Shimin's soldiers and horses .

Nurhachi stared at Li Shimin with a pair of cloudy old eyes. He saw Li Shimin wearing iron armor, wearing a white hat on his head, and riding a white war horse. He was about 30 years old. The two generations of Tianjiao looked at each other, and Nurhachi exhaled Hot air said: "Guys on the peninsula, you asked us to come, and we are here, but the soldiers and horses under my command are not good at siege, I am afraid that the task of siege will be entrusted to you!"

Li Shimin frowned. Nurhachi's meaning was very clear. He didn't participate in the war, but he was very happy to rob things.

Li Shimin remained calm and said with a smile: "It's natural, you can grab things, but the population belongs to us, and the city, we each have what we need, how about it!"

In Li Shimin's view, these things are all man-made, as long as there are people, everything is not a problem. Although Li Shimin needs this batch of supplies, he values ​​the territory of western Liaoning more. The people of the country have no problem.

"Yes!" Nurhachi stretched out his palm and said, "The wolf god in the sky bears witness!"

"Yeah!" Li Shimin nodded disdainfully, he didn't care about Nurhachi's face, he stared at the Hunjiang River in front of him, and pointed with the whip in his hand: "Cross the Hunjiang River in front of you is the land of Yan Kingdom, let's go!" !"

"Okay!" Nurhachi responded, raised the whip in his hand and said, "Boys! For the sake of the children not to be starved, and for the sake of not running away with others for the sake of my own mother-in-law, rush for me!"

"Let's go!" The whip in Li Shimin's hand also raised up, and the first gate to block the Hunjiang River is Hunjiang City. This city is the city wall built by Murong Ke to guard against Li Shimin. Unbearable under Li Shimin's rule, he dragged his family and fled towards Hunjiang Pass. As a last resort, Murong Ke built Hunjiang Pass into a city.

The terrain of Hunjiang River is not dangerous. It is built on the uneven plain. The guard of Hunjiang City is Wu Yangjing, who is a famous general of Yan State, named after Le Yi, Ju Xin and others.

Looking at the snow in front of him, Wu Yangjing frowned slightly. The snow is so heavy that this winter is not easy. Thinking of this, Wu Yangjing sighed: "I don't know how many people will freeze to death this winter."

Wu Yangjing is about 50 years old, seven feet tall, wearing a black battle armor unique to Yan State, with a bronze sword on his waist, a fat figure, black, white and gray hair, gray temples, and a wooden sword in his hand. cup, took a sip of hot water, exhaled a mouthful of stale air, and then let out a long cry: "comfortable"

There are a total of 20 people in Hunjiang City, and they are living a tight life this winter. After all, the world has only been around for a few years. Although Han Yi has reduced or exempted taxes, the people are still struggling to survive, and they can only have food and clothing. It is impossible to have enough food, and the people in Hunjiang City hope that Han Yi will build the Great Wall to the Yan Kingdom, so that they can also earn wages and try to have enough food and clothing, but Han Yi has just established the country after all, and he can't move forward. Big, did not dare to build the Great Wall in an all-round way, otherwise Han Yi must have a red deficit, and he has no meat in his hands, so what to raise eagles.

There are more than 1 defenders in the city, and a beacon tower is set up in the center of the city. If foreign enemies invade, immediately light the beacon tower, and Murong Ke, who is in western Liaoning, will quickly send troops to help and give support. Wu Yangjing can still deal with it, even if Li Shimin invades on a large scale, Wu Yangjing will not have as many troops as Li Shimin at that time.

On the east bank of the Hun River, Li Shimin's [-] vanguard troops have already arrived here first. The leading general is Li Guangbi, who is Li Shimin's younger brother, and his military ability is second to none among Li Shimin's subordinates. They are also known as the Five Tigers of the Li family, and they are as famous as the eight generals composed of Changsun Sheng, Da Xiwu, Ulji Wende, Liang Shitai, Quan Su, Heizhi Changzhi, Ge Shuhan, and Su Baotong.

This time, in order to win the first battle and improve the combat effectiveness of the soldiers, Li Shimin directly equipped Li Guangbi with luxurious plastic surgery. Li Guangbi was the main general, and Changsun Sheng and Quan Su were the deputy generals among the eight generals. Li Gao, Zuo Xiong, and Zhang Liang were under his command. Wait for a shot.

Of course, Nurhachi couldn't let Li Shimin snatch all the meat, so he dispatched Dorgon, one of the Eight Banners, as a general, and led [-] cavalry to assist Li Shimin in attacking Hunjiang City.

When the two armies met, Li Guangbi was sitting on the main seat. Dorgon smiled and got off his horse, looked at Li Guangbi in front of him, with a hint of disdain in his eyes, and looked Li Guangbi up and down. This man was seven feet long, wearing leather armor, wearing a A sheepskin hat, holding a bronze sword. Judging from the sword's accomplishments, it is the weapon of the Central Plains, which was obviously obtained by Li Jun as a prisoner.

While Dorgon was looking at Li Guangbi, Li Guangbi was also looking at Dorgon. This man had all his hair shaved off his forehead, a whip tied behind him, and was eight feet long. A pair of wolf tooth earrings, the whole person looks unusually sturdy, exuding the smell of mutton all over his body, it is well known that grassland people don't take a bath often, Li Guangbi can only endure it, it's a good thing It's winter now, and the smell doesn't dissipate quickly. If it's summer, it won't make people faint.

Li Guangbi made a gesture of invitation to Dorgon, just at this time Quan Su came back, rubbing his hands and exhaling continuously to give his palms some warmth, he came to the big tent with a serious expression, looked at Dorgon and the others The man nodded and sat back in his seat, but Dorgon sat there very lazily, crossing his legs, groping for his beard, as if waiting for Li Guangbi's next move.

"Quan Su, what's the situation in Hunjiang City right now?" Li Guangbi's face was solemn. After all, this battle is very important, and it must be fought, otherwise they will be in danger. They can't even win Hunjiang, let alone the entire western Liaoning. Don't even think about Yandi and Central Plains by analogy.

Quan Su rubbed his palms, took a sip of warm goat milk, and said: "The situation is not very good, the Hunjiang River is frozen right now, it is no problem for soldiers to walk there, but it is dangerous to cross the Hunjiang River. Jiangcheng has a very wide field of vision. We can find it when we step across the Hunjiang River. The city wall of Hunjiang City is eight feet long. The people in the city almost cut down the trees for the winter. There is also a beacon tower in the city. In the past, Wu Yangjing would definitely ignite the flames of war, when Murong Ke's [-] troops will quickly support, we will be even more passive."

Li Guangbi frowned involuntarily when he heard the news that Quan Su came back from the investigation. Dorgon beside him laughed and said, "This battle hasn't started yet, so you guys can't do it. If you don't believe me, just withdraw your troops. Let's Don't waste time either"

"Just kidding." Li Guangbi looked at Dorgon, his black eyes rolled up and down, and he said half aloud: "I don't know if General Dorgon has a plan. If you tell me, I will be a good staff officer."

"Okay, I need to think about this matter carefully, I'll go back to sleep first, and when I figure it out, I'll tell you guys, oh! By the way, my cavalry is useless for the time being, so please leave the siege to the city first." Everyone, take your leave." Dorgon left the military tent in front of him with a smile, and returned to his bed.

Dorgon's meaning is very clear, it is impossible to let him attack the city, you should find a way by yourself.

After all, Li Guangbi is not a fool. The alliance between the two armies has just been established, and its foundation is not stable and cannot be broken. So now Li Guangbi can only bear with it and watch Dorgon leave. Zuo Xiong in the tent finally couldn't help it. He murmured: "Who does he think he is, and he will be chopped off sooner or later"

Li Guangbi stood in front of Zuo Xiong, with a long face, and Zuo Xiong couldn't help swallowing his saliva when he saw it. Li Guangbi's face was so sinking that it dripped water. When Zuo Xiong just wanted to speak, Li Guangbi slapped him. After calling, there was a crisp sound from inside the big tent: "Pa!"

Zuo Xiong only felt that the right half of his face was burning hot, staring at Li Guangbi in astonishment, covering his cheek, Zuo Xiong muttered: "General...
"Next time when you hear something like this, I will definitely kill you. Do you hear me clearly?" Li Guangbi suddenly shouted angrily, and most of the surrounding generals lowered their heads, neither of them said much.

Li Guangbi looked around with fierce eyes, the killing intent in his eyes became more and more intense, everyone who watched was terrified, and everyone knew that Li Guangbi was not angry at them, but at Dorgon and those self-esteemed guys.

Li Guangbi took a deep breath, walked back to his seat for a while, looked at Quan Su beside him and said, "Open up the map, discuss tactics, and take Hunjiang City within three days."


Li Guangbi squinted his eyes and said half aloud, "Zuo Xiong"

"In" Zuo Xiong came out in response, the original unhappiness was swept away at this moment, his hands clasped his fists, the cold wind blew his cheeks, his wheat-yellow skin turned blue under the ravages of the wind and snow.

"Go and prepare hundreds of bolts of white cloth. If you don't have any, use black cloth or gray cloth. No matter what, you have to make up enough for the army. If you really can't, you will tear down the quilt," Li Guangbi said with a serious expression.

"Subordinates understand" Zuo Xiong didn't dare to hold on, got the order and went out of the big tent, wrapped his clothes tightly, and walked towards the wind and snow.

"Quan Millet"


"Tonight, you take the lead, leading [-] soldiers and horses, and covering your head with a white cloth. Don't let Wu Yangjing see the flaws. After crossing the Hun River, spread out your left and right wings, lie in ambush in the mountains, cut down trees, build ladders, and wait for the army Charge, as soon as the enemy's weakness is revealed, immediately attack the city, if you can't take down the city wall, come and see." Li Guangbi looked serious, and directly gave Quan Su the order to attack the city.


"Changsun Sheng" Li Guangbi came to the brazier and stretched out his hand to warm the fire, the water vapor in his mouth was visible to the naked eye.


Changsun Sheng came behind Li Guangbi, clasped his fists together, looked respectful, Li Guangbi rubbed his hands together, and said for a while, "I'll give you [-] soldiers and horses, attack Hunjiang City head-on, create momentum, and don't retreat without the general's order."


"Zhang Liang, Zhang Ao, Tang Bi, Zhang Rong" Li Guangbi rubbed his palms together, returned to his original seat, picked up the freshly brewed tea on the table, Li Guangbi took a sip, exhaled foul breath, and said in his heart: For good tea, the Central Plains is really vast and rich in resources, so this time I have to grab a batch of tea leaves.

"Zai" came out with four generals in a row, with different voices, tall, short, fat and thin can explain the physical characteristics of the four.

"The four of you led [-] soldiers and horses, crossed mountains and ridges, and ambushed in Yuelin. Once Wu Yangjing lit the beacon, Murong Ke would definitely send reinforcements to rescue. Your task is to set up an ambush. If you can destroy it, you will destroy it. If you can't, then block it." Half an hour" Li Guangbi said at this time, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said half aloud: "Send someone to tell Dorgon that the cavalry in his hands are effective, and they can't do it in siege battles. Field battles should be fine, right? Tell him to let him go with you"

"Understood..." The four of them suddenly felt a sense of elation. Li Guangbi looked at the expressions of the four of them. Zhang Ao and the three of them looked confident. Only Zhang Liang looked dignified, as if he had a premonition of something. Li Guangbi also knew it at a glance, and said randomly: "This time With Zhang Liang as the main general, we will act tonight. The four of you carry dry food and set off now."


(End of this chapter)

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