Warring States Call

Chapter 1998 Chapter 2008: Hou Jing

Chapter 1998: Chapter Two Thousand and Eight: Hou Jing
"Ah... bump bump!" From time to time, soldiers would dismount their horses and bury them in the snow, like ripe fruits, thumping, falling into the snow. Daishan looked back, with a ferocious expression on his face. The inside looked solemn and said: "General!"

"Leave them alone! Keep going! Hurry up!" Daishan gritted his teeth, his heart was bleeding, but he had no choice, the pain was unbearable, no matter what the follow-up war, he could only grit his teeth and persevere up.

"No!" Leng Geli was helpless, looking at the soldiers who kept falling, and the soldiers with frightened faces immediately shouted angrily: "Hold on! The whole army speeds up! Don't fall off the horse! Quick!"

"Drive...drive...!" Zhao Yun's white horse Yicong charged quickly to the place where the enemy fell, without stopping at all, and galloped straight away. Those soldiers who were shot off their horses were instantly covered by the white horse. On the horseshoe, there were more than 800 people who died under the horseshoe, and none of them escaped. Some soldiers who finally struggled to stand up were chased and killed by the soldiers behind them before they ran three steps. in the snow.

Gradually the wind and snow subsided, Daishan looked at the military flags constantly floating in the distance, and immediately shouted angrily: "Get ready to fight!"


"Wow!" Zhao Yun's tens of thousands of troops also stopped their horseshoes, stared at the enemy in front, tightly grasped the spears in their hands, and suddenly raised them up. The tens of thousands of Zhuge Liannu's cavalry were ready to go.

The two armies faced each other, the wind and snow weakened, Dai Shan drew out the scimitar in his arms, and shouted angrily: "Where is the Sirius!"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" , the saber was raised suddenly, and he shouted angrily: "Quick battle, quick decision, the Eight Banners Army will go to battle!"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! Wearing a three-layer wallet, the weapons in his hands are of different colors. Some use knives, some use spears and horse lances, and the stronger ones use war hammers. There are almost all kinds of weapons, even some use mountain axes.The war horse under his crotch is even better.

The owner of the inlaid yellow banner and the inlaid yellow banner are Nurhachi, and they are now handed over to Commander Xuan Ye, who will go to the battlefield in person. The owner of the Zhenghong banner and the inlaid red banner are Daishan. The commander-in-chief, Agui, the owner of the Xiangbai Banner, Mang Gurtai, the owner of the Zhenglan Banner, and Yu Jiulu Datan, the owner of the Xianglan Banner.

Xuan Ye rode a war horse, held a saber in his hand, stared at the enemy in front of him with tiger eyes, and suddenly shouted angrily: "Kill!"

The Eight Banners soldiers took the lead and launched an attack on Zhao Yun's white horse Yi Cong. Zhao Yun snorted coldly, flicked the gun flower attached to the gun, stared at the enemy in front of him with resolute and wise eyes, and issued a military order: "Wei Qing formed the two-wing cavalry Line up! Use the Zhuge Liannu to open the way, and shoot at the enemy head-on, Lin Renzhao and Hun Yan will follow behind the army's two wings to protect, kill!"

Seeing that the deployment was complete, Zhao Yun turned his horse around, looked around, and shouted angrily, "Come on!"


"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Zhuge Liannu was as fast as lightning and rushed like the wind. In these dozens of face-to-face encounters, more than 100 people died under the arrows of Zhuge Liannu. They did not expect that the continuity of Zhuge Liannu would be so strong.

Dai Shan's face was uncertain, and he shouted angrily: "The archers are ready, suppress the enemy's archers! Let go!"

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

"Ah!" There were screams one after another, Zhao Yun was not afraid, and angrily shouted: "Come on!"

Fighting on both sides, the sound of shouting and killing, and the sound of flesh and blood filled the entire battlefield. Nurhachi stared at the battle of the trapped beast indifferently, looked at Hou Jing beside him and said, "Go! Lead the slave army to hinder the enemy and those who come to support Enemy, buy time for the army!"

"No!" Hou Jing's face was displeased, but he didn't dare to resist Nurhachi, so he could only bite the bullet and go forward. The so-called slave army was the slaves Nurhachi transferred from the tribe, and they were all composed of plundered Central Plains There are more than 3 people and some grassland tribes who were defeated and captured by Nurhachi. Hou Jing once said that arming these slaves as infantry must be a battle force, but Nurhachi would rather distribute the excess resources to the The Eight Banners Army is also unwilling to take this soldier for their own use. Now that the battle is imminent, how could Hou Jing be willing to let him lead these cannon fodder? But looking at Nurhachi's eyes that seemed to eat people, Hou Jing could only Bite the bullet and took it.

At this time, Hou Jing's brain was quickly calculating that it was impossible for him to die. Nurhachi had already been targeted by the Han army. At this time, an evil seed in his heart was really spreading.

"Kill!" Mang Gurtai yelled angrily, holding a battle ax and slashed down suddenly. In an instant, a soldier was directly chopped off by Mang Gurtai. It directly turned into a blood armor.

"The thief is so courageous! I'll kill you!" General Pu, who was about fifty years old, urged his horse out, his white beard fluttering in the wind, and the silver spear in his hand pierced Mangurtai's throat.

"Hahahahahaha! Is there no one in the Central Plains? You actually sent an old man to fight! You want to die! Watch me chop off your head!" wave.

"Ding, Manggurtai's fierce general attribute activates, personal force value increases by 10, barbarian force value increases by 1, Niu Xiong's force value increases by 1, basic force value is 99, and current Mangurtai force value is 111"

With a "boom" cut, the weapon in General Pu's hand flew upside down, and a mouthful of old blood was spit out, bloody on the battlefield.

"Let the arrow!" Seeing that General Pu died in battle, Wei Qing angrily raised the Zhuge Liannu in his hand and shouted angrily, "Let it go!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"You fleas!" Mangurtai's complexion changed drastically, he turned over hastily, rolled off his horse, and then avoided the cold arrow in front of him.

"Drive!" Zhao Yun held a gentian silver gun, followed closely behind three thousand cavalry, looked at Nurhachi under the banner of the army, and shouted angrily: "The whole army will follow me and kill the enemy general! Charge!"


The shouts of killing shook the sky, Daishan's face was gloomy, and he immediately shouted angrily: "Leng Geli!"

"Here!" Leng Geli came to Dai Shan's side on a horse, looked at Zhao Yun who dismounted and rushed to kill him, and said solemnly.

"Kill this general!" Dai Shan stared at the unstoppable Zhao Yun, the coldness in his eyes became more and more serious.

"Understood!" Riding on the horse, Leng Geli drew out the knife on his waist, stared at Zhao Yun with tiger eyes, waved his big hand, and shouted angrily: "Kill!"

"Looking for death!" The seven-snake silver spear in Zhao Yun's hand swept around, and there was no enemy in his path. Leng Geli swung his knife head-on to kill Zhao Yun. Flowers, like seven silver snakes, assassinate the seven vital points of Lenggeli.

The color inside Lengge suddenly changed drastically, and the saber in his hand slashed everywhere, but facing Zhao Yun's offensive like a rainstorm, Lengge was shot and killed by Zhao Yun, and the whole person fell off his horse. Daishan's complexion changed drastically, and he said furiously: " asshole!"

This roar caught Zhao Yun's attention. Zhao Yun raised his eyes and shouted angrily, "Protect me!"

The [-] cavalry under his command surrounded Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun picked up his bow and caught the arrow. He stared at Dai Shan with tiger eyes, and suddenly shot an arrow: "Swoosh!"

The long arrow pierced the wind, Daishan was staring at Zhao Yun at the moment, naturally saw the arrow, and hurriedly swung his knife to block it.

"Kang Dang!" A crisp sound came out, and Dai Shan swept away the cold arrow in front of him with a single blow. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Zhao Yun's next arrow had already missed.

Although there is no saying that Zhao Yun was good at archery in history, there are still stories about him shooting a sail with a single arrow, which shows Zhao Yun's archery skills.

"Swoosh... Pat!" There was a sound of landing, and then accompanied by Daishan's screams like killing a pig, Nurhachi's face instantly turned into a pig's liver. Looking at Daishan who was shot in the arm, Nurhachi was stunned , Immediately shouted angrily: "Kill him!"

Xuan Ye also felt that something was wrong behind him at this moment, so he hurried back to wait and see, only to see Zhao Yun leading his army charging towards the hills, and no one could stop him, Xuan Ye broke out in a cold sweat, immediately turned his horse, and shouted angrily: "Quick! Go rescue Shan Yu! Hurry up!"

The two armies are at war!The situation is tense, and although Nurhachi has the upper hand, Zhao Yun's soldiers are not vegetarians. Most of the generals in the army have shown their faces in history. Now the two armies are fighting on par. The dragon and the tiger fought, and the casualties continued to rise.

Hou Jing led [-] slave soldiers to march towards the wind and snow. Looking at the equipment of the soldiers and horses under his command, these people were shivering from the cold, and their bodies were covered with thin sheepskins. Some soldiers even came out to participate in the war when they were only eleven or twelve years old. , They don't even have any weapons they want in their hands. Most of their most common weapons are wooden sticks sharpened with axes, and the most decent weapon is also a tattered axe.

Such an army wants to defeat the enemy's army of hundreds of battles. It is simply a fantasy. At this moment, Hou Jing scratched his head, turned over and got off the horse. A wave of unknown anger arose in his heart, and he began to secretly plan his own little ninety-nine .

"Drive... drive...!" Hou Jing really tried to deal with these miscellaneous soldiers in front of him, but the sound of horseshoes came from behind him.

Hou Jing hurriedly turned his head back, but saw Han Ming leading three thousand underworld soldiers charging forward, thirty thousand against three thousand, Hou Jing suddenly felt that he was doing well again, and was about to order the soldiers to prepare for battle, but saw the enemy Qing Ming The slightly mustered courage fell silent again.

Let's put it this way, the enemy army on the grassland may not be afraid of any troops, but the blue Korean flag is definitely their nightmare.

"Brother! They're here! What shall we do!" Hou Jing's younger brother Hou Yi swallowed his saliva at this moment, his face livid.

Hou Jing was also numb at the moment. Looking at Hou Yi who was slapping his shoulders, he shrugged and said, "Don't worry! I'm also thinking of a way!"

Hou Jingshen knew that this battle must not be fought. Once it was fought, not only the 3000 people would die, but even Hou Jing would not be able to escape. Hou Jing glanced at the expressions of these slave soldiers. Already in a panic, when a real fight broke out, some people were restless with weapons in their hands. Facing the [-] enemy troops, these guys were completely lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"Alas!" Hou Jing sighed helplessly, and said to Hou Yi, "You appease these people and tell them to do as I say if they don't want to die! I'll surrender!"

"Surrender! Brother, you are crazy! We will die if the leader finds out!" Hou Yi's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly grabbed Hou Jing's shoulder, looking embarrassed.

"You...!" Hou Jing slapped Hou Yi on the face, held down his head, pointed to Han Ming in front of him and said, "Look at that military flag. There is a saying in Central China called, the famous tree of a person." Although they are few in number, they are elite soldiers and horses. We are not his opponent at all, and we are originally from the Central Plains. We are not welcome under Nurhachi's tent. There is no point in continuing, do you understand!"

"I...!" Hou Yi was speechless, so he could only say nothing. Hou Jing pushed him, then got on his horse, and said coldly, "Do as I say, or else! We brothers! No one can survive!"

"I see!" Hou Yi looked like a child who made a mistake, lowered his head, and ordered the soldiers to put down their weapons. Most of these slave soldiers were used to slaves, and they did not disobey Hou Yi's orders. They dropped their weapons and squatted on the ground, waiting for their fate. sanctions.

"Drive... drive...!" Hou Jing rode a horse and came to Han Ming's formation. Deng Yu behind Han Ming urged his horse out and shouted angrily: "Come and stop, or you will be killed!"

Hou Jing didn't dare to do anything wrong, he hurriedly raised the scimitar in his hand, held it in both hands, knelt on the ground and said, "Hou Jing has seen His Highness!"

"Hou Jing! I haven't heard of it! What are you going to do! Lead your army and ambush us? Prepare to fight!" Deng Yu shouted angrily, looking at the slave soldiers in front of him.

"Kill!" Sanqian Mingzu yelled angrily, and went into battle every minute. The strong sense of oppression made Hou Jing sweat profusely. Soldiers and horses besieged General Zhao Yun! Hou Jing is a native of the Central Plains, and has long planned to return to his homeland. Now that Nurhachi has sent [-] compatriots from the Central Plains under my command to die, Hou Jing cannot bear it, and wishes to submit to the Fourth Highness, and I hope that the Fourth Highness will forgive him!"

Han Ming frowned slightly, Zhao Yun was trapped, Han Ming did not forget the old friendship, glanced at Hou Jing, and said indifferently: "Stay! Lead the way! Deng Yu will give you 1000 people, take these people in!"

"My lord, be careful in ambush!" Deng Yu stared at Hou Jing suspiciously.

"Lead the way!" Han Ming stared at Hou Jing, and immediately shouted angrily. Hou Jing didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly got on his horse and walked forward.

It seems ridiculous to recruit 1000 people from 3 people, but Deng Yu is not a fool. He first sent someone to tell Huo Qubing the news that Zhao Yun was trapped, and asked him to speed up to increase the number of people. This battle is doomed to failure. One side returns home in defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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