Warring States Call

Chapter 1987 Chapter 1997: Wu Yang Jing died

Chapter 1987: Chapter 97: Wu Yang Jing died
Wu Yangjing shouted angrily, opened and closed the Yanyue knife in his hand, raised the sword in his hand with both arms, charged forward, and bumped into a young general head-on, Wu Yangjing swept the army with one move, cut off his head directly, and his eyes burst out With a resolute look, blood sprayed his cheeks, and the two hundred brave men under his command, armed with weapons, charged to the death, and the Quan Su army who only killed was retreating steadily.

Quan Su's face was startled, his face was cold and frightening, and he shook the two swords in his hands, like two silver snakes flying up and down, piercing Wu Yangjing's throat, heart and lungs. , very difficult to deal with.

"Zhen!" Wu Yangjing slashed down with one move, Quan Su hurriedly raised the sword in his hand to block, only to hear: "Kang Dang...!"

The sword in Quan Su's hand almost came out. Wu Yangjing exerted strength with his arms, and the Yanyue knife in his hand shook up and down. Looking at Quan Su who was retreating from the formation, Wu Yangjing shouted coldly: "Kill!"

"Ding Ding Dang Dang!" The two fought in a hurry for dozens of rounds, and Quan Su was retreating steadily. Seeing Wu Yangjing avoid him into the corner, Quan Su was no longer as calm as before, and the armor on his chest was chopped off. There was a deep scar on his chest, and Quan Su, with disheveled hair, leaned against the corner of the wall, exhaling heat, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Cut!" Wu Yangjing yelled angrily, grasping the Yanyue Saber in his hands with both hands, and slashed at Quan Su's head head-on.

"Don't be crazy!" Zhang Quan yelled angrily, holding a silver gun, jumped into the city wall, seeing that Quan Su was about to die at the hands of Wu Yangjing, he immediately stabbed him with the gun.

Wu Yangjing's expression froze, he immediately withdrew his knife and slashed back, and made a move towards Yanyue, only to hear: "Crack!"

Zhang Quan directly separated his body, was beheaded by Wu Yangjing and fell into the city, buried in the wind and snow, Quan Su swallowed his saliva, and immediately shouted angrily: "Form the formation! Shoot the arrows!"

"Boom...!" Thousands of people began to form formations, blocking all Wu Yangjing's attack routes on the narrow city wall.

"Bastard!" Wu Yangjing frowned solemnly, and walked across to Wu Yangjing. The two were separated by a hundred meters, covered in blood armor, and said solemnly, "Hunjiang City can't hold it anymore! Get out! Quick!"

"Wuyang Jing went down to the city and refused to defend! Hurry up!" Guo Zhe didn't hesitate, turned over and went down the city wall, forming a team to defend against the enemy.

Wu Yangjing also had no choice but to retreat into the city with his faults. The fall of Hunjiang City was inevitable. Wu Yangjing took a deep breath and looked around. There were originally tens of thousands of soldiers, but now only the last one is left Wu Yangjing wiped the blood from his face and shouted angrily: "Soldiers! If Hunjiang City is lost, the whole of western Liaoning will be plundered by the enemy. Soldiers stick to Hunjiang City. The beacon tower has been lit, and reinforcements will arrive! "

"The power and the general will live and die together!" Every soldier burst out the sound of mountains and tsunami, and the tiger's eyes were fixed on the gate of the east city. Hearing the heavy impact of the gate, he only heard: "Bump! Touch! !bump"

Every blow is hitting their hearts, every moment they are holding on to the weapons in their hands, tearing off the cloak behind them, pulling out the sword in their arms, and wrapping their palms with the bronze sword , a pair of eyes fixed on the city gate.

"Hoohoo...!" The heavy snow was swaying, the north wind was whistling, and the sky began to snow again, falling on people's bodies continuously. Everyone's eyes were focused on the east gate of Hunjiang City! "

"Bump! Bump! Bump...boom...crack!" The bolt of the city gate was finally smashed, and countless enemy troops poured into the city, angrily shouting: "The whole army charges!"

"Kill!" The wind and snow fluttered, and the sound of swords and swords continued. For each other's beliefs, they were fighting hard and fighting decisively.

Xipo, here is a small slope with lush trees, leaving only a straight road in the middle, which is prepared for transporting grain and grass, and the ambush point chosen by Li Guangbi is here. Zhang Liang leans on the tree and keeps rubbing Rub your hands together to warm yourself.

"Drive...drive...!" came a sparse voice, gradually the voice became clearer and clearer, and the footsteps of the soldiers became clearer and clearer. Murong Long was riding a black horse, wearing black armor, with a With a white scarf and a long knife in his hand, he stumbled on his horse, looked back at the rushing army behind him, and immediately shouted angrily: "Don't stand still! The brothers on the front line are still waiting for us? Hurry up!"

"Fire the arrow!" Zhang Liang jumped out suddenly, got on his horse, and called to the soldiers on both sides to form a formation and shoot arrows.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Countless rockets flew towards him. Zhang Liang was caught off guard, and his face was startled.

"Boys! It's time to make meritorious deeds!" Dorgon swung the long knife in his hand and shouted angrily: "The whole army charges!"

"Drive... drive... drive!" Dorgon's [-] cavalry came rushing forward. The horses stepped on the mountains, and the dust and snow flew. Maybe!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Dorgon's [-] cavalry charged forward, slapping their mouths from time to time, making a sound like howling wolves, and tens of thousands of troops charged forward like a howling tsunami.

"No! It's the cavalry from the grassland! They've formed an alliance with Li Shimin! Damn it!" Qing Qin's face turned pale, and he kept calming the horse under his crotch. Looking at the soldiers gathered around, Qing Qin spat out the blood in his mouth, turned his horse's head, and shouted angrily: "Like ready!"

"Drive!" Dorgon yelled angrily, and the horses under his command rushed to kill like a black wind. The two armies fought, and the sound of shouting and killing continued. With a smile, he urged the horse to charge forward, riding Juechen, the cavalry under his command followed closely behind Wu Yan, and Wu Yan's [-] soldiers charged straight at Qing Qin's front army.

Qing Qin's complexion changed, and he immediately shouted angrily: "Shoot!"

"Swipe!" Countless long spears stood up and pointed at the horses in front of them.


The war horse under his crotch jumped into the air, Qing Qin's face darkened, he pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and said solemnly: "Stab!"

"Whoosh!" Dorgon bent his bow and set his arrow, staring at Qing Qin with tiger eyes, and shot Qing Qin's throat with an arrow with one hand. Wu Yan grinned, swung the scimitar in his hand, and a good man's head flew out. .

"Looking for death!" Murong Long's eyes became colder, and the silver spear threw out three spear flowers. Just as Wu Yan landed, his tiger eyes stared at Murong Long, he smiled, and the scimitar in his hand slashed towards Murong Long's throat, grinning loudly Said: "Watch me take your head off"

"Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" murong Long's hand is in the hand thrust out suddenly, one shot picked Wu Yan, Wu Yan was stabbed in the heart and lung, slipped off the horse, shaking countless snow dust on the snow.

"Ahem...! How is that possible?" Wu Yan spat out blood, looked at Murong Long with astonishment, and left this world unwillingly.

"En!" Dorgon's eyes showed a hint of coldness, and he took off the longbow in his hand, squinted his eyes, looked at Murong Long, and shouted angrily: "Strike!"

"Touch!" The cold arrow hit Murong Long's arm. Murong Long felt the pain and suddenly raised his head. He stared at Dorgon with murderous intent in his eyes. He immediately charged forward with his horse, while Zhang Liang snorted coldly, riding his horse, He shouted angrily: "Don't be crazy in the future, come Zhang Liang!"

Although Murong Long was shot by an arrow, he was not afraid of Zhang Liang at all. The two fought back and forth for [-] rounds. Zhang Liang knew that he was not Murong Long's opponent, so he immediately turned his horse's head and urged the horse to flee.

Murong Long's breath was unsteady, his tiger eyes swept across the battlefield, and the soldiers under his command were scattered in sevens and eights. Murong Ke swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at the beacon tower ahead, his eyes were hesitant, anxious, and couldn't make up his mind for a while. After charging for a full three sticks of incense, Murong Long's soldiers and horses were exhausted and continued to fight, but the whole army was wiped out. Murong Long had no choice but to shout angrily: "The whole army retreats! Quick!"

"Ah woo woo!" Seeing Murong Long's troops retreat, Dorgon led the soldiers under his command to expand their victories, chasing for half a mile before reluctantly stopping.

Dorgon looked at Wu Yan's corpse, and said helplessly, "Contain the corpse, and take all the enemy's cavalry, horses, and clothes! Quick!"

"No!" The cavalry under his command moved quickly, and the speed of the sweeping seemed to be done like this often.

In this battle, Murong Long's 6000 troops were ambushed, and more than 6000 people died in battle, while Dorgon only suffered [-] casualties, and Zhang Liang's infantry also suffered more than [-] casualties. Small victory.

Hunjiang city
Wu Yangjing led the soldiers under his command to fight to the death. Guo Zhe rode his horses and charged back and forth in the enemy army, beheading more than 20 people. Changsun Cheng was furious, staring at Guo Zhe, bowing his bow and nodding his arrows, squinting his eyes , looked at Guo Zhe, and shouted angrily: "Zhong!"

"Ding, Changsun Sheng activates with one arrow attribute, his personal force value increases by 5, his basic force value is 99, his double eagle bow's force value increases by 1, and his current Changsun Sheng's force value is 105!"

"Touch!" An arrow was shot, and Guo Zhe immediately got an arrow in his throat. He was shot off his horse, and his whole body was like a cellar.

"Huhu...!" The remaining soldiers under Wu Yangjing's command continued to protect the black banner with the word "Wu" behind Wu Yangjing.

"Swoosh...plop!" When the last soldier shot into the pool of blood, the whole land was in a mess. Wu Yangjing was holding a saber and was hit by several arrows on his body. In front, the Yanyue knife in his hand was dripping with blood, and one person was not afraid of tens of thousands of people.

Li Guangbi was riding a war horse, followed by Quan Su, who was dripping with blood, and Sun Sheng, who was all white and clean, watching the wind and snow falling on Wu Yangjing, Li Guangbi had a look of appreciation in his eyes, and said to Wu Yangjing: "General! Hunjiang City Break! Surrender! With Your Excellency's talent! My king will definitely use it!"

"Cough cough...!" Wu Yangjing spit out a mouthful of blood, his whole body was sore, if he hadn't supported his body with a weapon, he would have fallen to the ground, staring at Li Guangbi with tiger eyes, spit out a mouthful of blood, and snorted coldly Said: "Small country! I am also worthy of the old man's surrender. I advise you to withdraw from the Hunjiang River and protect the safety of the people in the two rivers. Otherwise, our army will rush to you, and you will surely die!"


"Bah!" Wu Yangjing spat out a mouthful of blood, and cursed angrily: "Today there are only generals who died in battle, Wu Yangjing who did not surrender, come on! Bastards! Let me take your heads with my sword!"

"Alas!" Li Guangbi still wanted to persuade, but everything was kept silent, and Changsun Cheng behind him shouted angrily: "Shoot the arrow...!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Countless cold arrows greeted Wu Yangjing. Wu Yangjing's pupils looked at the black line that came, and he could only fall powerlessly in a pool of blood. The blood on his body stained the blood under his feet. , turning him into a pool of blood.

In the city of Hunjiang, none of the [-] soldiers surrendered. They all died in battle.

Li Guangbi looked at the military flag with Wu characters fluttering in the wind and snow, and shook his head helplessly. Looking at Wu Yangjing's body in front of him, his brows followed involuntarily. Li Guangbi looked at the people behind him and said, "What happened to the casualties!"

"More than 8000 brothers died in the battle!" Li Gan counted the corpses in front of him, sighed helplessly, Li Guangbi took a deep breath, looked at the empty Hunjiang City, and said, "Where are the people?"

"Our army discovered a secret passage, and we only captured 500 people!" Li Gan lowered his head, Li Guangbi frowned, and said in a dark and dignified voice: "Find ten people and send Wu Yangjing's body back! Such a warrior , can’t be buried hastily!”


The second person, Murong Ke looked at Wu Yangjing's body in front of him in Liaoxi City, and looked at his former colleague lying in front of him in deep astonishment. Murong Ke took a deep breath, looked at Huang Quan and said, "Send someone to tell you quickly Son of Heaven, Li Shimin is going south to unite with Nurhachi and ask him to send someone to help him!"


Chang'an City, Qiankun Palace

Han Yi looked at the bamboo slips in his hand, his brows were tightly furrowed, his face was so dark that it couldn't be darker, the generals and ministers below looked at each other, Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back, looking around with tiger eyes, Han Yi smiled indifferently: "Everyone! Ai Qing, it seems that Taishan Fengchan will be delayed, we have only had a few years of good life, and our neighbors are restless!"

"Your Majesty! Give me [-] soldiers and horses. I wish to go north, and I will destroy Li Shimin and hit Huanglong directly!" Han Qinhu strode out, his eyes bursting with fire.

"Your Majesty!" Lu Su strode out, everyone's hearts sank, secretly calling this guy to come again, and using the excuse of insufficient food and grass as an excuse not to send troops, everyone just felt a headache.

"Say..." Han Yi's heart sank to the bottom of the valley at this moment, and his expression was solemn. He thought he would be stable for a few years, but he didn't expect the grassland to be restless now.

"Now there is enough food and grass for 50 troops to go north. Please send troops to destroy the country!" Lu Su tentatively sent troops for the first time. Looking into his eyes, he was furious. Invasion is not allowed, these things are completely on the nose, and I am sorry if I don't hit him.

(End of this chapter)

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