Warring States Call

Chapter 2009 Chapter 219: Break Xiangping

Chapter 2009 Two thousand nineteen: breaking Xiangping

Han Chen looked at Han Huang who was playing around, frowned, picked up the cup on the table, took a sip of tea, sipped the orchid fragrance, leaned on the chair exhausted, closed his eyes and rested his mind, Dou Yi's room was also appropriate He came behind Han Chen and stretched out his green fingers to massage Han Chen's temples to relax his mind.

After half a stick of incense, Zhang Liang, Xiao He, and Yu Qian walked over. The faces of the three were exhausted. After all, they had to deal with three piles of bamboo baskets of government orders every day. The prince has to go through the inspection. If the strategy kicked out is not up to standard, he has to criticize it to everyone and make a new plan. Often these are nothing. The articles that have been corrected by the prince's mansion have to be sent to Wang Meng for review. No way. They have to go back and make a new draft. The current Prince's Mansion has become a small imperial court, and almost all non-state affairs are theirs. It is called to let them practice their skills.

"Meet the prince!" Zhang Liang and the others bowed to Han Chen with solemn expressions.

"Yeah!" Han Chen slowly opened his eyes, looked at the three of them and said, "My father has already given permission to do something to the third child, and I have got the things. Let you handle the rest!"

After Han Chen finished speaking, he took out a wooden box from his arms and threw it to the three of them. Yu Qian reached out to take it, glanced up and down, and said for a while, "That's it! The overall situation is settled! I'll do it now!"

"Wait a minute!" Han Chen took a deep breath, stopped the impatient Yu Qian, rubbed his hands in disbelief, and said for a long time, "Father wants to go to the north this time! The imperial conquest!"

"It should be so!" Yu Qian cupped his hands and bowed to Han Chen. Zhang Liang and Xiao He looked at each other and agreed.

"But! Father wants to take Han Huang with him! I want to hear the opinions of the three of you!" When Han Chen said this, his eyes flicked up and down, taking in all the eyes of the three of them.

"It's absolutely impossible." Xiao He was the first to stop it, with a look of panic on his face, he said: "If something happens to the Northern Expedition, the foundation of the Prince's Mansion will be shaken, absolutely not!"

Zhang Liang was calm at the moment, sitting firmly in his seat without saying a word, stroking the goatee, as if he was thinking about Han Yi's intentions.

Han Chen looked at the pensive Zhang Liang, finally fixed his gaze on Qian, and asked, "What do you think, Yanyi!"

"I think! You should go!" Yu Qian stroked his beard with a deep expression. Although he didn't agree with Han Chen's thoughts, he believed that this matter was beneficial to the country and should be used.

One agreed, one objected, Han Chen looked at the herbal tea on the table, glanced at Han Huang's direction, turned his back to Zhang Liang, and said, "Ovary! What do you say!"

"I think! Whether the grandson goes or not, there are advantages and disadvantages!" Zhang Liang told the truth, with his hands in his sleeves and his face as indifferent as water.

"You... aren't you messing things up?" Yu Qian heard Zhang Liang's words, and spoke out directly. Zhang Liang didn't retort, but smiled calmly, waiting for Han Chen to ask questions.


"No! The grandson is safe and sound, but the flowers in the greenhouse have not experienced wind and rain, and cannot withstand the wind and waves. The troubles of the Huns are not the result of a generation. The king and the lord may be able to support the crown prince. Although the tortoise still has its time, let alone a human being!" Zhang Liang said in a rather cryptic way, but everyone understood the meaning.


"Go! Although it is extremely dangerous, but the king's servants are like rain, and the generals are like clouds. As long as the king is safe and sound, the grandson will be fine. Besides, there are three benefits here. Once the third highness is demoted to Zhongnan County, the royal family in the country will inevitably Everyone is in danger, if the grandson is sent up at this moment, it can divert everyone's attention, and he can also sing praises to the prince, thinking that the lord is selfless, and secondly, when the grandson returns from the Northern Expedition, it will increase the affinity of the prince's mansion with the army It will be beneficial for the prince to ascend the throne and control the army in the future. Although the king is using the guise of sharpening the grandson, he is actually paving the way for the prince. Why? The grandson needs more experience to stand out among the kings and grandchildren. Ye, your highnesses also have heirs, if you can’t overwhelm the crowd, how can you convince them!” Zhang Liang stroked his beard, took a sip from the teacup on the cup, looked at Dou Yifang at the side, and said nothing Agreeing, he didn't say no, but kicked the ball back to Han Chen again.

Han Chen fumbled for the beard on his chin, thinking well in his mind, shook his head slightly for a while, and said helplessly, "Ovary, ovary! Although you didn't say anything, after analyzing the two sides, you do think Let Han Huang go!"

Zhang Liang lowered his head at this moment, drinking the tea in his hand, and didn't pick up Han Chen's words, just sitting quietly like this, Han Chen was helpless, and said for a while, "Go!"

"Your Highness...I...!" Dou Yifang was still worried when he heard that Han Chen was about to make up his mind, but Han Chen reached out and patted Dou Yifang: "Be at ease! Don't be afraid! Let Mu Ying Choose hundreds of soldiers from the Xuanhu Army from the mansion, and go with the army to protect Han Huang."

"Ah...!" Dou Yifang couldn't let go of her heart, so she took advantage of this juncture and went back to her mother's house to ask her brothers to enlist in the army.

Han Chen stretched his waist and said for a while, "I will go south in half a month to Changsha County to recruit Quan Cong's soldiers and horses. It may take a few more days. After all, Quan Cong's surrender represents not only him, but In the south, there will be surging mountains and forests at that time, and the domestic affairs will be left to you!"

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I'll wait till death!" The three hurriedly stood up and cupped their hands. For them, most of Han Ning's arms had been removed, and he couldn't stand a series of beatings.

Xiangping City

Wei Qing's 40 troops were ready to go. He stared at Xiangping City in front of him, looked at the lieutenant general Murong Ke beside him and said, "General, you used to guard Xiangping City! How do you take it back now? What do you do with it?" !"

Murong Ke was taken aback for a moment, carefully recalling the movement of Xiangping City, and said for a while: "Use a catapult to smash the corners on the edge of the west city. Where is there a crack? When I wanted to repair it, the craftsman said that he would build this The crack needs to be removed from the walls on both sides, and this crack needs heavy objects to break the crack, so I didn't think much about it at the time, so I didn't build it!"

"Oh!" Wei Qing's eyes lit up, looking at the green grass gradually showing on the ground, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he waved his hand immediately.

"The catapult is ready!" Sapphire, dressed in blue armor, appeared in this icy and snowy field, with a look of coldness in her eyes. The wheels of the following catapult made creaking sounds, crushing the crushed snow on the ground into pieces. water block.

Li Guangbi, who was standing on the city wall, gradually became serious, and Quan Su also swallowed his saliva, with an extremely solemn expression, pointing to the catapult that was gradually emerging in the army, and said in confusion: "This... this... what is this thing?" !"

"Catapult! The sharp weapon used by the people of the Central Plains to attack the city." Li Guangbi swallowed his saliva. Since the moment of the decisive battle with Han Yi, Li Guangbi has been studying the history of the Central Plains. Looking at the siege engine in front of him, Li Guangbi is thinking all the time, How to decipher this siege weapon, Li Guangbi pressed the sword in his arms for a long while and shouted angrily: "Get ready for the Firebolt!"

"Yes!" Quan Su responded, and trotted all the way to the side of the heavy crossbow. The surrounding soldiers lit torches for the fire crossbow one after another, adding warmth to this icy world.

"Let go!" The military flag in Lan Yu's hand suddenly waved, and all the soldiers under his command tapped the trigger with wooden hammers, only to hear: "Bang bang bang!"

Hundreds of triggers were struck, and countless flowstones were thrown towards Xiangping City, rumbling, rumbling, many flowstones fell without getting close to the city wall, about 20 meters away, landing on the ground, shaking its countless snow and dirt.

Sapphire narrowed her eyes, and immediately shouted angrily: "The whole army advances 20 meters! Hurry up!"

"Roll, wheel!" The soldiers of the catapult kept stretching forward. Li Guangbi narrowed his eyes, waved the command flag in his hand, and shouted angrily, "Let go!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Firebolts all over the sky were heading straight for the catapult, only a few scattered screams were heard, and only dozens of crossbow arrows hit Sapphire's catapult .

Wei Qing naturally also noticed the problem, and immediately shouted angrily: "Where is Gao Xia's residence!"

"The last general is here!" I saw a partial general, holding a silver gun and urging his horse to the front of Wei Qing's army.

Wei Qing took out a command flag and issued orders: "You lead the headquarters with 3000 troops and form a defensive army to protect the catapults from the threat of heavy crossbows in the city!"


Gao Xiayu got the order, and immediately urged the horses to mobilize the soldiers. Thousands of people began to surge on the battlefield, using the defense of shields to guard against the enemy in front of them.

Naturally, Li Guangbi noticed the change of the battlefield, and he couldn't help but furrow his brows. He immediately shouted angrily: "The Firebolt raises its angle and shoots upwards! Quick!"

"The whole army is attacking, don't give the enemy a chance to take a breather, Tugou is the vanguard, Ma Wu and Ma Cheng will lead the army to charge, hurry up!" Wei Qing squinted his eyes and looked at the enemy who was gradually resisting. Since he wanted to fight, Then we must not give the enemy a chance to breathe.

The "killing" soldiers kept charging towards Xiangping, and the whole Xiangping was shrouded in the sound of killing.

"Murong Ke!" Wei Qing glanced at Murong Ke beside him with a serious expression.


"Go to Lan Yu and tell him the location you just mentioned! He knows how to do it!" Wei Qing pressed the bronze sword in his arms, stared at the battlefield in front of him, and frowned slightly.

Because it has only been five or six years since the reunification, the country is developing internal affairs, and the uniform and ordnance of the army have not been fully popularized. At present, most of Han Yi's soldiers and horses are newly developed iron armor and iron swords, which are harder than Bronze swords are more powerful, and because of the lack of popularization of military equipment, Wei Qing's troops still use bronze swords and bronze armor. Although the defense is not as good as iron armor, it is much better than the leather armor on the grassland. As for the soldiers under Li Shimin's command , The generals all use bronze armor, while the soldiers are all leather armor. There is no way, Li Shimin is also poor.

As the number of people in the country increases year by year, the limited land cannot support the unlimited people. For this reason, Li Shimin was able to expand the territory. Although there are many mountains and mountains in the country, they cannot mine them because of their immature foundation. And smelting, so that the Korean peninsula ruled by Li Shimin did not have enough foundation to develop the treasures inside.

Murong Ke came to Sapphire's catapult unit on a horse, and said solemnly, "General Sapphire! There is a crack in the corner of the west wall. General Wei Qing wants you to blow it open with a catapult!"

Sapphire pressed the weapon in her arms, stared at Murong Ke with tiger eyes, looked at the Firebolts coming continuously, and said with a sinking face, "Where is it!

"The connection between the west city wall and the north city wall!" Murong Ke was afraid that Lanyu would not know the direction, so he pointed out the direction for him.

"Touch!" It was another Firebolt, which brushed Sapphire's cheek and shot at it. The black smoke made Sapphire almost unable to open his eyes. Leng Jian said furiously, "Grandma, the general will lead the way! Yu Jin!"

"The last general is here!" Yu Jin was riding a war horse with a dignified expression. His black face glanced at the battle situation, and his already dark face turned black again.

"Stable the situation! I'm going to blow up the city wall!" Lan Yu threw the command flag in his hand to Yu Jin, and then patted Murong Ke. The two rode on horses, led hundreds of people, and found ten catapults close to the gap to force him Entering the city wall, Murong Ke squinted his eyes and looked at the city wall carefully. Sapphire raised the helmet that almost covered his eyeballs, pointed to the gap in the middle and said, "Is that it?"

"Swish, swish!" Several heavy crossbow attacks came, and Murong Ke pressed Sapphire's shoulder, and both of them buried their heads on the ground at the same time.

"Bump!" The ground behind him exploded in an instant, and the two heavy crossbows shot at the ground, and then stopped talking, with a slight trembling sound from the tail.

"It's that one! Just hit that one!" Murong Ke spat out the sand in his mouth, with a ruthless look in his eyes.

"The shield hand defends, the slinger aims at the position! Hurry up!" Sapphire pulled out the iron sword in her arms, and called the soldiers on both sides to get closer together, gradually covering the cohesive army formation, and defending against the enemy on the city wall.


"Boom boom boom!" The three experimental throwing stones were thrown high into the air, only to hear: "Bump bump!"

It fell one meter away from the gap, and the gravel continued to slide down the wall. Tang Bi, who was guarding the city wall, changed his face drastically. He hurriedly saw the enemy army on the city wall, and shouted angrily: "Aim at the catapult in front and set fire to it!" Fast crossbow arrows!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Damn it!" Sapphire's eyes were blazing, and she immediately shouted angrily, "The catapult advances half a meter, five people hit the wall, five people blast the wall, suppress the enemy's firepower, hurry up!"

"Bang bang bang!" As the battle situation changed, Tang Bi's firepower was gradually suppressed. The soldiers on both sides were continuously concentrated by the flying rocks, and the wolves were howling everywhere. If they spread out from both sides, they fired at Sapphire's position. The crossbow arrows were too far away to hit him at all.

Li Guangbi's eyes were red, looking at the wounded soldiers, Li Guangbi immediately shouted angrily: "Soldiers! Stop...!"

"It's not good! The enemy army came up from the southwestern part of the city!" A soldier yelled angrily, and then saw Tu Gou holding a big knife, waiting on the city wall, glaring at Li Guangbi, and shouting: "Kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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