Warring States Call

Chapter 1996 Chapter 2006: Han Shizhong enters the island

Chapter 1996 Chapter [-]: Han Shizhong Enters the Island

Korean Peninsula
Today, the wind and snow are blowing, the ground is covered with snow, and it happens to be the north wind. Many soldiers on the Korean peninsula are afraid of the severe cold. In addition, the sea has been calm for the past few years. They have no intention of monitoring the sea. Every day Doing useless work, even hardworking people, will be tortured unbearably.

In this weather, the temperature on the Korean peninsula is already frighteningly low, a full [-] degrees below zero. If you take a pee outside, it will freeze after a while.

On the Korean Peninsula, the port close to the sea is Guanhai Port. The terrain here is relatively flat, and most of the ports are built by fishermen going out to sea here. Li Shimin only built four sea-viewing watch towers here.

The guard of Guanhai Port is Li Ting, who is very brave, but he is stubborn and easily conflicts with the soldiers under his command. In order to consider the overall situation, Li Shimin directly dispatched Li Ting to Guanhai Port. There are more than 1 people. Because of the needs of the war, Li Shimin directly mobilized 5000 soldiers and horses. At present, there are only more than [-] old, weak, sick and disabled in Guanhai Port.

Today is the first half of January, when the weather is cold, Han Shizhong's tens of thousands of warships have been sailing at sea for more than half a month, heading towards Guanhai Port in darkness, at an unusually fast speed.

Han Shizhong glanced at the tiny island, stroked his beard stained by the wind and snow, raised his head to stare at the wind and snow in front of him, frowned involuntarily, looked back at Zhang Shun and said, "Go to the sea now, you can do it ?"

Zhang Shun shook his head, wrapped his clothes and said, "It's not good, the weather is so cold that the soldiers under his command couldn't bear it anymore, so they went ashore naked, and when the cold wind blows, the sea water on their bodies will freeze It’s gone, I’m afraid I’m going to fall down if I don’t take a few steps!”

"Yeah!" Han Shizhong didn't say much, nodded, looked at the general behind him, and then said: "Release the boat and pretend to be a fisherman! First send [-] warships to occupy the foundation, and Ding Feng's tiger ship first Climb to the city wall and wait for the army to respond!"


With an order, thirty small boats bumped into the water surface, causing countless splashes. Zhang Shun got off the big boat directly, changed into ragged clothes, and dressed up as a refugee. Dozens of small boats, Sail to Guanhaikou, and quickly approach Guanhaikou along the wind direction.

At present, there are almost no people in Guanhai Port. Thirty small boats boarded the port, and almost no one came out. Zhang Shun hurriedly greeted more than 300 people, and they hid in the snow. With a wave of his sleeves, Ding Feng's warship sailed directly away Seeing that everything was fine, Han Shizhong shouted angrily, "Go into the army!"


Zhang Shun raised his head and looked at the surrounding sentries, but he didn't see half a person. He stared at the thatched hut in front of him. There was still a little smoke coming out of the hut. Come out, with a dignified expression, and said to the two sentinels behind him: "Look around!"

The soldiers on both sides nodded, the wind and snow blew on their faces, Zhang Shun stooped, and strolled close to the thatched hut, the three of them approached the hut, listening to the conversation inside, seeing that the hut was big enough to accommodate seven or eight people, Zhang Shun Nodding to the soldiers on both sides, the one on the left kicked the door directly.

"Crack!" The door was kicked open, countless wind and snow poured in, Zhang Shun rushed to kill with a knife, and saw five people sitting around the fire, the cold wind poured in, one of them cursed and hurried to close the door , was bumped into by Zhang Shun, Zhang Shun snorted coldly, and the saber in his hand flew up and down, beheading him.

Just as the remaining four were about to pick up their weapons, the soldiers on both sides rushed up and hacked and killed all four of them on the spot.

And Ding Feng's tens of thousands of troops also boarded the Guanhaikou, tens of thousands of people set off together, Han Shizhong's army also landed on the port smoothly, and tens of thousands of people went straight to Li Ting's barracks.

"Kill!" Outside the barracks, the shouts of killing shook the sky. Li Ting was sleeping in the bed at the moment. It was too cold, and Li Ting, who had nothing to do, stayed in the bed all day except for eating. There are two women with posing faces, completely naked, entangled with Li Ting, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Kill!" Ding Feng charged forward with a saber in his hand, and the soldiers under his command had no enemies, and they didn't even resist, so they were directly beheaded by Ding Feng.

Li Ting heard the shouts of killing outside the door, his brows were furrowed, he turned over hastily, naked, put on his coat casually, and wanted to go out of the city to see what was going on.

Then, a civil servant came running in a panic, looked at the woman and Li Ting in the room, and scolded angrily, "Li Ting! What time is it, you still...!"

"What nonsense!" Li Ting looked unhappy, and slapped the middle-aged man in front of him away. Feeling the wind and snow outside, Li Ting wrapped his clothes tightly again, staring at the middle-aged man in front of him solemnly and said: "Zhang Renyuan, what's going on outside! It's noisy, is that little daughter-in-law coming to deliver things again, making a fuss!"

"Huh! If that's the case! Why am I looking for you! Go and see for yourself! The pirates who don't know where they came from killed the shore and rushed towards our barracks! You are still here leisurely You... Alas!" After Zhang Renyuan said this, he walked away with a sigh, and his face turned ashen.

"What!" Li Ting was like a frightened bird. He took three steps forward and opened the army tent to check. Li Ting's scalp was numb when he saw thousands of enemy troops hacking left and right. The soldiers and horses under his command Unexpectedly, there was no enemy, Li Ting frowned, walked quickly on the sword stand, picked up the sword on it, and shouted angrily: "Let's go!"

Zhang Renyuan looked back at the two women on the bed, sighed helplessly, and followed Li Ting to kill him.

"Fire the arrows!" Li Ting had just stepped out of the tent, and the shouts of the enemy soldiers outside were one after another, swishing, and the sky was full of cold arrows shooting straight at him. Rolled over and hid behind the grass.

"Boom...!" Several broken arrows shot at Li Ting's side, Li Ting raised his head to breathe, looked at Zhang Renyuan who was trembling beside him, and cursed angrily: "What kind of pirate is this! It's clearly a well-trained Soldiers!"

"How can there be so many regular troops in a place where we don't shit!" Zhang Renyuan was stunned, and there was a burst of suspicion in his eyes.

Li Ting couldn't figure out where the navy came from. Looking back, there was a king's flag in black on it, with a large character, Han.

"Kang Dang!" Li Ting heard the sound of an alarm bell in his mind, turned his head hastily, and said with a livid face: "It's Han Jun! Damn it..."

Li Ting was panting heavily, thinking about countermeasures in his mind, but Zhang Shun came rushing forward. Looking at Li Ting who was huddled behind the haystack, he laughed loudly and said, "Caught a tongue! Brothers! Come on!"

"Looking for death" Li Ting's martial arts are also quite extraordinary. He pulled out the bronze sword in his left hand, slashed up and down, and fought with the surrounding soldiers. He killed three people in a row. Li Ting yelled angrily: "Chop Suey! You are courting death!"

After saying that, Zhang Shun swung his saber to kill them, the two fought for three or four rounds, neither of them could win or lose. He shouted, "I'll come!"

"Ding, the Zhou Chuo Hujue attribute is activated, the personal force value is increased by 7, the basic force value is 100, the force value of the tiger head golden knife is increased by 1, and the current personal force value is 108!"

Zhuangzhou's stout back and waist, eight feet long, arms like apes, and a rough complexion, use a 37-jin tiger-headed golden knife, staring at Li Ting without squinting, grabbing the knife with both hands, and smashing Mount Tai with an axe, which is powerful But the weight was heavy, like a heavy axe, Zhang Shun hurriedly flipped over and retreated three steps, Li Ting raised his head and looked at Zhou Chuo's slash, but he couldn't dodge it, his legs went limp, he just listened: " Click!"

The bronze sword in Li Ting's hand broke at the sound, and the whole person flew upside down, spitting out blood, and a half-meter-long wound on his chest kept bleeding out. Li Ting looked at Xiang Zhouchuo, furious, and pointed Zhou Chuo said in a soft voice, "You...you...!"

"Plop!" Li Ting died here, and Zhang Renyuan hurriedly kowtowed and said, "Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Don't!"

"Tie it up!" Zhang Shun waved his hand, panting heavily, and escorted Li Ting down first.

Han Shizhong got off the boat, stepped on the soft snow, felt the cold wind blowing from the dark side, and looked a little dignified.

Ding Feng, Zhang Shun, and Zhou Chuo on the side came to Han Shizhong in blood armor, and said respectfully: "General!"

"Hmm! How's the battle going!" Han Shizhong patted the snow on his beard with a solemn expression.

"Killed 3000 people and captured 2 people! In addition, a silver tongue was caught!" Ding Feng cupped his hands at Han Shizhong.

"Silver tongue? What do you mean!" Han Shizhong looked at Ding Feng with a smile. After these years of getting along, they have a deep friendship with each other, so he made a joke by the way.

"To capture the enemy's general, we call it the golden tongue, and to capture the enemy's deputy, we call it the silver tongue. In the past, we used money to talk about it, and we had to torture them some questions, so we got the name!" Ding Feng said to Han Shizhong patiently. After explaining, Han Shizhong rubbed his hands together and said with a smile, "It's interesting!"

"General! How to deal with these prisoners?" Zhang Shun opened his mouth and explained the current predicament. Han Shizhong looked around and said for a long time: "Our army has just landed in Guanhai Port, and the foundation is not stable. These people cannot be kept, but killing them is a good idea." It's a pity that although the king abolished slavery, he still has reservations about the aristocratic family. If these people are tied up, brought back to the Central Plains, and handed over to Han Feifa to buy them, it can be exchanged for benefits and make up for the financial pressure of our army. Brothers, add a few dishes! It’s just a bit of work, and the follow-up food and grass supplies also need to be transported! This time and again! Time is enough!”

"Good!" Everyone was overjoyed. After all, after they had achieved military success, the next step was to replace the land. Slaves are indispensable. With the issuance of Han Yi's slave restriction policy, they are also affected. Now they have They were naturally overjoyed when things were added.

Afterwards, Zhang Shun sent troops to wipe out the surrounding villages. A total of 6 or [-] people were escorted onto the warships. The elderly and children were all taken away.

Three days later, Han Shizhong came to the corpse in front of him, looked at Zhang Renyuan's cold corpse, frowned involuntarily, looked behind Ling Tong and said, "What's going on! Why did he die!"

"This guy's mouth is too harsh, and he didn't ask any useful value or information at all. He couldn't bear the humiliation this morning, bit his tongue and killed himself, but this was found on him!" Ling Tong handed a piece of bloody sheepskin cloth to Han Shizhong.

Han Shizhong spread the sheepskin rolls in front of his eyes, looked at them carefully, and said for a long time: "Command the lords, the army tents must be assembled!"

"Promise!" Everyone clasped their hands, and within half a stick of incense, there was a gathering of heroes in the military tent. Han Shizhong looked at the map in front of him and said: "The map of the Korean Peninsula has been obtained, Yu Dayou!"


"When will Qi Jiguang's [-] soldiers arrive?" Han Shizhong took a sip from the cup on the table, and stared at Yu Dayou indifferently.

"General Qi Jiguang's soldiers and horses will take at least three days to arrive! It's hard to say, considering the factors of sea wind and navigation, but it should not exceed seven days at the latest!" Yu Dayou analyzed the pros and cons clearly and pointed at Han Shizhong. hand over.

Han Shizhong calculated the time carefully, and said solemnly: "Time waits for no one. The battle situation in western Liaoning is not very optimistic. We can't wait too long. Divide into two groups, Yu Dayou!"


"You lead [-] elite soldiers and horses, Jiang Qin, Chen Wu, Nie Shixiong, Gan Hui, E Huan, and Zhoutai under your command, cross Yushan, and attack Quanluo. If you can't occupy Quanluo within seven days, you will be dealt with by military law!" Han Shizhong picked up the first command and threw it directly to Yu Dayou. After all, this was the first stop on the landing, so he must be fired.

"No!" Yu Dayou was not afraid, he took it directly, made a map and retreated.

"The rest of the people follow me to attack Qingshang, and the time limit is also seven days. After occupying Qingshang, Yu Dayou followed my general and sent troops to Zhongqing. The two armies will join forces. It will not take more than half a month. Do you understand?" Han Shizhong finally decided to prevent things from changing The time condition for siege has been relaxed.

"No!" The voice was like thunder, and everyone was ordered to disperse, dark and high-spirited.

"Pan Zhang stayed at Guanhai Port to meet General Qi Jiguang!" Han Shizhong saw that most of the arrangements had been made, and then he looked at the crowd and said, "Generals! The battle on the front line is imminent, and it is time for you to do your best. Don't lose your inch. The overall situation is the most important thing in everything, if you lose the big because of a small one, you will definitely be killed!


The eldest grandson Wuji, who was dealing with government affairs in Xiangping, got a news five days later, a news that made him shake the tableware in his hands. The Han army was found on the peninsula, the rear was raided, and the situation began to be dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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