Warring States Call

Chapter 2010 Chapter 220: Killing Dogs and Killing Dogs

Chapter 2010: Two Thousand Twenty: Killing Dogs and Killing Dogs
"Quan Su! Stop him!" Li Guangbi's complexion darkened in an instant. It has only been a while, and the outside of the city is just gone, so how can we fight this battle.

"Boom!" Just as Li Guangbi was about to organize his troops, the city wall to the west shook for a while. Li Guangbi suddenly raised his head, looking forward with tiger eyes, his eyes were stunned, and he said in embarrassment, "What's going on!"

"There is a hole in the west wall!" Zhang Liang swept away the cold arrows flying with his sword, his face was ashen, looking at the west wall, Zhang Liang looked embarrassed.

"What!" Li Guangbi's face was astonished, and his face turned pale instantly. Looking ahead, he saw that a corner of the city wall had collapsed. clear.

"Damn it!" Li Guangbi cursed angrily, but hid under the city wall, thinking of countermeasures in his mind.

outside the city walls

"Hey!" Sapphire looked at the smashed wall, with an evil smile on the corner of her mouth, waved her big hand, and shouted angrily: "Continue to bombard me! Give me a bombardment!"


"General!" Yang Yanzhao came to Wei Qing's side on a horse, with excitement in his eyes, bowed to Wei Qing, and said: "There is a hole in the western city wall. With a stick of incense, you can Attack directly into the city!"

"Okay!" Wei Qing clasped his hands better, then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he waved his big hand: "Dong Chun, Dong Zhang, Hu Luguang!"

"Here!" The general among the three members urged his horse to dash out, with a serious expression on his face.

"You lead [-] soldiers and horses to assist General Lan Yu. Once you break the city, you don't need to report it. You can directly enter the city and support the army to clear the way!" Wei Qing took out a command flag and threw it directly to Hu Luguang. After receiving the general order, he galloped out on a side horse.

Wei Qing squinted his eyes, looked at the generals behind him, stared at Huang Degong for a long time and said, "I will give you [-] soldiers and horses to break through the enemy's city gate. Huang Hui will lead [-] archers. Yuzhen, suppress the archers on the city wall!"

"Promise!" Everyone had to divide their work and left immediately. The situation in Xiangping began to become anxious. Li Guangbi frowned. Looking at the collapsing west city wall, he gritted his teeth and looked at Zhang Liang behind him and said, "Go! The collapse is imminent, gather [-] archers at the collapsed place, once the enemy breaks through, shoot them with random arrows, even heavy crossbows can be used!"

"Promise!" Zhang Liang didn't dare to hesitate, and hurried down the city wall, assembled five thousand soldiers and horses of the headquarters, carried crossbow arrows, and set up an ambush at the gap in the west.

On the south wall, Tugou jumped into the city wall from the ladder, wielding a pair of big knives fiercely, staring at Quan Su angrily, and the sword in his hand chopped off a man's head suddenly, beheading him into the city, glaring at Quan Su, He shouted coldly: "Don't be mad, general, just watch me take your head off and avenge General Wu Yangjing!"

"Boy, crazy! Watch me take your dog's head!" Quan Su heard the words of the dog slaughter, and his whole body was furious. He suddenly pulled out the two swords in his hand, brushed, and the cold light surged, like afterimages like ghosts.

"Hmph!" Tu Gou was not afraid, the saber in his hand flew up and down, and he fought back and forth with Quan Su. The two fought back and forth for thirty rounds. Although no one could do anything to the other, But Quan Su has gradually fallen behind.

"The situation on the city wall is also extremely uneasy. In order to boost morale, General Han Derang personally took the lead, rushed to the forefront of the army, came to the front line, and dodged the rain of arrows from the sky. Han Derang waved his hands and shouted angrily: "Everyone! , captured Xiangping, drank and ate meat, went south and wiped out those guys on the peninsula, to show our country's prestige!Those who kill Li Guangbi will be awarded the title of General Zhong, and will be rewarded with a hundred gold, kill! "

"Kill!" Often the stimulus of money is the most unfavorable thing. Han Derang's words made many soldiers go to attack Xiangping city without fear of death, all of them fearless, like reckless men.

"Boom!" Xiangping City was like boiling water, the voices of people were boiling, and suddenly there was a crash, like thunder all over the ground, exploding the world, and the whole ground was shaking. After patching up the scattered walls, Lan Yu couldn't help laughing when she saw that the city wall was broken, "It's broken! Soldiers! Kill them!"

"Kill!" Hu Luguang rode a black horse, looked at the tens of thousands of soldiers behind him and shouted angrily: "Rush over! Break through the slump!"

"Rush!" Tens of thousands of people bravely rushed towards the gap to kill the bee chrysalis. Zhang Liang, who was at the gap at the moment, squinted his eyes and shouted angrily: "A group of people will explode, shoot and kill with random arrows!"

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The cold arrows were like a honeycomb, constantly flying through the smoke and dust.

Just as Dong Zhang rushed up, he was shot by an arrow in his arm, bleeding profusely. Dong Chun hurriedly reached out to grab Dong Zhang, and the two of them slid down the slope. Countless soldiers rushed in, but they were killed by cold arrows. This time The recklessness of three hundred soldiers was lost in it.

"Holy shit! Put on the shield! Let's go in first!" Hu Luguang held a saber in his left hand and a shield in his right. Looking at the fearful soldiers behind him, he immediately greeted: "On the shield! The rest are behind, cavalry, The archers are ready! Listen to my orders and charge forward!"

"One two three! Go!"

"Kill!" Hu Luguang took the lead, holding a round shield and a scimitar, and charged head-on into the city.

"Bump...!" Countless cold arrows hit the shield, as if hitting a nail, only the crackling sound was heard, and it kept making noises!
"Tang Bi!" Zhang Liang held a silver gun, tore off the cloak behind his back, and wrapped the spear and his hand tightly with a strip of cloth.

"Here!" Tang Bi held a sword in his hand and led three thousand elite soldiers to support him. Zhang Liang tied the spear in his hand with his teeth and shouted angrily: "Kill them! Bury them under the dust! Go!"


"Kill!" Hu Luguang's eyes were burning, and the sword in his hand slashed at the enemy in front of him. Tang Bi and Zhang Liang also joined the chaotic battlefield. Red.

Zhang Liang was about to join the battle circle. The two brothers Dong Zhang and Dong Chun saw Zhang Liang at a glance, glared at Zhang Liang, and shouted: "The thief will not be insane!"

The weapon in Dong Chun's hand waved around, and he used a good sword technique. The waves washed the sand with one move, one after another, hitting Zhang Liang extremely hard. The silver spear in Dong Zhang's hand swung around, stabbing Zhang Liang's leg Zhang Liang, who was suppressed, had to retreat, and was instantly suppressed by the two of them, unable to hold his head up.

"Bastard...!" Zhang Liang was forced back by the two brothers, and had already suffered dozens of wounds on his body.

"Touch!" Tang Bi was slashed by Hu Luguang and flew out. Seeing that he was not Hu Luguang's opponent, Tang Bi rolled over and planned to run away. Hu Luguang rubbed his sore neck, and took the soldiers behind him. When the Liannu came, Hu Luguang panted heavily, narrowed his eyes, held his breath, stared at Tang Bi with his black eyes, and suddenly pulled the trigger: "Swish...swish...swish...swish!"

Dozens of arrows were fired in a row, and the arrows hit Tang Bi's vital point. Hu Luguang threw the crossbow in his hand to the soldiers behind him, came to the dying Fa Tangbi, raised the sword in his hand, and took Tang Bi's life with one blow. .

"Huh! Shu Tan!" Hu Luguang let out a long breath, looked back at the soldiers on both sides, and waved suddenly: "Follow me! Go to the city gate and meet General Huang Degong!"


Everyone was stunned for a while, Hu Luguang's work efficiency was very high, everything was purpose-oriented, and he penetrated directly into the enemy's abdomen.

"Brother! Get out of the way!" Dong Zhang held a gun in one hand, and Dong Chun, who was fighting hard with Zhang Liang, hastily swept away the army with one move. past.

"Puff... Kacha...!" Zhang Liang was shot through the lower abdomen, and his whole body hit the wooden barrel behind him. Dong Chun took advantage of the situation and took Zhang Liang's head.

"General! The situation is not good!" Zhang Ao came to the city wall with a solemn expression.

"What's wrong! What's going on!" Li Guangbi, drenched in blood, joined the battle group himself, watching the battle situation, but his heart was extremely irritated.

"The two generals Zhang Liang and Tang Bi died in battle! The enemy army is attacking the city wall. The general quickly followed me down the city wall from the south city, and the west side can no longer be defended!" Zhang Ao pulled Li Guangbi, and swiped the saber in his hand. Waving, open the way ahead.

"Touch!" At this moment, Quan Su was holding a sword in both hands, and was pressed tightly against the edge of the city wall by the dog. Looking at Li Guangbi who was walking away, the cold sweat broke out on Quan Su's forehead, and the tiger stared at the picture of the dog. With a rough face, the whole person is like an electric shock.

"Quan Su!" Li Guangbi saw that Quan Su was about to suffer, and was about to rescue him when he saw Quan Su lift his knee and hit Tu Gou on the lower abdomen. Staring at Quan Su, he wiped the bile spit out from the corner of his mouth.

"Let's go!" Quan Su held the sword in both hands, turned his back to Li Guangbi, shouted loudly, panting heavily, his whole body was exhausted.

"General! Let's go!" Zhang Ao looked at Li Guangbi who was in a daze, and immediately grabbed his sleeve and left. Zhang Ao flew the saber in his hand, and forcibly helped Li Guangbi fight a bloody path.

"Looking for death!" Tu Gou yelled, jumped into the air suddenly, raised his saber with both hands, glared at Quan Millet below, and said angrily: "Cut!"

"Ding, the attribute of killing dogs and killing dogs is activated. If the basic strength value is lower than 95, the strength value of dog slaughtering will be increased by 5. If the basic strength value is higher than 95, the strength value will be increased by 10. If the strength value is higher than 100, the strength value of killing dogs will be increased." 15, if the force value is higher than 105, the dog slaughter force value will be increased by 20!"

"Ding, the current force value of Quan Millet is 97, if the force value is higher than 95, the force value of the dog slaughter is increased by 10, the basic force value of the dog slaughter is 99, the force value of the dog knife is increased by 1, and the current force value of the dog slaughter is 110!"

"A strong man has thousands of turns on the battlefield! I'm afraid you, a butcher, will be killed! Kill!" Quan Su glared at Tugou, and the bronze sword in his hand pierced Tugou's throat, intending to exchange his life for his life.

"Bring the dog's head!" Tugou yelled angrily, waved the saber in his hand, and just heard a click, Quan Su's bronze sword engraved with the word "Jing Zhong" was cut off by Tu Gou, and then Tu Gou turned around suddenly, with a sound of bone breaking A voice came: "Crack!"

Quan Su's head fell directly to the ground, the body rolled down the corner of the wall, and blood flowed. With Quan Su's death, the entire west city was occupied. The butcher dog stared at the captured people. The sun in the clear sky was covered by dark clouds, and Tu Gou said indifferently: "Kill!"

"Kach... Kacha...!" Heads rolled on the city wall, and countless headless corpses were thrown down the city wall.

"Boom!" At the gate of the west city, Huang Degong went into battle shirtless and forcefully smashed the gate open. Li Shouxian, who was guarding the gate, fell to the ground with his handsome face full of panic.

Huang Degong drew his sword and cut it off. Li Shouxian's head was in a different place, and he didn't even make a sound of begging for mercy. Huang Degong took the head.

"General...!" Zhang Ao looked around with solemn eyes, and Li Guangbi looked around, looking at the surrounding houses, and said half aloud: "Daxi Zhen!"

"Here!" A big-armed and round-shouldered general came to Li Guangbi's side, with a serious expression on his face.

"Go and prepare kerosene! Ambush an ambush here. When the enemy rushes to attack, set the whole room on fire. After a wave of random arrows, you lead the charge for a while! As much as you can kill!" Li Guangbi panted heavily. Qi, according to the terrain in front of him, directly assigned the task.

Da Xizhen looked around, and then responded, telling the soldiers on both sides to ambush here.

"Drive!" Li Zhong came to the battlefield on a horse with a gun in his hand, looked at the soldiers who were constantly being defeated, and immediately shouted angrily, "Chasing!"

"Fire the arrow!" Da Xizhen shouted angrily when he found the right moment.

"Hoohoo! The rockets shot all over the sky, and the flames continued to burn in an instant. Li Zhong's three thousand soldiers were directly surrounded. Li Zhong's complexion suddenly changed, and he hurriedly shouted angrily: "Ambush!go! "

"Whoosh, whoosh!" Several cold arrows shot at Li Zhong, and Li Zhong immediately rolled off his horse. Da Xizhen held a mountain axe, stared at Li Zhong with tiger eyes, and shouted angrily: "Kill them! Kill!"

"Damn it!" Li Zhong stood up reluctantly, endured the severe pain and broke the arrow in front of his chest, stared at Da Xizhen with tiger eyes, and shouted angrily: "Clear the way for the army, kill!"

"Cut!" Daxi shouted angrily, and with a click, Li Zhong knelt on one knee, fell to the ground, and died in battle.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh!" Three cold arrows came, Da Xizhen's face was startled, the kite turned over, and only then dodged the three arrows, Xue Rengui stared at Da Xizhen, furiously said: "The thief will be so rampant! halberd!"

"Ding, Xue Rengui's white tiger attribute is activated, calling for the reincarnation of the white tiger! Add 10 to the personal force value, and the white tiger advocates killing. If the enemy's force value exceeds 100, add 1 to the force value, increase 110 to the force value if it exceeds 2, and add 120 to the force value if it exceeds 1." 130, more than 2 force value plus [-]!"

"Ding, Xue Rengui's white tiger attribute is activated, and his personal force value is increased by 10. Daxi Zhen's basic force value is 97, which has not reached 100. Currently, Xue Rengui's force value is increased by 10, and Xue Rengui's force value is 115 points!"

"You!" Just as Da Xizhen came to his senses, Xue Rengui killed Da Xi Zhen with a halberd. The corpse was thrown into the fire house, and the entire eaves collapsed, burying Da Xizhen's body inside.

"The general is dead... hurry... go!" The rest of the soldiers lost their resistance and retreated one after another. Seeing Li Zhong's body, Xue Rengui dismounted immediately to collect the corpse for Li Zhong.

Brothers Ma Wu and Ma Cheng who chased up from behind saw it, and immediately became furious, and shouted angrily: "Follow me and kill these bastards!"

(End of this chapter)

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