Warring States Call

Chapter 1992 Chapter 2002: The Battle of Jicheng

Chapter 1992 Chapter Two Thousand Two: The Battle of Jicheng

It’s already the end of December, and the Chinese New Year is only a month away. The soldiers’ mood is not particularly high. At first, they thought that the war was over and they could go home and rest, but now, they are going to Jicheng has passed the year.

Han Qinhu naturally saw the emotions of the soldiers. Holding the sword in his arms, he looked at the soldiers back to back. Han Qinhu walked all the way, and he saw the situation in front of him. The hilt of the sword in the middle, shouted angrily: "The whole army obeys the order!"

"Here!" The soldiers who had been sitting on the ground stood up one after another, with their waists erect and straight, and the formation was neat and orderly. Han Qinhu looked at the elite soldiers he brought out with his own hands. His army included the original soldiers and horses of the Six Kingdoms. , but after several years of practice, they have formed a deep friendship with each other.

"Soldiers! We may not be able to pass this year!" Han Qinhu directly said the result that made the soldiers hopeful and uneasy. Some soldiers seemed to accept their fate. , The military order is like a mountain.

"Our New Year will not be able to survive, but the tens of thousands of people behind Jicheng, they can live a good year in peace, because of you, they can celebrate the New Year with peace of mind, because of you, the enemy has not crossed the thunder pool half a step, Because of you, the enemy dare not go south easily, because of you, we will drive out the Xiongnu and retake Liaoxi and Liaodong!" Han Qinhu's voice was loud and loud, although only the surrounding soldiers could hear it, but the next moment, behind Han Qinhu The orderly soldier repeated Han Qinhu's words intact, and all the soldiers under his command were in high spirits.

Han Qinhu looked at the surrounding soldiers, and then shouted angrily: "Replenish your energy and prepare for battle!"


At the end of December, Shi Le and Wanyan Aguda finally took action. The two armies fought, and countless corpses were left on the battlefield. The blood melted the ice and snow, adding a color to this snowy world.

Shi Le rode on a war horse, looked at the enemy army on the city wall, and saw that his vanguard army was dead and wounded. Shi Le pulled out the sharp sword in his arms, and shouted angrily: "The whole army charges! Kill!"

"Kill!" Under Shi Le's command, countless prairie cavalry continued to break through and advance forward, leaving countless corpses on the ground, mourning everywhere, and shouts of killing everywhere.

"Kill!" Jin Wushu held a battle ax and urged his horse to charge in front of the formation. The rain of arrows fell like spring rain, but Li Guangbi's pressure on the formation would naturally not let the enemy succeed. Army pressure.

Li Yuanba finally appeared on the stage, and the cavalry on the grassland sang and shouted angrily: "White Bear! White Bear! White Bear!"

Wei Qing, who was watching the battle on the city wall, frowned involuntarily, rubbed his neck, stared at Li Yuanba who was protected by the armored battle formation, and said without any emotion on his cold cheeks: "Heavy crossbow Bing!"

"Here!" Huang Degong yelled angrily, came to the city wall, and personally wielded the heavy crossbow, aiming at Li Yuanba's armored battle formation. He had to do a full set of acting, otherwise the enemy would see through it, and it would be bad.

"Let go!" Wei Qing yelled angrily, and the soldiers under his command pulled the triggers one after another. In an instant, Quan Sujun on the ground was directly regarded as a living target. It was still daytime and the light was relatively sufficient, and Li Yuanba who was protected directly became the target of public criticism.

"Swish... Whoosh...!" The heavy crossbow arrows shot out one after another, like the arrows of long spears, hitting the armored battle formation, making a clang... clang... swish... swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, squeak, slap, slap, and crackle. There were sparks, and dozens of soldiers were hit to the ground by the counterforce of the heavy crossbow. The subsequent crossbow arrows directly penetrated the originally arranged battle formation, and more than 50 soldiers fell in a pool of blood.

Quan Su held the shield, his face darkened, and he hurriedly shouted angrily: "Defend! Defend quickly!"

However, the soldiers were in disarray and retreated one after another, unable to break out forward, the formation was scattered, and Li Yuanba's forehead was full of question marks?Looking at Quan Su in confusion, he said, "Didn't you attack? Why did you retreat!"

"Fourth Highness! Don't worry about it so much! Get out! Get out!" Quan Su was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, looking at Li Yuanba with a sluggish face, he almost wanted to push him, but of course he couldn't push Li Yuanba.

"Don't! Big Brother asked me to attack the city gate. If I can't break down the city gate, Big Brother won't give me candy! Get out of the way!" Li Yuanba pushed Quan Su, and Quan Su flew upside down, although Li Yuanba just With a slight push, Quan Su was almost pushed to death.

"Your Highness! Don't be impulsive! Your Highness!" Quan Su got up, coughed a few times, and watched Li Yuanba continue to charge forward, a sense of powerlessness welled up in his heart, and the pain in his body made him almost unable to stand up .

"Come on!" Li Yuanba waved the warhammer in his hand and kept charging forward. Naturally, Wei Qing saw Li Yuanba, and immediately shouted angrily: "Shoot at him! Quick!"

"Promise!" Huang Degong didn't hesitate, and shouted angrily, "Let go!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The cold arrows converged, and they all shot towards Li Yuanba.

"Yuanba be careful!" Li Shimin's heart trembled, and he hurriedly shouted angrily. At this moment, he didn't care about the majesty of the emperor, and stood up directly from the rear.

"Go away!" Li Yuanba's pair of beating drums, urns, and golden hammers danced vigorously, like a yin and yang Taiji diagram, enveloping his whole body, his tiger eyes staring at the heavy crossbow arrows shot from the city wall, he could only hear: "Kang Dang...Kang Dang ...!"

Sparks were like fireworks, constantly blooming around Li Yuanba. Li Yuanba shouted angrily, shook the heavy crossbows on both sides, and broke through continuously. Shi Le was staring at the broken crossbow behind Li Yuanba in astonishment, and Shi Le even swallowed a mouthful of saliva, muttering to himself: "Is this fucking human?"

"Keep firing! I don't believe he can hide all of them!" Huang Degong pushed away the heavy crossbowmen in front of him, and personally controlled the crossbow in his hand. He narrowed his eyes, and said darkly, "Go to hell!"

"Swish, swish, swish, swish!" Another wave of arrows and crossbows shot at Li Yuanba, but he didn't care about Li Yuanba at all.

The city of Jicheng is twelve feet high, and there is a moat outside the city, and a suspension bridge was built in the middle. Li Yuanba opened his eyes wide and shouted angrily, "Break!"

"Boom...Kach!" The wooden branches were broken by Li Yuanba's hammer, and the suspension bridge collapsed directly, laying flat on the river, shaking countless snow dust.

"Damn it...is it human?" Huang Degong was stunned, confused, and in a daze. Li Yuanba broke a solid wooden suspension bridge with a hammer. Who would believe this, but it happened in front of them, and they couldn't help it. Do not believe it.

"White Bear!" An unknown soldier in the prairie was the first to shout and cheer, and the surrounding prairie soldiers shouted angrily: "White Bear!

"The whole army charges!" Wanyan Aguda yelled angrily, pulled out the scimitar in his arms, several generals under his command rushed to kill.

"Use kerosene!" Wei Qing stared at Li Yuanba who had crossed the broken bridge, his face getting colder, since physical attacks were ineffective, he would use some magic damage.

"Slam it towards him!" Wei Qing yelled angrily, and dozens of soldiers raised the fire oil cans in their hands and threw them directly at Li Yuanba.

"Boom! Kacha... Crash!" Li Yuanba went up with a hammer, and the earthen jar burst instantly, and the kerosene was sprinkled all over Li Yuanba.

"Hoo hoo... hoo hoo!" The rocket flew by and shot directly at Li Yuanba.

"Be careful!" Quan Su shouted loudly behind Li Yuanba, but Li Yuanba was not afraid and hit him with a hammer.

"Crack!" Sparks splashed all over Li Yuanba's body, instantly igniting raging flames, and Li Yuanba was directly wrapped in flames, transforming into a burning man.

"Fourth brother!" Li Shimin looked at the battle in front of him, his eyes were red, and he pushed away the crowd and was about to rush forward. The soldiers on both sides hurriedly stopped him: "Your Majesty, don't be impulsive! Your Majesty...!"

"Get out of the way... everyone get out of the way!" Li Shimin pushed everyone away, but was held back by a general, unable to move forward.

"Ah...hot! hot...it's burning me to death!" Li Yuanba was human even though he was powerful, and at this moment he was on fire, rolling in the snow, Quan Su hurriedly said: "Your Highness, jump into the moat! Hurry up! "

Li Yuanba took a look at the frozen river, and jumped on it without hesitation.

"Crack...!" The ice cube, which was as thick as a fist, was directly cracked by Li Yuanba.

"Plop!" The sound of falling into the water came out, and a few foam bubbles emerged from the shattered opening of the disk-sized ice cube.

Li Yuanba who jumped into the river was instantly swept by a chill. Wei Qing looked at Li Yuanba who fell into the water, he was relieved, with black eyes, he shouted angrily: "The general is dead! Let the arrow!"

"Kill...!" As soon as Li Yuanba died, the morale of Jicheng was greatly increased in an instant, and they intensified their efforts to suppress the Huns below the city to death.

"Fourth brother!" Li Shimin said solemnly, pretending to be crazy, and shouted angrily: "Quick! Kill him! Save my fourth brother! Hurry up!"

"Rush!" Zhang Liang didn't care too much, and led his troops forward to charge, bit the bullet and shot upwards. He was hit by dozens of arrows in a row and did not retreat. When he came to the river of soldiers, he shouted angrily: "Fourth Highness...Fourth Highness!"

"Boom... Kacha!" On the ice layer [-] meters away from Zhang Liang, Li Yuanba blasted away the ice in front of him with his fist. Head, looking around in a panic.

At this time, Li Yuanba was scorched all over, with white smoke emitting from his body from time to time, and he spit out a mouthful of cold river water.

Zhang Liang couldn't help being ecstatic, and shouted angrily: "Quick! Save the Fourth Highness! Quick!"

"Shoot the arrows! Stop them!" Murong Ke's eyes were red, he thought Li Yuanba would die, but he didn't think that this guy survived a catastrophe, how could he endure it, and directly ordered to shoot the arrows.

Hundreds of people under Zhang Liang fought to the death without retreating. After paying the price of 300 people, they finally rescued Li Yuanba. There was a burning smell, but just like that, Li Yuanba was not dead, but he was still alive.

Everyone was astonished and admired Li Yuanba's vitality. Shi Le's tens of thousands of troops returned without success, so they could only temporarily withdraw their troops, not to waste their troops here. Li Shimin looked at Li Yuanba in front of him, looked anxious, and shouted angrily: "Doctor! Call the doctor! "

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!" Can't take the bait.

That night, Li Shimin and Nurhachi led their troops to attack the city again, but were discovered by Huang Degong, and they had no choice but to withdraw their troops.

Sitting in the big tent, Li Shimin looked at Li Yuanba who was wrapped into rice dumplings. Li Shimin said solemnly, "Doctor! My brother is okay!"

"The Fourth Highness's injury is burnt. Fortunately, he jumped into the river in time and did not hurt any muscles or bones, but the hair on his body is almost burnt. I'm afraid...!" The doctor looked at Li Shimin hesitantly when he said this.

"I'm afraid what!" Li Shimin's heart was lowered, and his face looked a little dignified.

"I'm afraid I won't grow any more hair and beard!" The doctor withdrew after saying that. In this age, the body is hair and skin, and it is under the care of the parents.Don't dare to damage it, that's why people now value hair and beard more than life, otherwise Cao Cao wouldn't have the allusion of replacing the head with hair.

Li Shimin looked at his brother's bald head, frowned, and shouted angrily, "Who did it!"

"Report to the Great King! We have found out! The chief general of the city gate today is Wei Qing! This person... this person...!" Zhang Liang hesitated when he said this, wondering if he should say the next part.

"What's wrong with this person!"

"This person is unknown!" Zhang Liang said a nonsense, but this nonsense deeply hurt Li Shimin's heart. An unknown guy hurt his brother so far today. Li Shimin's face was dark, The voice seemed extremely low and hoarse: "The day the city was broken! No one will be left behind!"

"Kang Dang" everyone's heart rang the alarm bell, and they could only sigh for a long time.

Three days later, Li Shimin took the heavy casualties as an excuse to stay out of the battle temporarily. Nurhachi, Shi Le, and Wanyan Aguda unanimously opposed Li Shimin, saying that Li Shimin was afraid, and Shi Le took the opportunity to let Li Shimin give up the position of leader. Li Shimin sneered, but it was The response made everyone stunned, and then elected Nurhachi as the leader, leading 30 cavalry and [-] infantry to attack the city. Among them, Li Shimin stayed in the camp. This is also Nurhachi's face for Li Shimin.

Everyone didn't know what Li Shimin was thinking. One second he was threatening to avenge Li Yuanba, but the next second he didn't plan to send troops.

On the third day, Nurhachi's army attacked Jicheng together, and the three cities in the southeast and north were completely besieged. The west city even had special sentries to prevent Han Qinhu's [-] troops from entering the city. They withdrew their troops immediately. After all, they did not want to fall into the trap. ah.

"Kill...kill!" The grassland soldiers under the city wall charged forward. Although they were not good at siege warfare, it didn't mean they couldn't.

Jicheng is like boiled water, with tens of thousands of deaths every day, Jin Wushu under the city wall personally led people to attack the city gate, and only heard: "Boom...Boom!"

With each blow, the city wall would tremble. Wei Qing took a deep breath, pressed the weapon in his arms and said: "Soldiers! It's time for a decisive battle!"

(End of this chapter)

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