Warring States Call

Chapter 201 You Are Afraid Of Your Wife

Chapter 201 You Are Afraid Of Your Wife
"What exactly do you want to say, sir!" Xie An became impatient. After all, Xie An is only in his twenties now, just a fledgling kid, and being exposed by others, even a good-tempered person can't bear it.

"Lord Xie An, be safe and don't be impatient! What I want to tell you is that there are countless talents in front of your majesty, and your majesty has a discerning eye! Those with mediocre talents can only be arranged in the counties in the middle of the country, so how could they let you go?" At the border!" Xun Yu drank the tea on his coriander in one gulp.

"Your Excellency means...!" Xie An pretended to be confused with understanding.

Xun Yu was not angry either: "When the border is peaceful, it may be degraded, but in times of war, it is a good opportunity to make contributions!"

"My lord means it! This is what my lord means...!" Xie An narrowed his eyes and said.

"Master Xie is right! Your Majesty has already passed on the letter! He also asked me to lead troops to Kaifeng, but in my opinion, Kaifeng is not at the moment of life and death! So I don't plan to help Han Qinhu either! "Xun Yu hung up as if it had nothing to do with him.

"But Master Xun..." Xie An began to worry again, 3 people, plus Han Qinhu's 5000 people, the soldiers and horses are only [-]!There is still a big gap with Liu Yu's [-] army.

"Master Xie, don't worry, I've already sent Feng Ting to Taoyi to persuade Song Henggong, while Zhang Cui and Chen Qun have already gone to Chaoge!" Xunzi smiled and said.

"If we continue this way, we will wait for the good news." Xie An also prepared to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and he used this battlefield as a board, and people as pawns, to fight hard with this so-called younger brother.

Xun Yu smiled elegantly and said, "I just got the news that Xu Shu and Xu Maogong came with the lord's order! Lai Hu'er and General Du Yu led the catapult, Zhuge Liannu, and [-] recruits to help Han capture General Hu , the situation here can almost settle down!"

"Your Excellency's word will make you understand! I hope you will mention more points in the future!" Xie An didn't dare to procrastinate, knowing that Han Yi actually handed over the city to Xun Yu. Obviously, this guy has a high status in Han Yi's heart. Low, I have a good relationship with him, and I have reasons to gain a firm foothold in the court in the future!
"Where is that!" Xun Yu smiled elegantly, and didn't look any further.

"It's a pity that this is not the main battlefield. If my lord can't finish this battle quickly, South Korea will fall into the quagmire of war, and South Korea will become very fragile!"


On the border, an old man was fishing by the river aimlessly. Although this man was gray-haired, he was strong and strong!Although his face was a little wrinkled, he looked like a middle-aged man, dressed in white, holding a bamboo slip in his left hand, and a fishing rod in his right, looking at it with relish.


There is also a young boy next to him, holding a wooden gun, and pointing at the tree next to him. Although the force is not so strong, it can be regarded as vigorous, and the sound is not too loud.

But it completely disturbed the old man's sense of humor, the old man frowned and said seriously: "Wei'er stop, you know how to practice martial arts all day long, can't you just listen to me and study hard?

But the young man said nonchalantly: "Compared to reading those Four Books and Five Classics, I prefer to read the Yellow Emperor's Art of War! After all, my dream is to command thousands of troops and become a general."

Ignoring his father, he continued to practice his marksmanship.

"You, rotten wood can't be carved!" The old man turned his head angrily, ignoring his son, he was disappointed and helpless with him, the ancient Yunpifu couldn't take away his ambition, and his son must be considered to have great ambitions!As a father, I can't go too far.

"Go!" The young man was furious, and hit the stone behind him, who knew that the strength was too strong, and he swept towards the river bank, splashing water, the young man was shocked immediately, his face was extremely ugly.

It doesn't matter if you get splashed with water, but if you splash your father all over, you may be doomed!

"Xiaowei! My father hasn't seen you for a long time! Come on! Be good! Let me take a good look at you!" The old man looked at the young man gently, with a smile on his face, gently put down the bamboo slip in his hand, and walked towards the young man. come.

"Father...I...I...I don't dare anymore! Don't hit me...!" The boy was obviously very frightened, and stepped back from time to time.

"No, no, no! Why would you hit you for your father! Why don't you rush because your father hurts you! Come and don't run away!" The old man walked over with a smile.

"Ah! Help! Mom! Father is going to kill someone!" The young man retreated quickly, with a smile in his eyes and muttered: "There is a saying in the art of war, you are invincible..."

"Returning the art of war... I will teach you today, respect the teacher and respect the way! The father is kind and the son is filial!" The old man obviously does not accept this.

"I think you are under the family law!" The boy obviously didn't believe it, and ran back to the house from time to time.

"Correct answer! There will be a prize! This old man will teach you well today, so that you can feel the benevolence of being a father!" The old man walked over with a stick in his hand, smiling.

"Mother!" The young man looked at the woman who was coming behind him, and quickly jumped behind her, with a pitiful expression on his face.

And that woman could not be said to be a fairy, but she behaved plainly, her clothes were tattered and patched, but she was very hardworking. She rolled up her sleeves and had water on her arms. When she heard her child crying and howling, she didn't even wash her clothes.

Staring at the old man, with his left hand on his hip, he said in a strange way: "Oh! Who am I! How dare you bully our precious son!"

The old man couldn't laugh or cry: "Husband... madam!" Just like a flower, it's completely...

The woman did not intend to let the man go, and said: "Amazing! You have grown up, dare to hit my son!"

"No...no... Ma'am, am I fishing?" The old man was obviously afraid and didn't dare to say more.

"Don't tell me so much, you're still fishing! Who doesn't know that you don't even have a bait for this fish hook, and you say that you are willing to take the bait! Do you have a sense of responsibility? I am busy all over the house, you Great! I’m here fishing and reading when I’m free, and now I’m bullying my son..." The woman babbled a lot of bitterness, with snot and tears.

The boy was behind the woman, secretly laughing, while the man felt a sense of frustration, but he was powerless to refute. What his wife said was the truth. For the sake of this family, the wife was reluctant to even make clothes, and she was only offering to the two of them. Whatever is delicious, take care of yourself and your children first...

"Sister-in-law Jiang! You're scolding your husband-in-law again...!" A woman with a baby who was just able to walk looked at the happy family with a smile.

When Aunt Jiang saw someone coming, she was embarrassed to scold her husband, after all, men sometimes have to save face.

"Sister Zhong is here! Hurry up and sit in the room, and ignore these two!" Aunt Jiang greeted him from the side, winked at her child, and signaled him to move a bench.

"Grandpa, you are afraid of your wife!" A little doll next to him said innocently.

(End of this chapter)

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