Warring States Call

Chapter 1995 Chapter 2005: The Battle of Jicheng Comes to an End

Chapter 1995: Chapter Two Thousand and Five: The Battle of Jicheng Comes to an End
"Ding, Wanyan Yinchanzi's constant strength attribute activates, the personal force value increases by 7, the purple gold hammer force value increases by 1, the wind, snow and rain force value increases by 1, the personal basic force value is 101, and the current force value is 110!"

"Go!" Wanyan Yinchanzi suddenly threw the horse spear in his hand, Ran Min rolled his eyes, and swept the spear in his left hand directly, only to hear: "Bang Dang!"

Although the horse was swept away, Ran Min's offensive also subsided, Wanyan Yinchanzi was able to pull out his body, and pulled out a purple gold hammer from the horse's back. With a strong momentum, he shouted angrily: "The thief Don't go crazy, let's see the two of us take you."

"Ding, Wanyan Yinchanzi and Wanyan Jinpinzi's dual cicada attributes are activated, and the personal force value is increased by 10. The current Wanyan Jindanzi's force value is 124, and the Wanyan Golden Pinball's force value is 120!"

"In the light of the candle, you dare to compete with the bright moon! I don't know what it means!" Ran Min's two spears shook out, and the scarlet blood on Zhou's body surged again. Ran Min's eyes were red, and he shouted angrily: "Wu Zhuo!"

"Ding, the current Ran Min's basic force value is 107, and the current Ran Min's force value is 141!"

"Boom boom boom!" Scarlet blood energy evaporated from Ran Min's body, waves of air were like sea waves, with Ran Min as the center origin, continuously spreading to the surroundings, Ran Min's two spears were like dragons, two long spears, It was as if two red rays shot straight out, making a vibrating crashing sound, piercing towards Wanyan Yinchanzi and Wanyan Jinbanzi.

"Boom...boom...boom...boom...poof...whoosh!" Several voices rang out, and Wanyan's golden bullet and Wanyan's silver cicada smashed down, one left and one right towards Ran Min's ribs, But there was only a heavy collision sound, and the purple gold hammers in the hands of the two flew upside down, and fell heavily on the ground. Everyone opened their mouths to spit out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, the door of the two people's house was opened, how could Ran Min let go of the good opportunity in front of him, and rushed in, with two guns piercing the two people's chests, the sound of piercing their armor and piercing their flesh, one after another, the two of them were directly pierced by Ran Min The chest, picked and killed, fell heavily to the ground.

Jin Wushu, who was protecting Wanyan Aguda and retreating, turned his head suddenly, his eyes tearing apart: "Son...!"

"Go... let's go!" Wanyan Zongxiong looked back at the heroic general who died under Ran Min's gun, and then looked at the surrounding environment. The dark Korean army rushed out from all the alleys in an endless stream. Without further ado, he hastily pulled Jin Wushu and Wanyan Aguda to the city gate to break through.

"Don't pull me! I'll fight with him!" Jin Wushu was furious, and urged his horse to raise the battle ax in his hand, as if he was going to fight Ran Min to the death. Wan Yan Zongxiong frowned. They were already very passive in this battle. No, Jin Wushu must not be allowed to go back, and immediately shouted angrily: "Wanyan Loushi, Wanyan Yegunai, Wanyan Benjian! Pull Jin Wushu and go! Hurry up!"

"Withdraw...!" The crowd didn't dare to wait any longer, they hurriedly turned their horses and left, while Nurhachi's complexion changed suddenly, and he rushed out of the city wall under the protection of an Eight Banners army, looking around, left and right, seeing that he was not there Looking at the familiar figure, Nurhachi said exhaustedly, "Where's Dorgon? Where's Dorgon?"

"General Dorgon is opening the way ahead! Let's go!" Xuanye rode on a horse, pulled Nurhachi and left.

Tens of thousands of cavalry joined Li Guangbi's infantry as soon as they rushed out of Jicheng. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Li Guangbi held a long spear, looked at Nurhachi and others in a panic, and immediately shouted angrily: "Go!"

The crowd didn't hesitate any more, they rushed and fled towards the camp one after another, but when they had just walked a few meters, the ground trembled.

"Rumble... Rumble!"

The grassland soldiers who grew up on the grassland all year round, the first reaction is that there are cavalry, but their faces are all suspicious, what is going on, how can there be cavalry?Could it be reinforcements.

"Kill!" Everyone hesitated for a while, and the sound of killing from the west was loud, and a horse rushed out. The leader was wearing heavy armor, with a black bear skin on his back, and the horse under his crotch was also wearing heavy armor. One step is like shaking the earth, and the military flags stand in the cold wind, with two large characters written: "Tiger and Leopard!"

Nurhachi swallowed his saliva, pointed at the cavalry in front of him and said, "Whose cavalry is this!"

"Not good!" Li Guangbi's face trembled for a moment. They had been inquiring about information in the Central Plains for many years, so they naturally knew that the ace cavalry in Han Yi's army was the tiger and leopard cavalry, and its leader, Huo Qubing, was one of the twelve champions.

Since the Qin State was pacified, Han Yi began to focus on training tiger and leopard riders. He reorganized all the war horses collected in Yiqu City and combined them with the war horses raised by Han Yi in the Central Plains to become the main horse source for tiger and leopard riders. Development, Han Yi's financial resources are strong, and he absorbed many soldiers who were good at riding and shooting from the soldiers and horses that surrendered to Qin State, and expanded them. Now there are 10 tiger and leopard riders, and they are all heavily armored. People are equipped with two horses to fight, and there are countless warriors in the army.

Along with the tigers and leopards came Zhao Yun's white horses, Zhao Yun's soldiers and horses also began to expand, but because of the white horses, there were not many cavalry, but now there are a full [-], most of them are light cavalry. Lord, after Huo Qubing charged for a while, he followed the tiger and leopard cavalry to clean up the mess.

"Kill!" Huo Qubing waved his long sword in his palm, and tens of thousands of tiger and wolf troops rushed down with great momentum, just like the so-called black clouds crushing the battle formation, they were talking about tiger and leopard cavalry.

"Not good!" Nurhachi's face turned pale for a while, and the horses under his crotch began to be restless at this moment. The soldiers under his command were impetuous, and Mao Dun swallowed his saliva, and immediately shouted angrily: "Go!"

"Quick... woo woo woo...!" The war horse neighed, and the ground trembled. The grassland soldiers were soldiers who had not received formal training. It was easy to escape, where there was still the desire to fight, birds and beasts scattered one after another.

"Don't panic! Keep the formation! Fight the enemy! Don't panic!" Li Guangbi tried his best to appease the flustered grassland soldiers, but they were all mobs. How could they care so much at this moment? Constantly fleeing, no one is following Li Guangbi's command, and only a few soldiers and horses can still prepare to defend against the enemy.

Wanyan Aguda shouted angrily: "The whole army stays in formation! Charge!"

"Woooooo..." There was another loud sound of horseshoes, and Han Ming appeared on the battlefield riding a blue-faced ghost hoof, with three thousand ghost soldiers guarding him behind him, and the four fierce and eight sledgehammers were naturally among them. The cyan flag fluttered wantonly in the wind and snow.

Wanyan Agu recognized Han Ming's military flag at a glance, and his face instantly grew long, and he said in a low voice, "It's that brat! He's here too!"

"Kill!" The voice was crisp and sharp, and the three thousand ghost soldiers and tens of thousands of tiger and leopard riders charged, like a flood of beasts. At this moment, they only had one task, and that was to kill.

"Charge!" Deng Qiang yelled angrily, waving the weapon in his hand and charging around, the sound of flesh and blood colliding was endless, and soldiers were flying everywhere, Nurhachi immediately yelled angrily: "Fu Heng! Shi Lang resists the enemy! The rest Get out! Drive!"

"Kill!" The two armies were fighting, and the sound of collision was everywhere. Fu Heng and Shi Lang resisted desperately, but facing Huo Qubing's attributes, the two of them were constantly weakened, and finally died in the torrent of tiger and leopard riders. The horse trampled on it, and there were no bones left.

"Kill!" Huo Qubing's cavalry rushed back and forth, and Li Guangbi's infantry directly became the focus of Huo Qubing's crushing. This battle lasted for three full hours. The sunset shone on the bloody ground, and there were stumps everywhere. Arm, the originally aggressive Hunjiang League, now less than 10 people escaped from Jicheng, 40 troops, only 8 or [-] people escaped, most of them were remnants and defeated generals, and their morale was low. The joyful situation was dead at this moment, and the wailing of soldiers was everywhere.

Inside the alliance

Li Shimin was stationed in the military tent, staring at the exhausted people, his heart sank to the bottom, half of the 60 troops were lost in this battle.

Li Guangbi came in front of Li Shimin. After several hours of fighting, he didn't even have time to wipe off the blood on his face. He collapsed in front of Li Shimin, and said solemnly: "The 30 army was wiped out, and 2 people disappeared. Most of the soldiers who came back were seriously injured, and I don’t know if they can survive this winter! The next general Liang Xi, the military adviser Niu Xianke, and the lieutenant general Li Zaiyi all died in the chaos!"

Li Shimin took a deep breath, the hand holding the teacup trembled a little, took a sip, Li Shimin said solemnly: "Withdraw to Liaoxi City!"

"Promise!" Li Guangbi also knew that if he continued to fight, the soldiers under his command would be seriously injured if they didn't die, so he had to follow Li Shimin's plan.

Inside Jicheng

Many generals gathered together, with blood all over their bodies, mourners were everywhere in the wounded barracks, Yang Yanzhao walked into the big tent in a blood armor, seeing that everyone was waiting for him, Yang Yanzhao sat directly on his seat, looked at the table Putting on the white rice porridge, Yang Yanzhao just felt a little nauseated, and turned his head helplessly, after all, he has seen too many yellow and white things today, even he, a battle-tested general, couldn't bear it.

Everyone didn't move their chopsticks, and Han Derang was even shot in the shoulder by an arrow. The soldiers on both sides hurriedly bandaged Han Derang, and all of them were in a hurry. The painful Han Derang almost passed out.

"General Yang! Have the casualties been counted?" Han Qinhu picked up the cup, took a sip, and covered his hands with the bamboo cup.

"Come out! 1 brothers died! 1 of them were seriously injured and died, countless were lightly injured, and more than [-] remnants were captured. The weather may be getting colder today. I don't know if I will leave tonight." How many brothers!" Yang Yanzhao lowered his head, his voice was a little trembling, this battle was really brutal.

"How many medicines are there now!" Han Qinhu exhaled with a serious expression.

Cao Cao shook out his shirt, reached out and touched the candles to get a little warmth, stared at the fire in front of him solemnly, sighed and said: "Although the follow-up cotton clothes have been delivered, the medicine is limited after all. It's too hasty, the medicine delivered this time is only two hundred cars... I'm afraid it's not enough!"

"Let's do this!" Han Qinhu said solemnly: "Let the soldiers heal ordinary wounds with scalding knives! Leave some for the seriously injured soldiers. Aren't there many dead war horses on the battlefield? Just use local materials and cook them for the soldiers. Serve some meat! Don't treat the brothers badly!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded in agreement. After appeasing these problems, Han Qinhu squinted his eyes and said with a serious expression: "The enemy's base is hurt right now. According to the old man's suggestion, go north! Send troops directly to destroy them." !"

"Don't be impulsive!" Wei Qing hurriedly said to stop, dark and dignified: "Although our army has won a big victory, the soldiers and horses under our command are still infantry. According to the scouts, the enemy still has 15 cavalry. Most of us are infantry, once encountering cavalry field battles, we will be very passive!"

"That's not what you said!" Hearing Wei Qing's words, Han Qinhu waved his hands again and again and said, "We also have 15 cavalry, and our equipment is better than theirs. This is enough to arm a cavalry unit of 20 men, and the situation is very good now, although it is not possible to rush in, but it is still possible to send troops, we must show the momentum of our army!"

"Yes, yes!" Wei Qing agreed with Han Qinhu's suggestion, frowning, and seemed to think of something for a while, and said, "When will the sea soldiers and horses that the king said arrive!"

Everyone was stunned, Han Qinhu stroked his chin, and then remembered that Han Shizhong was still participating in the battle, carefully recalled the time, and said: "Calculating the time, there are still three days of sea journey!"

"Let's go north!" Wei Qing let go of the stone in his heart when he heard the news, and sat down directly.

"Contain the enemy! Buy time for General Han Shizhong. Maybe if Liaoxi and Liaodong are not recaptured, the Korean Peninsula will be ours first." Murong Ke rubbed his beard, the dark color was still dull, but the haze between his brows could not be swept away , Looking at the rice porridge that was gradually cooling aside, Murong Ke only felt hungry in his stomach, and he didn't care about him, he drank it all in one gulp, and passed it down his throat, Murong Ke let out a long breath, which relieved a lot.

"Okay! Hurry up, bury the body, recharge your batteries, and the soldiers will enter Liaoxi City in two days!" Han Qinhu directly concluded the case, and then wrote a letter, citing Wei Qing's achievements.

And Genghis Khan on the grassland finally couldn't hold back his inner ambition. Because of the lack of news on the grassland, Temujin got the battle report of the Hunjiang Alliance. Temujin stroked his beard, squinted his eyes, and looked towards the south. Raising the whip in his hand, he marched towards the south.

In an instant, 50 prairie cavalry marched northward, accompanied not only by Genghis Khan's soldiers, but also by Er Zhurong's soldiers and horses. This nomadic people who had been expelled from their land began to turn back again. They wanted to recapture their own land. The land, regain their homeland, and snatch back the rich pasture.

(End of this chapter)

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