Warring States Call

Chapter 1999 Chapter 2009: Gentian Silver Spear Zhao Zilong

Chapter 1999 Chapter Two Thousand and Nine: Gentian Silver Spear Zhao Zilong

"Drive!" Zhao Yun took the lead, the silver armor on his body was shining white, his resolute eyes stared at Nurhachi, the blood was freely flowing, staining Zhao Yun's battle robe red, at this moment Zhao Yun's eyes were like lightning, staring at Nurhachi, licking himself With dry lips, Nurhachi was only 80 meters away. The three thousand white horses behind Zhao Yun were like spears piercing through. Although thousands of people were stopped, there were still dozens of cavalry following closely behind Zhao Yun.

"Slay the generals and capture the flag!" Zhao Yun's silver spear trembled and shouted angrily, "Whoever stands in my way dies!"

"Bastard! Where are the grassland warriors! Take him down, and I'll give him [-] slaves, [-] cattle and sheep!" Nurhachi stared at Zhao Yun furiously. He couldn't believe that the tens of thousands of grassland warriors under his command were not just a little boy from the Central Plains. opponent, where does this make Nurhachi face!
"I come!"

"Count me in"

"This credit is mine! No one should rob me!"

Three thick-backed grassland men rushed out, the first two had the mentality of giving it a try, and the latter directly believed that Zhao Yun belonged to him.

"Two-legged sheep! What's your name! I, Pucha Shijie, don't kill nameless ghosts, tell me your name!" The twelve-foot purple gold hammer, wearing a yellow leather armor, staring like copper bells, his forehead has been shaved almost, leaving only a few slightly yellow hairs, riding a black horse, aimed at Zhao Yun question.

There are two people behind him, one is named E Yidu, his body is much thinner than that of Pucha Shijie, but his body weighs about [-] kilograms, and his black face looks thinner when he is holding a horse. , with two whips tied in his hair, staring at Zhao Yun sharply.

The last person was naturally Xuan Ye who was chasing after him. Looking back at the angry Nurhachi, he immediately shouted angrily, "Kill him!"

"Kill!" Pucha Shijie took the lead, swinging the hammer in his hand vigorously, the soldiers behind looked at it, and shouted directly: "General Pucha Shijie is dispatched, he is the number one warrior in our grassland! ! You can definitely kill this little boy!"

"Yes! Yes!" The soldiers beside Nurhachi agreed with this statement very much, wiped the snow from their foreheads, looked at the three fighting men, and gave them high hopes.

"Smash!" Pucha Shijie yelled angrily, and the hammer in his hand hit Zhao Yun's forehead directly.

"Ding, Pucha Shijie's tiger head attribute activates, personal force value increases by 7, Heiyun Zijin Hammer's force value increases by 1, Dawan horse's force value increases by 1, basic force value is 100, and current personal force value is 109!"

"Kill!" Eyidu's horse spear stabbed at Zhao Yun's throat, and Xuan Ye behind him inserted the weapon in his hand upside down, took off the bow at his waist, stared at Zhao Yun with tiger eyes, drew the bow and set the arrow, his eyes flashed coldly Now, put the string and shoot the arrow.


"Drive!" Zhao Yun was speechless, only kept charging, waving the silver spear in his hand, spreading out bursts of gun silver, and shouted angrily: "Go!"

"Ding, Zhao Yun's gentian attribute is activated, the enemy's force value of 1 people is increased by 1, the current Nurhachi is 5, Zhao Yun's force value is increased by 103, the basic force value is 1, the force value of the gentian silver spear is increased by 1, and the force value of the Zhaoyeyu lion is increased 110. The current force value is [-]"

"Ding, Zhao Yun's one-on-one attribute activates. When facing one person, the force value increases by 2. Every time he faces a person, the force value increases by 2. Currently, Zhao Yunnian is facing 3 people, and the force value is increased by 3. Currently, Zhao Yun's force value is 116"

Zhao Yun waved the silver gun in all directions like a dragon and a snake. In Pu Cha Shijie's eyes, the silver gun turned into silver rain all over the sky. Pu Cha Shijie's complexion suddenly changed drastically. Holding the war hammer tightly in both hands, he shouted angrily, "Smash!"

"Boom!" Zijin Hammer slammed into Zhao Yun's silver spear rain, the metal collided, and the Dawan horse under Zhao Yun's crotch and the Zhaoye Jade Lion under Zhao Yun's crotch seemed to be wrestling. They put their heads on each other and glared at each other, as if There was also a duel, and under the force of the two, the two horses also endured a huge force, and the horseshoes suddenly pressed downward, like a bomb in an instant, and snowflakes flew in all directions in an instant.

"Ah!" Pucha Shijie gritted his teeth, let out a soft drink, and the purple gold hammer in his hand flew upside down, hitting the ground, shaking up countless snow and dust. The palms were stained red, the door was wide open, Zhao Yun's eyes flashed a cold light, he wanted to kill Pucha Shijie with a single shot, but Xuan Ye's cold arrow shot straight at him, Zhao Yun could only stop, fling back, and lay on the ground. On Zhao Yeyu's horse's buttocks, a cold arrow brushed past Zhao Yun's face, Zhao Yun was about to stand up, but he also held the horse's spear with both hands on his forehead, and slammed it down on Zhao Yun's forehead.

"Ha!" Zhao Yun's eyes were red, with murderous intent in his eyes, he shouted angrily, held the gun with one hand, and flicked it with one hand, three gun flowers emerged, like blooming green lotuses, poking with light.

"Ding, the attribute of Zhao Yun's famous gun is activated, and the personal force value is increased by 5. The current force value of Zhao Yun is 121"

"Go!" At this moment, Zhao Yun, disregarding life and death, traded his wounds for his life, lying on the horse's back, and the silver gun in his hand shot out. At the very moment, E Yidu's war horse was charging and bumped into Zhao Yun's silver gun head-on. of: "Puff!"

The gun pierced into the flesh, instantly like a flower blooming on the other side, and the forehead, regardless of life and death, endured the pain in the chest, and slammed into Zhao Yun's bronze.

"Chop!" Zhao Yun pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and with a bang, he chopped off the forehead of Yidu's horse. Seeing that Xuan Ye was about to make up the arrow, the bronze sword in his hand was thrown towards him.

Xuanye's complexion changed suddenly, and he hurriedly dodged on the side of his horse. Just as Pu Cha Shijie pulled out the scimitar in his arms, Zhao Yun turned around and left, holding the gun in both hands, his arms suddenly exerted strength, and his forehead was also tightly grasped. Holding Zhao Yun's silver gun, he couldn't pull it out. Looking at Pu Cha Shijie, enduring the pain in his heart, he shouted angrily: "Kill him! Quick!"

"Get up!" Zhao Yun's green arms exploded, he directly raised his forehead, and slammed Nurhachi at him.

"Huh!" With the spear out of his hand, Eyidu flew upside down to Nurhachi's side, and fell heavily on Nurhachi's horse. Nurhachi's complexion changed drastically. He hurriedly dismounted to check Eyidu, hugged him in his arms, and said with embarrassment: " The amount is also "

He stretched out his hand towards E Yidu's breath, but he was not breathing, and Nurhachi's complexion suddenly changed.

Zhao Yun yelled angrily, looked at Pucha Shijie, covered in cold sweat, with his horse's belly sandwiched between his eyes, and yelled angrily: "Seven snakes with silver spears!"

"Hiss!" A snake-like sound emerged from the tip of Zhao Yun's gun. The speed was as fast as a broken sound, and there was a faint flash of lightning on the gun. The speed was so fast that it caused color difference, just like lightning.

"You...!" Pucha Shijie stared at Zhao Yun in astonishment, swallowing his saliva, feeling powerless for the first time.

"Ding, Zhao Yun's broken gun attribute activates, and when the weapon used is a long weapon, the force value will be increased by 5, and an extra 3 points will be added for using a gun! Zhao Yun's force value will be increased by 8, and Zhao Yun's current base force value is 129!"

"Puff...Puff...Puff...Puff...Puff!" The mouth of blood kept blooming on Pucha Shijie's body, and every silver spear would inevitably bring blood, Pucha Shijie's throat, heart, lower abdomen, ribs, etc. Zhao Yun's silver spear hit the lower part, the wrist, the left side of the face, and the shoulder blade.

Xuan Ye's complexion changed suddenly, and he hurriedly released an arrow to support Pu Cha Shijie, but it was too late, Xuan Ye released the arrow, Zhao Yunhui's spear swept away Xuan Ye's cold arrow, and Pu Cha Shijie's huge body directly hit the ground, The body was trembling constantly, the whole body was swept by the cold, and the blood stained the white snow under him.

Looking at the fallen Pucha Shijie, the pawns of the prairie who were originally confident suddenly changed their expression, and muttered to themselves, "General Pucha Shijie...was...killed...!"


"Really...General Pucha Shijie really fell!" The soldier's original self-confidence was shattered the moment Pucha Shijie fell, and the general they were proud of died.

"This... this is... the devil... he is the viper of the grassland..."

"Stop making noise! ​​You're talking nonsense! I'll cut you off!" Some generals were afraid of affecting the morale of the army, so they scolded them one after another. Although they suppressed their words, the soldiers already had panic in their hearts towards this white-armored man.

"You...!" Xuan Ye was also a little at a loss at the moment, and wanted to rush forward, but he didn't have the slightest courage in his heart.

"Drive!" Zhao Yun snorted coldly, his eyes flashed a cold light, he charged straight up, made a feint, Xuan Ye hurriedly dropped his bow and drew his saber, and the two exchanged a move, Zhao Yun avoided him directly and rushed towards Nurhachi.

Xuan Ye's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted angrily: "Boss!"

"Leader! Let's go!" Zhong Shuoxing hastily pulled Nurhachi's horse and ran forward. Nurhachi's horse seemed to feel the danger, and ran away carrying Nurhachi.

"Whoever stands in my way will die! You traitorous villain, look at the gun." Zhao Yunhu stared at Zhong and said yes, seeing him say that he was wearing a Central Plains man's attire, he immediately became angry from his heart, stabbed Zhong and said yes, the force value is only 72 So how could Zhong Saixing be Zhao Yun's opponent, he was directly shot through the heart and lungs, and his body was thrown directly into the snowdrift.

The surrounding soldiers were afraid of Zhao Yun from the bottom of their hearts. In such a short period of time, they couldn't organize the courage to resist at all, and were directly rushed to kill by Zhao Yun.

"Chasing and killing!" Xuan Ye urged the horse to chase, with an embarrassed expression on his face, only hundreds of horsemen who reacted quickly followed behind him

"Drive... drive...!" Nurhachi urged the horses and charged forward, followed by three or four cavalrymen. In the vast snowy sea, Zhao Yun chased Nurhachi's four or five cavalry squads one by one, followed by Xuanye's hundred cavalry squad.

"Kill!" At this moment, Han Ming has led people to charge and kill, with a wave of the halberd, although there are only thousands of soldiers and horses in the area, but the coercion, coupled with the blizzard, no one knows. How many soldiers and horses chased and killed them, all of them were pale, without the fierceness just now.

"Drive... drive...!" Zhao Yun squinted his eyes, opened his mouth to bite his gentian silver gun, and opened his bow to nock an arrow.


"Ah!" With a scream, one person fell off the horse directly, and the expressions of the two riders suddenly changed, looking at Nurha Chidao: "Leader, let's go! Let's stop him!"

"Drive!" The two turned their horses' heads, turned their heads to stare at Zhao Yun, and charged forward with the scimitar in their hands!

"Zhao Yun snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and took out two arrows, gritted his teeth and muttered: "Woo! "

"Swoosh!" Two arrows chased the wind and shot away, only to hear: "Plop! Plop!"

The two fell off their horses at the sound, not knowing whether they were alive or dead. Nurhachi looked back, feeling relieved, and continued to urge the horse to flee.

Zhao Yun reached out and took down the gentian silver gun in his mouth, stroked the tired Zhaoyeyu lion, patted his neck and said, "Good brother! It's up to you! Chase! Drive!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Zhao Yeyu lion seemed to understand Zhao Yun's language, and the four horse legs accelerated crazily.

"Drive... drive... drive!" Seeing that Zhao Yun was about to catch up, Nurha hurriedly waved the whip in his hand and shouted angrily, "Quick! Quick! Quick!"

"Crack, crack!" Every time the whip was whipped, the war horse under Nurhachi's crotch would neigh loudly, and he could only accelerate crazily. Getting up, gradually lost his way, Xuan Ye was anxious and angry, looked at the Baiqi behind him, and shouted angrily: "A group of ten, go to rescue the leader! Quick!"

"Drive!" The soldiers under the crotch did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly dispersed to rescue.

"Kill!" On the chaotic battlefield, Mang Gurtai urged the horses to organize the troops to resist, which naturally attracted Han Ming's attention, looked at the four Yue Yun behind him, and said indifferently: "Do it!"

"Drive...!" The four rushed out, heading towards Mang Gurtai in four directions.

"Kill!" Mang Gurtai yelled, and went down with the axe. Wei Qing was blown out like a kite with a broken string, and fell to the ground with blood flowing across his face.

"You're looking for death!" Yue Yun's eyes were red, and he urged his horse to charge out. Scarlet blood appeared in his arms. Liang Lin, Qin Yong, and Luo Ren were furious. As soon as the four of them arrived, they raised the double hammers in their hands, a total of eight sledgehammers , directly rushing down to Mang Gurtai.

"Boom, boom, boom!" With the joint efforts of the four of them, the battle ax in Mang Gurtai's hand was directly resisted against Yue Yun's double hammers. , The sound of breaking continued to sound, and a mouthful of old blood was spit out, and he was beaten to death in the snow, and the blood flowed on this land.

Seeing that the general situation was over and Mang Gurtai was killed, Daishan suddenly lost his confidence and turned his horse to leave.

"Where are we going!" Wei Xuan urged the horse to arrive, and glared at Dai Shan with a big knife in his hand. Dai Shan looked at Yue Sheng furiously, swung his knife and started fighting Wei Xuan.

At this moment, Yue Sheng urged the horse to come, and the two of them joined forces to fight Dai Shan for twelve rounds, Dai Shan was exhausted, Wei Xuan slashed his throat and killed him on the spot.

The general situation was over, Nian Gengyao resisted stubbornly, and wanted to lead his troops to break through, Han Ming personally rode out, under the three halberds, knocked Nian Gengyao out, fell into the snow, and was captured alive.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Agui turned his horse and ran away, fleeing towards the tribe, intending to join Dorgon and plan a plan.

After a great battle, Baima Yicong killed more than 8000 people in battle, everyone was injured, and more than 8000 enemy soldiers were beheaded. Among them, the underworld soldiers made great efforts and captured more than 1 people.

(End of this chapter)

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