Warring States Call

Chapter 2004 Chapter 214: Black Teeth Changzhi

Chapter 2004: Chapter [-]: Black Teeth Changzhi
Guan Yu was scolded by Li Yuanba with a black line on his forehead. A pair of tiger eyes stared at Li Yuanba, stroked his long beard, and felt that his palms were still shaking. Guan Yu's fear of Li Yuanba became more serious. Gritting his teeth, he was about to resist.

"Boom!" A heavy ax came crashing down, and Xing Tian came running fast, Gao Zui said, "Sorry! I'm late!"


"Drive...!" Two horse cries came out, and Li Cunxiao and Ran Min urged the horses to come. The three looked at each other. Li Cunxiao looked at Li Yuanba, the second idiot, and said indifferently: "Last time, let this idiot run away. Alright! Let him go this time! Our face will be gone!"

"What nonsense! I'm talking!" Ran Min stared at Li Yuanba, licked the corners of his mouth, urged the horse to charge forward, and stabbed at Li Yuanba with a move of two dragons out to sea. Li Yuanba looked at the three of them with a pair of wheels, blinking. Yes, he laughed for a long while and said, "It's you three again! Come on, come on! I'm picking up some blows from me! Come on! This time I have a horse too! Hehe!"

Like a child showing off, Li Yuanba boasted about his war horse, clamped the horse's belly fiercely, and urged the horse to rush out. Naturally, the three of them did not dare to neglect, and wrapped Li Yuanba in the middle, like a revolving lantern, four of you come I went, the fight was earth-shattering, without thirty or forty rounds, it was difficult to decide the outcome.

Li Shimin gritted his teeth, watched the scene of the three fighting, and prayed secretly for Li Yuanba, then looked forward with tiger eyes, and muttered to himself: "Ulchi Wende, Zhishenli, Pugu Huaien, Black Tooth Changzhi If you can't win this battle, you...!"

When Li Shimin said that at this moment, murderous thoughts appeared in his whole mind, and the murderous aura was overwhelming. The two generals who were protecting Li Shimin looked at each other, and felt cold all over.

On the other side of the battlefield, Han Jian and Shi Bao looked around, looking at the shouts of killing coming from the main camp, their brows were tightly furrowed, the situation was anxious, but they could only wait here , How can the two of them sit together.

"This day! How could the enemy army find the location of the food and grass!" Shi Bao rubbed his hands, took a breath of water vapor, his face was tired, he didn't sleep in the middle of the night, how could he not be sleepy? It's been a little too much for a long time.

Han Jian was riding a war horse, looking around with tiger eyes, but his complexion became more and more serious. He looked around and said, "Stay here, and I will take the hundred riders behind me to look around!"

"Be careful!" Shi Bao yawned, looking very tired, and watched Han Jian leave.

In the dark night, Han Jian rode his horse back and forth to inspect the grain and grass twice. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, Han Jian urged the horse and was about to leave when he heard the creaking of branches a hundred meters to the north. , Han Jian narrowed his eyes, and quickly raised his hand to wave. The hundreds of cavalry under his command also became vigilant, holding the longbow in their hands, Han Jian fetched arrows, lit the torch, and shot towards the dark north.

"Ah!" A scream, accompanied by the sound of the falling horse, Han Jian's complexion suddenly changed, he hurriedly turned the horse's head, and shouted angrily: "Enemy attack! Prepare to fight...!"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" The dull horn sounded, and Shi Bao, who was lazy at first, suddenly regained his energy, and said solemnly, "What's going on!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Kill!" Black-toothed Changzhi rode a black war horse, holding a ghost-headed black knife in his hand, staring at Han Jian's hundred-riding soldiers with tiger eyes, and snorted coldly: "Sly two-legged sheep, look! I will take your head off!"

"Big words!" Han Jian narrowed his eyes and swept the black teeth up and down. This man was tall and tall, wearing black leather armor, and riding a strong war horse. He was eight feet long and wore a long-eared helmet on his head. There are also buttons, which can perfectly cover one's mouth, revealing a pair of eyes. Those eyes are very annoying, like a hungry wolf, salivating at you.

The big sword in Han Jian's hand danced airtightly, faintly visible streaks of cold light floating around Han Jian, each knife contained a thousand catties of power, like thousands of thunderbolts, and went straight to the vital points of the enemy troops attacking from the surrounding area kill.

With galloping horses, dozens of people died under Han Jian's knife. He had black teeth, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the killing intent in his eyes became more serious, and he immediately shouted angrily: "Shoot an arrow and kill him! "

"Whoosh, whoosh...!" The cold arrows all over the sky came rushing to kill, Han Jian looked at the eighty riders around him, immediately turned his horse, and charged in the direction of Heizhi Changzhi, shouting angrily: "Come on!" Go over and fight against him! Rush over!"

"Black-toothed Changzhi, can you do it! Do you want me to help you get rid of this bastard?" Ulji Wende rode a horse and held two guns and came to Heizhichangzhi's side. Ulji Wende wore a mask, although All the words were well intentioned, but the hint of sarcasm was very strong.

"Hmph! I can take care of it myself, I don't need you." Hei Chi Changzhi snorted coldly, signaling Ulji Wende not to meddle in his own business.

Ulchi Wende was too lazy to talk to Changzhi, turned his horse's head, and shouted angrily: "The cavalry will charge with me! Rockets are ready! The whole army will attack!"

"Yes!" The cavalry team of thousands of people, avoiding Heizhi Changzhi's troops, quickly rushed to every corner of the grain and grass, and set fire to the grain and grass every time they went down.

"The thief general! Don't go!" Naturally, Shi Bao was not to be outdone, and led his troops to stop him. Han Derang stood on a high place at this moment, watching the constantly changing enemy troops around him, and immediately shouted angrily: "Di Xin , Taijia!"

"Here!" Di Xin, both in silver armor and gold armor, appeared under the sentry tower. Han Derang said solemnly: "The two of you organize troops and take over the vacant defense. Once someone approaches, you will kill them regardless of whether you are the enemy or yourself." kill!"

"No!" Di Xin and Tai Jia got the order to urge their horses to shuttle back and forth on the battlefield.

"Kill!" Hei Chichang held a knife in one hand and a horse in the other, and with a move of two dragons, he went straight to Han Jian's heart and killed him. His blood was like a surging sea!Each shot was like a wave of the sea, and each wave was stronger than the next. Heizhichangzhi was often tricky and tricky, and Han Jian was already sweating profusely with two simple moves, and he couldn't handle it.

"Go!" Black-toothed Changzhi suddenly threw out the horse spear in his hand, and a powerful shot came. Han Jian's entire expression changed, and he held the Spirit Dragon Saber in his hand, and slashed upwards.

"Kang Dang!" There was a metallic roar, Han Jian's forehead was covered with black lines, and he glared at the black-toothed Changzhi, furiously said: "If the tiger doesn't show its power, you really think I'm a soft persimmon, look at the knife! "

Han Jian grasped the knife with both hands, and a sword with a strong breath emerged on Han Jian's Linglong knife. Han Jian narrowed his eyes, and the killing intent in his eyes became more and more dignified, and he was furious: "Cut!"

"Boom!" The strong aura hit Hei Chi Chang Zhi's weapon, and Hei Chi Chang Zhi's complexion turned pale for a while, the tiger's mouth cracked open, blood gushed out, and the khaki helmet also rolled down on the ground, and his hair was disheveled, revealing his original The face turned out to be a middle-aged man with yellow hair and dark eyes, staring at Han Jian with burning eyes.

"Watch me take off your dog's head!" Han Jian was furious, his whole body was like a madman, scarlet blood emerged and gradually climbed onto Han Jian's arms.

"Ding, Han Jian's fighting attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 3, Han Jian's basic force value is 99, the force value of Linglong Dao is increased by 1, the force value of Huohu Benlei is increased by 1, and the current force value is 104!"

"Ding, Han Jian once seized Lu Zhishen's madness attribute, now Han Jian's madness attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 5, and his own courage is improved. When facing someone with a high force value, there is more than 50.00% chance to increase his force value by 1∽5 points value, and at the same time reduce the enemy's force value by the same amount!"

"Ding, Black Tooth Changzhi's current force value is 97! Han Jian's passive attribute cannot be activated, the current Han Jian's force value is increased by 5, and the current Han Jian's force value is 109!"

"I'm afraid you won't succeed! Get the hell out of here!" Hei Chi Chang Zhi was not afraid of Han Jian's slashing knife, and slashed with his backhand, straight for Han Jian's throat.

"Good come!"

"Kang Dang!" The body of the gun and the blade were delivered together, sparking countless sparks. Looking at Han Jian who had no hesitation, and the Spirit Dragon Knife getting closer, Hei Chi Changzhi suddenly felt his scalp go numb, and immediately withdrew the knife , wanting to stay away from Han Jian.

"I want to leave, but it's too late! Come here!" Han Jian's eyes were red, and he stretched out his futon-sized palm to grab the serrated knife in Heizhi Changzhi's hand, and shouted: "Come here..."

"Ding, when the second attribute is seized, it can reduce the enemy's intelligence by 5 points. There is an 80.00% chance to snatch the enemy's weapon! Special reminder that you can also win the enemy's skills, but this skill is only limited to two times. !"

Heizhi Changzhi only felt his palm lighten, and the serrated knife in his hand was sucked by a huge force. This one was inattentive, but was snatched by Han Jian. Now his hands are empty, Heizhi Changzhi hastily pulled out his arms. The scimitar in the middle glared at Han Jian and cursed, "Give me back the knife!"

Hei Chi Chang Zhi was about to snatch it back, but he suddenly discovered that Han Jian Zhou's aura had clearly overshadowed him.

"Ding, the attributes of Han Jian's double guns are transformed into dual soldiers, the force value is increased by 8, and the current force value is 117!"

The two sabers in Han Jian's hands were like the two hand knives of a praying mantis. One move cut straight at Hei Chi Chang Zhi's throat, and the other stabbed at Hei Chi Chang Zhi's heart.

"Kang Dang...Kach...Wow" A metallic sound resounded, and the black tooth Changzhi flew upside down, and the sound of bones breaking resounded in everyone's ears. Han Jian glared at the black tooth Changzhi, with a serrated knife in his hand , and threw it directly at Heifang Changzhi's chest.

"Crack...!" With the knife piercing his chest, Heizhi Changzhi died on the spot, and thousands of cavalrymen under his command turned into birds and beasts.

"Come on!" After Han Jian rushed, he had already turned into a blood man, staring at the soldiers in front of him with wide eyes, his mouth was full of anger.

"It's not good!" Pugu Huai'en came to Ulchi Wende's side with a dark face, and said solemnly: "Hei Chi Changzhi was killed!"

"What!" Ulji Wende, with black lines in his eyes, raised the clay pot in his hand, threw it at the grass warehouse in front of him, and shouted angrily, "Set fire!"

"Clatter...crash!" The orange flame seemed to be dancing, burning the hay barn in front of him. Pugu Huai'en looked at the surrounding haystacks and shouted angrily: "Burn! Anyone who can see I'm burning everything! Don't let the hay go! Quick!"

Without hay, the war horses would have nothing to eat. As long as they could weaken the enemy's strength, Pugu Wynn and Eulji Wende would not hesitate.

"Drive... drive..." Di Xin and Taijia urged their horses, looked at the flames everywhere, frowned slightly, and at a glance, more than 30 warehouses had been burned. A and A looked at each other, and Di Xin yelled angrily: "Stop leaving, the thief! Keep the head!"

"Huh! Where did the two-legged sheep come from! You don't know anything about power, just watch me chop off your head!" Pu Gu Huai'en stared at Di Xin with tiger eyes, and charged directly with a knife, facing the people behind him. Ulchi Wende said: "I leave the rest to you!"

"Hmm! Good!" Ulji Wende looked helpless, looked at Pugu Wynn who was overpowering the host, and immediately turned his horse and charged towards the camp.

"Presumptuous! Do you think I don't exist? Drive!" Taijia was furious, holding a sword in his hand, and charged forward directly. The killing intent in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and he wished to kill this person on the spot.

"Kill Han Jian! I'll make him a general of a hundred men!" Different from Black Tooth Chang who only knows how to solve battles by force, Perseverance is very good at using his brain. Seeing Han Jian dripping with blood, he looked around with a little fear The soldiers of the army, the enemy is few and we are many, should be lured by high profits, so they speak.

"Kill!" As soon as these words came out, the soldiers under his command turned red-eyed instantly, and rushed to kill Han Jian with all their might, looking like a ghost from hell.

"Bastard!" Han Jian didn't dare to accept his fate, leading hundreds of people to rush back and forth, only killing people were blood men, horses were blood horses, and knives were blood knives. There was no enemy in his path, but Han Jian But the whole body was shot with arrows, and he was exhausted.

"Drive!" Hugh injured the general of our army! "Shi Bao was so anxious that he urged his horse to the place where Han Jian fought. When the war broke out, Shi Bao rushed over without stopping. Looking at Han Jian who was besieged in the center, he was so angry that he drew his sword and shouted angrily: "Kill! "

At this remark, Zhishenli's expression changed, he hurriedly turned his horse's head, and shouted angrily: "Retreat in a roundabout way! Quick!"

"Drive... drive!"

At this moment, Han Jian didn't chase after her either!Seeing their retreating backs and allowing them to flee, Shi Bao came to Han Jian's side, looked at Han Jian covered in blood, and said worriedly, "How are you doing!"

"Don't worry about me! Chase them up quickly! Don't let them go, or it will be dangerous! You go first! I'll be there later!" Han Jian rode on a horse, panting heavily, sweat slid down his cheeks, and The blood and water merged and became turbid. Han Jian stretched out his hand to untie the water bag on his waist, and drank it in a big gulp. The whole person was very happy. He looked around with a solemn expression, looked at the warehouse that was constantly on fire, and said solemnly: "Follow me!"

Di Xin charged back and forth on his horse, squinted his eyes at Pugu Huai'en, and shouted angrily, "I'll teach you how to write death!"

(End of this chapter)

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