Warring States Call

Chapter 1989 Chapter 1999: Broken City

Chapter 1989: One thousand nine hundred ninety-nine: breaking the city

The cold wind is like a knife, blowing on the face of a person, without flesh and blood, but the stinging feeling is like being pricked by a needle. Let’s put it this way, if you piss on the ground, it will turn into ice cubes within a minute , It can be seen how cold the weather is.

Murong Ke pressed the weapon in his arms, the wind and snow blew on his face, his black beard turned into ice, and the top of it condensed into frost, turning into a white beard, and he could catch many small ice Block, Murong Ke exhaled water vapor, and said solemnly: "Is the cotton coat ready?"

"All these have been prepared in advance, and there is enough food and grass, and the snow is too heavy right now." Murong Long was wearing a black swallow armor, with a piece of white sheepskin on his shoulders, the black and white, the gap is extremely large.

Murong Ke came to a soldier who was shivering from the cold, reached out and grabbed his clothes, his brows could not help but frown, the soldier held the weapon in both hands, shivering from the cold, looked at Murong Ke, trembling Said: "will... will... general!"

Murong Ke's expression was moved. He didn't know why. His heart seemed to be stabbed by something. He pointed to the soldier's clothes and said, "Can this thing keep out the cold! This is a ball of linen, what kind of wind and cold can it resist!"

Murong Ke kicked Murong Long's lower abdomen angrily, Murong Long flew upside down, slid a few meters on the icy ground before stopping, clutching his lower abdomen, gritting his teeth and enduring the pain Said: "No way! There is not enough sheepskin... Originally prepared is the cold clothes of 5 brothers, suddenly [-] people are left behind, this is naturally insufficient!"

"You...!" Murong Ke pointed his sword at Murong Long, but he also knew that he could not blame him. At this moment, Murong Long straightened up with the support of the soldiers on both sides, and almost lost his breath, looking at the cold and shivering soldiers in front of him, Murong Ke took off the sheepskin on his body and put it on the soldier in front of him. The soldier felt the warmth that he had not seen for a long time, and his eyes were on the verge of tears. He quickly waved to Murong Ke and said, "The general can't do it!"

"Wear well!" Murong Ke took off his clothes, felt the cold on his body, shook off the snow on his body, came to Murong Long, and yelled loudly: "Cook soup and eat meat tonight, and I will make up for my brothers." body"

"No!" Murong Long bowed his hands, looking helpless and pale, after all, Murong Ke's force value is not low, and his kick was real. Murong Ke looked at his younger brother, patted him on the shoulder and said: " It's okay!"

"No...it's nothing!" Murong Long was crying, he knew that his kick was done and he couldn't get it back, so he could only suffer in peace.

With a dark face, Murong Ke said for a while, "You Shiwei!"

"Here!" A brave general walked out, with a fierce look in his eyes and a dignified expression.

"It's cold tonight. If I were Li Shimin, I would definitely attack the city at night! Be careful today, be vigilant, go to rest now, and let Tugou be on duty for you.

"No!" You Shiwei immediately got off the city wall, walked into the eaves and fell asleep.

This dog slaughter was recorded in history, and his martial arts were extremely high, but he was a butcher who slaughtered dogs in the downtown area.He was friends with Gao Jianli and Jing Ke, and later Jing Ke assassinated Qin, but because of the urging of Yan Taizi Dan, he had to take Qin Wuyang on the road, and the person Jing Ke was waiting for was a dog butcher, but there is no history of his name, and he was called a dog butcher Bar.

Seeing that everything had been arranged properly, Murong Ke went down the city wall. The wind and snow were too heavy. He didn't have a cloak on him, so he had to quickly go down the city wall to avoid the wind.

Hunjiang Daying
Today the big tent was full of people. Li Shimin himself sat in the center of the big tent. There were two people behind him, one was Li Yuanba who was sitting on the ground and eating meat, and the other was Li Guangbi who was standing behind Li Shimin holding a sword.

On the lower left is Nurhachi, on the right is Wanyan Aguda, and below are Shi Le and the leader of a small tribe. After a discussion among the people, Li Shimin is still the leader.

In the past few days, Li Shimin has also been continuously recruiting the grassland tribes who have come to join him. There are a total of [-] cavalry. For Li Shimin, who has fewer cavalry, it can be said that he has found a treasure, and he treats them better than his direct troops. Some lone wolves wandering the grasslands seek refuge with Li Shimin one after another.

The so-called lone wolves of the prairie refer to some grassland cavalry whose homes have been destroyed and have no foundation. They are lone wolves at best, and bandits at worst.

Only lone wolves like Tuobaqian were lucky enough to be subdued by Han Yi. Tuobaqian was also included in this army mobilization.

"Heroes of the prairie! I offer a toast to everyone!" Li Shimin held up the goat's milk wine in his hands, cupped his hands at the crowd, and then drank it all in one gulp.

The faces of the crowd burst into joy, and they held up the goat's milk wine in their hands, and drank it down in a big gulp, all of them were heroic, and praised Li Shimin, it was extremely lively.

Nurhachi couldn't sit still any longer, pinched his beard, squinted his eyes and stared at Li Shimin and said, "Leader, the siege equipment is ready now, let's attack the city!"

"Hahahaha! This is natural, but everyone also knows that the number of troops needed to attack the city is several times that of the enemy. There are still more than 7 defenders in the city. Everyone knows that there is a shortage of supplies on the peninsula. There were more than 2 casualties, so our army can’t still be in the lead in this battle! After all, I want my troops to recuperate for a while!” Li Shimin stroked his beard, raised his mouth, and had a hint of playfulness in his eyes, just joking!It's all about rushing to the forefront with your own soldiers and horses, so what a fart it is.

"This..." Everyone looked at each other and felt that what Li Shimin said was reasonable, but they didn't want to admit it. They looked at each other for a while, and after a while Nurhachi took the lead and said: "I will send [-] troops, what do you think!"

Wanyan Aguda and Maodun saw that they could not escape, so they dispatched 2 troops one after another, Shi Le also sent 13 troops, and the rest of the small tribes also sent their own troops. If you have a few thousand and others a few hundred, you can finally gather [-] troops The soldiers and horses of the army, converted into a total of [-] soldiers and horses.

Li Shimin groped his beard, still looking like a tiger with a smiling face, but his heart had already dropped to the bottom of the valley. These guys still looked like they wanted to preserve their strength. Li Shimin pinched his goatee and said for a long time: "The grassland Most of them are cavalry, and they are not good at siege warfare. Let’s do this! I am sending 23 troops, a total of [-] troops, to attack Liaoxi City. Command the army to ban it"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and turned their anger on Li Guangbi and Dorgon. After all, in the battle of Hunjiang City, Li Guangbi broke through the Hunjiang River and beheaded General Wu Yangjing. Dorgon's reputation is naturally not low, but it is divided between Zhang Liang and Li Guangbi. After all, Zhang Liang is the executor, Li Guangbi is the planner, and Dorgon's real joy is his cavalry. In the big camp, the cavalry has become the most useless unit.

"I would like to respect Li Guangbi as the main general!" Wanyan Aguda was the first to stand up, and he and Nurhachi would not deal with him at all. The two of them had conflicts in the grassland. But it's not easy to do.

"I also recommend Li Guangbi!" Mao Dun said directly, after all, where is Li Guangbi's strength, siege warfare is not a joke, as the so-called skills have special skills, Li Guangbi can take on this important task.

Everyone saw that the two major forces spoke up, and it was you who spoke one word at a time, and recommended Li Guangbi as the general, but Li Shimin's smile became more and more dignified, and he cupped his hands with half his sleeves and said to the crowd: "If that's the case! The chief general will be Li Guangbi!"

"If you do it again, you will definitely live up to the great trust of the generals!" Li Guangbi bowed his hands to the crowd one by one, and the crowd continued to recommend his generals, firstly to ensure the safety of his own army, and secondly to get a better share of the pie .

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, everyone returned to their military tents and started preparing!Only Li Shimin and Li Guangbi were left in the big tent. The master and servant had a long conversation. Li Shimin picked up the hot water that had just been boiled, put a few pieces of tea leaves in the cup, and poured the water to make tea. Li Guangbi said: "Taste the tea from the Central Plains!"

Li Guangbi picked up the teacup, sniffed it first, tasted it, let out a foul breath for a while, feeling very uncomfortable, Li Shimin squinted his eyes, looked at Li Guangbi and said, "Have you thought about the matter of attacking the city?"

Li Guangbi's hand drinking tea was taken aback for a moment, and after a while he shook his head and said: "The soldiers and horses in Liaoxi City are all elites under Murong Ke's command, and Murong Ke is a famous general in the world, and our country's general Li Shentong died under Murong Ke's command. hand!"

Speaking of this, Li Shimin slowed down, put down the cup in his hand, sighed and said with a long breath: "Speaking of which, it was our country that really benefited from the last grassland war, Liaodong fell into the hands of our army , It has been seven or eight years, if Liaodong is in the bag, the Central Plains will have no barriers to stop our army from going south, and the time to win the Central Plains is just around the corner!"

"So this battle! Murong Ke must be defeated!" Li Guangbi took a sip of tea, glanced at Li Shimin with his dark eyes, and said solemnly.

"What can you do!" At this point, Li Shimin picked up his teacup, refilled it for Li Guangbi, picked up the rag on the table and wiped the water stains in his hands, his eyes were full of hesitation, Liaoxi City is a hard bone, It's not easy to chew.

"I have seen the geographical environment of Liaoxi City. It has almost blocked the forward route of the army, and I heard that the reinforcements from the Central Plains will arrive immediately. We don't have much time. For now, the only plan is to attack hard, day and night. City, draining the energy of the enemy! They are waiting for opportunities!" Li Guangbi said solemnly.

"Of course I know this, but you have also seen that these hungry wolves in the grassland come to grab the meat, and if they have no meat, they will bite their master back. In order to appease them, this piece of fat meat must be bitten by them a few more times. Ah! Hurry up and capture Liaoxi City." When Li Shimin said this, he directly grabbed Li Guangbi's wrist, his eyes were full of determination, and said: "Time waits for no one, you should prepare quickly!"

"Don't worry!" Li Guangbi pushed his hand and said, "I've already asked Quan Su to dig the tunnel, and I still need the help of the Fourth Highness for this battle!"

"Yuanba!" Li Shimin was slightly taken aback, staring at Li Guangbi and said: "With your ability, I'm afraid you won't be able to control him. This guy has no brains. He only listens to me. You may be...!"

"Of course I know this!" Li Guangbi held the tea leaves in both hands to keep warm, and then said: "Your Highness has the strength of a thousand catties in both arms, and I will send a team to assist the Fourth Highness in attacking the city. With the strength of His Highness's arm, it is enough to smash it with three hammers." Open the city gate, and let me see that there is no moat outside Liaoxi City, which will greatly reduce the resistance of our army moving forward!"

"That's it! Tomorrow I will personally go into battle and command Yuanba!" Li Shimin said with a cold light in his eyes. If Li Yuanba is a knife, then he is the one who wields it.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Within three days, the city gate will be broken!" Li Guangbi cupped his hands, his eyes full of confidence.

"Okay!" Li Shimin nodded, took a sip from his teacup, and the coldness in his eyes became more and more serious.

"Your Majesty!" Li Guangbi put down the cup in his hand, and looked at Li Shimin solemnly.

"What's wrong!" Li Shimin looked at Li Guangbi suspiciously, wondering why he was so serious.

"We're going to attack the city tonight! It's up to His Royal Highness the Fourth Highness!" Li Guangbi said at this time, his face was serious.

"it is good!"

It was getting dark very quickly, and the wind and snow during the day were much stronger at night. Many soldiers were shivering from the cold, but there were still some people, with their waists straight, floating around in the wind and rain.

Wearing a battle suit, You Shiwei came to the city wall, taking one step at a time, shivering from the cold. It was so cold that no one wanted to move, but the enemy troops below kept moving towards him. Pressing forward, Li Guangbi continued to use the original method of issuing white cloth. After all, in his opinion, in this snowy day, few fools would check the situation outside the city in the wind and rain. Many soldiers hid in the shelter, rubbing their hands keep warm.

But You Shiwei is such an idiot, he would raise his head to stare at the movement of the city wall every ten breaths, and now he finally checked that something was wrong, in the dark world, he always felt that something was moving, You Shiwei, who was very suspicious Picking up the rocket and shooting it towards the black shadow, drawing a beautiful line of fire in the black sky, seeing only a few sparks shining on the faces of the soldiers in the city, You Shiwei's complexion changed, and he immediately shouted angrily: "It's not good! Enemy attack! Enemy attack, get up for me, get up! Hurry up!"

"Boom boom boom!" Countless braziers began to light up, and Li Shimin below fumbled for his beard. Li Guangbi beside him immediately pulled out the sharp sword in his arms, and shouted angrily: "The whole army charges! Kill! Kill!"

"Charge!" The black soldiers kept rushing forward, and You Shiwei immediately shouted angrily: "Rockets! Let go! The whole army is on alert! Tell the soldiers under the city wall to defend the city! Hurry up!"


"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!" The war drum was leilei, and the horn of war sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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