Warring States Call

Chapter 199 Pei Renji's Provocation

Chapter 199 Pei Renji's Provocation
"Pass the order! Let Pei Renji and Pei Yuanqing lead the soldiers and help the two generals!" Liu Yu also ordered.

Xie Hui squinted his eyes and stared at the front. He began to worry in his heart. If this battle is won, Liu Yu will replace Han Yi. However, the strength of Qin is no joke, and Liu Yu will soon face a greater threat...

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, Xie Hui still understands this truth...

"Give it to me, be sure to install it!" Pei Renji pulled out the sword in his hand, feeling both angry and excited, angry that he was about to go to the battlefield, and excited that he could avenge the murder of his son.

He still clearly remembered how his child Pei Yuanshao fell in front of him, his eyes were lifeless, blood spattered three feet...

"Go!" Pei Yuanqing held a big earth bag in each of his right and left hands, and he was still walking like flying, rushing to the front, the soldiers in the back were fighting their generals so hard, and they couldn't fall behind even if they took the lead...

Han Qinhu saw clearly from above, and began to be puzzled: "What does Liu Yu want to do!"

"I don't know! Is this guy stupid?" Yuchi looked down the city wall, and dense crowd rushed over.

"General, do you think that guy is Pei Yuanqing!" A sharp-eyed soldier reminded.

Han Qinhu also looked over, and saw Pei Yuanqing rushing in menacingly with two large sandbags on his shoulders, Han Qinhu said angrily: "This general will kill several Korean generals during the Four Kingdoms War, what will the archers do?" I shoot arrows!"


Yuchi Gong walked up and down the city wall with a purple gold whip in his hand, commanding the soldiers, "Fire me an arrow!"



Tens of thousands of front arrows rushed forward, and Pei Yuanqing said angrily: "Everyone carry the sandbags! Use him to protect the Lord's chest!"




Although the sandbag was protecting the chest, it still couldn't block the bottom. Fortunately, it was only a skin trauma. Unlucky, it hit the left and right legs, making it difficult to move, and was knocked down by the soldiers who came, and trampled into meatloaf...

Liu Yu, who was behind, looked at the situation and gave orders: "Let Pei Renji lead the archers and cover with archery...!"


"Shoot!" Pei Renji was furious, holding the feathered arrow in his own hand, and shot away.

Han Qinhu at the top was furious. Among the 3 people, none of them shot at Pei Yuanqing. He said angrily, "Bring the arrow!"

"Middle!" Han Qinhu narrowed his eyes, his eyes were full of Pei Yuanqing,
"Be careful, general!" The lieutenant next to him hurriedly pulled Han Qinhu down, and the arrow that Han Qinhu had just let go just passed by Pei Yuanqing's cheek.

Han Qinhu dodged, and saw that there was a cold arrow behind him, he quickly stood up, looked in the direction of the arrow, and Pei Renji kept shooting the arrow...

"Damn it! Challenge me...!" Han Qinhu was furious, and shot another arrow at Pei Renji.

Pei Renji was startled, rolled over like a donkey, and fled away. When he turned around, he saw that there was an arrow in his original place.

Cold sweat broke out on Pei Renji's head. He looked in Han Qinhu's direction, not daring to be careless. If it wasn't for his sharp eyesight and quick hands just now, his head would have fallen to the ground by now.

But at the same time, he also let go of the burden in his heart. If Han Qinhu put his eyes on himself, at least Pei Yuanqing would not be wrong. Just like before, Leng Jian brushed past Pei Yuanqing's face...

Han Qinhu took down the bow and arrow in disdain, narrowed his eyes and murmured: "You have some skills...!
"Again!" Pei Renji felt unwilling, snatched the little soldier's quiver from behind, took out three arrows, and shot Han Qinhu three times in a row.

Cold sweat gradually broke out on Han Qinhu's head, and he had a new understanding of Pei Renji in his heart. It really is that a person cannot be judged by his appearance, and the sea cannot be measured...

At this moment, Pei Renji had also arrived at the base of the city, and said indifferently: "Put down the sandbag, and retreat immediately!"


And if you look closely, there is a small round shield behind every soldier to block the cold arrows behind.

"Release the thunderstone! Come on!" Yu Chigong who was below said angrily.

"No!" Han Qinhu immediately stopped him.

"Why general!" Yu Chigong began to be puzzled,

"Didn't you find out! Liu Yu wanted to rely on the sand to pile them up into a slope and rush up. Are you helping them by putting stones like this!" Han Qinhu said angrily.

"But what should the general do? You can't fight, and you can't now..." Yu Chigong said very aggrieved.

Han Qinhu also said helplessly: "We can only wait for General Qin Qiong's catapult!"

"But..." Just as Yuchi Gong was about to speak, another cold arrow came!
"Be careful!" Han Qinhu quickly pulled Yu Chigong down, but the cold arrow hit Han Qinhu's right arm impartially.


Han Qinhu was helpless, gritted his teeth and said in pain: "I didn't expect, old man, I came up with a way to fortify the wall and clear the field. This Liu Yu is even more ruthless. Here comes a bulldozer to make a way!"

"General, go down to treat the wound first, and hand over the city wall first!" Yu Chigong said worriedly.

"Bastard! I'm an imposing general. If I can't even bear this little injury, then I'm not a general! Get out of the way!" Han Qinhu said impatiently, and pulled out the arrow casually, his face was in pain heart.

The bloody arrow was pulled out. Han Qinhu sweated profusely, and rudely tore his own clothes, and simply saved it.He exhaled and said: "Soldiers! Behind is the place we need to protect, and we will never retreat!"


The shouts of tens of thousands resounded through the sky, Liu Yu heard it clearly from below, his face was a little ugly, and he muttered to himself: "Sure enough, as I expected, this Han Qinhu is really a loyal and good dog! It's hurt like this Still haven't retreated"

Wang Mang also looked at Han Qinhu carefully, feeling that his face had been slapped again, and said disdainfully: "This guy has some skills..."

"General, if this goes on like this, I'm afraid it's just trying to increase casualties. It's better to retreat for the time being and wait for the opportunity!" Xie Hui reminded, judging from the current situation, the morale of the Han army is high, and the combat effectiveness will also increase exponentially. Just too many casualties.

Liu Yu was also a little worried. After all, this time he mobilized all his elites and prepared to die. If he failed this time, what he was waiting for was Han Yi's settlement after autumn.

To pave the way for his future refuge, in Liu Yu's view, he would never push himself to a dead end unless he was desperate.

"Lu Wenlong ordered to retreat...!" Liu Yu ordered.


Ming Jin beat the drum, Pei Yuanqing looked unwilling, but he had no choice but to say, "Retreat...!"


Tens of thousands of troops retreated quickly like the tide was ebbing.

Han Qinhu on the city wall also heaved a sigh of relief, and finally survived this hurdle...

(End of this chapter)

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