Warring States Call

Chapter 1991 Chapter 2001: Li Shimin's Vision

Chapter 1991 Chapter Two Thousand One: Li Shimin's Vision
Jicheng became the focus of the world in an instant. Han Yi looked at the battle report in his hand, frowned slightly, and his face was so pale. He really didn't expect Murong Ke to lose so quickly. Han Yi raised his beard and looked at the battle report in his hand. After glancing at Lu Su below, he immediately said: "How is the supply of the logistics force now?"

"Food, grass and ordnance are constantly being transported to the grassland. Don't worry, my lord!" Lu Su was sweating profusely, and the cold arrows on his body slipped from time to time, and his voice was a little choked. After all, Han Yi's oppression was too strong, and Lu Su was a little out of breath. .

"Is this what I'm asking?" Han Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, his whole body was like a rainbow, staring at Lu Su with tiger eyes, and said coldly: "Winter clothes!"

"Go to war suddenly! Our army has only approved 30 sets of winter clothes, and the rest are still being produced. Please rest assured, your majesty, we will be able to make it in half a month!" Lu Su wiped the sweat from his forehead. Thinking that this battle will come so quickly, in the original winter, the soldiers would huddle under the blankets and practice for a while, and the clothes they wear are enough to resist the wind and cold, but the bad thing is that it is too cold in the north. Need to add clothes, Lu Su didn't have enough preparation at the beginning, so he had to rush to make it overnight, collect materials, and hire workers. The back and forth time was delayed.

"Less than half of the 70 soldiers and horses have winter clothes. Of the 25 soldiers and horses going out of the Yan Kingdom, a full 20 soldiers have no winter clothes. Do you want them to freeze to death on the battlefield? Half a month The time, excluding the transportation distance, is a full month." Han Yi was furious, and directly attacked the case, the killing intent in his eyes became more and more dignified, and his mood fluctuated.

"Your Majesty's Atonement! Your Majesty's Atonement!" Lu Su repeatedly pleaded guilty, his voice trembling, and then he added: "Don't worry, Your Majesty! I will definitely let the soldiers on the front line wear winter clothes within half a month! I am willing to guarantee it with my life!"

Han Yi looked at Lu Su's back-to-back posture, rubbed the center of his brows, took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and then angrily shouted: "Gao Lishi!"

"In..." Gao Lishi hurried in from outside the study, looked at Han Yi who was bristling with anger, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and came to Han Yi cautiously.

"Go! Open the warehouse in the palace courtyard! Deliver all the cotton-padded clothes inside to the household department!" Han Yi suddenly waved his sleeves, put his hands in his sleeves, and said solemnly.

"Your Majesty! The mother in the palace...!" Gao Lishi asked subconsciously, and Han Yi suddenly became angry for no reason, slammed the table suddenly, and shouted angrily: "Quick!"

Lu Su, who was kneeling below, trembled in fright, lowered his head and dared not speak, Gao Lishi did not dare to say more, turned around and ran out of the palace, trotting all the way, like a frightened bird.

Han Yi put his hands into his sleeves, looked at Lu Su below, calmed down a little and said, "Zijing, let's get on with it quickly, if you need anything, tell Gu!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Lu Su didn't delay, got up immediately, and trotted out all the way. When Lu Su returned home, he scattered all his wealth and bought cotton clothes. When the people heard that the Huns were coming, they spontaneously donated cotton clothes. It was profitable, and the price of the cotton-padded clothes was raised one after another. Bao Zheng immediately ordered to seize the goods of these merchants and send them to prison. The situation was anxious, but it was inevitable.

On the front line of Jicheng, the flames of war began to spread. To the east of Jicheng, it can be said that mourning is everywhere. Li Guangbi's name is very resounding in the Central Plains. He killed the general Wu Yangjing and defeated the famous general Murong Ke. For a while, everyone in the Central Plains knew that there was a famous man on the grassland. A character named Li Guangbi.

Han Qinhu and Cao Cao's 20 troops arrived, and all the armies converged. There were several generals sitting in the hall, headed by Han Qinhu, with Wei Qing, Cao Cao, Murong Ke, Han Derang and Yang Yanzhao under his command.

Han Derang and Han Qinhu are naturally familiar and can't be more familiar with each other. They are both children of the clan, and they often meet each other. I have a general idea in my heart, and the only outsider in this hall is Murong Ke.

Han Qinhu was sitting on the main seat, looked around the four people and said: "The war is imminent now, we only have 50 soldiers and horses in our hands, and there are 30 cavalry and 30 infantry outside the city. Colleagues, what should we do next! "

"The cavalry is highly mobile! Most of our soldiers are infantry, and all the cavalry in the country add up to only a hundred thousand. We are really at a disadvantage when fighting infantry against cavalry!" Cao Cao stroked his beard, Holding the bamboo slips in their hands, they couldn't help but look dignified. After all, this battle is really too difficult. Once the city is gone, they will be passive.

"I have a plan, maybe I can try it, but it's too dangerous." Wei Qing took a deep breath, looked at everyone with tiger eyes, and said indifferently.

"Oh! How do you say that!" Everyone was invigorated when they heard it. After all, the current battle situation is too tragic. They have lost consecutive battles and several generals died in battle. They desperately need a victory to boost their morale.

"The cavalry has strong mobility and is suitable for fighting on the plains. Our field battles will be very difficult, and the troops on the grassland don't know that our army has so many reinforcements. If the enemy troops from the grassland are allowed to attack and kill the city, the combat effectiveness of the cavalry will be greater. Discount, and our army is familiar with the terrain of Jicheng, and if we fight with the enemy in the city, we will definitely win, of course... this will also have certain risks, after all, there is a number one person like Li Yuanba in the alliance!" Wei Qing drooped his hands On the hilt of the bronze sword, stroking his beard with a dignified expression.

Han Qinhu's face was dark, and he was naturally thinking about the problem. He looked around, looked around, and said for a while: "This battle is too dangerous. There are 50 troops of our army. It is indeed dangerous to fight in the city, but There is a plain outside Jicheng, there is no way to repel the cavalry, this plan can be used!"

Cao Cao groped his beard, glanced at Wei Qing and Han Qinhu, and then said, "Yes!"

Han Derang and Yang Yanzhao naturally supported Wei Qing, and Murong Ke had no objection. After all, he was the defeated general, so it's better to keep quiet now.

"Wei Qing will be in charge this time. Set up the city and wait for the enemy to enter!" Han Qinhu directly delegated power, took a sip of the tea cup in his hand, and said nothing.

"Reduce cooking smoke in the past few days, so as not to let the enemy find any flaws! This time, General Murong Ke and I will defend the city wall with a total of 16 soldiers and horses. The rest of the soldiers and horses will dig ditches and trip ropes in the city and prepare fire oil. , and the cotton clothes have not arrived yet, these days I will take more meat to cook soup to supplement the soldiers, and we must not lose the chain in the end!" Wei Qing looked at the crowd, then stood up and said: "The safety of the 120 million people in Yandi is in danger. Right now, all generals, please help us!"

"I must go through fire and water, and I will die!" Everyone bowed their hands, with deep respect.

"Wait!" Han Derang spoke at this moment, looked at Wei Qing, looked around and said, "Li Shimin is tolerant of mergers, and it is inevitable that there will be Li Shimin's spies in the city. It is the so-called drama and full set. In order to get Li Shimin hooked, and then make suggestions. The army spread the news that there was not enough food and grass in Jicheng, the generals were at odds, and they fought for food and grass, and the generals ran away in anger! Evacuate Jicheng! What do you think!"

Everyone's hearts trembled. The problem they had just ignored was now filled in by Han Derang. As the so-called brainstorming, this is what they are talking about.

Han Derang glanced at the snow falling in the sky, and an intriguing smile appeared on his mouth.

"Good!" Everyone smiled meaningfully, and then saw a very strange thing. The 30 troops that originally poured into the city withdrew from the city, but they didn't know that Han Qinhu and others had dug a hole outside the city again. The tunnel connects the city with countless snowstorms, and a soldier ran out of Jicheng ghostly, and left the city through the secret passage he had prepared.

Inside the alliance camp

Li Shimin was sitting on the main seat. The surrounding leaders were all listening to the words of the soldiers, and their brows were involuntarily frowned. Looking around, they saw excitement in everyone's eyes. The Battle of Hunjiang made them see the sweetness. The battle of the war gave them a taste of the cone, and now they saw that they could benefit again, and one or two showed wolfish eyes.

"Leader! The opportunity is right in front of us, let the white bear break down the city gate, let's plunder it next time!" The smile in Shi Le's eyes couldn't be concealed, he danced with his arms and legs, as if he was swaying in the wind and rain.

The white bear was referring to Li Yuanba. Ever since he smashed the city gate with a few hammers, he was honored as the white bear by the men in the grassland, because when Li Yuanba smashed the city gate, his whole body was covered with snow, and the white bear is auspicious in the grassland. And the existence of Hercules, out of respect for Li Yuanba, they all call Li Yuanba a white bear, even Dorgon has to admit that Li Yuanba is powerful, after all, he is not capable of counting hammers to break open the city gate.

Li Shimin looked at Li Yuanba who was eating candy behind him, his tiger eyes swept around, and saw that everyone was dazzled by the victory, and frowned slightly. After all, he always felt that something was wrong, and something was wrong. Looking at Li Guangbi beside him, he said, "Light Bute! What do you think?"

"People in the Central Plains have always been relatively united. The last grassland battle was an example. I suspect this is a trap!" Li Guangbi put his hands on his chest and frowned. Based on his knowledge of the people in the Central Plains, the enemy would not make such an obvious mistake. .

"Hey! The more you fight, the more cautious you are. Don't worry. Our Shanrong tribe will take the lead in attacking the city. As long as the city gate is opened, I will do the rest!" Shi Le took a sip of the goat milk in the silver cup, and clapped his hands. He patted himself on the chest with an air of swearing.

"You...!" Li Guangbi was about to retort, but Mao Dun directly said: "Don't be too cautious, we have so many cavalry, the enemy is not our opponent, don't worry about killing them boldly, this time there is no need You guys do it, just let the white bear open the city gate, and leave the rest to us!"

"This might be a trap! Suppose the enemy didn't evacuate, but instead lured you into the city! So what should you do!" Li Guangbi looked at the two guys who were dazzled by the victory, and directly sneered back, these two arrogant guys.

"Cough! The Central Plains people are just two-legged sheep. Those who are weak in combat power can't even beat our baby babies who haven't grown up yet. When they attack outside the city, their camp will be scattered as soon as the horses charge. There is nothing to be afraid of. That's right to charge! Leader, this general under your command was so brave before, why is he timid now!" Shi Le picked up the milk tea in his hand, took a sip, wiped his mouth, and laughed strangely.

"You...!" Li Guangbi gritted his teeth and tried to dissuade him, but Li Shimin behind him stretched out his hand to stop him: "Haha! Brother Shi was joking, let's do this! Let you take the lead this time, and you will get the most of the supplies! "

Li Shimin cupped his hands and smiled, and stretched out his hand to Shi Le with a generous look. Shi Le couldn't help being overjoyed. After all, in the last battle, they contributed too little and gained too little benefit. This time Li Shimin gave such a big contribution. How to let go.

"Hmph! What does the leader mean by this! Where is Beidi?" Wanyan Agu frowned, staring at Li Shimin with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Hahaha! Naturally...naturally!" Li Shimin continued to accompany Xiaoxin, and then sent everyone out of the big tent one by one.

After seeing off everyone, Li Guangbi said anxiously, "Your Majesty! Something's wrong! Things will happen if you rush forward like this!"

"Guangbi! Don't consider unilateral issues when doing things!" Li Shimin came to the main seat, poured a cup of tea for Li Guangbi, made a gesture of invitation, and told Li Guangbi, "Sit!"

"What does your Majesty mean?" Li Guangbi looked suspicious, he picked up the tea in his hand, feeling dull.

"If this battle is won, our prestige in the army will still be high, and at most you will be given the reputation of being cautious. If you win Jicheng, you will attract other tribes on the grassland, but if you lose What, weakening Shi Le's troops, we have greater control in the alliance, and they admire your foresight on the battlefield even more. When our army is divided into two groups, I have enough reasons to recommend you as the second Marshal Lu, in charge of their troops, for us, whether we win or lose, this battle will be of great benefit to us!" Li Shimin took a sip of the tea in his cup, played with the quilt that was only the size of a baby, and smiled Hehe said: "Besides, if there are changes in the city, don't we still have our support? Don't worry, this battle is safe, no matter how bad it is, it will be a draw. For us, there are enough benefits!"

"Your Majesty is wise! It's Guangbi who is short-sighted!" Li Guangbi couldn't help lowering his head.

"Hahahahahaha!" Li Shimin patted Li Guangbi on the shoulder, and then said, "The commander of the army this time is Shi Le's soldiers and horses. Send a few people to protect Yuanba and make sure nothing happens to him!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry! You must go through fire and water to be safe!"

(End of this chapter)

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