Warring States Call

Chapter 2008 Chapter 218: Theory of Han Huang

Chapter 2008: Chapter [-]: Han Huang's Theory
"Ding, Yelu Guozhen, the fourth person who hit the list at present: force 95, commander 71, intelligence 78, politics 67, the current implantation status is a talent promoted by Temujin!"

"Ding, currently the fifth person on the list, Yelu Dashi: Force 99 Commander 95 Intelligence 90 Politics 89 Currently implanted identity, generals under Temujin's command, because they want to restore the tribe, they want to break away from Temujin!"

"Ding, currently the sixth person on the list is Three Kingdoms Quan Cong: Force 87 Commander 94 Intelligence 95 Politics 90 Currently implanted as a bandit in the south, because I heard that the host conscripted and went north, led three thousand bandits, and enlisted in the army!"

"Oh!" Han Yi's eyes lit up. There is something about this Quan Cong. As long as he is a good head, those wandering and hostile invisible forces in the south will calm down a lot, and they are more likely to subdue them. The most important thing is that in the During the period of going north, Han Yi could settle down in the rear, staring at Quan Cong, Han Yi became more serious, and decided to make a good plan for this matter to maximize his benefits.

"Ding, currently the seventh person on the list, Zheng Xuan of the Three Kingdoms: Force 77 Commander 82 Intelligence 100 Politics 75, currently implanted as the son of Zheng Zukai, inheriting his father's title, because he has no intention of politics, he is now teaching at Wutong College and writing books. pass!"

"Let me go!" Han Yi shook his head with a smile. The country is developing rapidly at the moment, but the development of civil and military affairs is not balanced. Because Han Yi implemented military and military strategies to expand the territory in the early years, the military generals in the DPRK were quite angry. Even with the expansion of the territory, Han Yi had to absorb talents from the original vassal states to help him govern, but the talents are still not enough, and even some important positions need to be filled by some of his own people with shallow talents and deep morality.

With the opening of Wutong Academy, as long as he is taking the imperial examination, Han Yi can gradually kick out some pests and lay the foundation honestly.

Of course, during these years of wars between the South and the North, Han Yi had long since tossed away his family fortune. After the Qin State was simply pacified, Han Yi used the Qin State treasury to build water conservancy projects and open up land, and only then did he gradually become rich.

"Ding, Ning Sui, the eighth person on the list, is the son of Ning Zhan!"

"Ding, Murong Baiyao, currently the ninth person on the list: force 95, commander 92, intelligence 85, politics 75, currently implanted identity Murong Chui's son!"

"Murong Chui!" Han Yi suddenly felt his head buzzing. This guy seems to have disappeared since he surrendered himself. This is a restless person.

"Ding, currently the tenth person on the list is Yu Jin of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties: force 87, commander 96, intelligence 94, politics 90. The current implantation status is Yu Qian's uncle. Because of his outstanding talent and learning, he was recommended to Han Chen by Yu Qian!"

"Ding, the current No. 12 person on the list is the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties Gaoji Style: Force 99, Commander 94, Intelligence 80, Politics 92. The uncle who is currently implanted as a high favorite, was recommended by Zhang Liang as an official because he admired the prince!"

"Oh, I'm going! It's not easy for two talents to come, and this kid missed them all!" Han Yi was a little bit taken aback. The cooperation between Yu Jin and Gao Jishi could almost destroy a small country in seconds. It fell into Han Chen's hands, and he carefully picked it up. Han Chen has a lot of talents. Right now, the people in the imperial court are old and injured. After the Northern Expedition is over, a batch of backbones will also be replaced. Han Yi groped his beard and began to think about it.

"Ding, the last three people who have exploded are rewarding the host!"

"Ding, current reward No. 1 Liu Liang: Force 99 Commander 96 Intelligence 71 Politics 60 Currently implanted as a slave soldier who surrendered with Hou Jing, because his father is a Hun and his mother is a Han, he was scolded as a bastard since he was a child. Change to Liu, now join the army! Take the lead and be promoted to general by Han Ming!"

"Ding, the current reward for the second person is the Red Fu Girl: Force 100 Commander 77 Intelligence 82 Politics 71 The current implantation identity is Li Jing's wife!"

"Ding, the reward for the last person is Song Dynasty Lu You: force 67, commander 77, intelligence 98, politics 99 special attributes, lyrics: when writing lyrics, personal intelligence +3!"

"Ding, the current explosion is over"

"Well!" Han Yi nodded, calming down his mind. Because of the unification of the Central Plains, as long as they are not talents from the grasslands, almost all the talents in the Central Plains fall into Han Yi's hands. At the same time, Han Yi is also thinking about national policies.

"Gao Lishi" Han Yi picked up the brush, looked at the picture of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in front of him, then put down the brush in his hand, with a solemn expression, and called people directly.

"Here!" Gao Lishi responded outside, but did not push the door directly to enter.

"Go and call the prince over!" Han Yi looked at the picture in front of him, took a deep breath for a while, and took a sip from the tea on the cup.

After half a stick of incense passed, Han Chen came outside the study and shouted at the door, "Father!"

"Come in!" Han Yi directly called Han Chen to come in.

"Squeak!" The vermilion door was pushed open, and the chill it carried made people's bones shine. Han Chen is now in his 20s, his hair is combed meticulously, and he has a beard at the corner of his mouth. Han Yi stared at Han Chen for a long time Said: "The matter of Quan Cong! Is it in your hands?"

"It's in my hands! It's just that I haven't taken this matter into account recently, and I've been caught up in the brewing business!" Han Chen found a chair at random, and went straight to it. Han Yi couldn't say anything with that undisciplined look. After all, I am a hands-off shopkeeper, and I tire my son like a dog every day, so it's not good to be too harsh on him.

"What's the matter! How could wine making get in the way of Quan Cong's affairs!" Han Yi stared at Han Chen suspiciously, with a big greeting in his mind.

"After all, Quan Cong led the people to surrender, which is of great benefit to the stability of the South. Although the family and country have been stable for five or six years, bandits and rebels have continued in the South these years. Many people yearn for a comfortable life, but they are afraid of being arrested. Kill! That’s why I’m vacillating. Now that Quan Cong is here to vote, in order to show the country’s sincerity, I have to go south in person to show benevolence! One is to get rid of the spirit of war, and the other is to show benevolence and benefit the stability of the country! "

Han Chen analyzed the situation one by one, and Han Yi listened very carefully, nodded to Han Chen and said, "You are capable, and the team under your hand is much better than your father and I were back then. You have handled this matter very well, and I am relieved to leave this family to you!"

Han Yi looked at Han Chen, and he was becoming more and more barbaric. The virtuous sons and grandsons have given the country a good start. The people will only think about the good of this country after a few years of peaceful life, and Han Yi is not in vain. After years of hard work, Han Yi put his waist down, poured a cup of tea for Han Chen, handed the cup to Han Chen and said, "What are you talking about about wine making!"

"This matter is not easy to deal with!" Han Chen took the cup and was about to drink the tea in his mouth, but when it reached his mouth, he could only stop and turn the cup with both hands to play. He stared at Han Yi with black eyes and said: "Right now, the front line is fighting. Although the food is abundant, it is still a bit tight. It takes a lot of rice to make wine every year. Therefore, in order to save money, Mr. Lu Su issued a ban on alcohol, and the sale of alcohol is strictly prohibited!"

"Hmm! This is indeed the right thing to do. Measure measures according to local conditions and time! This matter was handled well, what is the problem!" Han Yi sat back on his seat and looked at Han Chen with a puzzled expression.

"The nobles in China have a great demand for drinks, and at the same time...!" Han Chen put the tea he was playing into his mouth. He said refreshedly: "Han Ning has become the backbone! In order to win over the powerful and condense his party members, he began to question the decision of the Prince's Mansion!"

After speaking, Han Chen stared at Han Yi, as if he wanted to find a subtle direction on his face, so as to decide the next move. After all, Han Chen is the actual controller of this country.

Han Yi looked at Han Chen with a smile, seeing his indifferent face, as if he was waiting for him to make up his mind, Han Yi stretched out his left hand, looked at it carefully, and said for a while, "The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, but when the hands have sores, in order to For the overall situation, this piece of meat has to be cut off!"

"I know how to do it!" After drinking the tea in his hand, Han Chen pushed the cup towards Han Yi, and was about to get up to leave, but Han Yi stopped him and said, "Wait!"

"Father's heart has softened!" Han Chen stopped and looked back at Han Yi with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"I know you are still resenting me because of Huamu's affairs, and even want to die Aning, but the situation is different. If you are in my position, you seem to understand my approach better, and you even agree with it. My approach, but as the father of the two of you, I still hope you can follow the above!" Han Yi took out a wooden box and handed it to Han Chen.

Han Chen was quite suspicious. He opened the wooden box, glanced at it, then closed it, and said with a smile, "You are so willing to send me to Zhongnan, thousands of miles away, father!"

"It's time for the lieutenant of Zhongnan County to change. I think Hu Yan under your command is good. He has both civil and military skills. He's the only one! What do you think!" Han Yi put his hands behind his back and looked at Han Chen with a smile. For Han Chen's sake, sending Han Ning thousands of miles away was paving the way for Han Chen.

"No!" Han Chen cupped his hands at this moment, without the expression of sighing before, and his face looked respectful.

"Huang'er will be ten years old after the new year!" Han Yi stroked his beard, glanced at the jade seal in his hand, and his eyes burst into a serious look.

Han Chen, who was about to turn around and leave, suddenly stopped, looked back at Han Yi and said, "What's wrong! Father!"

Han Yi reached out and pressed the book on Zhuo's case, took a deep breath, and said solemnly, "Hurry up and deal with Quan Cong's matter, I'll give you a month, Temujin can't bear the loneliness anymore, want to If you want to go south here, it will be a matter of time before you invade the Central Plains. This time, you have to go to the imperial conquest. As usual, the country is left to you. The old nobles in the country may not be able to handle it. Ask your grandfather, he sometimes has more methods than me, don’t be petty Look at him. After all, Huang'er is the one who will succeed you in the future. I will help you train him for a few years and take him for a walk on the grassland. How can the future king achieve great things without going through war, how can he withstand storms? How can you take the lead!"

"Father! This matter is no joke! The battlefield is dangerous and unpredictable. After all, Huang'er is a child, and he can't even...!" Han Chen couldn't accept it. Han Yi was completely...

"It's because he's a child!" Han Yi stretched out his hand to interrupt Han Chen directly, sighed and said, "He's still a child, his personality has not settled down, and he is still malleable. We need to let him develop a resolute character, let him Like you, he has gone through hard times so that he can know how difficult it is now. I know you love your children, but I am more worried about the future of the country. There is no need to discuss this matter. I am his grandfather. I watched this little boy grow up. I can't let him have trouble. Don't worry, the generals Sun Wu, Han Xin, Wu Qi, Yuan Chonghuan, and Yue Fei who are going on this expedition They are all real fighters, and they will definitely be foolproof! Go!"

Han Yi looked at Han Chen in astonishment, and waved his hand directly to let him go down to prepare. Han Chen's face was a little red, and he stared at Han Yi and said, "It was your arbitrariness in the past, which led to Huamu's death. Han Huang is me. My son, I will teach him how to do things in the future, without your intervention! Han Huang must not go north!"

"Ah drink!" Han Yi looked up at the beams, seeing that the reasoning didn't make sense, Han Yi had no choice but to be soft, looked at Han Chen, and said helplessly: "This war is over, the Huns will not dare to go south to herd horses for at least ten years , I am old, how can a person have so many ten years, son! Only those who are both civil and military can afford that position! I don’t communicate with you too much, so you should think about it carefully!”

"Hmph!" Han Chen walked away with a flick of his sleeves and returned to the Prince's Mansion. He was very unhappy. He came to the back garden and looked at Han Huang who was making a snowman. When he is asleep, he still needs to coax him from time to time and give him a candy to eat. Such a sweet life is indeed a life like a fairy.

The more Han Chen looked at it, the more he felt that what Han Yi said made sense, his brows deepened, and he was caught in a contradiction. On the one hand, he hoped that his son would become a dragon, and on the other hand, he hoped that he would be safe.

When Dou Yifang heard that Han Chen was back, she couldn't help being overjoyed. Looking at Han Chen and Han Huang, her face was dull and puzzled, and said, "Your Highness! What's wrong with you! Why are you frowning!"

"The old man is going to go to war!" Han Chen sat on the stone bench, his expression becoming more serious.

"Don't you just go to war? Isn't the old man fighting a war like playing? He hasn't moved for many years! If he wants to go, let him go!" Dou Yifang took the tea made by the maid and brought it to Han Chen: "Just now You have a taste of the new tea brought here!"

"Go and go! The key is that he has to bring Huang'er!" Han Chen's face was tangled, Dou Yifang's face was stunned, and then he stood up, shaking his head like a rattle, and said: "Absolutely not! The battlefield It's so dangerous! If something goes wrong, I...!"

After all, Dou Yifang is a woman, and even more so, a smart woman. His stomach has not moved since giving birth to Han Huang. Now that Han Huang has grown up in peace, having children is what he wants most, and it is also what he wants the most. count on.

"Family and country is a heavy burden! Yan Xia!" Han Chen sighed and greeted Yan Xia behind him.


"Call Xiao He, Zhang Liang, and Yu Qian over!"


(End of this chapter)

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