Warring States Call

Chapter 1986 Chapter 1996: Trap

Chapter 1986: One thousand nine hundred ninety-six: Trap
The north wind was whistling, and heavy snow fell on people like goose feathers, turning into water and dripping on the ground. Dorgon's [-] cavalrymen crossed the Hun River, Dorgon was holding the horse rope, rubbing his hands constantly , followed by several generals, one of them was wearing a sheepskin hat, and the sneezing strong man said: "Ah! What kind of battle is this cold weather? Could it be that Li Guangbi's bastards are messing with us?"

"Wuyan..." Dorgon yelled angrily, his eyes were warning, he stared up and down at Wuyan, Wuyan suddenly became a few heads shorter, not daring to be as presumptuous as before.

Dorgon glanced around at the crowd, and then warned: "This is a battlefield, a place of the dead. Although Li Guangbi and I were fighting against each other in the big tent, I have to admire his tactics. He is a wolf. Don't be too aggressive." To underestimate him, to despise the enemy on the battlefield is to ruin your own life. This battle must not only improve the morale of our Eight Banners soldiers, but also preserve the strength of the army. You cannot make a wedding dress for Li Shimin. After all, Li Shimin's soldiers and horses belong to our army Several times, each of our soldiers is the descendant of the Prairie Wolf God, and they are all treasures, so they cannot be damaged here, do you understand?"

"Understood, Dorgon" Wu Yan said silently, and then stopped talking, like a scolded child, not daring to be presumptuous.

Li Guangbi, don't let me down!

Dorgon looked back at Li Guangbi's white battle flag with Li characters, a look of solemnity appeared in his eyes, he clamped the horse's belly with half a sound, raised the whip in his hand and shouted angrily: "Drive!"

The sky is getting dark now, and people can vaguely move around in the darkness, but most of the soldiers in Hunjiang City couldn't bear the cold, and they curled up on the ground to keep warm. After all, it was too cold, and they couldn't bear it. up.

Quan Su's tens of thousands of troops kept moving towards the city wall under the cover of the white cloth. Although some soldiers stretched out their heads to watch from time to time, they couldn't see anything. Quan Su squinted his eyes, smiled, and groped for the beard on his chin. Suddenly waving the command flag in his hand, the soldiers under his command immediately understood, spread out to the left and right, and walked around the two wings of the city wall respectively. Quan Su wiped his face with his palm to wipe off the snow on it, and then pulled out the sword in his arms, Surreptitiously, they began to cut trees and build ladders. Changsun Sheng's tens of thousands of troops held black cloths and covered their heads. After Quan Su's tens of thousands of troops spread out, they approached the city wall cautiously, waiting for Li Guangbi's order.

As for Zhang Liang and Dorgon's [-] troops crossing mountains and ridges, laying ambushes at places designated by Li Guangbi, logging and building attack positions, all of this was done quietly. The entire Hunjiang River was built in the city, which naturally gave Li Guangbi an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"Ahhh..." Li Guangbi yawned, braced his body to fight the battle, stared at the surrounding changes, according to the news sent by the messenger, Changsun Sheng and Quan Su had arrived at the pre-designated position, as for Zhang Liang and Dorgon did not know, after all, the place where the two ambushed was too far away, and Li Guangbi couldn't time it well, so he could only wait according to the agreed time.

Li Gan, the lieutenant at his side, rode a horse and hurried over, turned over and got off the horse, shaking up the snow dust that had nowhere to go, and quickly came to Li Guangbi, with a serious look on his face, "It's already halfway through the general's ugliness."

"Okay!" Li Guangbi fought straight away, lifted the white fleece on his back, pulled out the sharp sword in his arms, and shouted angrily: "Send the order to Changsun Sheng to attack the city!"

"Promise" Li Gan got the general order, turned on his horse, and put two command flags behind his back. Li Gan rode his horse and jumped into the lake. Immediately, the horse stepped on the glacier and made the sound of Capone. Li Gan came to the front of the army and shouted angrily. : "Siege! Siege!"

At this moment, Changsun Sheng was huddling in the crowd, holding a wine bag in his hand. After taking a sip, his heart and lungs were hot and warm, and he exhaled a mouthful of stale air. He lifted the white cloth on his head, and the snow fell all over the ground. Changsun Cheng shouted angrily: "Soldiers, follow me and kill!"

The horn of the "Siege, Kill" war spread to everyone's ears, countless soldiers rushed to the forefront, and the ladders that had been prepared earlier were quickly approaching the city wall under the protection of the shield soldiers. Changsun Sheng came to the front of the formation, Walking back and forth, shouting angrily: "The archers are ready!"

"Shushuashuashua" countless archers drew their bows and set their arrows one after another. The cold wind was still blowing across his surface.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" On the city wall, a soldier was sleeping lightly. He heard the yelling of enemy attack from below. He turned his body and exposed his head to check on the wall. His complexion changed drastically, and he immediately shouted angrily: "Enemy attack, defend quickly!"

"There are enemies, get up"

"Li Shimin is a bitch, he is still restless in winter, I will kill him sooner or later"

The soldier stood up with difficulty, facing the cold wind, his body could hardly be stretched, but he had no choice but to carry it. The general on the city wall was a passer-by. Hearing some movement on the city wall, he hurriedly stepped forward to check, his brows furrowed. Locked tightly: "Rolling stones, thunder woods prepare, archers shoot, see the number of enemy troops! Hurry up!"



Thousands of soldiers ignited and radiated out, like fireworks blooming in the dark night, and the smoke filled the air. Because of the lack of sight, this wave of arrow rain was regarded as opening the sight of the battle formation by our army.

"Whoosh whoosh"

The flames of war fell like rain, and more than 300 people died under the cold arrows. At the same time, they could see the number of enemy troops clearly, their brows trembled involuntarily, and they secretly called damn, and immediately shouted angrily: "Quickly call General Wu, the enemy The army is more than ten thousand, this is not a small fight, quickly light the beacon fire, tell the brothers in the city to come up and defend the city quickly, hurry up"

"Yes" the soldiers did not dare to delay, and quickly went to the barracks to recruit soldiers.

At this moment, Wu Yangjing, who was sleeping soundly in the barracks, heard the shouts of killing outside the city, and was awakened directly. The enemy hurriedly put on his battle armor, went out with the weapon in hand, bumped into the soldier who came to report the news, and immediately said: "What happened?"

"The general's situation is not good. Li Shimin has made a move. There is a large army outside the city wall. The general is already leading the army to resist. The general should go up to the city wall to have a look." Quickly boarded the city wall, his brows were involuntarily frowned, and he came to Guo Zhe's side, with a serious expression on his face, "How is the current situation?"

"It's not ideal. The number of enemy troops keeps increasing, and the pressure on our army is really too great." Guo Zhe slashed at the flying arrows with a sword, and breathed out a hot breath, with a serious expression on his face.

"Bring the arrow" Wu Yangjing stretched out his hand, and the soldier beside him hurriedly handed over the cold arrow in his hand to Wu Yangjing. Wu Yangjing frowned, lit the rocket, and the bow was pulled like a full moon, and shot towards the distance.

"Hoohoo" Wu Yangjing's rocket was like a shooting star flying across the night, and finally stopped at the foot of a soldier a hundred meters away, and was trampled out by him, Wu Yangjing frowned for an instant, and immediately shouted angrily: "Light up the beacon tower, quickly! This is Li Shimin's massive invasion, hurry up."

Guo Zhe looked stunned for a moment, and immediately shouted angrily: "Quick! Quickly light the beacon tower!"

Under the city wall, Changsun Sheng pulled out the weapon in his arms and shouted angrily, "Fire the arrow!"

"Swish, swish, swish" the cold arrows were like wasps, suppressing the enemy army on the city wall in black, the cold arrows fell like raindrops, the soldiers on the city wall were suppressed by the firepower, and they were suppressed in the corner, unable to inflict effective damage on the enemy army and fight back.

Wu Yangjing frowned, rubbed his wrist, and shouted angrily: "Li Shimin is coming in menacingly, this Hunjiang City is probably not easy to defend, tell the people in the city to leave from the secret road, quickly"


"Hoo hoo hoo!" The fire of the beacon tower was ignited instantly, and everyone stared at the beacon tower in front of them, hoping that the reinforcements would arrive quickly. Wu Yangjing pulled out the sharp sword in his arms, and said with a gloomy expression: "Soldiers, foreign invasion, the whole army fight to the death"

The morale of "killing" tens of thousands of soldiers is like a huge wave, and Wu Yangjing immediately shouted angrily: "Let the thunder stone! Let the rolling wood! Get ready for the heavy crossbow!"

"Boom boom boom" Countless heavy objects fell from the city wall, killing five or six people, shouts for help continued, Wu Yangjing with a dark face immediately waved his hands and shouted angrily: "Heavy crossbow! Let go!"

"Swish, swish!" Countless heavy crossbows came through the wind, with a range of 800 meters. Chang Sun Sheng, who was organizing soldiers to fight under the city, was about to issue the second set of general orders, when the soldiers behind him hurriedly threw him to the ground, Shouted: "General, be careful!"

"Peng" shot the heavy crossbow on the snow, and in an instant, snowflakes were scattered all over the place. The snowflakes shook and were six feet high. The snow on his body, looking back at the weapon that almost killed him, his eyes lit up in an instant, and when he came to the heavy crossbow arrow, his eyes were strange and said: "How did this thing shoot so far?"

"It seems to be a kind of bow and arrow called a crossbow in the Central Plains. It takes one person to draw it with both hands." The lieutenant shook the snow off his body, gasped heavily, and secretly called out that it was a close shot just now.

"Good thing, we have to take down the city wall." Changsun Sheng seemed to have discovered some new continent, and his whole body was filled with excitement. Looking at the city wall with tiger eyes, he couldn't help licking his lips. The murderous intent in his eyes became stronger and stronger. hair dignified.

Standing on the high platform, Li Guangbi looked at the city wall and the gradually burning fireworks on the beacon tower. A smile couldn't help appearing in his mouth, his hands clasped in front of his chest, and he said indifferently: "Murong Ke! It depends on whether you are selected or not." fell into the trap"

The two sides continued to be anxious, Quan Su seemed to have seen the opportunity to fight, pulled out the sharp sword in his arms, made a rustling sound, and said solemnly: "Soldiers! The whole army is ready! Attack! Kill"

"Killing" Quan Su's tens of thousands of troops quickly climbed up the city wall, and the entire Hunjiang City was enveloped in an instant. The shouts of killing continued in the city, and the flames of war filled the air everywhere, and the smoke of gunpowder broke through the sky.

Huang Quan, who was on duty at night in western Liaoning, was riding a war horse, looking at the dark world with his tiger eyes, feeling bored in every possible way, and wanted to stretch out before going back to sleep, but in a blink of an eye, he looked to the east, where there were faint lights, Huang Quan Quan frowned, thinking that his eyes were dazzled. With his eyesight, he could only vaguely see sparks, and the smoke was not very obvious. After a while, Huang Quan yelled secretly, and immediately shouted angrily: "Sound the alarm! Hurry up!"

"Dang Dang Dang" the deep big bell rang slowly, and the long and heavy sound continued. The main generals Murong Ke and Murong Long inside the city wall got up one after another, their brows tightened, and a bad premonition rose in their hearts. Going to the hall, looking at the anxious Huang Quan in front of him, Murong Ke frowned, looked at Huang Quan and said, "What's wrong, the alarm bell sounded suddenly?"

"The situation is not right. Something may have happened to the Hunjiang River. The beacon towers were all lit. The scouts I sent rode on horses and ran for three miles. Only then did I confirm that the Hunjiang beacon towers were on fire. The situation is not good." Huang Quan's face was serious. Looking at Murong Ke, his complexion was sallow, after all, they were caught off guard this time.

Murong Ke looked solemn, and immediately said: "Murong Long quickly follow me and lead an army of [-] to assist Wu Yangjing, Huang Quan, you lead your troops to stay in western Liaoning, hurry up!"

"Drive! Drive!" Murong Ke's [-] troops left the city. No one thought that Li Shimin would make a move at this time in the windy and snowy weather. Huang Quan looked at Murong Ke who was drifting away, and immediately came to the study to write a memorial. Report to Xu Shu, and let Xu Shu personally lead the soldiers to support when necessary.

"Go up" Quan Su turned over and waited for the dead city wall, the two swords in his hands flew left and right, and there was no enemy in the place he passed.

"The general is not good." A young general charged forward, with a serious look on his face, Wu Yangjing frowned and said, "What happened?"

"Western City has fallen"

"What?" Wu Yangjing stared like a copper bell, his complexion changed, and he immediately turned his head to look around. His complexion changed, and he saw that there were few defenders on the east wall, and those killed by Quan Su were being defeated. Wu Yangjing's complexion changed, Seeing the enemy army constantly gathering under the city, Wu Yangjing frowned, looking back at the people in the city, Wu Yangjing immediately shouted angrily: "How many people are there in the city?"

"There are still fifty to sixty thousand that haven't been withdrawn yet." A lieutenant with a solemn expression wiped the blood from his face, feeling a little tired when the wind blew, making them feel dizzy.

"No! Wait for these people to evacuate. Brothers, block it and protect the people from Hunjiang City!" Wu Yangjing shouted angrily, holding a spear: "I'll leave it to you, Wu Chong, to protect the people and evacuate, pick two hundred Warrior, follow me to fight for a while, and take back the ground we lost, come on!"

"Kill" Wu Yangjing's voice was very loud, sooner or later he held a Yanyue knife in his hand, and stared at the enemy in front of him with wide eyes. Quan Su held two swords and watched Wu Yangjing rushing to kill him. He couldn't help laughing and said: "Come on!" Well, they are all coming for me, watch me take your head and make this first achievement."

(End of this chapter)

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