Warring States Call

Chapter 2002: Chapter 212: Attack

Chapter 2002: Chapter [-]: Attack
Outside Xiangping City, Wei Qing's 40 troops had already gathered here, Li Guangbi only had 10 troops in his hands, Wei Qing surrounded him but did not attack, but Li Guangbi couldn't sit still, pressing against the snow-covered wall, Li Guangbi took a deep breath Taking a breath of cool air, feeling the coolness in the mouth, the whole person became much more awake.

"General!" Quan Su pressed the sword in his arms, followed by Zhang Liang and Zuo Xiong, two generals. Today's wind and snow have calmed down a lot, but there is still a lot of light snow falling from the sky. Snow, Li Guangbi felt the icy cold coming from his palm, he knew in his heart that this snowstorm was about to stop, the weather was about to warm up, and their advantage was disappearing bit by bit.

"General!" On the stairs, a middle-aged general about 30 years old climbed up the city wall, patted the wind and snow on his shoulder, let out a breath of heat, his face was red from the plateau, his name was An Xinggui, and he was an army officer. The tooth general in the middle came to the city wall, holding a bamboo slip in his hand.

Li Guangbi looked him up and down, looked at the bamboo slips in his hand, looked slightly astonished, and asked: "Your Majesty has a new transfer!"

An Xinggui nodded, and handed the bamboo slip in his hand to Li Guangbi after a long while. Li Guangbi looked suspicious, but he opened the bamboo slip patiently, swept his tiger eyes up and down, his pupils shrank suddenly, and shouted angrily: "Nonsense! Nonsense! Why didn't Changsun Wuji stop the king!"

"The situation in the country is too tense! Han Shizhong's 20 troops are staring at them, and there are warships constantly harassing the people around the coast. The situation is very critical. Han Shizhong's army can board the boat at any time, bypass Zhongqing, and go straight to the rear of our army. The king is also very anxious. Raid Wei Qing, this battle is the end, and force Han Yi to retreat!" An Xinggui glanced at the dark Han army barracks outside the city wall, with a dark and dignified look.

Li Guangbi looked at the bamboo slips in front of him, and said for a while, "Your Majesty decides when to do it."

"Mid-January! The specific time is three days later! General Li Guangbi, please prepare! If the king succeeds, the Han army will definitely launch a strong attack in three days. The general must be prepared to fight a tough battle. At the same time, if the king fails, The general must also do a good job in rescue!" After An Xinggui finished speaking, he went out of the city.

Li Guangbi looked at the bamboo slips in his hand and felt his heart twitching. Quan Su and Zhang Liang both gasped. Li Guangbi threw the bamboo slips to Quan Su and said, "This battle is up to you." You! Go out of the city to meet the king, and Zhang Rong and Tang Bier will be at your disposal!"

"Okay!" Quan Su didn't dare to be negligent, and selected [-] soldiers who were good at fighting and dared to die in the army, and told them to prepare for the best death.

Three days later, there was no snow on this day, and the dusk of the sunset shone on the land, tender green grass sprouted, and the original white coat was receded. Of course, it was not so fast. This is a process of time. The doorman slapped two haha, watching the sun gradually set, the last ray of warm sunlight gradually disappeared as the sun set.

Outside the gate of the camp, two guards chatted with each other.

The soldier on the left is a 28-year-old man, looking at the 50-year-old man beside him, he smiled and said, "Oh! Uncle Shu! Is your eldest daughter married? If not, look at me! "

"Fuck you!" The old tree looked at the little bastard and scolded with a smile: "Little bastard! The old cow eats young grass! How old are you! My daughter is almost reaching the age of a baby this year! You beg to be beaten, boy!" !"

In this day and age, both men and women get married early, and in order to encourage childbearing, they can get married at about 14 years old.

The man let out a strange laugh, just to tease the old man, then put his hands on his chest, spit out a mouthful of water vapor, and sighed: "The old man is right, the snow is not cold, it is cold today. ah!"

"Hey! You kid has never met a woman in this life, right? Hahahahaha!" The old tree slapped this haha ​​and looked at this kid, and laughed a few words.

"Oh! Fart! It's just that my wife and children are dead!" The man said this with regret. How could he not have a wife and children at his age? The wars have been raging all these years, and it's not just his wife and children who died ah.

"Don't be sad! Brat! My second daughter's husband died last year! She didn't leave a seed! If you don't mind! I can't be the old man's son-in-law! It's not bad to be the second son-in-law!" the old tree laughed. .

"Hey! It's a good relationship! Let's just make a deal...!" The middle-aged man laughed, patted the old tree's shoulder, and kept calling out.

"Whoosh!" Two arrows shot twice, and the old tree was about to talk to the middle-aged man, when there was a touch, he fell to the ground, but the middle-aged man was directly hit by an arrow in the chest, looking at the arrow in front of his chest, With a pale and dull face, the old tree hurriedly came to his side, clutching the arrow on his shoulder blade, looked at the middle-aged man, and shouted angrily: "Tiger! How are you...!"

"Leave me alone! Enemy attack! Hurry... let's go...!" The middle-aged man named Huzi, his eyelids became more and more swollen, and finally died here.

The old tree looked at Huzi's body, although his eyes were filled with reluctance, but he took it for granted, clutched his shoulders, shook the bell hastily, and cursed angrily: "Son of a son of a bitch...!"

"Kill...!" The sound of killing came like a mountain roar and a tsunami, and the old tree kept shaking the bell in his hand, only to hear: "Dingling... Dingling..."

"Enemy attack...Enemy attack...!"

"Kill!" Li Yuanba took the lead. He got a batch of war horses from nowhere. He rode on the horses, holding a hammer in his hand, and took the lead. His hairless hair, under the moonlight, was shining in a different way.

"Who is this general! How dare you break into the barracks!" Shouting angrily, I saw the general Chen Xi rushing out from the camp gate, killing the two people head-on, staring at Li Yuanba with furrowed brows, and yelled angrily: "The thief!" Army attack camp! Defense! Tell the general! Kill!"

"Looking for death!" Li Yuanba was about to fight, when he saw two small knives flying out across Li Yuanba's side, and shot straight at Chen Xi.

"Ding, Su Baotong activates the poison dart attribute! Add 5 to your personal force value! Once you hit the dart, the force value will be reduced by 5 instantly! Every time you use a move, the force value will be reduced by 2! Once the force value is lower than 90, you will die from poison immediately! Currently Su Baotong's basic The force value is 100, and the current personal force value is 105"

"Whoosh!" Two poisonous darts shot Chen Xi's throat and died on the spot. Chen Xi knelt on the ground, covering his throat with both hands, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Drive... drive!" Li Yuanba yelled angrily, and took the lead. Li Shimin stared at the battle in front of him and yelled angrily: "Defeat the enemy! Just today! Charge!"

"Kill!" The 29-year-old Li Shi, riding a horse and wielding a saber in both hands, followed Li Yuanba's body and escorted him.

"Looking for death!" An Dianbao rushed out from the big tent, bumped into Li Shi who was charging head-on, picked up the flower knife in his hand, and slashed the fallen leaves with one move, slashing at Li Shi's horseshoe, only In an instant, Li Shi fell off the horse, holding a long gun in one hand, and several of them rolled over and stood up, holding the long gun in both hands, shaking for a while, brushing off the dust on the gun, staring at An Dianbao with angry eyes, coldly He hummed: "The thief will beg for death! Look at the gun!"

Li Shi yelled angrily, and saw the spear in his hand turned upside down, and two spear flowers appeared, like a spirit snake spitting out a letter, and the spear body was like a shadow, and went straight to An Dianbao's body.

"Beautiful fists and embroidered legs! Looking for death!" An Dianbao spat out, holding the flower knife in both hands, not caring about the two spears Li Shi stabbed at him, and the flower knife in his hand slashed down like a mountain. Hu tsunami.

"Touch!" The two of them just fought each other. Li Shi only felt his arms go numb, and the silver gun in his hand was almost thrown out. When he made a move, An Dianbao directly slashed down.

"Kangdang...!" With one blow, Li Shi was sent flying directly, and landed on the ground, his chest heaved up and down, the silver spear in his hand broke directly, and an armor-piercing wound flowed out on his chest, and the cold wind blew, Li Shi gritted his teeth and stared at An Dianbao solemnly.

"Miscellaneous! Die!" An Dianbao was about to kill Li Shi with a knife. At this time, Li Shi's face was pale, and he retreated again and again. In a hurry, he exclaimed: "Your Highness, save me!"

Li Yuanba, who was having fun, couldn't care about Li Shi. Looking at Li Shi who looked like a mouse, Li Yuanba looked impatiently at An Dianbao, and said with a strange smile: "You should be able to use my hammer !Look at the hammer!"

"Touch!...Ah!" An Dianbao flew upside down for dozens of meters, and then landed on the horse, the flower knife in his hand was shattered by the shock, bleeding from the tiger's mouth, lying on the ground with both hands, relentlessly Coughing, with a few pieces of meat still in his mouth, An Dianbao's eyes showed a ferocious look, and he said angrily, "I'm going to fight with you! Ah!"

"Come on! Good! You are really resistant to beating!" Li Yuanba laughed strangely, and directly talked about the warhammer in his hand.

"Touch!" The hammer hit An Dianbao firmly.

"Boom...boom!" There was a burst of smoke and dust, and An Dianbao spat out blood, his whole body as if falling into a cellar of ice, staring at Li Yuanba with tiger eyes, and muttering in his mouth: "You...you...uh...!"

"Death!" Li Shi felt that he could do it again at this moment, shouted angrily, and stabbed An Dianbao's throat with the broken spear in his hand.

"Whoosh!" The cold arrow came through the wind, Li Shi was too excited to see the cold arrow that was shot clearly, he was shot in the throat by the arrow on the spot, and died unexpectedly.

Geng Ying held a cold arrow in his hand, stared at the thieves who came to kill him, and shouted angrily: "One does not leave a message!"

Wei Qing had just left the army formation at this time, rushed out twice, his eyes were full of solemnity, looking at the dim lights in front of him, his face was ashen and said: "What's going on!"

"Li Shimin has attacked the camp!" Han Jian was riding a war horse with a dignified expression and a pair of tiger eyes that could be said to be gnashing his teeth.

"Li Shimin came here from that direction!" Wei Qing was not careless, his face was solemn, but he was secretly calculating the direction of the camp in his heart.

"The main entrance! Li Shimin charged directly from the main entrance!" Han Jian pointed in the direction ahead, Wei Qing was stunned, and the main entrance rushed!Isn't that where the defense is strongest?With Li Guangbi in Li Shimin, it is impossible to make such a low-level mistake.

If Li Shimin did it on purpose, what was his purpose?me?wrong!Killing me alone will not solve the immediate problem at all, Li Shimin wants to rob food and grass!

Wei Qing thought of the important point, his face pulled down instantly, looked at Han Jian beside him, and immediately shouted angrily: "Pass me the general order, Han Jian and Shi Bao, you two lead the troops to help Han De let General garrison food and grass! The soldiers and horses of the division, Feibao, Durong, and Zhichuo were also transferred there."

"General! These are your personal guards! If these are transferred away! You will be in danger!" Han Jian was stunned, joking, if all these people go, Wei Qing's military tent will be empty.

"It's okay! I'll join Yang Yanzhao's soldiers and horses! Go quickly! If there is a mistake in the food and grass! Come and see me!" Wei Qing immediately got on the horse, Han Jian clasped his hands in agreement, and urged the horse to charge away.

Among the rebellious army, Yang Yanzhao rode a white war horse, held a silver gun, and looked at Li Yuanba who was killing all directions. Yang Yanzhao looked solemn, glanced at Yang Yansi behind him, and said, "Seventh brother! How are you? Four generals, please come here!" Yet?"

"It still takes time! Four generals! It really takes some time now...!" Yang Yansi's face was solemn, his tiger eyes stared at Li Yuanba who was killing all directions, and he said angrily: "I'll meet him!"

"Seventh brother, don't be impulsive...!" Yang Yanzhao grabbed Yang Yansi, looked at Li Yuanba in front of him, and stared at him more and more.

Li Shimin came to the gate of the camp, looked at the chaotic battlefield and the noisy voices, and saw Yang Yanzhao who organized an army to resist Li Yuanba at a glance. Li Shimin immediately shouted angrily: "Yuanba! Kill the man on the white horse, brother!" You candy!"

"Riding a white horse!" Li Yuanba looked around, and then he locked on to the target, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, brother! Leave it to me! I want to eat a big piece! Hahahahaha!"

"Not good! Protect the general!" Everyone's complexion changed, and they urged their horses to stop in front of Li Yuanba.

"The dog slaughter is here! Don't hurt the lieutenant general of our army!"

"Man Gui is here! General Yang, don't panic!!

"Hou Mo and Chen Chong are here!"

"Yi Gui is here! General, don't panic!"

Generals Zhang Jue, Shang Jiexi, and Kou Zhenyuan all came from all directions to support Yang Yanzhao.

Li Shimin squinted his eyes, looked at the besieged Li Yuanba, and immediately shouted angrily: "Li Chui, Li Guang, Li Dian, Li Rusong, Li Rubai, Li Guangyan, quickly go to support Yuanba! Quick!"

"Promise!" Several members of the Li family rushed out, and Yang Yansi behind Yang Yanzhao couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately broke away from Yang Yanzhao's arm, and shouted angrily: "Sixth brother, go! I will break up with them for you!"

"Whoosh!" A cold arrow came, and Geng Ying, who was retreating, was stunned for a moment, and immediately reflected it out with the arrow.

"Ding Dang!" The two weapons shook countless sparks in the air, and Geng Ying hurriedly looked in the direction of the cold arrow. He saw that this man had a sloppy beard, was neatly dressed, was eight feet long, and was riding a black war horse. To the extreme, he held the bow in both hands, licked his lips, stared at Geng Ying with a smile, and said, "Li Guang! Tell me your name!"

(End of this chapter)

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