Warring States Call

Chapter 203 Song Henggong

Chapter 203 Song Henggong

In the Song Kingdom, Song Henggong was bored watching the fish playing in the water, and the two beautiful women beside him were serving on the side, looking at their expressions!Song Henggong sighed, his head downcast from time to time.

The next few generals and civil servants followed Song Henggong, not saying a word, and did not dare to talk too much. In this situation, whoever speaks is courting death.

The entire Song State knows that the common people only know Liu Yu, but not Song Henggong. The soldiers, food, politics, and household officials are all captured by Liu Yu. Even the two beautiful women beside Song Henggong are specially arranged by Liu Yu. Beside Song Henggong, used to supervise Song Henggong.

The only people Song Henggong can use are Li Cun, Di Du, Di Long, Man Hu, and Jinshi. These five people are Song Henggong's confidantes, and Song Henggong didn't give up on them until it was absolutely necessary.

"Tsk tsk tsk! Be an emperor like this! This is the first time I've seen it!" Feng Ting looked at Song Henggong in the dark, with contempt in his eyes, he didn't know what to say.

"General! Now this place is heavily guarded, we have no way to get close to Song Henggong!"

"This place is not only heavily guarded, dozens of people out of hundreds of people are staring at this guy, and if my guess is correct, this Song Henggong can't leave this palace at all!" Feng Ting said speechlessly.

The whole palace is full of guards, all of them are Liu Yu's eyes and ears, how can this be a king!It is completely a puppet, but this puppet is not reconciled...

"Yishu, tell me Song Henggong's travel time!" Feng Ting said to the waiting guard next to him, in order to seize the opportunity, he had to make adequate preparations.

"General, Song Henggong reads books in the side hall every night, and can only stay at the side of Concubine Liu and Concubine Wang at night. He has nothing to do every day. All memorials are sent to the general's mansion, and he is not allowed to look at them at all...

Feng Ting said seriously: "I'm afraid our chance is only in the side hall, you send a few people to sneak in, we have big things to do tonight!"

"Subordinates understand...!"

In the dark night, Song Henggong strolled into the side hall. This man was not so handsome, with an ordinary face. If he was an unknown guy among the common people, he lived his life in an ordinary way, but he was the emperor. No wonder this guy was killed by Nangong Changwan in history.

Song Henggong entered the door, and the two young eunuchs next to him closed the door, Song Henggong also let go of the burden in his heart.

The momentum in the body radiated from the inside out without anger, and said flatly: "Come out!"

"Your Majesty!" From the screen at the back, three strong men walked out, wearing strong and sharp clothes, looking at Song Henggong respectfully, with a murderous look all over their bodies.

Song Henggong nodded wearily and said, "How are things going?"

"Everything is ready, Your Majesty, just wait for your Majesty to issue orders!" The three formed a character shape, and the one standing in front said first.

"in this way…"

"Your Majesty...!" A person on the left interrupted Song Henggong urgently, squinting his left eye upwards.

Song Henggong smiled knowingly and said, "That's great! Three generals, please take a seat here!"

"Do it!" The boy on the right looked upwards, with a long sword in his hand, as if throwing a spear, he threw it upwards first.

"Middle!...Ah!" With a scream, a figure fell down, and the big man in the middle said coldly: "Protect the king!"

The three of them immediately protected Song Henggong firmly behind him, Feng Ting smiled, and waved his hands to signal that it was time to do it.

The two patrolling guards at the door saw the reflection of the door, and quietly took out the dagger in their hands. Seeing the blood sealing their throats, the two young eunuchs at the door gradually lost their former expressions and turned into dead bodies.

Feng Ting came down slowly with a mask on, followed by several guards.

Song Henggong's eyes became unsteady, and he said seriously: "It is rumored that one of Han Yi's subordinates must wear a mask every time he fights, and Fei Lian, the god of death, is your Excellency!"

Song Henggong directly expressed his thoughts. In his own opinion, Liu Yu is not stupid enough to kill himself now!And the one who has a deep hatred with me is probably only South Korea. With Feng Ting's attire, it really cannot be suspected!

The three people who protected Song Henggong were also shocked. If it was really Fei Lian, the god of death, I am afraid that the three of them would fight together, if it were not his opponent.

Feng Ting was disdainful, and didn't directly answer his question directly, saying: "I didn't expect the dignified Song Gong to become a guy who is timid now..."

"You...!" Song Henggong was ashamed. Even if the person in front of him was not Fei Lian, the number of people in front of him was three times that of them. It is normal for a person to fall to the ground if he is not careful.

"Don't be angry, Mr. Song. I'm afraid it's my king who should be furious now! Song has repeatedly attacked our country, do you really think that Korea is made of mud?" Feng Ting's eyes were full of murderous intent, and the assassins behind him also Show off your dagger.

The cold light is cold, and the war seems to be aroused.

Song Henggong said angrily: "This is all Liu Yu's idea, what does it have to do with us, now Song Guo inside and outside know that Song Guo is now listening to him Liu Yu, I am a loner, what kind of trouble can I cause!"

"If there is no instruction from Song Gong, he, Liu Yu, would have turned against the sky!" Feng Ting said angrily.

"Hahahahaha! So what do I think you guys are doing here? It turns out that I failed to assassinate Liu Yu, so come to assassinate Gu!" Song Henggong laughed, and the three people in front of him were covered in cold sweat. I can laugh...

Feng Ting was also surprised, he didn't expect this Song Henggong to be so... His eyes began to look at him with admiration, he put away his own weapon, smiled and said: "Next Li Ge, I have seen the king!"

Feng Ting knelt down on the ground, and the assassins behind him also knelt down. For a while, Song Henggong was a little confused... Where did this song come from?But he didn't dare to procrastinate: "This is...!"

"Let's go to Lige again. I was originally a ranger in the world. I came here to marry my daughter-in-law. Who knew that my Wan'er was taken by Liu Yu? Yu is heavily guarded, there is no way to go down here, he can only come here to ask the king for help, just now he pretended to be Han Jiang Fei Lian, and hope the king will atone for his crime!" Feng Ting finished in one breath, sometimes he had to admire his eloquence, it was really Very good.

"This..." Song Henggong was dubious, and began to hesitate to pay attention.

Feng Ting pretended to cry to his father and mother and said, "Your Majesty, I think you have great ambitions. Next time, you are willing to help your Majesty to overthrow Liu Yu. I only hope that your Majesty can make the decision for me!"

"Qingben is beautiful! It's just that there are no soldiers or generals in front of me, so I can't control the government at all!" Song Henggong pretended to be helpless, but in fact the drunkard's intention was not to drink.

(End of this chapter)

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