Warring States Call

Chapter 1993 Chapter 2003: The Battle of Jicheng

Chapter 1993: Chapter Two Thousand and Three: The Battle of Jicheng

"Kill!" The sound of mountains and tsunami came from under Jicheng, and many soldiers rushed up from the suspension bridge. Wei Qing frowned with sword eyebrows and shouted angrily: "Get ready for fire oil! Throw it under the suspension bridge!"

"Boom boom boom... Crash..." Every kerosene would scatter in all directions. Countless prairie soldiers were burned to black charcoal under Jicheng, and the entire suspension bridge became the most taboo place for many prairie soldiers. In the battlefield, one after another set foot on the ice zone. The weather is getting colder and the ice is getting more and more. The soldiers stepped on it without any problems.

Wanyan Aguda wore a sheepskin hat, watched the tragic battle on the city wall, and immediately shouted angrily: "Wanyan Zongxiong!"

"Here!" Wanyan Zongxiong, who was in the middle of the year, was riding a horse and wearing a cowhide armor, staring at Wanyan Aguda with eyes like a tiger. Looking at the tragic battle on the city wall, his face darkened a lot. The superiority in the field, but the enemy's defense is impenetrable.

"How about the casualties?" Wanyan Aguda finally asked about the casualties, he needed to control the casualties, otherwise all his subordinates would be dead before Jicheng was captured, how would he face the people in the clan at that time.

"The vanguard has 8000 soldiers and horses, and [-] people have been lost. Monk Wanyan Chen has been injured and has been withdrawn." Wanyan Zongxiong's face was serious, with a dark face, and he looked at the soldiers who could not even climb the city wall. One pushed down the city, his face extremely solemn.

"What about their casualties?"

"Basically, over the past few days, forty million brothers are gone!" Wanyan Zongxiong took a deep breath, and the battle situation made him feel a little pained.

"Form archers! Suppress the enemy army at the main gate on the city wall! Hurry up!" Wanyan Aguda stroked his beard and didn't say much. After all, the current battle situation is within his tolerance range. Now it's up to who can stand it up.

"Promise!" Wanyan Zongxiong rode a horse, and then stopped the soldiers and horses from shooting at the enemy on the city wall. Seeing that it was effective, Shi Le and Mao Dun ordered the soldiers under their command to shoot arrows. Most of the soldiers on the grassland were bow horses. Skilled, the archers and soldiers on the city wall were suppressed in an instant.

Wei Qing and Huang Degong hurriedly avoided the corner of the city, watching the arrows flying from their foreheads and falling to the ground, Huang Degong swallowed, wiped his nose with his hands, and said with a mouthful of steam: "General! ! Dangerous!"

"The time is ripe! The enemy is in a hurry! Order the soldiers, let Han Qinhu and several generals support them, enter from the secret road, trip the horse rope, and prepare the hook and sickle gunners. Most of the enemy troops are cavalry. This battle must be settled in one battle. Qiankun! Quick!" Wei Qing suddenly patted Huang Degong on the shoulder, placing high hopes on him.

Huang Degong didn't delay anymore, holding up his shield, he hurried down the city wall avoiding the rain of arrows.

"Crash into the city gate! Kill!" Qiu Liju personally led the soldiers carrying logs and rammed into the city gate.

Seeing the opportunity coming, Shi Le slapped his thigh and shouted angrily: "Archers keep shooting arrows, don't give the enemy a chance to breathe! Hurry up!"

"Kill!" The shouts of killing on the city wall are endless, and the cold arrows in the sky are like shooting arrows on the city wall for free.


"Boom... Boom... Boom... Kacha... Squeak" The ancient gate was knocked open, Qiu Liju laughed, and waved the saber in his hand: "Brothers! Our chance has come! Kill us!" Go in! Women, food, tea, and salt are all inside, rush!"

"Kill!" The prairie soldiers who had been hungry and thirsty for several days showed their wolves, and rushed towards the city wall like bee chrysalis. Touching the temperature of blood, it melted into water, and gathered with them, there were shouts of killing everywhere.

"Drive... drive!" Shi Le was riding a war horse, waving the weapon in his hand, reaping the lives of the remnant soldiers and defeated generals in front of him, Shi Le said with a chuckle: "Crap! Die the two-legged sheep! Kill!"

"Drive... drive... drive!" There was a sound of horseshoes for a while, and cavalry on the grassland continued to pour into the city. Wei Qing and Murong Ke went down the city wall to fight bloody with the enemy, and the military flag was fluttering in the wind and snow.

Wanyan Zongqian waved the long spear in his hand, and said with a sneer: "Where is the flag of the two-legged sheep! Kill them! Cut down their chief general! Kill!"


"Presumptuous!" Huang Degong shouted angrily, and came to kill the bee chrysalis with a sword in his hand. The sword in his hand aroused bursts of fierce energy, staring at the soldiers in front of him with wide eyes, and shouted angrily: "Kill!"

"Crack...ah!" With screams, countless prairie soldiers died under Huang Degong's knife. The only people killed were blood men, and the knife was a blood knife. A total of 12 people were beheaded by Huang Degong.

"Two-legged sheep! Don't be too rampant!" Wanyan Zong shouted angrily, holding a scimitar, urging his horse to kill Huang Degong.

"Looking for death!" Huang Degong yelled angrily, holding a knife in both hands, and looked head-on at Wanyan Zong's dry horse leg.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...!" On the snow on the ground, countless snowflakes shook, Huang Degong saw that he was about to chop with the knife, Wanyan Zonggan hurriedly rolled a few times, avoiding it again and again, then a kite turned over and stood up, holding the scimitar in his hands with both hands, blocking in front of the chest.

"Kang Dang!" The sound of delivery regardless of the metal came out, and Wanyan Zonggan flew out directly. The saber in Huang Degong's hand cut directly into Huang Degong's calf, causing him to grin his teeth in pain, and blood was flowing from the wound inside the long knife 24.

Only then did Wanyan Zonggan realize that he was not Huang Degong's opponent, and hurriedly fled backwards. Huang Degong snorted coldly, strode after him, swept away thousands of troops, and directly took Wanyan Zonggan's head. furious!"

"Brother!" Wanyan Zongxiong entered the city and saw his cousin being headed by Huang Degong at the first sight. How could he bear it, and immediately scolded: "Treason Angan! I will kill you!" !"

"Hey! I'll give it back to you!" Huang Degong grinned, threw Wanyan Zonggan's head directly at Wanyan Zongxiong, and then strode out. Wanyan Zongxiong ignored Wanyan Zongxiong's head and fought Huang Degong in the Together, the two of you come and go, but anyone with a discerning eye can feel that Huang Degong is suppressing Wanyan Zongxiong to death.

"Kill!" Shi Le sneered, a total of 30 grassland cavalry rushed into the city, Wei Qing stood on the high platform, his expression became more and more dignified, and he said after a while: "Are you here?"

"It's all here!" Tugou shouted, and then led his soldiers and horses into the battle circle.

"Kill! Thieves!" A Confucian general rode a war horse and commanded his soldiers to attack the enemy. This man was named Li Yuan.

"Don't be a thief! Yang Fan is here!"

"Fan Ze is here! By order of the General, come to aid Jicheng!"

"Gan Hui is here! Kill!"

"Wang Xianzhi, Mi Qiong, come here!"

"Tiger Fighter Jiang Zhong is here! The Huns are a thief! If you dare to violate our middle realm, you will die!"

"Yuanying, Zhongjun, Lu Zhi, and Chen Xi are ordered by the general to arrest the thief!"

Generals rushed out of the army one after another, Wei Qing held up the bronze sword in his hand, his eyes burst out with endless coldness, and he shouted angrily: "Kill!"


"It's not good to be in an ambush!" Nurhachi's complexion changed, and he couldn't help feeling regret in his heart. If he had known that he had listened to Li Guangbi's words back then, he would not have suffered today's disaster.

"What are you afraid of! The wolf god of the grassland will bless us, we still have cavalry, and we still have a chance now! A bloody battle with the enemy! Kill!" After finishing speaking, Shi Le urged his horse to rush out, calling Yuan Gai Suwen behind him, Angrily shouted: "Su Wen! Make a bloody road!"

"No!" A haggard-looking general rushed out, holding a saber in his left hand, and led the troops to charge first.

Nurhachi's eyes rolled for a while. His position as the leader had just been secured, and he urgently needed to make meritorious service. Naturally, he could not retreat at this moment, otherwise his majesty would be swept away, and the position of leader he just won would be returned to Li Shimin. He immediately shouted angrily. : "Dorgon!"


"Kill these people! Quick!" Nurhachi snorted coldly, Dorgon didn't dare to hesitate, so he could only lead his troops to charge.

Wanyan Agu furrowed his brows. Right now, everyone is prosperous and all are in danger. He can't retreat, so he can only bite the bullet and come up, and immediately shouted angrily: "The whole army rushes!"


"Kill" Tadun was holding a spiked spear, and was about to urge his horse to rush out, when Maodun beside him hurriedly stopped him: "The situation is wrong! Don't be impulsive!"

"Chan Yu! Right now is the time for a bloody battle, if we don't go up... we will be...!" Tadu didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was already self-evident.

"They have a strong foundation! There is something to fight for! We can't afford it! Find a few soft persimmons to pinch! Only with absolute strength can we have a strong voice in the alliance! Do you understand?" Mao Dun scolded Ta Pause, then turned the horse's head.

Tadun had no choice but to wander around, showing no strength. Yuan Gai Suwen took the lead, waving the weapons in his hands, and more than 30 soldiers died in his hands.

"The thief dares to be rampant! You want to die! Drive!" Yang Fan narrowed his eyes, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more serious. He waved the silver spear in his hand, and a spear flower appeared, like a lotus flower blooming.

Seeing this, Yuan Gai Su Wen fought with Yang Fan for [-] rounds, then Yuan Gai Su Wen pretended to be defeated, and ran away on side horse, Yang Fan shouted angrily: "Don't leave, you rat! Keep the head!"

"Hmph!" Yuan Gai Suwen glanced back at Yang Fan, a sneer inadvertently appeared on the corner of his mouth, he took out three two-finger long knives from his bosom, stared at Yang Fan who was rushing to kill him, and snorted coldly: "Hey! "

"Ding, Yuan Gai Suwen's flying knives attribute activates, reducing the enemy's force value by 2 points, and increasing each person's force value by 2 points, a total of 10 flying knives!"

"Ding, the current force value of Yang Fan is reduced by 6 points, Jia Fu's current force value is 93, Yuan Gai Suwen's force value is increased by 6, the basic force value is 100, the willow leaf flying knife's force value is increased by 1, the black tiger horse's force value is increased by 1, the current force value 108!"

The small Willow Leaf Flying Knife could not be heard very clearly in the cold wind. Coupled with the surrounding noise, Yang Fan only felt a white light flashing in front of his eyes, and felt a slight strangeness. When I saw it, I had already been hit by two small flying knives on my lower abdomen and left shoulder, and the flying knife in my throat shot directly at Yang Fan.

"Cough cough...!" Yang Fan spit out blood from his mouth, and then he flew upside down, with the blood gushing wantonly in his mouth.

"Thief! You are looking for death!" Hao Xuan, Fang Jinzhi, Yu Qiuzi, and Heng Chu rushed out, everyone was covered in blood. Obviously, there were not dozens of grassland soldiers who died in their hands, but one or two.

"Well done!" Yuan Gai Suwen, with chills in his eyes, shook his shirt and watched the four charge forward side by side. With a sudden wave, he shouted angrily, "Go!"

"Ding, Yuan Gai Suwen's flying knife attribute is activated, there are currently ten swords, the current force value is increased by 4, and Yuan Gai Suwen's current force value is 112!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Dozens of flying knives flew out, and the sound of breaking the wind was endless.

"Hoohoo!" The scarlet knife turned into a meteor, and under the blowing of the cold wind, it shattered the snow.

"Not good! Get out of the way!" Yu Qiuzi's complexion changed, he hurriedly turned over and rolled off his horse, and was trampled a few times by the horse's hooves, causing him to grin his teeth in pain.

"Boom... Puff!" The blood flew wantonly, and the three people who charged in front were shot by flying knives one after another, fell off their horses, and were hacked to death by grassland soldiers on both sides. At the first moment, Yuan Gai Suwen slashed down with a single knife, and took Yu Qiuzi's head.

"The thief dares to be rampant! Guan Yu is here!" A loud rage sounded, and Guan Yu stroked his beard and held a knife, urging the red rabbit horse under his crotch, murderous riots all over his body, and scarlet blood qi floated around Guan Yu.

Guan Yu's Chiyan horse was shot to death by random arrows on the battlefield. It happened that Lu Bu died in battle, and the Chitu horse became an ownerless thing. The Chitu horse was directly rewarded to Guan Yu by Han Yi.

At this time, Guan Yu's red phoenix eyes suddenly opened, and he dragged the knife to the ground, murderous aura surged all over his body.

"Drive!" Angrily shouted, the Qinglong Yanyue knife dragged to the ground, and a long knife mark of tens of meters was drawn on the ground covered by the wind and snow.

"Looking for death! Look at the knives!" Yuan Gai Suwen swung his robe suddenly, and ten flying knives flew out.

"Old and strong!" shouted angrily, Huang Zhong drew his bow to the full moon, his gray eyebrows and white beard fluttered wantonly in the wind and snow, Huang Zhong held the Fengming knife and shouted angrily: "Shoot!"

"Swish...swish..." Five cold arrows shot straight at Yuan Gai Suwen's throwing knife.

"Kang Dang...Kang Dang...Kang Dang...Kang Dang...Kang Dang!" In the snowstorm, five flying knives were shot down in front of Guan Yu, causing sparks that had nowhere to go.

"Yang!" Guan Yu slashed out with a knife, as if breaking through the wind and following the snow, a majestic and domineering force scattered in all directions, directly shaking the flying knife shot by Kaiyuan Gai Suwen.


"Woooo...!" There was a neighing of the red rabbit horse, Guan Yu straddled the horse and dashed out, stroking his beard, Danfeng squinted at Yuan Gai Suwen, and shouted angrily: "Zhan Guanshan!"

"Ding, when Guan Yu's Martial Saint attributes are activated, the force value will be increased by 2!.........The current Guan Yu Martial Saint attributes are activated for the fifth time, the force value will be increased by 10, the basic force value will be 106, the force value of the Qinglong Yanyue Dao will be increased by 1, and the Chitu Horse will be increased by 1 , Guan Yu's strength is currently 118!"

"Ding, Guan Yu's critical strike attribute is activated, and his personal force value is increased by 10. Currently, Guan Yu's force value is 128!"

"Ding, Guan Yu's anger attribute is activated, and his personal force value is increased by 5. Currently, Guan Yu's force value is 133!"

"Ding, Guan Yu drags the knife attribute to activate, and the personal force value is increased by 5. The current force value of Guan Yu is 138!"

(End of this chapter)

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