Warring States Call

Chapter 2015 225: Li Shimin died

Chapter 2015 Two thousand twenty-five: Li Shimin's death

As soon as the sea breeze blows from the sea, Li Shimin suddenly felt that the wind disease had occurred again. He took out a cloth towel from his arms, which contained a few bits and pieces of candy. , Li Shimin smiled slightly, and said half aloud: "Yuanba! My brother is here to look for you!"

"Your Majesty can't do it... Your Majesty...!" Zhang Gongjin hurriedly knelt in front of Li Shimin, covering her face with tears. Yan Song followed suit and blocked Li Shimin. Among the [-] people, only Changsun Wuji did not dissuade him, but followed Li Shimin to take off the Putting on his own hat, he came to Li Shimin with an indifferent expression, grinned and said, "My lord! Let's go!"

"Hahahaha! That's fine! With Wuji by my side! It's not lonely!" Li Shimin smiled wryly, took out candy from his bosom, handed it to eldest grandson Wuji, and said with a smile, "Yuanba's favorite! Get one!"

"Thank you, my lord!" Changsun Wuji pinched one, put it in his mouth, and said with a grin, "It's so sweet!"

"Let's go!" Li Shimin went into the sea barefoot, and Changsun Wuji went with Li Shimin. The two gradually moved away, and their bodies were gradually buried in the sea water.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty...!" Everyone was wailing, but no one stepped forward to stop him. Li Xilie, who had been kneeling in the crowd, suddenly stood up and looked at the vain people in front of him. The disgust grew stronger, he untied his armor, looked at the crowd, and said with a sneer, "You are all ministers of the king's humerus! Now the king is gone! Only Lord Wuji followed, and all the adults are crying here, Are you adults not aware of the hypocrisy? It's so fucking disgusting!"

"Li Xilie! You are talking nonsense here, don't you cry here too? If you have the guts, you will go with the king!" Zhang said, stalking his neck, biting the bullet and talking to Li Xilie.

Li Xilie grinned, took off his bronze armor, and came to Zhang Shuo. Zhang Shuo looked at Li Xilie, who was a head taller than him, stepped back three steps, looked at Li Xilie, and stammered: "Li...Li Xilie , what are you doing!"

"Hey! I'll send you to follow the king!" Li Xilie grinned with a sneer, reached out and grabbed Zhang Shuo's collar, and snorted coldly, "Let's go!"

"No...don't... Li Xilie! You lunatic! Let me go! Let go!" Zhang Shuo kept patting Li Xilie's palm, but Li Xilie didn't care, he pulled Zhang Shuo and walked into the sea.

"Li Xilie, let him go!" Zhang Renyuan suddenly stood up and stopped Li Xilie from going forward, but Li Xilie grinned and stretched out his hand to grab Zhang Renyuan's collar. A pair of tiger eyes swept back and forth between the two faces, and he said with a smile: "Two My lord, you are pampered and pampered among ordinary people, so come with me today!"

"Li Xilie, you lunatic! You lunatic... help... help... Gulu Gulu!" The two were dragged into the sea abruptly, and the cold sea water sank into their bodies, and they lost their souls. Zhang Shuo and Zhang Renyuan The shouts of the two were gradually submerged in the sea water. Everyone heard the shouts getting weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared in the calm sea.

An Xinggui and Zhang Gongjin also stumbled into the sea, watching them gradually disappear on the surface of the sea, Yan Song came to the surface of the sea, as if he had lost his soul and walked toward the sea.

"Drive" Han Jian rode a horse, looked at the people in front of him, and shouted angrily: "Speed ​​up and stop them! Quick!"

"Ah!" Yan Song saw these people rushing forward, pretending to run into the sea, but was pulled to the sea by two soldiers, Yan Song's heart was finally relieved, and when he knelt down, Yan Song felt the pressure on the ground Vibration, time, speed, and distance control, Yan Song is very careful, not only shaped the image of his loyal minister, but also did not die, Yan Song can be said to kill two birds with one stone, he can predict the future of his future.

injury camp
At the moment, Ran Min's upper body was naked, and his arms were dripping with blood. Bian Que was using tweezers to pick off the small pieces of Ran Min's body one by one. There was a large bruise on his left chest. At this moment, Ran Min's hair was disheveled, and his breathing Coming more and more quickly, Bian Que glanced at the blown tent outside, and immediately said: "General Li, ask someone to lock the door!"

"Okay!" Li Cunxiao got out of the tent, called two people, locked the door, and then came to the big tent, watched Bian Que bandage Ran Min's arms, and waited for Ran Min to get dressed, Li Cunxiao looked at Bian Que and said : "Sir! How is Ran Min's injury?"

"This... General Li, let's talk in another place!" Bian Que wiped his hands, trying to pull Li Cunxiao to talk, but Ran Min, who was sitting on the bed, opened his eyes, looked at Bian Que and said, "Sir! What do you want to say?" Just say it! Don’t be shy! Life and death are destiny, wealth and honor are in the sky!”

Ran Min also looked away, took a deep breath, and stared at Bian Que indifferently, his disheveled hair covered Ran Min's face, but that resolute expression represented the iron blood of a soldier.

"Ah!" Bian Que sighed for a long time, seeming to be rather lamented, looked at Ran Min and said, "General Ran! The old man just said it straight!"

"Sir please speak"

"Your arms are useless, fragments of the tendons of your arms were pierced, and the tendons of your right hand were almost severed. Even if it recovered, it would take no effort. The chest was hit by Li Yuanba's hammer. A few bones, broken muscles and bones for a hundred days, even after recuperation, General Ran Min, you will suffer from lung disease, and you will be out of breath in winter, you need to stay in a warm place, the life of the army is already It is not suitable for you, I will give you a letter of divorce, and explain your situation to the king. The old man suggests that you go to the south for recuperation, where it is warmer! It will help your recovery! Just in this war, several generals were injured. Ran General Min, go south with them!" Bian Que looked at Ran Min's expression when he said this, and saw that his body was shaking constantly, as if he couldn't accept this reality.

"Is there... any wine?" Ran Min's voice choked up for a while, Li Cunxiao looked at Ran Min's appearance, and glanced at Bian Que beside him, as if asking him if Ran Min could drink.

Bian Que sighed and said with a long breath: "Appropriate drinking can relieve General Ran's condition, you two can do whatever you want, there are still many wounded patients in the barracks, the old man is gone!"

Bian Que went out with the medicine box on his back, and Xing Tian outside the big tent also came in, communicated with Bian Que, entered the big tent, looked at Ran Min with a downcast expression, and Li Cunxiao with a bad complexion, Xing Tian sighed Take a long breath: "Brother! Go south! When the war in the north is over, we will treat you to a drink!"

"Can you talk?" Li Cunxiao looked at the naive Xing Tian, ​​and immediately reprimanded him. Xing Tian also realized that he had said something wrong, looked at Ran Min, came to him, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I I can't speak, but in the end, we are also a life-long friendship, and we won't say anything tonight! Let's just drink, and I invite you!"

"Two brothers! In the future, on the battlefield, you will take care of each other! I will go south! You can't gather people to drink in the barracks. We will drink this wine in Chang'an, and wait for your victory. The end of the year Pavilion, Chang'an wine, June flying flowers I'm waiting for you two dear friends!" Ran Min looked at the two men, cupped his hands at Xing Tian and Li Cunxiao, and said with a slight smile: "See you in Chang'an, two generals!"

Although cheerful and bright, both of them saw the bitterness in Ran Min's eyes, and immediately cupped their hands: "See you in Chang'an!"

"Take care of yourself!"

The two of them cupped their hands at Ran Min, and when something happened, they also left the tent, and Ran Min gave a wry smile helplessly.

And Wei Qing is currently cleaning up the list of captives. There are a total of 150 million people on the peninsula. After excluding 20 soldiers who died in battle, a total of 130 million people were captured. This belongs to the expansion of the territory and will be recorded in history in the future. For their pioneers and ruling emperors, they will leave a strong mark in the history books.

Han Derang looked at Wei Qing, handed him the bamboo slips in his hand, and said solemnly: "This is the list of wounded soldiers this time. They need to wait for the king to deal with them when they go back. Take a look!"

Wei Qing was stunned, took the bamboo slip, swept it up and down, his expression changed, the bamboo slip wrote: Ran Min, Huang Zhong, Zhou Tai... Twelve generals were injured and unable to participate in the battle. !
It is inevitable to be injured in the war, but there are also many people who are seriously injured and unable to participate in the battle, but the key is that the mainstay fighters like Ran Min and Huang Zhong ended halfway, which made Wei Qing a little unbearable. After a while, Wei Qing sighed and said: " Just follow the instructions above!"

"it is good!"

Wei Qing took a deep breath and said for a while, "This battle is over, but the peninsula needs people to guard it. I will give you [-] soldiers and horses. What do you want to stay on the peninsula!"


Wei Qing took a deep breath, and when the matter was over, he closed the bamboo slips, and said indifferently, "The war in the west is about to break out, I have to prepare quickly, and set off in three days. General Han Shizhong will sail back to Chang'an in seven days. These captives are transported back, although the peninsula has been captured, but now that the enemy army from the grassland invades, you will be very passive, so you have to pay attention to yourself!"


Chang'an, Han Yi was sitting in the study, ringing a system reminder in his mind.

"Ding, currently Li Yuanba, Li Shimin, Li Guangbi, Li Keyong, Changsun Wuji, Da Xiwu, Quan Li, An Xinggui, Zhang Liang, Gongsun Ao, Ge Shuhan, Li Wenhou, Li Anmin, Tang Bi, Zhang Ao, Tu Wan Xu, Zuo Xiong, Li Xilie, Zhang Renyuan, Zhang Shuo, Jin Chunqiu, Mai Tiezhang, Zhang Gongjin, Huang Gai, and Nie Shixiong died in battle, congratulations to the host for obtaining 241 summoning points, and the current host has 1808 summoning points!"

"Ding, Li Yuanba is currently dead in battle, his basic force has reached 108, and 9 people are needed to break the table"

"Ding, because there are less than ten people on the list this time, the system cannot reward the host with three talents, please prepare the host!"

"Ding, the current No. 1 Yuan Dynasty Zhang Xiongfei: Force 77, Commander 88, Intelligence 90, Politics 90. The current implantation status is Kublai Khan's favorite slave, and I plan to recommend him to Genghis Khan!"

"Ding, Ali Haiya, the second most popular person in the Yuan Dynasty: force 95, commander 90, intelligence 80, politics 75, and the current implantation status is a military general who has defected to Genghis Khan!"

"Ding, the third person on the list is Yuan Dynasty Wang Dayuan: force 67, commander 80, intelligence 90, politics 75, special skill sailing, if sailing, intelligence plus 10! The people who are currently implanted as prisoners of the peninsula were escorted to Chang'an by Han Shizhong!"

"Ding, Qiu Chuji from the Yuan Dynasty is currently the fourth person on the list: force 95, commander 67, intelligence 95, politics 70. Currently implanted as a figure of the Taoist school, he is now going to teach at Wutong College!"

"Ding, Dong Jun of the Yuan Dynasty, the fifth person on the current list: force 90, commander 85, intelligence 85, politics 80, the current implantation status is the slave recommended by Kublai Khan to Genghis Khan"

"Ding, Zhang Huangyan, the sixth person who is currently on the list of the Three Heroes of the West Lake of the Ming Dynasty: Force 88, Commander 95, Intelligence 95, and Politics 90. Currently implanted as a Confucian student, he is going to take the exam in the beginning of spring, and then he will be transferred to the Hades Palace!"

"Ding, Pang Ji of the Song Dynasty, the seventh person on the list: force 70, commander 92, intelligence 95, politics 96, and the current implantation identity is Pound's son!"

"Wait!" Han Yi frowned when he heard the system's explosion, feeling something was wrong, the four of Pang Ji are very good, but Pang Ji in the novel seems to be...

"Ding, Pang Ji in history was a fair person. He made good friends with Han Qi and Fan Zhongyan, and even pleaded for Di Qing. Let me ask the host to think about it, how bad can he be with these three better people? It's just that the novel blackens Pang Ji's image in the folks in order to call Bao Zheng!"

"Oh! You go on!"

"Ding, currently the eighth person on the list is She Saihua of the Song Dynasty: Force 90 Commander 90 Intelligence 90 Politics 90 special attributes Loyal husband, marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, if the husband is a general, all children born are good at martial arts, and the force value of father and son will increase by 3 Point, if the husband is a civil servant, and the children born are good at literature, and the intelligence points of the father and son are increased by 3 points, the current implantation status is Yang Ye's married wife!"

"Ding, currently the ninth person on the list, Yan Rong: force 89, commander 80, intelligence 70, politics 67. The current implantation identity is a captured peninsula military general, and is currently being transported to Chang'an!"

"Ding, the current explosion is over"

Han Yi took a deep breath and felt comfortable hiding in his body. Li Shimin died, and Han Yi could finally breathe a sigh of relief. Now he has only one opponent left, Genghis Khan.

As long as Genghis Khan is dealt with, Han Yi can also retire with peace of mind. The current situation is stable, because the grassland has moved south, which has promoted the integration of the people, and the resistance of the people of various countries to Han Yi has also been slightly weakened.

At the same time, Han Yi's prefecture and county system is also being implemented smoothly. The resistance of the people everywhere has been eliminated, and they have even gotten used to the current life. They have enough food and clothing, and there is no war. Completely get rid of the current predicament, the carp leaps over the dragon's gate.

Qiankun Palace after half a month
Han Yi was sitting on the throne. Standing below were Ran Min, Huang Zhong, and Zhou Tai. Hearing the situation on the front line, Han Yi completely let go of the stone in his heart. After a while, Han Yi stood up and looked at the lonely Ran Min below. , Immediately said: "Ran Min! Step forward and listen to the seal!"

"Chen! Ran Min is here!"

"General Ran Min fought in the South and the North, and he was named Duke Wu Zhuo. He was hereditary and replaced him. There were 36 princes. Under the twelve princes, General Ran Min was among them. A bronze statue was made in Yanyuan Pavilion, and he wrote a book and set up a biography!" Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Ran Min with tiger eyes, which was a compliment to him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Ran Min bowed his head on his knees, his expression extremely respectful, and everyone was extremely envious and admired.

"First the 36th Marquis, and then the [-]th Prince, oops! When will the old man be among them!"

"That's right! I don't know if I can ascend to his position in my lifetime!"

"Old General Huang Zhong is old and out of his position. He was named Guannei Gong and one of the 36 dukes. It is worthy of the old general's life of fighting in the South and North! From now on, go back to your hometown and spend your old age in peace."

"Thank you, my lord, for your compassion!" Huang Zhong burst into tears, he never thought that he would be able to get a title when he was old, and he could be regarded as an account of this body.

"Zhou Taihan is not afraid of death, beats the enemy army hard, enters the forbidden palace, guards the gate of the palace, and is named General Xuanwei!"

"Thank you king!"

"Although Gengying was a minister of the early Wei Dynasty, he fought in the South and the North, and with the old general Du Yu, he defeated six cities in a row and killed eight generals Li Guang. !"

"King Rende"

As for those captives, there were too many, so they were directly locked up and handed over to Han Chen, who would be killed and released. As for the one named Yan Song, Han Yi gave him death without hesitation, fulfilling his loyalty, and also for Han Chen. Yi contributes some summon points.

(End of this chapter)

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