Warring States Call

Chapter 200 Xun Yu

Chapter 200 Xun Yu

Wang Mang didn't understand why Liu Yu wanted to retreat, but he didn't intend to make fun of himself, so he went back slowly. The generals below all looked at Xie Hui with hatred, but they didn't dare to say it in person, and could only mutter in their hearts: What kind of bad idea did you come up with? We, human life to fill.

Pei Renji stood below, and said weakly: "We killed 39 people in this battle, and more than 3000 casualties, most of them were trampled to death!"

Liu Yu frowned, to be honest, this contest was a bit beyond his expectation!

I also started to feel anxious in my heart. People will always die in war, but the price is a bit higher...

"What will my lord do next...!" Nangong Changwan worried.

Liu Yu said indifferently: "Next, continue to pile up!"


As the name suggests, everyone hopes for long-term peace and stability, everyone can have enough food and clothing, and there is no war. This is also an important reason why Han Yi chose this name, and of course it is also a copy of the name of the ancient capital...

Now it is in full swing, the huge palace, the first thing you see is the busy prison workers, they move stones here in this hot day!Repair the city wall.

According to Xun Yu's request, the city wall should be about twice the size of Kaifeng City, and with the addition of connecting several small county towns together, the city is even more busy.

There are another group of prisoners here, who committed relatively minor crimes, and Xun Yu sent them to farm to maintain the cost of food and grass. From time to time, some prisoners completed their imprisonment and were released. Those who wish can stay here, have food and money.

A bunch of people came and went, some people were pushing carts to deliver water to the prisoners, and some people tried to escape, but they were all captured, and some people brought new prisoners.

The most eye-catching thing here is the 5000 prison soldiers. It is said to be [-], but in fact it is more than [-]. Including the sentries, there are a total of [-] people.

Xie An looked at Chang'an who was improving slightly, and his heart began to tremble. This... this... how many supplies are needed!

Gongsunying and Zhang Zai in front stood at the door, welcoming Xie An!
"Next time, Gongsunying has met Lord Xie An!"

"The next Zhang Zai will meet Lord Xie An!"

"You two don't need to be too polite, may I ask where is Lord Xun Yu?" Xie An was puzzled.

"Your Excellency has been waiting inside for a long time! Please thank you for going in and talking!" Zhang Zai smiled.

Xie An asked curiously, "Does Lord Xun know that I'm coming?"

"Master Xie, don't be curious. You already know about Liu Yu's comeback. The reason we came out to pick up the general is to discuss this matter!" Gongsunying said with a smile.

"Could it be that Master Xun has some good plan!" Xie An wondered.

"I don't know about this! I need Mr. Xie to discuss it with Mr. Xun himself!" Zhang Zai said with a smile.

"Oh!" Xie An was curious, but he didn't dare to ask further questions. The 24 prisoners here can be managed in an orderly manner by Xun Yu, which shows how powerful this guy is...

"Master Xie, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" A refined voice sounded unhurriedly. Xie An also looked curiously, only to see a middle-aged man walking towards him, but he looked like a handsome man.

Xie An said that he was also a beautiful man in history, but seeing this guy, he suddenly felt that beautiful men in this world can be seen everywhere like Chinese cabbage.

However, after many years of recuperation, as well as his efforts to nourish his energy, Xie An calmed down after a while and said: "Next, Xie An met Lord Xun Yu!"

Xun Yu smiled, put down the bamboo slips and writing brush in his hand, and said, "Master Xie, I'm afraid he came here for the Kaifeng matter!"

"That's right, now that Liu Yu's troops are approaching the city, and Kaifeng's troops are separated from those of Kangcheng, we need your help!" Xie An said helplessly.

"I'm afraid the general doesn't know. I have 3 prisoners on death row. Most of them have killed people. Most of them are prison soldiers here. There are thousands of people who don't want to be soldiers. Below As the head of the prison, if there are too many people drawn here, I'm afraid I won't be able to manage the prisoners! Xun Yu said helplessly.

"Master Xun, how many soldiers and horses can you bring out here!" Xie An was puzzled.

"Up to fifteen thousand!" Xun Yu said helplessly.

"Fifteen thousand...too little!" Xie An muttered helplessly.

"Master Xie, don't complain. It's useless to have more soldiers. It's like treating a disease. Treating the symptoms, not the root cause! It can't solve the real problem at all, it's just palliative!" Xun Yu's voice was neither slow nor urgent, but in Xie An's heart , falling quietly like a heavy hammer.

"My lord means..."

"Liu Yu is a powerful minister, the contemporary Song Henggong, but power has always been in Liu Yu's hands, do you think Song Henggong swallowed this breath?" Xun Yu smiled and said.

"Oh, that's how it is!" Xie An was overjoyed, with his ingenuity, he naturally knew what kind of scheme Xun Yu was using.

If there is no interest, there will be no conflict. Song Henggong is a character, and he cannot be controlled by Liu Yu willingly.

It is only necessary to send someone to sow dissension, then Liu Yu's rear will be in chaos, and the pressure on Han Qinhu will be relieved a lot.

"If that's the case, I'll go back and make arrangements!" Xie An said happily.

"Master Xie, you don't need to worry. Mr. Guan, although you can't hold a knife, you can't think of a trick like this!" After Xun Yu finished speaking, there was already a trace of coldness in his eyes.

Xie An was shocked, already sweating profusely, pretending to be calm and said: "Master Xun, what are you talking about! Why can't I understand!"

"Liu Yu has a counselor named Xie Hui, who is about the same age and appearance as you. I don't think I need to say more about it! Yangxia Xie!" Xun Yu said unhurriedly.

Xie An paled in shock, his face turned pale: "How do you know that!"

Xun Yu shook his head helplessly and said, "As expected! The aristocratic family is indeed an aristocratic family, and they never put all their eggs in the same basket!"

"You..." Xie An became a little annoyed.

"Master Xie, don't get angry!" Xun Yu signaled Xie An not to get angry, sat down and said slowly...

"As far as I know, Xie Hui's talent and learning are inferior to yours in everything! But he is called the number one counselor in his account by Liu Yu. I think Mr. Xie feels a little uncomfortable!" Xun Yu said slowly.

Xie An was also a little relieved, and his face relaxed a lot and said: "Sir, what you said is true! I, Xie An, thought that I was no worse than him, but the king didn't seem to like me, so he arranged me in this place to assist Han Qinhu in governing the place! "

Xun Yu smiled and said, "Sir, do you know why Your Majesty did this!"

Xie An shook his head, picked up the tea below and drank it helplessly, he didn't know what else to say except the bitterness in his heart.

"South Korea now has three legions, Wu Qi's Southern Army, Han Qinhu's Eastern Army, and Gongsun Yan's Central Army"


(End of this chapter)

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