Warring States Call

Chapter 2017 Chapter 227: Yunzhong County

Chapter 2017 Chapter two thousand 27: Yunzhong County
"The people from the Central Plains are really serious this time, and even fought the front line to our pasture. For hundreds of years, no one from the Central Plains has dared to act presumptuously on our land. Shan Yu, we can't sit still!" Chi Laowen burst out I was furious and felt that I had been insulted like never before.

"Chi Laowen be quiet, don't disturb the leader's thoughts with your stupidity!" Kublai Khan listened to the noisy Chi Laowen, staring at him with a pair of tiger eyes, Chi Laowen was uncomfortable being stared at by Kublai Khan, but He lowered his head, no longer speaking rudely.

Temujin looked at Chi Laowen who was scolded and dared not speak, but also smiled and said nothing to Boyan and Yelu Chucai who were silent, and said, "Two wise men on the grassland, what do you think!"

Boyan and Yelu Chucai looked at each other, and they could see the sadness in each other's eyes. Boyan was wearing a white wolf fur, looked at the map in front of him and said: "Our warriors can't fold in vain. Lost in the useless temptation, this is the root of our Xiongnu's dominance of the grassland, and judging from the marching actions of the Central Plains people, they don't want to start a war rashly!"

"Our estimate was wrong!" Yelu Chucai came to Genghis Khan's side, pointed to the map in front of him and said, "The Central Plains blocked the news at the moment of reunification, and no one was allowed to step out of the Great Wall. According to the news of Han Yi's unification of the Central Plains, Nurhachi is already a flayed sheep, and the tribe is destroyed. If we fail, we will end up like them."

"You've said a lot without getting to the point. Will this battle still be fought?" He Lianbo listened to the way the two men were stained with ink, and wished he could grab the collars of the two men and give them two hands. slap.

"The moment the people of the Central Plains cross the Great Wall, this war is inevitable. This war will definitely be fought, but our warriors cannot make fearless sacrifices!" Yelu Chucai held a bone flute in his hand, non-stop caress.

"Then what do you mean...!" Kublai Khan seemed to have thought of something, looked at Yelu Chucai with his eyes, and already had an answer in his heart, and he was about to come out.

"Wanyan Aguda and Maodun have taken refuge with us. Now is the time to show their loyalty. Treat them as sheep and lure the wolf out. We will swallow the sheep!" Boyan returned to his original position, Picking up the goat milk in his hand, he took a sip, then looked at Temujin, and kicked the ball in his hand into Temujin's hand.

Temujin stroked the beard at the corner of his mouth, looked at the map in front of him, thought for a while, glanced at Kublai Khan and said, "I remember you have some slave generals you want to recommend to me!"

"Ah! Yes!" Kublai Khan regained his energy in an instant, his eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to draw in front of him: "Zhang Xiongfei! Although this man's skill is not very good, his strategy is still good, and this Dong Jun, Both kung fu and brains are fine"

"En!" Temujin nodded, not wanting to listen to Kublai Khan's nonsense, and said immediately: "Tell Wanyan Aguda to send troops to attack Yanmen, and all the wealth he gets will belong to him. I don't have any opinions! In addition Send someone to tell Er Zhuzhao that if Wanyan Aguda resists, he will collect his tribe on the spot!"

"Would it be...!" Yelu Chucai looked at Temujin apprehensively, and wanted to speak again.

"Needless to say! Wanyan Aguda's contribution to the prairie is the fact that Wanyan Aguda can use their last energy!" Temujin picked up the horsewhip on the table, and immediately said, "Let's go! Look at our warriors!"


Wanyan Agu sat meditating in the tribe. When he came back from Kublai Khan’s tent, his whole face was blue and white. He reached out and took the silver cup on the table, slammed it on the ground, and cursed: “Bastard! Temujin The bastard!"

"What's wrong! Leader!" Wanyan Zongxiong opened the big tent, looked at the mess everywhere, Wanyan Zongxiong had a bad premonition in his heart, Wanyan Zongxiong looked at Wanyan Aguda in front of him, panting heavily , The silver cup in his hand has been crushed by him.

"Tiemu really wants to use us as knives, let's go to Yanmen! Damn it!" Wanyan Agu slapped the table, his whole body was furious, and the goat milk cup in his hand was thrown out of the tent. .

"Boss..." Wanyan Zongxiong hurriedly stopped Wanyan Aguda, looked around to see if anyone was eavesdropping, took a deep breath, and said, "Boss! What do you think!"

Wanyan Aguda took a deep breath and said, "I can't stay here any longer, Temujin wants to use us as sword envoys, and he doesn't want to see if he can control my sword, so pack up and leave tonight !"

"Go! Where are you going!" Wanyan Zongxiong looked at Wanyan Aguda, glanced around, and whispered softly: "Leader, think carefully, the entire grassland is occupied by Temujin, no matter where we go, We will be seen by Temujin's eyeliner, and we are now in Temujin's territory, once we have the intention of running away, do you think Temujin will not find out?"

Wanyan Agu inquired about Wanyan Zongxiong's answer, sat on his seat, took a deep breath, grabbed Wanyan Zongxiong's arm and said, "What shall we do now!"

"There is no way! We can only go to Yanmen Lang, let's go casually, pretend to be in an ambush and come back! What do you think!" Wanyan Zongxiong looked at Wanyan Aguda, and expressed his thoughts.

Wanyan Aguda thought for a long time, rubbed his wrist, and said helplessly, "This is the only way to go now!"

Inside Boyan's big tent

A slave in sheepskin came to Boyan with a respectful expression, and told all the news he had eavesdropped on at Wanyan Aguda.

Boyan closed his eyes, and after listening to the slave's news, he took out a wolf gold coin from his bosom and threw it to him, saying, "Good job, continue to monitor Wanyan Aguda, and report any news directly, don't worry, your benefit will be indispensable!"

"Hey! Thank you Lord Boyan! Wu Er is loyal to you!" Wu Er hugged his chest and bowed to Boyan in salute.

Boyan moved with the agate finger, and Wu Er walked out of the big tent with a gold smile.

Boyan stroked his beard, a sneer appeared on his mouth, looked at Yelu Chucai beside him, and said with a smile: "Chucai! Spread the news to Yanmen, tell them the exact location of Wanyan Agu and the exact time!"

"Bo Yan! By doing this, you don't want to push Wanyan Agu into the fire pit!" Hearing Boyan's words, Ye Chucai rubbed the ring in his hand, and stared at Boyan with a pair of tricks, as if trying to figure it out. What is he selling.

"People from the Central Plains have a very interesting thing called playing chess. People from the Central Plains often compare games on the battlefield to playing chess. Wanyan Aguda is one of my flags. I need to attract people from Yanmen Pass. Only in this way can I swallow the enemy and take down Yanmen. War is never something auspicious, I don’t want to use my hometown as a battlefield, and entering the Central Plains is our ultimate goal, isn’t it?” Boyan laughed Giving Yelu Chucai an example, the smile in his eyes became more and more sinister.

"I feel that using a wolf to describe you is not enough to match your wisdom. You should be a cunning fox. Your resourcefulness is beyond the reach of a wolf!" Yelu Chucai glanced at Boyan in admiration, and even There was still cold sweat coming out of his back, fighting this wise man, he was a little worried that he would become Boyan's chess piece at some point.

Boyan looked into Yelu Chucai's deep eyes, as if he had insight into his thoughts, and then smiled indifferently: "Chucai! Don't panic, I will never attack my own tribe. To tell you the truth, Wanyan Aguda has a lot of I won’t misjudge people with the qualifications of a hero, I need to solve all the hidden dangers for the tribe, so that the tribe can fight against the people of the Central Plains in a full-blown posture.”

"It's not wrong to say that, but don't you have any concerns about Mao Dun? This person's forbearance is beyond anyone else. His wings are not yet full, but when he really has full wings, he will transform into a hungry wolf. Now, your strategy has become a catalyst, and we still need to be fully prepared!" Yelu Chucai seemed to think of Maodun again, and expressed his concerns in the same way.

"I can't worry so much anymore, I can only leave it to you! This time the leader sent me to fight, and I want to complete these two things! Pay attention to Maodun!" Boyan said indifferently.


In mid-February, Wanyan Aguda led his last [-] cavalry to charge towards Yanmen, and there were [-] Boyan's vanguard behind him, who stared at Wanyan Aguda to death.

The sheriff of Yanmen County is Feng Yi. Hearing the news from the scouts, Feng Yi squinted his eyes, thoughtful. Di Qing, who was beside him, seemed to have thought about it for a long time, and said for a long time: "The news is accurate! Our spies are here to report. , Wanyan Aguda is indeed camping on the sand beach of Yanmen, if we lead an army to ambush, our chances of success are very high, and it will even damage the morale of the enemy!"

Hearing the news, Feng Yi took a deep breath and said, "We can't take this risk. The army will arrive in half a month. Success is nothing but fame and fortune. If it fails, it will be the safety of 50 people in Yanmen who will suffer. We can't take the risk!"

After listening to Feng Yi's words, Di Qing took a deep breath, clasped his hands in front of his chest, scratched the back of his head uncomfortably, and said in relief for a while: "It makes sense."

"Di Qing! Do a good job of defense during this time, and when the king's army arrives, you are going north with the army!" Feng Yi understood Di Qing's desire to make contributions, but now is not the time to send troops, they need to focus on stability.


three days later

Listening to the battle report, Boyan frowned deeply, shook his head for a while and said: "This Yanmen County Sheriff is really a cunning old wolf! It's really hard to deal with after many years of experience! Pass the news to Jiuyuan and Yun Of the two counties, if one counties are hooked, we have a goal in this war!"

"Okay!" He Basheng responded and went down to prepare. The [-] troops under Boyan's command this time were Erzhuzhao's troops. The predecessor of this soldier was Yiqu, but Temujin Over the years, they have supported them a lot. First, they encouraged the intermarriage of the two races, and then mixed and reorganized the soldiers from both sides. Now Erzhu Zhaoming is still the leader of the first army, but in fact, he is just a Tibetan mastiff raised by Temujin.

Boyan fumbled with his beard, and there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes, and Boyan's control over human nature was also very precise, and the [-] soldiers and horses fought by Wanyan Agu instantly became fat in the eyes of Zhang Han, the governor of Yunzhong County.

Zhang Han is a general under Yingzheng's command. He has hardly been used by Yingzheng's subordinates. The reason is very simple. Back then, Yingzheng had Meng Tian, ​​Wang Jian, and Guo Kan as fierce generals. Although Zhang Han was also good, But in the end, it is not in the eyes of Yingzheng. According to the development of history, Zhang Han will be reused when Yingzheng has no one under him.

It's not too difficult for Han Yi to subdue Zhang Han. He first let him hang out for a few days, and then gave him an official position as a corporal. Now he is honestly the governor of Yunzhong, and Zhang Han also gathered some old buddies from the pre-Qin period. , such as Qiang Li, Ren Xiao, Tu Sui, Xia Luqi.

The four were officials under Zhang Han, and Han Yi knew something about it. Tianji's eyeliner was not a vegetarian, and the county captain was Li Bi, who was sent by Han Yi to inspect Zhang Han. Yi mainly relied on Tianji and the county guards of the other three armies to stop Zhang Han. Of course, the most effective way was to detain Zhang Han's family in Chang'an. It can also be regarded as brother-in-law.

Yunzhong County

Zhang Han rode a war horse, with [-] elite soldiers behind him, and charged towards the sandy beach overnight. Qiang Yan, carrying a saber, looked at the Wanyan army stationed at the sandy beach, and said with a smile: "We just need to swallow this army, You don’t have to worry about it in the future, maybe you can make meritorious deeds, and you can be a marquis or something.”

"What are you waiting for! Brothers! Charge to the past" Zhang Han seems to be fantasizing about his achievements and feudal marquis. After all, it has been seven or eight years. Sapphire's surrendered generals have made great achievements one after another, which also gave them hope. When will they not fight now.

"Kill over! Charge!" Zhang Han yelled angrily, sweeping the silver spear in his hand up and down, and tens of thousands of troops rushed down behind him, just like the Milky Way falling nine days, floods and waterfalls rushing down.

"Not good! There are enemies..."

"Bastard!" Wanyan Agu broke out of the military tent, with dark circles around his eyes and lack of energy. He seemed to have known the situation he would be in for a long time. He looked at Wanyan Zongxiong and said, "Go ahead! Fight them!"

"Release the arrow" Wanyan Agu Daxiong seemed to have been preparing for a long time, pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and the soldiers who had been sleeping in the sand tent rushed straight up, looking at the enemy troops on horses above, and repeatedly pulled the trigger in their hands .

"Swish, swish, swish, swish!" Thousands of people from the Wanyan tribe opened their bows and held their swords, and shot at the rushing enemy army. The whole ground was covered with blood, the horses neighed, and people turned their backs on their backs. moment.

Zhang Han squinted his eyes, looked solemn, waved his sleeves, pointed the spear in his hand forward, and shouted angrily: "Go straight to the enemy's commander-in-chief!"

(End of this chapter)

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