Warring States Call

Chapter 1988 Chapter 1998: Hunjiang Alliance

Chapter 1988: One thousand nine hundred ninety-eight: Hunjiang Alliance
Everyone in the hall was stunned, they looked at each other in blank dismay, fixed their eyes on Lu Su, each of them looked suspicious, and thought in their hearts: Today the sun came out from the west, this Lu Su has changed his temper.

Han Yi looked around, and saw that 70.00% of the generals and ministers in the hall were filled with righteous indignation, and the rest were all rational, and seemed to be weighing the pros and cons, but they could clearly feel that their aura was gradually affected by the 70.00% of the generals in the hall. Affected, Han Yi groped his beard and said for a long time: "Command!"

"Here!" Everyone bowed their hands, and Gao Lishi bowed his hands, waiting for Han Yi's next words.

"Wu Yangjing has made outstanding achievements, fought hard and never retreated. He protected the people in the city from evacuating safely. He was named Wu Gong. He was replaced by three generations of descendants. He made a bronze statue and stood in the Tower of Heroes. He wrote a book and wrote a biography for the people. After Jiangcheng, a temple was built in the city to be worshiped by the people; after a discount, he was granted the title of General Protecting the Temple and entered the Zhonghun Pagoda, so that future generations can enter Wutong Academy to receive education. After the temple is completed, stone statues will be enshrined in the side hall!" Han Yi wrote The imperial edict can be regarded as rectifying the names of the two, and although the two died, their descendants will all be shady, which can be regarded as a consolation to the two.

"King Renshan!" Everyone did not object. They sang praises to Han Yi. Han Yi stroked his beard, feeling quite helpless in his heart. The most important thing is to exert grace and subdue the hearts of the people in Yandi.

Han Yi looked at Cheng Yu below, and immediately said, "How many soldiers died in this battle?"

"The 6000 soldiers in Hunjiang City all died in battle, and the tens of thousands of soldiers supported by Murong Long lost more than [-] people!" Cheng Yu truthfully told the situation.

Han Yi squinted his eyes, and said for a long while: "It is ordered that the family members of the [-] soldiers will be exempted from tax for three years, and every ten households will be given cattle and sheep as compensation. Enter Wutong Academy!"


Seeing that the compensation had been arranged, Han Yi glared at the crowd and said, "Everyone! Li Shimin didn't know what to say, but actually invaded on a large scale. Now the country has been stable for less than seven years, and he wants to send troops to destroy Li Shimin. What suggestions do you guys have?"

"Report to Your Majesty!" Wang Meng stepped forward, holding the jade pendant in his hand, carefully recalled the topographic map of Yandi, and then said: "Your Majesty, you can send two generals to send troops to Yandi. There are two purposes this time. One is to take back the military power of Yan, and the other is to fight against Li Shimin!"

Han Yi looked at Wang Meng, never thinking about this old guy, and wanted to take the opportunity to formally take back the land of Yan. Of course, this is what Han Yi wanted to do. After all, although Xu Shu and Wei Qing were under the control of Yan State, most of the officials were Yandi is dominated by aristocratic families, and the world is stable. Han Yi dare not easily implement the prefecture and county system, but he can take this opportunity to take back Yandi. Han Yi squinted his eyes and took Murong Ke under his command by the way. After all Murong Ke is a famous general. Although Han Yi is full of talents, who still dislikes being rich?

Han Yi pondered for a while, this time he also had two purposes, but Han Qinhu was not suitable for taking over Yandi. In the first army, Cao Cao is the only one who is quite smooth.

Looking at Cao Cao standing behind the crowd, Han Yi squinted his eyes and said for a while, "Cao Cao!"

"The minister is here!" Cao Cao strode out with an excited look on his face. He had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, and his black eyes stared at Han Yi, as if he was about to burst into flames.

"The matter of taking over the country of Yan this time! I will leave it to you. I will give you [-] soldiers and horses to replace the soldiers and horses of the country of Yan. Be sure to be safe!" Han Yi stared at Cao Cao resolutely, and seemed worried for a long time. : "This time, Han Qi will be the deputy, and I will go with you!"

"I obey my orders!"

"No!" Han Qi also came out of the hall at this time, first bowed to Han Yi, and then nodded to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao didn't say a word, still looking duplicitous, nodded at Han Qi, Han Yi looked around for a while and said: "This time, Han Qinhu will be the main general, Wei Qing will be the deputy general, and command 20 troops. [-] troops from Weiqing's direct lineage and Han Qinhu's headquarters, combined with soldiers and horses from Yandi, invaded Li Shimin's territory and recaptured Liaodong!"

"Your order!" Han Qinhu couldn't help being overjoyed, but he never thought that he was just a supporting role this time, and the real protagonist was Wei Qing. After all, Wei Qingmo had been in the army for decades, and he was not much worse than Han Qinhu let.

"Li Cunxiao, Xing Tian, ​​Ran Min, Gao Chong, Jiang Song, Huang Feihu, and Guan Yu are joining the army this time!" Han Yi called out the names of several fierce generals in one breath. , Li Shimin is hard to destroy.

"Promise!" Dozens of tiger generals came out and took the general order in a dark and respectful manner. Han Yi nodded, and then seemed to think of something. The warships have formed a huge naval team, with a total of 20 small warships. There are as many as 20 soldiers under their command. Most of them are well-equipped iron-clad warships. , their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated. If they are allowed to go out to sea and occupy the entire Bohai Sea, they can almost block Li Shimin's logistics supply line, and even cut off Li Shimin's back route. Han Yi licked his lips, hehe gave a strange laugh, and immediately said: "Pass down the order and tell Han Shizhong's [-] navy to march into the Bohai Sea, cut off Li Shimin's logistics supply, occupy the Korean peninsula, subdue him, and let Li Shimin suffer from the enemy!"

"Promise!" When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up. Such an opportunity does not come along very often. If Han Shizhong really succeeds in going to sea, Li Shimin's downfall is only a matter of time.

"Your Majesty!" Guo Jia stood up at this time, with a solemn expression, and immediately saluted Han Yi, his eyes full of concerns.

"Oh! Feng Xiao has a peace talk, could it be that there is a good plan!" Han Yi looked at Guo Jia, with a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

"Your Majesty! Nurhachi and Li Shimin send troops, but don't forget that there is an overlord on the grassland!" Guo Jia hastily reminded, and then added: "Our army is sending troops now. It is impossible to guarantee that Temujin will not send troops to the Central Plains. The Great Wall has not yet been built. , Nurhachi and Li Shimin took the opportunity to go south this time, Temujin will definitely not let go of the present opportunity, after all, the inflow of silk and tea has allowed the grassland to see the prosperity of the Central Plains, they have long coveted it and have to be on guard!"

Han Yi was slightly astonished, and almost forgot about Temujin's trouble, and said for a while: "Sun Wu guards the Guanzhong area, Yue Fei, Wu Han, and Deng Yu each lead their soldiers to the north to guard the area around the Great Wall. With [-] soldiers under your command, temporarily stabilize the situation on the border!"


The reason why Han Yi dispatched the soldiers of Wu Han and Deng Yu was that the soldiers and horses in the hands of both of them were from the Qin army, and they needed to spend a lot of time. If Temujin really went south, Han Yi was dispatching the two big killers Wu Qi and Han Xin. After all, there are only so many elites in the country, if they finish beating in one go, they will just burp.


Seeing that the major event has been decided, everyone is preparing to leave the court and start preparing their own affairs. This time, the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households are going to bleed a lot this time. A large amount of armaments need to be prepared, which is enough for them to work for a while, and there are also warm clothes , these are the top priorities.

"Father!" A discordant voice came out, and Han Ming strode out with a solemn expression.

"What's the matter!" Han Yi looked at his son, his cold appearance could not be changed, but the hostility in his eyes was much less.

"I want to send troops beyond the Great Wall!" Han Ming looked respectful, and everyone noticed the Fourth Highness, and then they remembered that the brightest star in the past grassland battle was Han Ming. After that battle, Han Ming directly He has become a famous general in the world. Although he has been making small troubles these years, it is all related to Han Yi. After all, Han Yi does not want Han Ming to have an accident, which is why he is not allowed to command the army. The elite division that survived the battle.

Let's put it this way, the grassland may not know the names of famous generals such as Han Xin and Wu Qi, but when Han Ming is mentioned, it will definitely be like thunder. After all, Han Ming once wiped out a tribe in one go, and let it go extinct. Fame shows how ferocious Han Ming is.

"Your Majesty! I am also willing to help the Fourth Highness!" Xue Rengui strode out with a respectful expression.

"Chen! Huo Qubing wishes to go north!"

"My minister Zhao Yun is willing to go north...!"

"Chen Yueyun...!"

In an instant, many well-known generals in the hall went to battle one after another. Han Yi thought about it carefully, and said after a while: "Yes!"

"Thank you king!"

As soon as the order was issued, tens of thousands of troops marched northward, and countless famous generals appeared in the barracks. The generals who had returned to the mountains and forests began to go northward. Most of the generals who surrendered in the past were taken back. Abandoning the hatred of the country and the family, and investing in the army in the barracks, which promoted the integration and unity of the country, I would like to thank Li Shimin.

There are also many names that are about to be forgotten in Han Yi's hands. Although they are inconspicuous in this era, they are famous in their own era. Han Yi did not reject the door this time, but accepted them all. They cannot be given military power, but they must still be given the positions they deserve.

Yandi, western Liaoning

Hunjiang City fell, and the reinforcements had not yet arrived. Murong Ke's 4000 soldiers and horses were only more than 20, and many of them were seriously injured. There was an influx of [-] refugees from western Liaoning.

For the stability of Liaoxi City, Huang Quan directly ordered the opening of the city gate, allowing the people of Liaoxi City to go south and flee. At this moment, Wei Qing finally set off and personally led an army of [-] to the north to assist Murong Ke.

Li Shimin's head-to-head battle started, and Nurhachi also gained enough benefits. In an instant, the entire grassland began to be unstable, and many small tribes began to gather together and seek refuge in Nurhachi. The number of soldiers and horses is still increasing. Together with Li Shimin's soldiers and horses, there are as many as 12.

Originally, Li Shimin thought that this was the case, but he never thought that Maodun from the Huns, Shile from Shanrong, and Wanyan Aguda from Beidi all came to seek refuge one after another and formed the Hunjiang Alliance. They brought 20 troops, two The army joined forces, with a total of 60 soldiers and horses. There was an uproar in Yandi for a while, and countless people in Yandi kept fleeing south, not daring to stay for a long time.

Li Shimin won the first battle, and then the army invaded the west of Liaoning, and kept searching villages and towns, but he did it softly, but the people under Nurhachi's command were extremely brutal. Flee south.

In the end, Li Shimin's 60 troops entered Liaoxi City, and the entire Liaoxi City became the only barrier to stop Li Shimin's army. It took half a month for the support of the Central Plains soldiers and horses to arrive, and Wei Qing's [-] soldiers and horses rushed day and night. It takes four days time.

Murong Ke stood on the city wall. He knew that once he retreated, the 60 people behind him would have nowhere to live and would be trampled by the enemy's iron hooves. Murong Ke stared forward, looking at the black cavalry, Murong Ke swallowed Drooling, this time there are 60 places.

The city of Liaoxi is ten feet high, and there are 60 defenders in the city. Murong Ke wants to stop the [-] army in front of him for four days. Unexpectedly, how long has it taken? The bandit army, which was originally less than [-] troops, has grown to its current size in an instant.

"Huhu... Huhu...!" The north wind blew on Murong Ke's face, and Murong Long behind him looked at the tents that were constantly setting up camp, his brows were furrowed involuntarily, and he pointed to the front and said, "Brother! The situation is not good. Wonderful, looking at the posture of the enemy army, there are a full 50 troops, and it seems that they want to go south in one fell swoop and take control of the Central Plains!"

"Huh...!" Murong Ke took a deep breath of cold air, his face sank like water, water could drip out.

"General! Look over there!" Huang Quan came to the city wall and pointed to the hillside to the west. Tens of thousands of people began to cut wood, build ladders and countless siege equipment.

"Damn it!" Murong Ke slammed his fist on the city wall, and the snow was flying. Murong Ke immediately shouted angrily: "The people in the city have been evacuated!"

"There are still 10 people left!" Huang Quan took a deep breath, his nose was red with cold, and he coughed twice from time to time. Murong Ke immediately said: "Demolish all the unoccupied houses in the city, and move all the thunder stones and rolling logs up." , Tell those who have not left, all the old and weak, women and children, all go south, and men over 14 years old, as long as they are not disabled, all stay and distribute equipment.

"This... They are completely cannon fodder for staying! And the hearts of the people are shaken!" Huang Quan stared darkly.

"Huang Quan is in your hands! Tell them, if Liaoxi can't hold on, their wives and children will be caught up. Dispel their resistance. Just hold on for four days. Once the four days are up, I will personally send them out of the city!" Murong said. Ke gritted his teeth, his eyes were red.

"I got it!" Huang Quan hurried down to handle the matter without further delay.

Murong Ke looked at the enemy army in front of him, with a chill in his eyes, and muttered to himself: "Come on! I'll take as much as you come, old man. This will let you cross the river with your life, and go back without your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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