Warring States Call

Chapter 1994 Chapter 2004: The Battle of Jicheng

Chapter 1994: Chapter Two Thousand and Four: The Battle of Jicheng

"Crack!" The sound fell and people rolled their heads, snow and dust flew all over the sky, blood was like wind, snow and rain, and there were two people from Yin and Yang.

Guan Yu galloped his horse forward, and the Chitu horse landed steadily on the ground. The blood from the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in Guan Yu's hand dripped down the ground, and the blood stained the bluestone slabs under his feet. Looking around with eyes like a tiger, he said in a low voice, "Kill!"

The cold wind blows the snow, the blood rains down on the dust, the faces of the soldiers in the grassland all change, Shi Le is choked up even more, looking at the headless corpse of Yuan Gai Suwen, Shi Le's heart is bleeding, but now is not the time to grieve, Shi Le held a scimitar and shouted angrily: "The whole army charges! Kill!"

"Kill!" The soldiers on both sides no longer hesitated, urging their horses to attack, and the scene of thousands of horses galloping was the scene.

Guan Yu stroked his beard, then turned the horse's head, leaving Shi Le with a view from the back, clamped the horse's belly and shouted angrily: "drive!"

"Change!" Huang Quan climbed to a high place, waving the order flag in his hand, and many soldiers all looked understanding, pretending to be defeated and invincible, and retreated one after another.

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

After seeing it, Shi Le laughed loudly and said: "The enemy army has withdrawn, brothers rush to kill! Kill the two-legged sheep, today! Give it to me! Kill!"

Listening to the retreat horn, Huang Degong grinned and shouted angrily: "You bastard, I won't play with you today, let's go!"

After Huang Degong finished speaking, he sold a trick, Wanyan Zongxiong opened a distance of three meters, found an unowned horse, urged the horse to leave, Wanyan Zongxiong's face turned green and red, and he raised his foot to chase, With a thump, he was tripped by the iron chain under his feet. Wanyan Zongxiong got up with difficulty, shook off the rain and snow on his body, looked at the iron chain on the ground, and shouted angrily: "Where did this chain come from!"

Wanyan Zongxiong has gone crazy, and he broke his mouth. Looking up, the battlefield where the two armies are fighting is Jicheng Street. The streets on both sides are 30 meters long and can accommodate dozens of cavalry walking side by side. There are 36 alleys, big and small, vertical and horizontal.

The prairie cavalry had frantically poured into the city, and most of the streets in the east of the city had been poured in. The streets on both sides were strewn with corpses, the ice and snow had melted, and blood was everywhere on the ground.

"Drive!" Countless soldiers on horses rushed towards us like a torrent and a tsunami. Wei Qing looked at the soldiers receding like the tide, and then angrily shouted: "Let go!"

"Swish...swish...swish...swish!" Zhuge Liannu's crossbow arrows shot out one after another, stopping the enemy's charge in an instant. The momentum of the cavalry's charge was suppressed. Taking this opportunity, several soldiers set off in unison, crossing alleys and crossing the city on both sides of the south and north sides of the city.

Jicheng Street is the main road that runs across the east and west, and Yanzi Street is the main road that connects the north and the south, dividing Jicheng into four cities: the east, the west, the south, and the north.

Before Guan Yu's handsome army retreated, the cavalry in the city had already arranged tripping ropes and hooks and sickles along the way, and countless kerosene was hidden in the surrounding eaves.

Wei Qing squinted his eyes and stretched his fingers on the hilt of the sword. He secretly calculated the distance of the enemy army and muttered a few times in his heart. Every time the enemy army rushed forward a few meters, Wei Qing's finger would press down on the hilt of the sword, fully After half a stick of incense, Wei Qing pressed down all his fingers, and Wei Qing immediately shouted angrily: "Do it!"

"Pound, pound, pound!" All the iron chains that had been buried in the wind and snow were pulled, and hundreds of iron chains were pulled with a clatter, and they were pulled straight. The iron cavalry was rolled to the ground with a crash, and the soldiers who had been ambushing on the eaves for a long time suddenly raised the clay pot in their hands and smashed it down.

"Crack...boom...crack...crack...crack...crack" The kerosene cans were scattered in all directions, and the archers on the city wall ignited the rockets and shot them forward. In an instant, the entire East Street of Jicheng Burned by the fire, there are mourners everywhere. Most of the grassland soldiers are wearing leather armor. When they are drenched in kerosene, they instantly turn into people of fire. , Countless soldiers screamed incessantly.

Shi Le was even more wrapped in the circle of fire, neither retreating nor advancing, Wanyan Aguda and Nurhachi's complexions suddenly changed, and Mao Dun's complexion also became embarrassing, his face sank like water, and his hands were firmly grasping the reins in his hands , the old man with a swollen face, seems to be dripping water at any time.

"Shi Le! Sue to death!" Wei Qing looked at Shi Le who was wearing a black cowhide cap, with murderous intent in his eyes, he swung his sleeves suddenly, and thousands of archers who had been prepared for a long time shot towards Shi Le in unison.

"Swish...swish...bump!" Every time an arrow hits Shi Le, there will be a heavy sound on Shi Le's body. Shi Le looks up and stares at Wei Qing above him unwillingly. Arrow left this world with unwillingness and regret, Shi Ledu's body fell to the ground, and then was enveloped by endless fireworks.

"Ambush in the middle! Withdraw the troops!" Wanyan Aguda came to his senses, seeing the streets burning for a mile, Wanyan Aguda had no choice but to admit defeat, turned his horse's head and shouted angrily: "Withdraw the troops! Let's go!"

"Drive...!" Several generals opened the way, and the city was swept away. Cao Cao looked at the battle in front of him with his hands behind his back, then took up the command flag in his hand and waved wantonly, shouting angrily: "The whole army goes to battle!"

"Boom boom boom!" Tens of thousands of pikemen rushed out from all the alleys, holding weapons, and constantly cutting the hooves of the horses with hook and sickle guns.

Nurhachi looked livid, looked at Dorgon beside him, and shouted angrily: "Quick! Release the signal arrow! Tell Li Shimin to come and support! Nian Gengyao!"

"Here!" A burly man stood up, armed with a saber and covered in blood armor. He had obviously rushed once, and only then did he get scars all over his body.

"Here are the three thousand and eight banner troops, break out of the city! Hurry up!" Nurhachi's complexion was cloudy and he shouted angrily, Nian Gengyao didn't dare to delay, he slapped his horse suddenly, and shouted angrily: "Tuhai, Hu Erhan charge with me! quick!"

"Okay!" The two tiger generals shouted angrily, turning their horses around, a fight was inevitable.

"Whoosh!" A whistle arrow shot into the sky, making the sound of eagle chirping.

Then Nian Gengyao led the army to break through the city gate, and saw three people standing in front of the east gate, with thousands of soldiers guarding the gate behind them.

The man in the middle, holding a battle ax in one hand and a shield in the other, stands proudly in front of everyone. Behind him are two tiger generals wearing heavy armor and riding a war horse. Each of them is riding a war horse. The three of them are like three towering mountains. , Standing in front of the tens of thousands of grassland troops, the unparalleled oppressive force made the soldiers who were charging look surprised and disgusted.

"Where did the bastard come from! Get out of here!" Hu Erhan yelled angrily, and with the battle ax in his hand, he slashed at Xing Tian, ​​who was at the front in the middle.

"Do you also use an axe?" Xing Tian's black eyes were unwavering, like the surface of calm water. It took a full three seconds for Xing Tian to move, and the shield in his hand flew directly towards him, and the scarlet blood lingered on the shield for a long time. Hu Erhan waved the ax in his hand disdainfully and slashed away.

"Crack!" The result was not as Hu Erhan expected, the ax in his hand broke halfway, and Hu Erhan was directly knocked off his horse, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of old blood. He only felt that several bones in his chest were broken, and the horse under his crotch seemed to be Before he understood the situation, he kept charging towards Xing Tian, ​​as if trying to knock him to the ground.

Xing Tian shook his sore fist indifferently, his eyes still indifferent, and suddenly punched the horse's thigh, the horse's pupils suddenly widened, and after a tragic neigh, it collapsed to the ground.

Blood and snow fell on the chest, and the besieged grassland soldiers, for some reason, could not help but choke their throats, knocking down a war horse with one punch, who can do this.

Xing Tian walked forward on foot, every step the soldiers in the grassland trembled in fear, and retreated from time to time, Xing Tian looked at Hu Erhan who had become a corpse, raised the battle ax in his hand, and shouted angrily: "The winner is because of the battle. live, the loser fears the battle and dies, slaughter them! No one is left!"

"Kill!" Li Cunxiao and Ran Min suddenly urged their horses, their eyes moved with coldness, Li Cunxiao waved the soldiers in his hands, and shouted angrily: "Even a chicken and a dog dare to go south, you want to die!"

"Today, I will wipe out the Hu clan with all the lords, and have a deep hatred with the people of the Central Plains!" Ran Min yelled angrily, showing killing intent all over his body, like three fierce tigers, rushing into the flock of sheep, and the grassland suddenly became a riot.

Tu Hai gritted his teeth and led the army to charge. Li Cunxiao did not even have a round in Li Cunxiao's hands. He was directly picked and fell to this place. Among the chaotic cavalry, one after another Bleeding and killing is already the norm.

Wanyan Aguda looked solemn, turned his horse's head, looked at the chaotic battlefield, and shouted angrily, "Get out! Quickly! Get out!"

"My name is Tugou! I mean Tugou!" With an angry shout, Tugou held two three-foot long knives, stared at Wanyan Aguda with tiger eyes, and shouted angrily: "Thief, die!"

"Protect Shanyu! Hurry up!" Jin Wushu looked solemn, and immediately rode his horse to intercept the charging enemy army.

"Drive!" Wanyan Jindanzi yelled angrily, and came to Jin Wushu with a horse in his hand, and yelled angrily: "Jin Wushu protects the lord to evacuate, Yinchanzi will follow me to intercept the enemy!"

"Ran Min is here! The thieves don't leave!" Ran Min shouted angrily, the weapons in his hands were like two silver snakes, circling around, killing Wanyan's golden marble and Wanyan's silver cicada.

Outside Jicheng

Li Guangbi's [-]-strong army was repairing on the spot. Seeing the blazing flames of Jicheng City continue to evaporate, he frowned. Based on his military intuition, he felt that the battlefield was very unfavorable. He frowned, but he did not dare to be impulsive. Li Guangbi wanted to drink water, but the lieutenant beside him patted Li Guangbi's shoulder and said, "General! Look!"

Li Guangbi looked up suspiciously at the sky, and saw a sound of arrows coming out from the sky, Li Guangbi's complexion changed suddenly, the water bag he just opened fell directly to the ground, melting with the ice and snow, Li Guangbi's expression was dark and dignified, he immediately turned his horse's head, Angrily shouted: "The whole army charges! Open the city gate! Quick!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom...!" The war drum slowly thundered, and the whole world changed color, and the sound of the war drum resounded through the sky.

Tens of thousands of troops set off in unison, Zhang Liang and Quan Su led the troops to charge, and on the side of the city wall, the witty Mao Dun had already led people out of the ladder, watching Li Guangbi's tens of thousands of troops rushing to kill, risking to attack Dun immediately organized the soldiers under his command to blast open the city gate. Even if he faced Li Guangbi and the others in the future, Modun would have enough excuses for this operation.

"My lord, let's go!" Monk Wanyan Chen held a war halberd and mopped up the blocking enemy army. His body was still covered with scars. Ma Chao was riding a war horse in silver armor. Among the army, he was definitely the most shining. The bright one, the silver spear in his hand is strong and mighty, like a fierce lion, blocking in front of Monk Wanyan Chen.

"Whoever blocks me will die! Drive!" Monk Wanyan Chen yelled angrily, urged the horse to fight, and fought with Ma Chao. The two fought back and forth for three rounds. Monk Wanyan Chen had already become overwhelmed Looking at Wanyan Aguda who was protected by Jin Wushu, Monk Chen immediately shouted angrily: "Go!"

"Monk Chen!" Wanyan Aguda looked at Monk Wanyan Chen, who was being suppressed by Ma Chao, with a solemn expression, and was about to send someone to rescue him, when Wanyan Zongxiong beside him hurriedly said: "The city gate is open! Let's go!"

"Hurry up and save Monk Chen!" Wanyan Aguda looked at the entangled Monk Wanyan Chen, and wanted to send someone to rescue him, but Jin Wushu looked back at the overwhelming enemy army, and said decisively: "I can't care about that much anymore, Escort Shan Yu first! Hurry up! If it’s too late, it’s too late!”

"Go! Not fast!"

"Death!" Ma Chao stared at Monk Wanyan Chen in front of him with red eyes, shouted angrily, and suddenly exerted force, a fierce and powerful shot, like a lion roaring, Monk Wanyan Chen resisted with all his strength, but it was already at the end of his strength, I only heard: "Pfft!"

Monk Wanyan Chen immediately fell off his horse and died here, Ma Chao gave a cold snort and urged his horse to give chase.

"Withdraw!" Wanyan Jintanzi rode on the horse, turned the horse's head suddenly, looked at Wanyan Yinchanzi who was still fighting to the death, and hurriedly shouted angrily, Wanyan Yinchanzi didn't dare to fight for a long time, and immediately turned the horse's head to go.

Ran Min shouted angrily: "I want to leave! Shuangfeng returns to the nest!"

With a loud shout, the scarlet blood on Ran Min's arms continued to emerge, like a rainbow in the sky and an abyss in the earth. The scarlet blood gradually condensed, and finally converged on the two spears, and stabbed out suddenly, like two loud phoenix cries.

Wanyan Yinchanzi and Wanyan Jintanzi's complexions turned pale for a while, and they couldn't hide away, they gritted their teeth, their hearts froze, they fought, and shouted angrily: "Kill!"

"Ding, the Wanyan Golden Bullet's Bravery attribute activates, and the force value is increased by 5. If the opponent is from the Central Plains, the force value is doubled. The current Wanyan Golden Bullet's basic force value is 102, and the Black Purple Golden Hammer's force value is increased by 1. Clouds and smoke become rain. The force value is increased by 1, and the current force value is 114!"

"Kill!" Wanyan Yinchanzi was also furious, and rushed forward angrily, confronting Ran Min with a cold gleam in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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