Warring States Call

Chapter 2003 Chapter 213: 3 Tigers vs Li Yuanba

Chapter 2003: Chapter [-]: Three Tigers vs Li Yuanba

"Gengerying!" Gengying touched the quiver with one hand, wanting to take the arrows out of it, and rubbing how many arrows he had left. This simple groping, Gengying's heart sank a little, and there were less than eight cold arrows.

Li Guang licked his lips, gave a strange laugh, and suddenly urged his horse to distance himself from the chaotic army. He laughed and said, "Killing you will be fun! Follow me if you have the ability!"

"Hmph!" Geng Ying found a war horse, pulled out the two cold arrows on the corpse, and after collecting ten arrows, he chased after Li Guang's figure.

Seeing Li Guang, a reckless man, competing with others, Li Shimin was furious and shouted angrily, "Li Gan!"

"Here!" A 20-year-old man rushed out, his black eyes looked bloodthirsty, Li Shimin pointed forward, and said helplessly, "Go to the top!"


Li Shimin looked at the battlefield of the melee, rubbed his palms, grasped the horse rope tightly with both hands, gritted his teeth, and said silently: "It must be successful!"

"Death!" Man Gui held a silver gun, fiddled with it up and down, and brushed out a gun flower. Although it looked like a tiger and a tiger, but the shooting was a bit messy and disorderly. Li Yuanba didn't care about Man Gui, and shouted angrily: "Get up! I I want candy!"

"Ding, Li Yuanba's mad hammer attribute activates, holding a sledgehammer, like a golden-winged roc, the force value increases by 7, the basic force value is 108, the force value of the drum-beating golden hammer increases by 1! The force value of the flying sand and moon ride increases by 1, Li Yuanba's force value is currently 117!"

"Ha!" Li Yuanba's head was smooth, and under the moonlight, he could vaguely see a few fluffy yellow hairs turning yellow, but this appearance was daunting.

"Ding, Li Yuanba's ghost face attribute is activated, and he is like a vicious ghost in hell, shocking the heroes, adding 3 to the force value, deterring the enemy general, reducing his force value by 3 points, Li Yuanba's force value is currently 120!"

"Ding, Mangui is currently affected by the attribute of Li Yuanba's ghost face, and his personal force value has been reduced by 3 points. Li Mangui's current force value is 91!"

"Boom!" With a startled hammer, Man Gui flew upside down like a deflated balloon, and landed heavily under Yang Yanzhao's horse's hooves. From time to time, he spat out a few pieces of minced meat. As time passed, his breathing gradually became weaker and gradually became silent.

"Ah...!" Everyone was staring at Man Gui below in astonishment, Yi Gui's eyes were red, without any fear at all, he glared at Li Yuanba angrily, and shouted angrily, "I'll fight you!"

"Old man! Think of us as dead people!" Li Chui shouted in surprise, and greeted Yi Gui towards the weapon. Several tiger generals spread out in all directions like two seas peeling water.

Li Yuanba let out a strange laugh, like a falcon, staring at Yang Yanzhao with small eyes, most of the skin on his face was scalded, he slammed the flying sand under his crotch, and the horse neighed, obviously painful, but he still endured Using Li Yuanba's strength, he lifted his horse's hooves and rushed forward.

"Eat me with a hammer!" Yang Yansi's eyes burst out with coldness, holding the hammer in both hands, scarlet blood emerged from his body, and shouted angrily: "Fall!"

"Ding, Yang Yansi activates the attribute of the Yang family general, and the personal force value increases by 5. For each additional person, the force value increases by 2. There are currently two people. Add 4 to the black hoof force value, and Yang Yansi's current force value is 102!"

"You use a hammer too! Let's have a look!" Li Yuanba laughed strangely, raised the golden hammer for beating drums in his hand, and smashed at Yang Yansi's purple gold hammer.

These two purple gold hammers were collected by Yang Yansi from the single hammers of Wanyan Yinchanzi and Wanyan Jindanzi. First, he knocked off the excess handle of the hammer, and then sealed the tail. Using it, it can be said to be like a tiger.

"Hey... Hey..." After two consecutive hammers, Yang Yansi's jaw was already numb, and he almost couldn't hold the purple gold hammer in his hand, but Li Yuanba became more and more courageous as he fought, he laughed and said: "Good job! I'm taking another hammer !"

After Li Yuanba finished speaking, he came again with a hammer, and went straight to Yang Yansi's face. With his hair, Yang Yansi only felt that he had narrowly escaped death, if the hammer hit hard, half his life would be gone.

"Why don't you pick it up! You're picking up my hammer!" Li Yuanba retracted the hammer, looked at Yang Yansi who was lying on the ground, his left hand suddenly rounded up, looked at Yang Yansi below, and threw it down with one blow.

"Ding, Li Yuanba's strength attribute is activated, and his personal force value is increased by 10. Li Yuanba's current force value is 130!"

"It's unreasonable, it's too much to deceive people!" Yang Yansi's eyes were red, and his tiger eyes were staring at Li Yuanba's scarlet blood hammer. Yang Yansi gritted his teeth, raised the hammer in his hand with force, and shouted angrily: "Take it!"

"Ding, Yang Yansi's bloody battle attribute is activated. When the situation is critical, he bursts out with a strong desire to fight, just for the belief in his heart. The current force value of Yang Yansi is increased by 9, and Yang Yansi's current force value is 122!"

"Boom... woo woo woo!" Under a startled hammer, the horse under Yang Yansi's crotch neighed directly. Yang Yansi's tiger's mouth was cracked, and his arms were sore and limp. Li Yuanba controlled the hammer and pressed it down, directly pressing on Yang Yansi's chest. On the ground, Yang Yansi vomited blood for a moment, and rolled to the ground with the horse. The purple gold hammer in his hand flew upside down and landed on the ground, shaking countless snow and soil.

"Stop hurting my seventh brother!" Yang Yanzhao saw that his younger brother was about to die under Li Yuanba's hands, and hurriedly urged the horse to come to rescue him. Yang Yansi raised his head to look at the sixth brother, and stretched out his hand to stop him, but his eyelids became more and more tired, and finally fainted past.

"Hey! I have candy!" Li Yuanba looked at the fainted Yang Yansi, who was about to kill him. Seeing Yang Yanzhao running, he naturally laughed dully, "I have candy!"

"Go!" The silver spear in Yang Yanzhao's hand swung up and down, and four spear flowers appeared in front of Li Yuanba, but Li Yuanba was not afraid at all, and the golden hammer in his hand directly smashed down. are vulnerable.

The spear in Yang Yanzhao's hand was directly bent, feeling the hammer that harvested his life, Yang Yanzhao recalled all the past, and muttered to himself: "Is it over like this? Is it like this? Brother... I'm going to Did you find you?"

In the vast expanse of whiteness, Yang Yanzhao saw several of his elder brothers who had left one after another. Yang Yanhui, who was leaning on the tree trunk, looked at Yang Yanzhao with a smile and said, "Xiao Liu! You can't die yet! Live well! Fulfill our wish... !"

"Touch!" There was a roar of metal in front of Yang Yanzhao, and countless sparks flew wildly. Yang Yanzhao opened his eyes in a daze, and saw a snake spear piercing Li Yuanba's drum-beating golden hammer, making him Deviated from the course and scratched Yang Yanzhao's ear.

"Next time, Zhang Fei from Yan! Don't hurt the general of our army! Come on! Grandpa, I will fight with you for three hundred rounds! Ha!" Zhang Fei roared like a wild lion with a voice like killing a pig, and raised his snake spear up and down in his hand. Sweeping, looking at Li Yuanba, he laughed loudly and said, "Come on! See grandpa stabbing you so heartbreaking! Hahahaha!"

"Ding, Zhang Feihao's combat attribute is activated, and the basic force value is increased by 5. He will go forward without fear!"

"Ding, Zhang Fei's fanatical attribute is activated, and when activated with the heroic attribute, it can strengthen the heroic attribute, the force value will be increased by 3, and the heroic attribute will be increased. It can be activated three times, and the force value will be increased by 8 each time!"

"Ding, Zhang Fei's basic force value is currently 100, Wuyun Treading Snow's force value is increased by 1, Zhang Ba Snake Spear's force value is increased by 1! Force value is increased by 8, and Zhang Fei's current force value is 110!"

"Ding, Zhang Feihao's battle frenzy is launched for the second time, and Zhang Fei's force value is 118!"

"Ding, when Zhang Fei's fanatical attribute is activated, it can be activated in conjunction with the heroic attribute, which can strengthen the heroic attribute, and the force value will be increased by 3, and the heroic attribute will be increased. It can be activated three times, and the force value will be increased by 8 each time! It is currently the third time, and now The force value is 126!"

"Ding, when Zhang Fei's Roar attribute is activated, the enemy general's force value will be reduced by 3 points, and each person's force value will be increased by 5. It can be activated three times in total. Special reminder, when Zhang Fei's personal force value increases, the force value will be reduced by 2 every time he activates it. Point, Zhang Fei's current force value is 126, Li Yuanba is affected by Zhang Fei's roar attribute, and is immune to the three hammers, and Zhang Fei's current force value is 131!"

"What are you doing so loudly! It's so noisy!" Li Yuanba seemed to be very tired of Zhang Fei's loud voice, and shouted angrily, "Get out of here!"

"Ding, the current attribute of Li Yuanba's ghost face is invalid for Zhang Fei, and Li Yuanba's force value has been reduced by 3 points! The current Li Yuanba's force value is 127"

"Eat my three hammers!" Li Yuanba stared at Zhang Fei, waving the golden hammer in his hands with both hands, a scarlet blood light spread from his arms, like a golden-winged roc, flying and fighting wantonly .

"Ding! Li Yuanba activates the three hammer attributes! The force value of the first hammer increases by 4, the force value of the second hammer increases by 5, and the force value of the third hammer increases by 6!"

"Ding, the current force value of Li Yuanba's first hammer is increased by 4, the current force value is 126, the force value is increased by 4, and the current force value is 131!"

"It's good to be here...hahahahaha!" Zhang Fei shouted angrily, and smashed the snake spear in his hand at Li Yuanba's golden hammer for beating the drum. The spear fell down like a mountain. Press down on Li Yuanba.

"Ding, Zhang Fei's anger shout attribute is activated, and his personal force value is increased by 3. Li Yuanba's current force value is 134!"

"Touch!" With a spear down, Li Yuanba felt that his hammer was being knocked back, grinning and said: "Okay! You are the second person who can hit my hammer back! Take it! I will next The hammer is coming!"

"Hmph! I'll take your first hammer, little boy, what's your second hammer! Come on! Look at grandpa making you cool! Look at the spear!" Zhang Fei grinned, the first move of a warrior is often to gather momentum The move to be launched was also the most energetic move. At that time, his physical strength and strength were at their peak. In his opinion, Li Yuanba was just a dead duck with a stubborn mouth.

"Hoo hoo hoo..." However, Zhang Fei was really wrong. Li Yuanba's hammer was much stronger than the previous one. The right hand exerted force, which was Li Yuanba's preferred hand. For three thousand miles, the sound of broken sounds came and went, like a golden-winged roc flying straight up ninety thousand miles.

"Ding, the second hammer of Li Yuanba's three hammers is launched, and the personal force value is increased by 5. The current force value of Li Yuanba is 136!"

"Yeah! Look at the spear!" Zhang Fei was not afraid, and smashed the spear in his hand. The momentum of this spear was much stronger than before, just like a black snake. Shaped like a winding mountain, it yelled unwillingly at the giant eagle in the sky.

"Ding, Zhang Fei's roar is activated for the third time, and his personal force value is increased by 1. Currently, Zhang Fei's personal force value is 135"

"Touch!" This touch, Zhang Fei exhausted all his skills, the two weapons collided with each other, sparking countless sparks, just like the snake and the golden-winged roc, both of which are ancient beasts, However, due to the natural suppression of blood, Zhang Fei lost a head to Li Yuanba.

Li Shimin at the back looked at Zhang Fei who was fighting with Li Yuanba, and praised: "This man is really good, he can take two hammers from my fourth brother, but he can only stop here!"

Li Shimin stroked his beard, and he was full of admiration for Zhang Fei's bravery. He admired such a fierce general, otherwise he wouldn't have many capable ministers under his command who would join him! "

"Hey! I'm taking a hammer!" Li Yuanba gave a strange laugh, raised the double hammers in his hands, and shouted angrily: "Suppress you!"

"Grandpa, I still don't believe it!" Zhang Fei looked quite disbelieving, and raised the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hands with both hands, intending to resist Li Yuanba's double hammers.

"Ding, now Li Yuanba's three hammers are activated for the third time, Li Yuanba's force value will be increased by 6, and Li Yuanba's force value is now 142!"

Once the force value breaks through to 135, it is another level. If it exceeds 140 points, it can kill people. If it exceeds [-] points, it is almost an instant kill character. If it exceeds [-], then every point of difference is extremely dangerous.

"Stop hurting the general of our army! Slash Guanshan!" Guan Yu shouted angrily, and Guan Yu slashed straight down with his sword.

"Old and strong! The younger generation will keep people!" Huang Zhong yelled, and the Fengming Saber in his hand greeted the momentum and gave Guan Yu a helping hand.

"Ding, the Five Tigers attribute is activated, and each additional person will add 1 to the force value. For the current three, Zhang Fei's force value will be increased by 3. Zhang Fei's current personal force value is 138, Guan Yu's current force value is 141, and Huang Zhong's current force value is 121!"

"Bump... touch... touch!" Under the blessing of three weapons, Zhang Fei was directly knocked off his horse by the heavy hammer, spitting out blood. Although he could survive, his injuries were not serious. Huang Zhong Because of his old age and the fact that his skills are all slow-to-heat skills, Li Yuanba dared to join in the fun when Li Yuanba hit him with all his strength. Immediately, the tiger's mouth opened, the Fengming knife in his hand fell to the ground, and blood fell to the ground superior.

Guan Yu's face was flushed, holding the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in both hands, his complexion was flushed, he bit his tooth thistle, his eyebrows were tightly squinted, and his long beard was automatic without wind. He resisted Li Yuanba hard, but at this moment Zhang Fei and Huang Zhong flew out backwards, his drag knife was fully charged, and Guan Yu's force value is only 133 now!

The Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand swept straight on the ground. Guan Yu, riding on Li Yuanba who had no backs, hurriedly turned the red rabbit horse, opened a distance, stroked his beard with his trembling left hand, stopped in front of Yang Yanzhao, half-closed his eyes, Looking at Li Yuanba, he said: "Heroes in the world, there are not many who can take the knife from this old man! You can leave your name."

"You guy with a green hat, why are you talking so much nonsense, don't stop me from eating candy, a fool, an old man, and now there is another green hat, why is it so hard for me to eat candy!"

(End of this chapter)

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