Warring States Call

Chapter 202 Emperor's Order

Chapter 202 Emperor's Order
After saying a word, several people laughed, Mrs. Zhong laughed, I don't know how to say it, it's normal for children to joke, she nodded Chen'er's head and said: "Chen'er, you can't do this, it's rude! "

Turning around to look at the old man, he said apologetically, "Brother Jiang! I'm sorry! Children are ignorant, so don't worry about it!"

The young man next to him couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, but the old man couldn't laugh. He stared at the innocent child and said, "I don't know if I can count on this child?"

"This..." Mrs. Zhong was a little surprised. According to the situation of normal people, she should become angry from embarrassment, or don't care about it, and don't care about children, but this person is different.

"Sister is fine, although this guy has no skills! But reading, writing, divination and so on are all okay. You put the children in the courtyard, and Lao Jiang and Weier will play with them. You and I will talk in the house!" Mrs. Jiang said enthusiastically. .

"In this case, Chen'er, you have fun here! Listen to brother and uncle, and don't run around!" Mrs. Zhong was worried, and specially told her.

"Understood! Mother!" The child opened a few small teeth and said in a very sweet voice.

Only then did Mrs. Zhong feel relieved, and walked slowly into the house.

"Xiao Chen'er, can you open your hand and show me your uncle!" the old man said wretchedly.

"No problem! Grandpa!"

"Call uncle!"


One big and one small began to compete again, and the children were also very obedient, and stretched out their little hands by themselves!Although the pink and tender little hands were a little dusty, the old man looked at them nonchalantly and gestured in his hands from time to time as if he had found a treasure.

Out of curiosity, the old man began to observe carefully, while the boy named Weir was wandering around bored.

"Xiao Wei, come out and play!" A young man in the bamboo forest behind the door came, holding a small wooden stick in his hand, calling the young man, ready to go out to play together.

But the boy said helplessly: "I can't go, where is my mother at home?"

"I said why are you so afraid of your mother!" The boy was also five or six years old, with a hat on his head and neat clothes on his body, he was considered a handsome figure among several children,
In this chaotic era, children's clothes are not worn by adults, and they are cut out by their mothers.

"Damn A Yu, what are you talking about! Believe it or not, I'll beat you up!" Wei'er stretched out his moderately big fists to scare that A Yu.

A Yu was also a little scared, obviously the one who had suffered a lot, and quickly said: "I came to ask your father today to ask questions, and I don't care about you for the time being!"

"Cut! Coward!" The young man also had a look of disdain, and folded his hands on his chest.

"What did you say!" A Yu said dissatisfied.

"Stop arguing!" The old man was furious, staring at the two little kids distractedly, and scolded them.

"Humph" Wei'er turned his head angrily, and ignored them.

The old man murmured excitedly: "The hand silk is as long as a coiled dragon! The mind line is as short as a hidden dragon in the abyss. Nakai breaks into the wind and becomes a dragon, hahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! The order of the emperor! The order of the emperor!"

"Father, what are you doing!"

"Mr. Jiang!"

The two children, A Yu and Wei'er, looked at the man curiously, and their big Shui Lingling eyes were full of puzzlement.

The old man didn't care, stroked his beard, and said with a dazed expression: "I didn't expect this small Chuanzai Village to be so crouching tiger, hidden dragon! First, my son has the life of a tiger and wolf to assist the Ming Lord, and then this Ayu Feng Huai Tian Tian, ​​​​and a few other little guys, plus this little guy, will become a big weapon in the future!"

"Father, why are you in a daze!" The young man was puzzled, he didn't understand why his father acted like a nympho, secretly having fun there.

But Lao Tzu didn't stop, looked at Chen'er and said cheerfully: "Chen'er, would you like to learn to write with me!"

"What is writing? Can it be eaten?" The children don't understand anything, they only know how to eat, drink and play.

"No! He is more meaningful than eating!" Lao Tzu persuaded.

"Is it fun?" Chen'er looked innocent.

"It's fun! Think about it! It's fun to have these two big brothers playing with you!" The old man looked wretched.

The two teenagers in the back quit immediately: "No! Father, you can't do this!"

"That's right! That's right! Mr. Jiang won't take you to deceive people like this!" Ah Yu was also upset, he didn't want to be with an old man every day, he had no freedom at all.

The old man said seriously: "Shut up, both of you!" Then he turned to look at the child and said, "Are you willing!"

Wei'er and A Yu hurriedly swayed from side to side, signaling Chen'er not to agree, their lives are still in this guy's hands?

Chen'er has big watery eyes, and A Yu and Wei'er behind him are very funny, trying to remind them, but it's useless, saying: "I want to play with my brothers!"

The two teenagers fell on the ground dejectedly, and they were doomed. The old man said happily, "Good! Good! Good! Good!"

"What are you doing! I see that you are so happy." Aunt Jiang walked out with a puzzled expression on her face, followed by this clock wife,
"Mother! Help! I don't want to learn from my father, I..." The boy was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

Aunt Jiang said with a serious face: "No! You are not young anymore, let your father teach you well. No matter what you say, your father can be regarded as one of the few people here who can read..."


"Sister Zhong, I want to discuss something with you, okay?" the old man said a little embarrassed.

"Brother Jiang has something to tell the officer!"

"I think it's hard for you to take care of the child by yourself. When you are busy in the future, you can put the child in my house directly! I think this child likes it very much!"

"This..." Mrs. Zhong began to hesitate, the child's matter is of great importance, if...

"Sister, don't worry! The child is in our house, there is nothing wrong! If you are really worried, just wait for the child to grow up, and we will help you look after it!" Mrs. Jiang didn't know what kind of madness her husband was smoking. , but I think this kid also likes it.

"If that's the case, I'll trouble everyone in the future!" Mrs. Zhong couldn't delay, after all, this family is also very enthusiastic, and it's really a bit powerless to take care of the child by herself.

Chen'er below opened her eyes wide, not knowing what the adults were talking about!But I didn't care, looking at my brother who was five or six years older than me, my heart was full of stuff, and I hurried over.

Wei'er and A Yu each said helplessly: "I'm afraid they will be laughed at by Ziyi and Ahan again.

"It's all your fault, your father has nothing to do with it! You won't be able to play freely in the future," A Yu said helplessly.

"Even without today's incident! You still can't escape from my father's Wuzhi Mountain! Just wait, it's only a matter of time before Han and Ziyi come!" the young man said helplessly.

"There are three other guys! I'm afraid we have one more little friend!" A Yu said, looking at the follower behind him.

"Brother, wait for me...!"

(End of this chapter)

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