Warring States Call

Chapter 2006 Chapter 216: Xia Jie who is looking for death

Chapter 2006: Chapter [-]: Xia Jie who is looking for death
"I want to leave! It's too late!" With a snarl, Gao Chong rode a white war horse and rushed out from the thousands of troops. The tiger-headed golden gun in his hand trembled like a spirit snake, and the cold air was overwhelming. Follow Li Shimin to charge forward.

"Li Shimin! Now that you're here! Don't be so anxious to go back! How about going to Chang'an for a cup of tea! Hahahahaha!" Wei Qing was riding a green horse and wearing a black armor, his eyes were full of teasing, and he stared at him Looking at Li Shimin, he yelled angrily: "Whoever captures Li Shimin! Report to the king! Worship the general and seal him as a marquis!"

"Kill!" Huang Feihu yelled angrily, and the subduing magic pestle in his hand went straight to kill Li Shimin.

"Hahahahaha! You want to capture me! Wei Qing is afraid that you don't have the ability!" Li Shimin glared at Wei Qing, looked at the beacon fires around him, and shouted angrily, "Where is the Xuanjia Army!"

"Will go through fire and water for the king!" Thousands of people gathered around Li Shimin like an explosion on the ground, and everyone wore heavy armor, surrounding Li Shimin.

Quan Su, who was waiting anxiously in front of him, squinted his eyes and sweated on his forehead, but he was very anxious. After waiting for a long time, Quan Su couldn't wait any longer. He immediately turned his horse's head, held two swords, and shouted angrily: "No! Wait, the whole army charges! Kill them!"

"The Xuanjia army is broken! Yuanba come back quickly! Otherwise, I won't give you candy," Li Shimin looked at the flying arrows flying all over the sky, his face was full of urgency, Li Yuanba's complexion suddenly changed, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Immediately turned the horse's head, knocked Xing Tian and Li Cunxiao away with a hammer, and said haha: "Let's play again next time! My brother told me to go back! Otherwise, I won't give you sweets! Let's go!"

"I want to leave! It's not that easy!" Ran Min shouted angrily, grasping his soldiers with both hands, dragged Li Yuanba with his strength, and shouted angrily, "Leave it to me!"

"Don't block the way, get out of the way!" Li Yuanba was also in a hurry, fearing that his candy would be gone if he went back late, a huge force burst out from his body, and he shouted angrily, "Get out!"

"Boom!" A huge wave of air erupted from Ran Min's body. The Chi Yanju under his crotch also blew his beard and stared at Li Yuanba's flying sand and Zouyue. Jin, you hit me, I hit you.

"Ah...!" Ran Min gritted his teeth and shouted in hysterical anger. The purple blood on his arms kept surging, and the veins in his arms burst out. Ran Min only felt more and more dull in his heart. The urn and golden hammer kept pressing on him, but Ran Min couldn't help it, so he shouted angrily: "Scatter!"

"Boom!" Ran Min changed the track, and the two soldiers directly bombarded the two places. There was a collision sound instantly, and countless snowflakes shook on the ground. The horse under Ran Min's crotch seemed to jump out, and the two A horse kept exhaling white air from its nose.

"Don't go!" Xing Tian was about to chase after him, but Li Rusong, who was not afraid of death, was flying up and down with the long spear in his hand, and five spear flowers appeared. He glared at Xing Tian and shouted, "Broken Soul!"

"Ding, Li Rusong activates the attribute, the personal force value is increased by 5, the force value of the tiger tooth and moon silver gun is increased by 1, the force value of the companion tiger is increased by 1, the basic force value is 100, and the current force value of Li Rusong is 107!"

"Ding, Li Rusong's Bravery attribute is activated, and his personal force value is increased by 7. Li Rusong's current force value is 114!"

"Ding, Li Rusong's combat attribute activates, and his personal force value increases by 7. After the tenth round of the battle, his force value increases by 5. Li Rusong's force value increases by 7, and his current force value is 121!"

"The scorpion shakes the tree! Those who stand in my way will die!" Xing Tian focused all his attention on Li Yuanba. The last time five people surrounded and killed Li Yuanba, he let him run away. He must not let him go this time, and immediately shouted angrily: "Xing Tian cut!"

"Ding, the current force value of Xingtian is 141!"

"Hmm!" Li Rusong's complexion changed drastically. Looking at the ax that Xing Tian slashed down, the scarlet blood energy had become substantive. The scarlet blood energy could clearly feel the water vapor above. Li Rusong didn't feel afraid at the moment. Staring at Xing Tian, ​​he laughed involuntarily and said, "Death is in your hands! I have no regrets! Let's fight!"

"Swipe!" The silver gun in Li Rusong's hand reversed up and down, and gradually six gun flowers appeared, and then the number of gun flowers on the silver gun in Li Rusong's hand gradually decreased, changing from six to one, and condensed into one scarlet red flower. All the blood energy covered the spear, Li Rusong narrowed his eyes, lightened the corners of his mouth, and said hotly: "Asahi!"

"Ding, Li Rusong's heroic attribute is activated, and his personal force value is increased by 9. Li Rusong's current force value is 130!"

"Boom!" The huge air waves collided layer by layer, and the silver gun in Li Rusong's hand blasted towards Xing Tian's battle axe. After two seconds, the silver spear in Li Rusong's hand couldn't bear the tremendous pressure of the axe, and began to bend, shatter, and crack.

"Hmm!" Li Rusong seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago. His hands that were struggling to support were numb at this moment, and now they were directly cracked and bleeding. Li Rusong's face was quite calm, feeling the moment his body was chopped.

"Boom..." Li Rusong's body flew upside down and bumped into a soldier riding a horse. Li Rusong was lying on the belly of the horse, and a mouthful of blood gushed out, with some blood mixed in his mouth. Looking at the huge bloody mouth on the chest, Li Rusong looked up at the dark sky. The moon and stars were really sparse. Gradually, Li Rusong closed his eyes tiredly and died here.

"Brother!" Li Rubai's complexion changed, his tiger eyes stared at Xing Tian, ​​furious, and he threw the spear in his hand directly at Xing Tian, ​​glaring, "I want your life!"

"Crack!" Before Li Rubai finished speaking, a cold knife slashed down on his face. Li Rubai wanted to make a few bold words, but Xia Jie didn't even give him the chance to play cards. head.

"Hey!" Xia Jie stared at Li Yuanba with a strange smile on his face, licking the blood of the dog-toothed knife, closing his eyes to savor it carefully, and after a while, Xia Jie opened his eyes and spit out a mouthful of saliva. Full of disgust: "The blood of garbage! It's not enough to arouse my excitement!"

"Where did the bastards come from! Rampant! I'm here to kill you!" Gongsun Cao stabbed head-on with a dark face, holding a bronze sword in his hand.

"Count me in!" Li Gao stared at Xia Jie solemnly, flicked the bronze whip in his hand, causing countless bloody water, and chased and beat Xia Jie head-on.

"Tsk tsk... the smell of fresh blood! It's so exciting! Come on!" Xia Jie let out a strange laugh, and suddenly pulled out a saber from behind.

Yang Yanzhao carried the unconscious Yang Yansi on his shoulders, looked at the crazy Xia Jie, his brows darkened, this guy came again, this time bomb.

"Ding, Xia Jie's dog god attribute is activated. After using the dog sword, Xia Jie's temperament changes. Everyone's force value increases by 8, the basic force value is 103, the dog's sword force value increases by 1, and Xia Jie's current force value is 112!"

"Swish, swish, swish!" The knife sounded like wild dogs barking, and the tiger wing on the left hand was shining with a strange light, and the red light suddenly appeared, like a hot wheel.

"Ding, Xia Jie's Tiger Wing attribute activates, and every time he kills a general with a force value of 90 or more, the effect of 1 point of force value can be superimposed after the tiger wing is activated. If he kills a general with a force value of 100 or more, the effect will be superimposed. 2 points of force value, the skill effect Add 9 points to itself, can be superimposed unlimited times, after the battle, everything will be cleared, the current force value of Xia Jie will be increased by 10, because the base of beheading Li Rubai is 98, the current force value will be added by 1, the original force value is 103, the dog god and the tiger Add 1 to each wing force value, and the current force value is 122!"

Xia Jie holds a knife in both hands, and his whole body looks like a hell Shura. A donkey rolls over and rolls to the ground. Tiger Wing and Dog God slash at the horse's front hooves at the same time. After getting off the horse, the afterimage in Xia Jie's hand disappeared, and the two lives were lost one after another.

Xia Jie felt the second bloody smell on the knife, put it into his nose and sniffed it lightly, his brows deepened a lot, he stared at Li Yuanba for a while, and let out a strange laugh, looking at and Ran Min Li Yuanba, who was fighting, muttered to himself: "I am afraid that only you can make me excited! But now I am not excited enough."

Xia Jie looked around and stared at Jin Shimin, Li Hanzhi, and Li Keju. Xia Jie let out a strange laugh, and rushed towards the three of them. The speed was like a wild horse running towards the two of them. The two were fighting with all their strength, but they didn't know that there was a ghostly Xia Jie behind them. Both of them were hit by Xia Jie's dark knife and died unexpectedly.

At this moment, Li Yuanba had already broken free from Ran Min's shackles. Xing Tian had just beheaded Li Rusong, and Li Cunxiao was entangled with Su Baotong again. Li Yuanba was about to leave, but saw a dog sword flying towards him.

Li Yuanba swiped the warhammer in his hand, and only heard: "Kang Dang!"

The sound of metal collisions directly bounced Xia Jie's dog god away. Xia Jie swooped forward suddenly, staring at Li Yuanba excitedly, as if treating him as a plaything, and shouted angrily: "Killing you will be very interesting...!"

"Ding, Xia Jie beheaded Gongsun Cao, Li Gao, Jin Shimin, and Li Hanzhi. Li Keju added 5 to his personal force value. Currently, each of Xia Jie's force value is 127!"

"Ding, Xia Jie's dragon tooth attribute is activated, currently it is double swords, Xia Jie's force value is increased by 10, and Xia Jie's force value is currently 137!"

"You're looking for death!" Li Yuanba looked at Xia Jie, who didn't want to die, and broke free from Ran Min's shackles. At this time, Ran Min resisted Li Yuanba's dozens of hammers, and was already tired of coping, so he could only take three steps back. .

Li Yuanba was unable to return to Li Shimin's side because Ran Min blocked him, and he was extremely irritable. Seeing Xia Jie blocking the way, killing intent surged all over his body, and the drums and hammers were like two meteorites falling from the sky, and they went straight to Xia Jie. kill and go.

"Suppressing the Three Hammers!" Li Yuanba held up his double hammers, glaring at Xia Jie in front of him, the killing intent in his eyes became more and more intense, and shouted angrily: "Kill!"

"Bump...boom...crack!" The moment the four weapons touched, the dragon teeth and tiger wings in Xia Jie's hands directly turned into fragments all over the sky. Zhi channel: "This is impossible!"

"Boom!" A plan fell with a bang. Guan Yu, with a force value of 138, also needs the help of Huang Zhong and Zhang Fei to be able to catch Li Yuanba's hammer. Xia Jie wants to fight against Li Yuanba by himself, so what? It was his opponent, who was smashed to death.

"Bump... bump... bump!" Xia Jie's body kept rolling on the ground, all the bones in his body were broken, crackling, Xia Jie's body slumped on the carriage, blood seeped through the carriage, dripping It landed on the snow and made a ticking sound, Xia Jie muttered to himself: "Impossible...impossible...no...!"

Everything returned to calm, a tiger general died on the battlefield, Li Yuanba immediately galloped to leave, Xing Tian had already chased after him, because Xia Jie was fighting for time, it was already very difficult for Li Yuanba to want to leave.

Xing Tian and Ran Min joined forces, but they entangled Li Yuanba tightly. Li Shimin looked at Da Xiwu and Liang Shitai who were behind him and shouted angrily, "Hurry up and rescue the fourth child!"

"Li Guangyan, Changsun Sheng, An Xinggui, Master Liang, you all go together! All of you! Hurry up!" Li Shimin seemed to be insane at the moment, and he kept ordering his soldiers to charge forward, no matter what, he wanted to intercept Xing Tian and Ran Min.

Li Cunxiao was fighting with Su Baotong at this moment, staring at Su Baotong with both eyes, and said angrily: "You are General Zhao, you are from the Central Plains, why did you abandon your homeland and work for outsiders!"

"Hmph! A man always acts according to his will. General Li Cunxiao, you have heard about your name for a long time, and today you are here to ask for advice!" Su Baotong had a dark face, holding a sword in his hand, staring at Li Cunxiao with vigilant eyes, Li Cunxiao It can be said that his name is not unknown in the Central Plains, but he is a military general who is as famous as Xing Tian, ​​Ran Min, Xiang Yu, Chi You, and Lu Bu. All five of them are the top combat power in the Central Plains.

"You who have forgotten your ancestors! If I don't kill you today! I, Li Cunxiao, am ashamed to fight against the dead soldiers! The thief will leave! Let the head be left behind." Shout out: "Shuangjue!"

"Ding, Li Cunxiao's force value is currently 141!"

Su Baotong's pupils shrank suddenly, not daring to be negligent, he used all his strength, glared at Li Cunxiao angrily, and said, "Twelve darts!"

"Ding, Su Baotong's sword attribute is activated! If the weapon used by the enemy is a long weapon, the personal force value will be increased by 5, and the force value of the short weapon will be increased by 10!"

"Ding, the weapon currently used by Li Cunxiao is a long spear, which is a long weapon. Su Baotong's strength value is increased by 5, Su Baotong's basic strength value is 100, and the Fenghuang Sword's strength value is increased by 1! The strength value of the tiger pattern leopard claw is increased by 1! Currently, Su Baotong's strength value is 107 !"

"Ding, Su Baotong activates the poison dart attribute! Add 5 to your personal force value! Once you hit the dart, the force value will be reduced by 5 instantly! Every time you use a move, the force value will be reduced by 2! Once the force value is lower than 90, you will die of poison immediately! Currently Su Baotong's force value value 112"

"Ding, when Su Baotong activates the Twelve Golden Darts attribute, his personal force value will be increased by 12! Every time the skill point is used, the skill point will be reduced by 1! When the twelve times are used up, the skill will be invalid, and it will take three years to recover afterward!"

"Ding, add 12 to Su Tongbao's force value now! Su Baotong's current force value is 124!"

(End of this chapter)

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