Warring States Call

Chapter 2001 Chapter 211: East Hu Destruction

Chapter 2001: Chapter [-]: East Hu Destruction

The snow in the sky gradually stopped, and the ground was covered with a new white coat again. Soldiers who had worked hard all day sat around one after another, stretching out their hands and making a bonfire in front of them.

In the military tent

Huo Qubing sat on the main seat, Han Ming and Zhao Yun stood on each side, Huo Qubing took a look at today's battle report, stared at Zhao Yun and said: "General Zhao Yun captured Nurhachi by himself today, this credit will be recorded for now , now we should take advantage of the victory to pursue, wipe out the remnants of Nurhachi, and wipe out Donghu in one fell swoop. Firstly, it will strengthen the army, and secondly, the front line has received battle reports. Temujin will go south. I am afraid that there will be multiple fronts. The hungry wolves in the grassland will always have enemies It must be reported, so we should make a quick decision. Three times our army charged eight hundred miles and lost contact with the large forces behind us. The logistics supply was not available. The mountains were blocked by heavy snow, and the food transport soldiers behind us could not arrive in time. We want to rob the enemy Supplementary food for cattle and sheep!"

"What to do next! Champion Hou, let me be clear!" Zhao Yun did not hesitate, sitting on the main seat, rubbing his sore arms, his eyes were bright and cold, and his eyes were shining brightly.

"This time I will accompany the army! Lead [-] elite tiger and leopard cavalry to follow, and Bian Zhuang will escort the captives to the south. This time, the army will still use General Zhao Yun's cavalry as the vanguard! Hou Yi!" Huo Qubing was halfway through his speech, his tiger eyes staring at Hou Yi , said indifferently.

"Here!" Hou Yi, who was standing behind Hou Jing, strode out with a respectful expression, but Hou Jing was extremely embarrassed at the moment. The [-] slave soldiers under his command were divided, and now he is a loner, feeling uneasy .

"This time you will be transferred to General Zhao Yun's command to lead the way for him, and His Highness will accompany you." Huo Qubing did not ask Hou Yi for his opinion, and directly decided on it.

"Ah! Yes... Nuo!" Hou Yi is a little uncomfortable with the etiquette of the Central Plains now, but he can only imitate cats and tigers, and learn like this. He retreats behind Hou Jing and feels his elder brother's emotions. Hou Yi does not dare to say more, just I can sit back in my seat silently.

Snow is boundless, three days later
Xuan Ye returned to the Donghu camp, crossing the grassland, only ten cavalry followed Xuan Ye at the moment, and the soldiers and horses led by Agui also arrived at the tribe, collided with Xuan Ye's soldiers and horses, and stared at Xuan Ye Ye's remnant soldiers urged their horses to come, looked at Xuan Ye and said, "Where's the leader?"

"Dead!" Xuan Ye suppressed the grief and anger in his heart, and told the truth about the situation. Agui's complexion changed, bloodshot eyes spread, tiger eyes stared at Xuan Ye, but he couldn't ask questions, after all, Xuan Ye Ye was even more embarrassed than them.

"Drive... drive... drive!" Dorgon rode out of the camp gate on a war horse, followed by two attendants. When the women and children of the tribe heard that the man who fought the war had returned, they rushed out of the door, wanting to see their own house. Did the man come back?

"Woo!" Dorgon rode a war horse, breathed out steam, stared at the two of them with tiger eyes, and glanced at the blood-soaked soldiers, seeing their expressions were depressed, and followed Dorgon to Hongli to see Looking at the situation in front of him, he frowned and said: "What's going on! Where's the leader? Where's the brothers?"

Ah Gui swallowed her saliva, glanced at her hungry and cold brother, and said helplessly, "Let's talk when we go back!"


Everyone was in a depressed mood, and some of the men who came back were looking for food. The news that tens of thousands of people died in the battle spread, and the whole tribe began to mourn. The women called their husbands' names, and the children called Abba, Whole tribes were replaced by wailing.

After listening to the ins and outs, and listening to the scolding and accusations outside the tent, Dorgon's face was cloudy, his black eyes stared at Xuanye and said: "When the leader left, did you have any explanations!"

Xuan Ye was holding the milk tea in his hand, but he didn't know how to eat it. Looking at the tea in his hand, he said for a long time: "The leader said! Let you inherit his position! Find the hope of survival for the tribe!"

Dorgon was stunned at first, then replaced by excitement, and then there was a burst of exhaustion and thinking. The three guards who had been standing behind Xuan Ye just wanted to speak, but they were stopped by Xuan Ye's eyes. The three looked at him. Xuan Ye could only retreat to his own position in the end.

Xuanye naturally has his plans. Dorgon originally had a very human desire for power. If he said Nurhachi's last wish and competed with Dorgon for the position, it would only be internal friction. In the future, this position must be given up.

"Hou Jing actually rebelled, so his family can't stay!" Dorgon squinted his eyes, looked at Hongli behind him and said: "Deal with his family!"

"Okay!" Hongli stood up and strode out, but only death greeted Hou Jing's wife and children.

Dorgon looked at Agui, and said solemnly: "How many soldiers and horses did you bring back this time!"

"Less than 5000 people! The enemy's equipment is too good, heavy armor, continuous crossbows and so on. In terms of the bravery of our warriors, it is not a problem for one of them to fight three or four Central Plains people, but their weapons are really...!" When Ah Gui said this, his heart ached. He once saw a soldier under his command fight against three or four Central Plains soldiers, but the scimitar in his hand couldn't pierce the enemy's armor at all, and was fooled to death by the enemy instead.

"Alas...!" Dorgon had a headache, and with the addition of Agui's soldiers and horses, he now only has more than 3000 people at full strength. Dorgon sighed and said for a long time: "Tell the people outside! Move away!" ! Take refuge in Temujin, only by relying on him can our tribe survive!"

"Take refuge in him! We are afraid that we will...!" Xuan Ye didn't say much, because he knew that it would be useless to say more, and they had no choice.

"Take a look at the time!" Dorgon stood up and stepped out of the big tent. The wind and snow blew on his face, and there was an endless stream of crying and howling outside the camp, but they had no choice. Kindling.

And the women in the grassland are also decisive, they know that blindly being sad is useless, they might as well find hope for their children to survive.

At noon on the second day, the women and children of the tribe were packing their bags, but they felt that something was getting worse and worse. The ground began to tremble continuously, rumbling, like ten thousand horses galloping. People who live in the grassland, one ear It can be heard that this is the sound of thousands of horses galloping, and the first reaction of a woman is to let her child run fast.

"Drive!" There was a resounding sound of horseshoes, and a black flag appeared in front of everyone. The white Zhao character army flag, the black Huo character army flag, and a blue army flag were Huo Qubing's cavalrymen.

"No! Run! Hurry up!" An old woman spoke first, and the children under her command scattered, and Dorgon's complexion also changed drastically. Looking at the chaotic tribe, he hurriedly shouted angrily: "Hurry up! Organize people to resist them! Girls and girls fight for directness! Quick!"

"Hook!" Huo Qubing yelled angrily. Hundreds of soldiers suddenly threw the hook tied with ropes to the fence, then turned their horses' heads and pulled it suddenly with their hands. With the sharp sword in his arms, killing intent surged in his eyes, and he shouted angrily: "Kill!"

"Central Plains people! I will fight with you! Get on your horse! Charge with me!" Furious, Agui personally led thousands of soldiers under his command to charge head-on against the oncoming torrent.

"The thief is looking for death!" Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao, one on the left and the other on the right, are like two immovable King Kong, rushing back and forth between the cavalry, like two carp like fish in water, freely shuttle in the water, Ah Gui stared at them solemnly. Looking at the two of them, he shouted angrily: "Let go...!"

Agui hadn't finished shouting, but there was a crackling sound in the air. Ma Chao held a battle gun, fixed his eyes on Agui, and shouted angrily, "Death!"

"Ding, the horse super gun activates the attribute, the force value is increased by 8, facing the opponent who uses the same gun, the enemy's force value is reduced by 6 points, the current horse super force value is increased by 8, the weapon dragon cavalry gun force value is increased by 1, and the mount Shalifei's force value The value is increased by 1, the base force is 99, and the current force value is 109"

"Ding, Agui's weapon is a long spear, with a force value of 97, and the current force value of Agui is 91!"

"Kill!" Ah Gui was also a fierce general, facing Ma Chao's sudden attack, he was unafraid, the battle gun in his hand collided with Ma Chao's spear head-on, and he only heard: "Bang!"

The two magic weapons collided, and Agui's mouth bled, and the weapon in his hand was blown away. He stared at Ma Chao with a calm expression, his face turned cold, and he shouted angrily, "You!"

"Go to hell!" Ma Chao's eyes glowed red, and the killing intent in his eyes became more and more serious. A scarlet blood appeared all over Ma Chao, like a white-fronted tiger. Ma Chao angrily shouted: "Cool!" Tiger!"

"Ding, Ma Chao's cool tiger attribute is activated, and his personal power value is increased by 7. Currently, Ma Chao's personal power value is 116!"

"Puff...boom!" Ah Gui was shot in the middle, and he flew upside down, drawing a beautiful arc in the air. The remnant soldiers under his command saw that the main general was dead, and they still had the desire to fight, and they rushed out. Turned into birds and beasts, and began to flee in all directions.

Hongli looked dignified, and kept organizing the horses to charge, buying time for the people behind him. Looking at the flying arrows all over the sky, his eyes were full of consternation, his complexion was a little pale, but he couldn't tell the pain.


"Swish, swish, swish, swish!" The cold arrow passed through the wind and hit Hongli's shoulder. With a click, Hongli landed on the ground, hit the stone on the back of his head, and died Under the arrow.

"Damn it...!" Xuan Ye's eyes were about to bleed, and he wiped the blood from his cheeks. Xuan Ye threw the horse rope and joined the battle team.

Dorgon was furious, and led tens of thousands of elites under his command to fight the enemy.

The shouts and killings were loud and continuous, people turned their backs and horses neighed, time passed quickly, Huo Qubing looked up at the falling snow, a twilight shone on the snow, making the whole snow yellow.

"Hoo hoo hoo..." Dorgon was hit by several arrows, and Xuan Ye was back to back. The two tiger generals looked at the surrounding cavalry vigilantly. There were corpses under their feet. There were compatriots and enemies. More than 300 corpses.

Huo Qubing stared at the two with black eyes, looked at the two who were exhausted, and said for a long while: "Surrender! You have nowhere to go!"

"Hahahahahaha!" Xuan Ye laughed out loud, looking desolate and distressed, staring at Huo Qubing with tiger eyes, and said for a while, "I'm not here now...the leader is here!"

Xuan Ye suddenly drew his sword and slashed himself, the blood splattered recklessly, and merged with the corpse on the ground, Dorgon panted heavily, looked at Xuan Ye who committed suicide, his black eyes stared at the tens of thousands of people in front of him, and he yelled furiously :"kill!"

Dorgon took a heroic step, holding a knife in one hand, fearless of thousands of people, and charged forward. He only killed one meter away, and he was already shot several times. Looking at the red sunset, he murmured: : "Born to fight! Die unyielding!"

"Boom!" The last strong figure fell, and the land finally returned to calm. The history of Donghu disappeared on this land. The flag of the Central Plains was also planted on this land, and tens of thousands of people were captured. They were all taken away by Huo Qubing and sent to the south. Although they were soldiers, they were not bloodthirsty and indiscriminate. These people were sent to the Central Plains to build the Great Wall.

The demise of the Donghu made the grassland feel the crisis. No one dared to underestimate this newly born country. People and horses attacked Liaoxi, but within half a month, Liaodong had been captured by Wei Qing, and this homeland, which had been wandering for seven or eight years, returned to his mother's arms again.

Then Wei Qing waved his hand and sent troops to Xiangping. In an instant, the situation became subtle and tense. Li Shimin was attacked by the enemy, and the soldiers under his command could only spend the last 20 soldiers in the United Nations. Shu Han, another way to guard against Xiangping.

Li Shimin sat on the main seat, his black eyes looked at the brazier in front of him, his heart was extremely impetuous, he looked at Changsun Wuji and said, "It's time to make up your mind!"

Changsun Wuji stroked his forehead, and said for a while, "Let's evacuate Liaodong! If there is a fire in the rear, it will be more dangerous!"

"Withdraw! How to withdraw! Wei Qing, a hungry wolf, is clenching his teeth!" Li Shimin rubbed his eyebrows, and said for a long time: "Tell brother Shuhan! Let him hold Han Shizhong, and my fourth brother's injury is almost healed. Well, Wei Qing seems to have a large number of soldiers, but the daily consumption of food and grass is also an astronomical figure. I decided to send troops to bypass Xiangping, raid Wei Qing's Xiangping camp, and burn food and grass. If this battle is successful, Wei Qing will not fight Back off!"

"Yes!" Changsun Wuji nodded in agreement!Looking at Li Shimin, he said, "How many soldiers and horses does the king plan to bring?"

"Fifty thousand! Only 5!" Li Shimin panted heavily, and said for a while, "If this battle cannot be won, we are trying to find a way to withdraw to the peninsula! Whenever there is a chance, we must fight for it!"

"My lord! Winter is about to pass! Spring is coming. When the spring is warm and flowers are blooming and the country is warming up, it will be even more unfavorable to the Han army..." Changsun Wuji looked embarrassed, and rubbed the hay with his hands. Throw in the brazier.

"It's okay! I don't believe it. They want to leave 10 dead bodies in Xiangping. I've already spoken to Li Guangbi, and I'll stick to Xiangping. If there's anything wrong, come and see me!" Li Shimin believed in Li Guangbi, and Li Guangbi would also execute it The task given by Li Shimin.

(End of this chapter)

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