Warring States Call

Chapter 2000 Chapter 210: Nian Gengyao

Chapter 2000: Chapter [-]: Nian Gengyao
"Drive!" Nurhachi squinted his eyes in the white snow, but he was having trouble finding the direction. The speed of the horse under his crotch also stopped, and the horse's nose was constantly emitting white gas. There were a few frozen red blood clots on his buttocks. Nurhachi looked around, he was in a grass field, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness on the left, and he could vaguely see the exposed green skin of a few blue stones. Nurhachi rubbed his stomach, He ran for half an hour and fought for half a day. Because of his defeat, Nurhachi hadn't eaten well for half a month. He was exhausted, but he was also starving.

Nurhachi held the horse rope and wanted to turn over and get off the horse, but he heard a rush of horseshoes behind him. The horse stepped on the snow and made a creaking sound. Zhao Yun squinted his eyes and surrounded his body with the white battle robe behind him. Neck, to protect the temperature of the body, the tiger stared at Nurhachi's black horse, and shouted angrily: "Nurhachi! You can't run away!"

"Ah... Drive!" Hearing the scolding, Nurhachi hurriedly urged the horse to leave, gasping for water vapor. He was unwilling to stay too much for a moment, and led the horse to charge forward quickly.

"Where are you going!" Zhao Yun yelled angrily, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, or like a tiger roaring on the plain, Nurhachi whipped his horse, the black BMW was frightened, kicked off the horse's hooves and ran away, panicked, and ran to the bluestone below. With a whimper, the horse fell directly to the ground, its hoof broke and bent into a hook shape. Nurhachi ate a mouthful of snow and dirt, and the neighing of the horse instantly made Zhao Yun find his position, and urged the horse to charge forward.

Nurhachi's complexion changed drastically, he stood up hurriedly, and fled quickly. At this time, Zhao Yun had already taken a fancy to Nurhachi's figure, looked at the uneven mountain in front, and Zhao Yun glanced at the appearance of Nurhachi's war horse. Bao Gong behind him stared at Nurhachi angrily, and shouted angrily, "Middle!"

"Whoosh!" The cold arrow broke through the wind and hit Nurhachi's leg. Blood ran through Nurhachi's calf. The bloody arrow pierced through the flesh. Nurhachi wanted to run up, but he could only climb forward. Zhao Yun turned over and dismounted. Holding a silver gun, he quickly chased after him and shouted angrily, "I still want to go!"

"I'll fight with you! Ah!" Nurhachi pulled out the scimitar from his bosom, swung it and chopped it off. Zhao Yun's eyes were fixed, and the silver spear in his hand stabbed directly, only to hear: "Kang Dang!"

"Crack!" It was this shot that directly lifted Nurhachi's scimitar. Zhao Yun gave a cold shout, swept the gun with his backhand, and hit Nurhachi's face with the end of the gun. With one stick, Nurhachi was beaten unconscious In the past, Zhao Yun took out the rope, tied Nurhachi up, put him on the saddle, got on the horse, took a picture of Yeyu Lion's neck, and said distressedly: "Hang on, go back to the barracks and I will find you the best hay!"

"Woooo!" The white horse neighed, and drove back with Zhao Yun and Nurhachi.

In the vast snowy sea, Xuan Ye rode a war horse, looked around, looked at the marks on the ground, and said solemnly: "No! Chase! Drive!"

At this moment, more than 30 cavalry gathered around Xuan Ye, and hurriedly followed the footprints in the snow.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!" At this time, Zhao Yun was breathing hot air, with a pair of black eyes, looking at the situation in the snow from time to time, besides the sound of wind and snow, Zhao Yun could also hear the sound of horseshoes, Zhao Yun frowned slightly Mei, just at this time, Nurhachi also woke up, feeling the pain in his calf, Nurhachi took a breath, only felt his heart and lungs were cold, stared at Zhao Yun with tiger eyes, and discussed: "People from the Central Plains! I I see you are outstanding in martial arts! I see that you are dressed in armor, and at most you are a miscellaneous general! Take refuge in me! I will give you a rich pasture, five thousand head of cattle and sheep, and you can choose the most beautiful woman on the grassland. In a word, what do you think of being under one person and above ten thousand people!"

Zhao Yun squinted at Nurhachi, but he had no desire to talk to him. He glanced ahead indifferently, his eyes full of vigilance. His years of military career let Zhao Yun know that the enemy was right ahead.

"Whoosh!" In the wind and snow, a black arrow rushed straight out. Zhao Yun's pupils shrank suddenly, and he swung his gun suddenly. He shouted coldly: "Come out!"

"Drive... drive!" Xuan Ye rode a horse, rushed out, breathed out a breath of heat, behind him thirty cavalry lined up one by one, took a deep breath of cold air, and stared at Zhao Yun, who was riding one by one, but the pressure was doubled. Thousands of people couldn't help Zhao Yun. With the [-] cavalry under his command, it was difficult to be Zhao Yun's opponent. Looking at Zhao Yun, Xuan Ye cleared his throat and said in unproficient Chinese: "Central Plains people! Let go!" Leader! Otherwise...!"

"Hahahahahaha!" Zhao Yun raised his head to the sky and screamed, staring at Xuan Ye with tiger eyes and said, "I have been alone with thousands of troops, but the 30 people in your hands are not my opponents! Blame it on yourselves! Dishonest It’s really grazing, but it’s wishful thinking and planning to go south. When I am a Huaxia son, the sword is not good. Today is just a warning to you! In the past, when you went south in a big way, it is gone forever, my king said! The enemy can go! can go!"

"Put down the leader! I'll let you go!" Xuan Ye looked at Nurhachi, and patiently discussed with Zhao Yun.

"It's impossible to let him go! I'll take him back to the Central Plains and wait for the King to deal with him!" Zhao Yun shouted angrily, and suddenly urged his horse forward, with an attitude that did not intend to give in half a step.

"You...!" Xuanye's complexion changed drastically, and he looked at Nurhachi who was about to make a move, but Nurhachi said solemnly at the moment: "Xuanye! After I die! You inherit my position! Find a way out for the tribe! I will live forever God bless the tribe! The future of the tribe is in your hands...ah!"

After all, Nurhachi is a hero of the generation. He can die on the battlefield and seek opportunities when he is captured, but he will never stand by and watch the tribe get hurt because of himself. Now Nurhachi bit his tongue and killed himself. Zhao Yun looked at him with frown. The corners of Nurhachi's mouth kept bleeding, and his brows tightened instantly. He immediately stretched out his hand to probe Nurhachi's breath, and his brows were involuntarily furrowed.

"Leader!" Xuan Ye looked at his own Nurhachi, his complexion suddenly changed, and he shouted hysterically, "Kill him! Take back the leader's body."

"Drive...!" In an instant, 20 people rushed up, Zhao Yun was not afraid, and rushed back and forth with ease. Seeing that the situation was not right, the soldiers on both sides hurriedly pulled Xuan Ye and said: "The situation is not right! Go! Go!"

"No...boss...boss!" Xuan Ye wanted to struggle, but the dozens of riders around him pulled him hard, Xuan Ye had no choice but to quickly evacuate from this place.

Zhao Yun looked at the corpses everywhere, and twenty unowned horses, took a rope, connected the ropes of the horses together, put Nurhachi's body on the horse, lightened the burden on the Zhaoye Jade Lion, and saw that everything was ready , quickly evacuated with the horses, after all, there is no guarantee that there will be remnants of the grassland behind, as for the twenty horses...

Zhao Yun also has no choice. The country has just been unified, and many supplies are relatively compact. It is a little bit of savings. As for the corpses on the ground, they can only be reduced to food for hungry wolves in the grassland.

"Drive... drive!" Zhao Yun rushed to the original battlefield, the war was over long ago, thousands of people were here to clean up the battlefield and rescue the wounded.

At this time, Han Ming was riding a war horse, holding a water bottle in his hand, drinking a few sips, looking at Zhao Yun, Han Ming glanced at it, but there was no look of surprise, he calmed down and continued to drink water, Qin Yong behind him immediately Jokingly said: "I knew Brother Zhao was safe and sound! Lao Liang and Er Han, you two have to admit it, one gold cake per person!"

"All right, all right! I got you brat! I'll give it to you when I get back!" Liang Lin dismissed Qin Yong with a look of boredom on the surface, but he liked the atmosphere very much in his heart.

"Hahahaha! Gold cake...hahaha!" Luo Ren pretended to be stupid.

"I've seen the Fourth Highness!" Zhao Yun looked at Han Ming, got off his horse and bowed his hands.

Han Ming threw the kettle in his hand, looked at the corpse on the horse, Han Ming said indifferently: "Alive and dead!"

"Damn it! He bit his tongue and killed himself!" Zhao Yun took a sip of water, sat down on the snow, rode his horse for fifty miles, his bones were almost falling apart, and he fought three more times in a row. Stopped, looking at the minor injuries all over his body, Zhao Yun was also helpless.

"Alas! Who is this!" Qin Yong pulled down Nurhachi's body in confusion, and Hou Jing, who was cowering at the side, changed his face and said in astonishment: "Nurhachi! You captured and killed Nurhachi...you... "

Thousands of troops!Taking the head of the general, isn't he talking about Zhao Yun?Zhao Yun smiled and nodded, rubbed his sore arm, Qin Yong quickly helped Zhao Yun up, patted his arm and said, "Old Zhao, you can do it!"

"Hiss... Take it easy!" Zhao Yun gasped when Qin Yong patted his wound, and scolded Qin Yong angrily.

"Nurhachi is dead... dead...!" The news of Nurhachi's death spread from one to another, and in an instant the entire barracks was enveloped in excitement.

Han Ming looked at the snow falling all over the sky, exhaled water vapor, looked at Deng Yu who had rushed back, and said, "Bring him here!"

"Promise!" Deng Yu followed Han Ming for many years, without Han Ming's elaboration, he brought Nian Gengyao who was captured alive!
"Let me go... let me go!" Nian Gengyao, who was wearing heavy armor, was tied up by two soldiers and sent to Han Ming. In the snowy field, Nian Gengyao looked at Hou Jing who was just like his grandson, Furious, he said, "Hou Jing, you grandson! I'm going to kill you! You bastard... Ah! Let me go!"

"Presumptuous!" Deng Yu yelled angrily and stared at Nian Gengyao with murderous intent in his eyes. The soldiers under his command hurriedly pressed Nian Gengyao down, making Nian Gengyao immobile.

"Damn it... let me go...!" Nian Gengyao was so angry that he wanted to struggle and restrain him, and rushed towards Hou Jing.

"Your Highness! Such a stubborn and stubborn person! Just kill him! I will do it for you, lest your Highness's blood be splashed!" Hou Jing cupped his hands to Han Ming, and Han Ming glanced at Hou Jing, the coldness in his eyes became more serious, Hou Jingru Falling into the ice cave, the whole body is permeated by the coolness, which feels three or four degrees lower than this cold day.

Deng Yu looked at Han Ming's eyes, looked at Hou Jing, and snorted coldly: "Don't go yet!"

"Yes...!" Hou Jing swallowed, gave Nian Gengyao a hard look, and stepped back.

Seeing Hou Jing retreating, Nian Gengyao snorted coldly, then stopped for a while, stared at Han Ming and said, "Kill me! Hmph!"

Han Ming got off his horse, casually found a stone and sat down, looked at Nian Gengyao carefully for a long time, and waved his hands for a while.

"Your Highness..." Deng Yu looked helplessly at Han Ming stretching out two fingers. This gesture was like scissors, which meant that Han Ming wanted to untie the knot. After all, Han Ming didn't like talking nonsense, but seeing Han Ming's resolute eyes , Deng Yu winked at Wei Xuan and Yue Sheng, the two understood, stretched out their hands to grasp the saber in their hands, and stared at Nian Gengyao.


"Slap!" The heavy body was untied, Nian Gengyao looked at Han Ming's operation, and couldn't help being stunned. Looking around, he stared at Han Ming and said, "Han Ming! What do you mean!"

"Presumptuous! How dare you call your Highness by his name!" Deng Yu was furious when he heard that, but Han Ming reached out to stop Deng Yu, stood up abruptly, threw the scimitar of the corpse on the ground to Nian Gengyao, and pulled out his arms. Holding the bronze sword in the sword, he said indifferently: "I don't like to talk nonsense! I'll give you a chance! Take my sword and catch it! Let you go! I can't catch it! Your life is mine!"

Nian Gengyao looked astonished for a moment, looked down at the bloody scimitar on the ground, and looked at Han Ming, not knowing what Han Ming meant.

Deng Yu looked at the confused Nian Gengyao, and explained: "His Royal Highness is interested in your talent! If you catch him, let you go! If you can't bear it, you can stay under his command to serve your life. Of course, you don't have to accept it, and you will be imprisoned for three months. , and finally wait for the king to deal with it, then life and death will not belong to us!"

Nian Gengyao stared at the saber on the ground, picked up the scimitar on the ground for a while, and said indifferently, "Come on!"

Both Wei Xuan and Yue Sheng at the back let go of the treasured swords in their hands. Yue Sheng wiped his cheeks with his hand, looked at Wei Xuan and said, "Old Wei! So what! I have something to do! You should stay here!"

"Let's go together!" Wei Xuan also left with Yue Sheng in a little embarrassment. Han Ming also used this trick on them, otherwise they wouldn't be standing here.

"Come on!" Han Ming ignored the two people behind him, and stretched out his hand to Nian Gengyao, motioning for him to attack.

Nian Gengyao had heard of Han Ming's name, he gritted his teeth, held the saber in both hands, his eyes were clenched, and he suddenly exerted force and shouted angrily, "Kill!"

"Kang Dang... Ding... Hiss... Woohoo!" The weapon was delivered, and Han Ming slashed down with his sword. Nian Gengyao's indomitable momentum stopped instantly, and Han Ming suddenly exerted strength.

"Touch!" Nian Gengyao was crushed in the snow. Nian Gengyao looked at the bronze sword five centimeters away from his neck, swallowed his saliva inadvertently, stared at Han Ming with tiger eyes, breathing Powerless.

"Go!" Han Ming got up, stretched out his hand, and wanted to pull Nian Gengyao, but Nian Gengyao stared at Han Ming, lying on the ground panting heavily, and said for a long time: "Hou Jing, you bastard! I want to kill you!" killed him!"

After hearing this, Han Ming withdrew his hand, straightened up, walked towards the tent, took four steps, turned back after a while and said, "In the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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