Warring States Call

Chapter 2014 Chapter 224: Li Yuanba died

Chapter 2014 Chapter two thousand 24: Li Yuanba died

"Okay, second brother!" Li Yuanba laughed loudly, holding a drum beating urn and a golden hammer, and charged at the forefront of the battlefield. The fence of the barracks was as fragile as burnt charcoal in front of Li Yuanba, and he smashed it with a hammer.

"Crack...Boom!" The entire railing was smashed into pieces, and the entire West Camp was in a mess, and countless soldiers and generals emerged.

In the snowy weather, Zhou Tai was naked to the waist, opened the big tent, held a simple knife, looked around with tiger eyes, and shouted angrily: "What's going on! You're making so much noise!"

"Kill!" Tu Wanxu yelled angrily, swung the saber in his hand, and slashed at Zhou Tai head-on.

Zhou Tai's complexion suddenly changed, he raised his saber and stabbed Tu Wanxu suddenly, and shouted angrily: "Where did the bastards come from, you want to die!"

"Let me help you!" Huang Gai pulled out his exquisite iron whip, glared at Tu Wanxu angrily, and swung the whip as if he was going to hit him. Li Yuanba was riding a horse at this moment, and when the wind came, he suddenly swung the golden hammer in his hand , with a yellow-covered gray beard, his complexion suddenly changed, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Touch!" Huang Gai flew upside down. In his 50s, he should have spent time in the fields. Now that the battlefield is the country, it is a hero who goes with his loyalty and returns from the bloody battlefield.

"Old Huang!" Nie Shixiong, who had just left the big tent, suddenly changed his face, and quickly took Huang Gai's upside-down corpse with both hands, and the momentum from his arms made Nie Shixiong roll on the ground, shaking Countless smoke and dust.

"Old Huang! Old Huang!" Nie Shixiong hurriedly shook Huang Gai's body, but Huang Gai's breath was weak, like a burnt candle, completely dead in the wind.

"Son of a son of a bitch! I'm going to kill you!" Nie Shixiong was so furious that he took down the nine-ring saber on the ground, stared at Li Yuanba, and shouted angrily, "Li Yuanba don't go!"

"Revenge for Lao Huang!" Zhou Tai also gritted his teeth, fixed his eyes on Tu Wanxu in front of him, and shouted angrily: "Come on! Old bastard!"

"Hmph! People from the Central Plains! Either you die or I die today!" Tu Wanxu grinned sneeringly, and the silver spear in his hand flew up and down, brushing out countless gunshots, and went straight to Zhou Tai's chest.

"Hmph! Come on!" Now, he is completely desperate, and is constantly attacking Tu Wanxu with a trade-for-injury style of play. Judging by his posture, he is bound to grind Tu Wanxu to death.

"Ding, Zhou Tai's immortality attribute is activated, and he is reborn as an immortal bird. Every time Zhou Tai is injured, his force value will be increased by 1, up to ten times. Once ten times are reached, he will definitely die! Among them, he can withstand three fatal injuries!"

"Ding, the current Zhou Tai's basic force value is 97, the tiger knife force value is increased by 1, currently injured five places, the undead attribute force value is increased by 5, and the current force value is 103!"

"Ding, Zhou Tai's life-saving attribute activates, exchanges injuries for injuries, fights against the enemy with recklessness, and overwhelms others with power. The current force value of Zhou Tai is increased by 10, and Zhou Tai's current force value is 113!"

"You...!" Tu Wanxu was bluffed by Zhou Tai's relentless dismissal, and gradually he couldn't let go. After three moves, Tu Wanxu was directly suppressed by Zhou Tai, and then Zhou Tai bought a loophole and spit out Wan Xu watched Zhou Tai's door open, and suddenly shot the silver spear in his hand, stabbing Zhou Tai's throat.

"Puff!" Tu Wanxu stabbed Zhou Tai in the left abdomen with a gun. I thought Zhou Tai was like a deflated balloon and fell straight down, but Zhou Tai's momentum was like a rainbow, and the tiger knife in his hand slashed at Tu Wanxu throat.

"You..." Tu Wanxu's pupils shrank, and he saw Zhou Tai's tiger knife getting bigger and bigger in front of his eyes. Tu Wanxu just wanted to take back the silver spear in his hand, but Zhou Tai grabbed it firmly.

"Crack... Gulu!" The head rolled, blood gushed out, and the headless corpse limply lay on the ground. Zhou Tai pulled out the silver gun on his lower abdomen forcefully, tore off a piece of white cloth, and wrapped it around the wound. The blood instantly turned red. Bai Bu, Zhou Tai gritted his teeth, panted heavily, stared at Li Yuanba with tiger eyes, and shouted angrily: "Kill!"

"Boom!" As soon as Zhou Tai was about to charge up, Nie Shixiong, who had charged earlier, flew upside down, and his bones were shattered. Nie Shixiong lay on the ground, clutching his chest, limp.

"Monster! How are you...!" Zhou Tai hurried to Nie Shixiong's side, looking at Nie Shixiong who was trembling all over, Zhou Tai, a 40-year-old man, had tears in his eyes at this moment.

"Fuck you... uncle... call me again... old... old man...hammer...!" Nie Shixiong was about to have a quarrel with Zhou Tai, but his body didn't allow him, so he breathed a sigh of relief. Did not come up, died on the spot.

"Monster...Monster...Nie Shixiong...!" Zhou Tai shook Nie Shixiong's body, but there was no movement at all.

Tears flowed from the corners of Zhou Tai's eyes, and he grabbed Nie Shixiong's collar tightly. Zhou Tai stood up and looked at Li Yuanba who was slaughtering all around. Glancing at the heavy crossbow beside him, he immediately ran over, swept around, looked at Jiang Qin who was fighting with the enemy, and immediately shouted angrily: "Come here! Send me the crossbow!"

"Here we come!" Jiang Qin slashed the soldier in front of him with a knife, avoiding the incoming arrows, and then picked up the crossbow arrows on the ground.

"What a dog day! See if I don't shoot you through!" Zhou Tai gritted his teeth, controlled the crossbow, aimed at Li Yuanba who was charging, and shouted angrily, "Die to me!"

"Buzz!" The heavy crossbow shot out suddenly, and the sound it made was different from that of ordinary bows and arrows. The huge force made the bowstring tremble continuously.

"Your Highness, be careful." Zuo Xiong looked at the incoming heavy crossbow arrows, and immediately intercepted them in front of Li Yuanba.

"Boom...boom!" Zuo Xiong was shot directly through the wall, Li Yuanba was fighting vigorously, watching Zuo Xiong being shot on the wall, his whole body was nailed to the wall, it was hard to not die.

"Come again!" Zhou Tai gritted his teeth, covered the wound on his waist, held his breath, and stared at Li Yuanba.

"Youping! Let me come! Get out of the way!" Jiang Qin looked at Zhou Tai clutching his wound, his face gradually became serious.

"What nonsense! Load the crossbow!"

"it is good!"


At this moment, Li Yuanba had already found out what was tricky, so he turned around the flying sand and walked towards the moon, and urged his horse to kill Zhou Tai's heavy crossbow. Seeing Zhou Tai's crossbow arrows coming, he suddenly moved up with a hammer wheel, and hit the incoming crossbow arrows.

"Kangdang...!" The crossbow bolt collided with the drum and urn golden hammer, creating countless sparks, but Zhou Tai watched it carefully, and his brows deepened a lot. Seeing the crossbow bolt being bounced away, Zhou Tai immediately became angry. Shouted: "Come again!"



"Come again!"



"Come again!"

"Go!" Li Yuanba smashed the drum beating urn golden hammer directly at Zhou Tai.

"Damn it... I'm fighting with you!" Zhou Tai was about to shoot a crossbow arrow, but Jiang Qin hurriedly grabbed Zhou Tai and shouted angrily, "Let's go!"

"Touch!" Countless dust bloomed, and the smoke was blown up to a height of three meters. Li Shimin, riding a horse, looked at Li Yuanba, who was alone, and shouted angrily, "Li Cunxin, go and support Yuanba!"


"Death!" Li Yuanba took back his war hammer, and the war hammer in his hand shot straight at Zhou Tai.

"You Ping! Go away!" Jiang Qin's complexion changed suddenly, and he slammed into Zhou Tai suddenly. In an instant, Jiang Qin became a kite with a broken string. He flew upside down and landed on the ground, shaking up countless smoke and dust.


"Kill!" shouted angrily, Li Cunxiao urged the horse to rush out, and there were several horse cries behind him, Li Cunxiao stared at Li Yuanba fiercely, and shouted angrily: "We must not let him go today, several generals in the army are all Die at his hands! Drive!"

"Drive!" Ran Min yelled angrily, flashing two guns in his hands, staring at Liu Li Yuanba with tiger eyes.


"Huang Feihu is here! He is here to help the three generals."

"Yuwen Chengdu is here!"

"Gao Chong is here!"

"Zhang Fei from Yan is here!"

"Guan Yu is here too!"

"Di Xin is here! Li Yuanba, you and I will settle your accounts properly."

"Drive!" A total of nine generals rushed to kill Li Yuanba, and the nine of them made the siege impossible. Xing Tian, ​​Ran Min, and Li Cunxiao were the main force, and Huang Feihong, Gao Chong, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, and Di Xin were the assistants. attack.

"Not good! Changsun Sheng and An Xinggui hurry to the rescue! Hurry up!" Li Shimin's eyes were red, and he felt that his whole body's energy had dropped a lot for a moment. He immediately took out another Life and Death Pill from his bosom, and immediately After sending it into the mouth, Li Shimin, who had been drowsy, regained his energy in an instant, and immediately shouted angrily: "The whole army rush over! Kill!"

"Stop Li Shimin! Don't let them go, the reinforcements will arrive soon, brothers, hold on, let these wolf cubs come and go!" Guo Zixing held a sharp sword, staring at the enemy who kept killing bee chrysalis, Gritting his teeth, he shouted angrily.

"Rush over!"

"Kill!" Ran Min and Li Cunxiao, with four weapons, blocked all of Li Yuanba's back routes, and the other six joined forces to make up for it. Only Li Yuanba was killed.

"Bastards! Get out of the way! I won't play with you anymore!" Li Yuanba looked crazy, and blasted Xing Tian's giant ax away with a hammer. The coldness in his eyes became more and more serious. The wounds gradually increased.

"I want to leave! It's too late! Make atonement for the souls of your men!" Li Cunxiao yelled angrily, and the King Yu's spear in his hand was glowing red at this moment, like a man with eight arms. He glared at Li Yuanba, and immediately Angrily shouted: "Red King!"

"Open the sky!" The scarlet blood on Xing Tian's arms is gradually condensing, converging on the relatives in his hands. The scarlet blood seems to have eyes, and it is tightly locked on Li Yuanba's body. A glutton wanted to devour Li Yuanba under the tomahawk.

"Wu Zhuo!" Ran Min also launched his strongest move at this moment, biting the double-edged golden light spear in his left hand, holding a long spear in both hands, staring at Li Yuanba with both eyes, the blood behind him emerged from behind, and gradually condensed Cheng Wu Zhuo King Kong glared at Li Yuanba below.

The three of them exerted their strength suddenly, and the force value of the three of them reached 141. With the combined force, it was like a Vajra Pagoda united together, suppressing Li Yuanba below.

"You guys are so annoying! Take my three hammers!" Li Yuanba yelled angrily, each of the three hammers in his hand killed one hammer, and then gathered the last hammer and smashed it at Ran Min in front of him.

"Boom!" The coercion of the last hammer directly applied to Ran Min's body. Ran Min's arms were sore and weak, and his whole body was sent flying, drawing an arc in the air.

"Puff... Kacha... Ah!" Li Yuanba screamed, Li Cunxiao's two guns sank into Li Yuanba's chest, and Xing Tian chopped off with an axe, cutting off Li Yuanba's left arm.

Gao Chong, Guan Yu and the others were like a pack of wolves, with weapons in their hands, beckoning to Li Yuanba's throat, chest, lower abdomen, and war horse.

"Woooo..." Haohu couldn't hold back the pack of wolves, there was no tragic song, only the cruel back.

The crowd dispersed in a rush, and everyone held their breath, only to see a headless corpse with blood splattering wantonly. Guan Yu held the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand. For the first time, he was a little unconfident. He looked at Di Xin behind him and said, "It's really dead!" Is it? This guy!"

"It should be... dead!" Di Xin's red eyes gradually became clear at this moment, looking at the blood on the weapon, swallowing his saliva, and nodded, without having time to describe it in words.

"Ahem...!" Ran Min's body was drooping with a weapon, the double-edged golden spear in his hand was smashed into pieces, scattered on his arms, and the heart shield on his chest was smashed into pieces, Han Yi rewarded him His battle armor was blasted into tatters at this moment.

"Are you okay!" Li Cunxiao saw with his own eyes how dangerous Li Yuanba's impromptu counterattack was. At this moment, Ran Min couldn't even speak, he was panting heavily, and Li Cunxiao felt something was wrong.

"It's okay! I can't die." Ran Min was very weak, his body was covered in blood, and his face was pale.

Li Cunxiao stretched out his hands to support Ran Min, only to feel that his arms were limp. Li Cunxiao's expression was startled, and he looked at Xing Tian aside, and immediately said: "The battlefield is in your hands, I'll take him to find Bian Que first!"

"it is good!"

"Rush over! Kill them!" Han Jian rode a horse, charged forward, and surrounded Li Shimin's [-] soldiers and horses. Once Li Yuanba died, the remaining defeated soldiers were no match for the Han army. Those who were killed were defeated and cried. Father calls mother.

"Your Majesty! I really can't beat you! Let's go!" Changsun Wuji's complexion changed drastically, he quickly stretched out his hand to pull Li Shimin's horse back, and then looked at the soldiers around him and said, "You are all dead!"

"Don't go! I won't go! Yuanba! Fourth brother" Li Shimin witnessed Li Yuanba's death with his own eyes. Next, quickly break through.

The [-] soldiers behind were no match for hundreds of thousands of tigers and wolves. Under the leadership of Han Jian, they charged left and right, but within dozens of breaths, the entire line was defeated, and the soldiers abandoned their armor and fled. At this moment, he was terrified. , secretly scolding parents for missing two legs.

Murong Ke looked at Li Shimin who was fleeing, and immediately shouted angrily: "Han Jian! You lead your troops to pursue Li Shimin! You must not let him go! Huang Degong, you led [-] soldiers and sent troops to Seoul. You can't let Li Shimin retreat again."


(End of this chapter)

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