Warring States Call

Chapter 2018 Chapter 228: Boyan

Chapter 2018 Chapter two thousand 28: Boyan

"Ha!" Thousands of cavalry gathered together to form a torrent. Xia Luqi with the golden gun was riding a horse, staring at Wanyan Aguda with tiger eyes, and shouted angrily: "Drive!"

"The thieves are going to be crazy! Jin Wushu is here!" Jin Wushu held a battle ax and stopped in front of Wanyan Aguda. Looking at Wanyan Zongxiong and Wanyan Loushi, he immediately shouted angrily: "Go protect the leader!"Leave the rest to me! "

"Tick tock...tick tock!" The sky gradually became cloudy, and a spring rain gradually covered the land. Wanyan Zongxiong ran up to Wanyan Aguda with a scimitar in his hand, and said solemnly, "Go! Go!"

"Bastard... Boyan, bastard! Are these Central Plains people stupid? Ah!" Wanyan Aguda couldn't believe the scene in front of him, that someone would actually attack him.

"Leader! Let's go! It's important to preserve the strength of the army right now. Only with enough strength can we have enough voice in the alliance. Go! Go!"

Wanyan Zongxiong hurriedly pulled Wanyan Aguda forward. Dong Jun, who was observing in the dark, held a crossbow arrow, stared at the three fleeing people, and looked at Zhang Xiongfei who was beside him and said, "Let's do it! Now is the right time! They also It won't be discovered that we did it!"

"Let's do it like this!" Zhang Xiongfei squinted his eyes for a long while: "Let go"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..." Dozens of archers in the dark enveloped Wanyan Zongxiong from all directions.

"Not good! Protect the leader!" Wanyan Zongxiong felt something was wrong when he heard the crossbow arrows rushing towards him, and quickly intercepted him in front of Wanyan Aguda.

"Bang bang bang... bang bang!" The sound of armor-piercing arrows and crossbows continued. Wanyan Zongxiong and Wanyan Loushi collapsed on the ground like deflated balls. Wanyan Aguda looked at the two The man's complexion changed drastically for a moment, and he hurriedly reached out to help the two of them flee forward, drinking while walking: "Go! Go!"

"A bunch of trash!" Dong Jun cursed angrily, raised the light crossbow in his hand, aimed at Wanyan Aguda's throat, held his breath, and Dong Jun suddenly pulled the trigger.

"Whoosh!" The cold arrow pierced through the wind, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and shot straight at Wanyan Aguda.

"Puff...!" The cold arrow entered the throat, piercing Wanyan Aguda's throat, leaving a blood hole in Wanyan Aguda's throat. Under the huge penetrating power, the arrow crossbow was fixed on the wooden post behind. Stopped, thick blood dripped down the crossbow body onto the ground.

"Plop!" With a limp sound, Wanyan Aguda, Wanyan Zongxiong, and Wanyan Loushi died on the battlefield and here.

"Drive!" Jin Wushu's eyes were red at the moment, and the battle ax in his hand was slashing at Xia Luqi from the dark side. The two fought for thirty rounds, but Qiang Li joined the battlefield in the next second, and the two generals joined forces. , Jin Wushu is in a passive state instantly.

Qiang Li licked the corner of his mouth, held a spear in his hand, urged his horse to jump out of the battle circle between Xia Luqi and Jin Wushu, turned his horse around, walked around behind Jin Wushu, and pierced Jin Wushu's back with the spear in his hand .

"Ding, activate the martial and brave attribute of the Qiang 瘣, increase the force value by 8, the basic force value of the Qiang 瘣 is 100, the force value of the tiger and leopard spear increases by 1, the force value of the red dragon horse increases by 1, and the current force value of the Qiang 瘣 is 110"

Sha Luqi held a silver gun and was fighting with Jin Wushu. Out of the corner of his eye, he aimed at the back of Jin Wushu, as if he had understood Qiang Li's intention. The blooming lotus, Xia Luqi stared at Jin Wushu resolutely, and shouted angrily: "Golden lotus twist!"

"Ding, Shaluqi's gun ancestor attribute is activated. When facing generals who use other weapons, each person's strength value will be increased by 5 points. When facing generals who use guns, the strength value will be increased by 3. The unit is age. If you encounter generals who use other weapons , who is younger than Shaluqi, use 3 years of age to convert to a point of force value, if it is a gun user, use 2 years of age as the conversion unit, if you meet someone older than him, use [-] year as the conversion unit!"

"Ding, currently Shaluqi is 48 years old, Jin Wushu is 53 years old, Shaluqi's force value is increased by 5, the current total value of Shaluqi's force value is increased by 10, the basic force value is 104, and the force value of the double dragon golden light gun is increased by 1, The force value of the tiger-hair dart is increased by 1, and the current force value is 116!"

"Ding, the God of War attribute of Golden Wushu is activated, the personal force value is increased by 10, the force value of Jinshan Ax is increased by 1, the force value of Dawan Horse is increased by 1, and the current force value of Golden Wushu is 112!"

"Ding! Boom...!" The spears and axes intersected, sparks shot out like fireworks, and Jin Wushu became the most passive party in an instant.

"Puff!" The spear entered the body, piercing Jin Wushu's chest, Jin Wushu's chest was in severe pain, and the strength on his arms seemed to have been removed, and the giant ax could not support it, and he turned his head to stare at Qiang.瘣: "Despicable"

The golden spear in Xia Luqi's hand suddenly slid and cut directly on Jin Wushu's breastplate, only to hear: "Bang Dang... bang bang!"

The golden gun pierced the armor, and the red blood scattered in the air like a rain of flowers, and there were scenes of blood flying everywhere. Jin Wushu's center of gravity was out of balance, and he fell directly to the ground and was buried in the sand.

black beard forest
Boyan drank the milk tea in his hand, looked at the sheepskin in front of him, there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes, and felt the milk fragrance in his throat, Boyan's expression was not as happy as before, but he felt a little tired, rubbed his eyebrows, and murmured Said to himself: "Sure enough, the tea from the Central Plains is delicious...!"

"General Boyan!" Er Zhuzhao came to the military tent, looked at Boyan who was resting, his eyes were full of joy.

"What's the matter!" Boyan looked at the flustered Er Zhuzhao, and his worried expression eased a little, because he saw the corner of Er Zhuzhao's mouth raised, and Boyan instantly understood that the fish had taken the bait.

It is true that Boyan is wise, but he is better at a kind of art of observing faces and communicating with one's heart. He can capture the information he wants from people's micro-expressions, and infer the development of things. In modern terms, he has learned psychology.

"Zhang Han of Yunzhong County has sent troops to fight Wanyan Agu." Er Zhuzhao was extremely excited when he said this.

"What's the result! Is there a big difference in the strength of the two sides?" Boyan put down the cup in his hand and asked about the battle situation in front of him.

"Zhang Han's [-] infantry, Wanyan Agu fights [-] soldiers and horses, Wanyan Agu fights an old man, [-] cavalry, against [-] infantry, the ones who are killed by the enemy will be defeated, alas...!" Er Zhuzhao said here. Full of contempt.

"Oh!" Boyan was taken aback for a moment. Originally, he thought Wanyan Aguda could defeat Zhang Han no matter how bad he was, but now it seems that he really overestimated him. Boyan stood up, stretched his waist, and rubbed his hands. Rubbing his sore neck, he said indifferently: "Oh! This Wanyan Aguda is indeed old! But it saves effort!"

"Er Zhuzhao!" Boyan took a rag, wiped his palms, stroked his beard, walked three steps forward, came to the roast lamb, took out a knife, cut a piece, and put it in his mouth. The dried meat was old, Boyan chewed it for a while, then spit out the fat in his mouth.

"Yes!" Er Zhuzhao responded, holding his chest with one hand, with a respectful expression.

"Go! Lead your soldiers and horses and destroy Zhang Han's troops." Boyan wiped his palms, took the food bowl sent by the soldiers beside him, and cut off the mutton in front of him piece by piece.

"Understood!" Er Zhuzhao responded, looked at the people in the tent, and said with a big smile, "Brothers! Kill these two-legged sheep!"

"Okay!" Everyone yelled, as if they were not fighting, but slaughtering some fat lambs.

"Helian Bobo!" Boyan inserted the dagger in his hand into the mutton, chewed on a piece of mutton, and swallowed it. grown ups!"

Boyan smiled, and put the mutton bowl in front of Helian Bobo, with steam still wafting from it, Boyan smiled and said, "Is it delicious?"

Helian Bobo looked astonished, smelling the fragrance in front of him, it took him a while to realize: "Scent!"

"Want to eat?"


"Try it!" Boyan smiled, and delivered the mutton to Helian Bobo, with a playful expression on his face.

He Lianbo hesitated for a moment, and then he was about to reach out to grab the food bowl, but Boyan took the food bowl back, handed it to the guard at the side, and patted Helian Bobo's shoulders twice with both hands , Boyan bowed his head and whispered in Helian Bobo's ear, "The mutton is good! Yunzhong County is even better! Take him down! Come back and eat meat!"

Helian Bobo, who was still worried and trembling at first, breathed a sigh of relief, Boyan bent down and saluted: "Lord Boyan, don't worry! Helian Bobo will definitely win Yunzhong County!"

"Go! Warriors of the prairie!" Boyan wiped the corners of his mouth with a cloth towel, pretended to be weak, and coughed twice, then Boyan calmed down, lay on the chair, closed his eyes and meditated, crossed his fingers, and resisted. On his forehead, Boyan at this moment, the situation of the entire battlefield has already appeared in his mind, and the changes of the battlefield are constantly evolving. After a long while, Boyan opened his eyes, took a sip of goat milk tea, rubbed his temples, Boyan thought for a while, then said indifferently: "Yunzhong County! It has changed hands!"

"Kill!" The weapon in Zhang Han's hand flew up and down, and Beidi's soldiers and horses fled to their deaths in an instant. Zhang Han sat on the horse exhaustedly, with the silver gun in his hand stuck upside down on the ground, and his tiger eyes scanned the crowd. , raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Tu Sui! How's the situation!"

"More than 5000 people were killed, 7000 were captured, and the rest are missing." Tu Sui chuckled, patted Zhang Han's thigh and said, "Just these [-] captives were dragged up the Great Wall and sold alive. These are political achievements and wealth!"

"Ah ah ah! Take it easy! There is a wound on the thigh! It hurts! It hurts!" Although Zhang Han said this, the slightly raised corners of his mouth had already betrayed him.

"Hahahaha, you old boy, if you don't have a jar of spirits later, I will smash your pot!" Tu Sui pointed at Zhang Han with a brush and scolded this old man with a smile.

"Hahahaha! Alright! I'll take care of it when the time comes!" Zhang Han laughed, and hurried to the depths of the war horse battlefield.

At this time, Qiang Lu and Xia Luqi looked solemn, looking at the corpses of Wanyan Aguda and Wanyan Zongxiong underground, both of them looked unhappy.

"Hey! What are you two doing!" Zhang Han looked at the two with suspicion, there was something wrong with them.

Seeing Zhang Han approaching, Xia Luqi took a deep breath, pointed at the dead body of Wanyan Aguda in front of him, and said, "The deaths of these three people are strange!"

"What's going on!" Zhang Han was taken aback, then got off his horse, patted the two of them on the shoulders and said, "What the hell are you two doing? They're both dead! What's so strange about his death! Really... ...!"

"The situation is indeed wrong! The soldiers under our command are not equipped with crossbow arrows, let alone a team of dozens of crossbow arrows. The most important thing is that even if someone kills Wanyan Aguda, no one will come to claim their military exploits. Killing these three Humans are a great feat!" Qiang Li pointed at the bodies of the three, his expression gradually becoming serious.

In this era, in order to prevent soldiers from falsely claiming meritorious service, they will conduct injury inspections based on the weapons in their hands. The weapons in everyone's hands will be registered and recorded when they receive them. Picking up weapons and killing people, so what?
First of all, there must be a weapon to kill people, and the corporal commander or superior officer in the second army must come to testify, and this is the guarantee.

But right now, firstly, no soldiers came to receive meritorious service, and secondly, they discovered that the weapons used by these people were not equipped by their army.

"The arrows in Wanyan Zongxiong's body are not our army's weapons!" Shaluqi took out a white cloth from his bosom, pulled off the crossbow arrows from the stake, spread them out in his hand, and sent them to Zhang Han and Qiang. The two watched in front of their eyes, and said solemnly: "Judging from the trajectory of the arrow shot in Wanyan Agu's throat, this is the arrow that killed him, and it is definitely not from our army!"

Zhang Han's expression froze for a moment, his expression became suspicious, and his expression became more solemn. Looking at Wanyan Aguda's body, Zhang Han also lost his thoughts. He is the chief general of an army. Several clues appeared in his mind, Zhang Han hurriedly said: "Withdraw back! Return to Yunzhong County! Hurry up!"

"Hahahahaha! Woooooo... Two-legged sheep, here I come! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" riding a horse, took out a piece of white sheepskin from behind the quilt, held it with his left hand, waved the flag from side to side, and shouted loudly :"put!"

"Swish, swish!" The sky was full of cold arrows shooting at the unsuspecting soldiers, and the sound of piercing the wind rang in my ears. The soldiers in Yunzhong County were now consolidating their corpses, and Er Zhuzhao had the advantage of attacking. It was originally peaceful The situation has started to heat up again.

In an instant, dozens of soldiers around Ren Xiao died under the random arrows, leaving only Ren Xiao standing in place, swallowing his saliva, an arrow hit his shoulder, Ren Xiao's complexion changed suddenly, a kite turned over, and brought a The grassland corpse stood in front of him, and said solemnly, "Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Tu Sui! Enemy attack!"

"What!" Tu Sui looked at the countless soldiers pouring into the battlefield to the west, Tu Sui hurriedly dropped the bamboo slips and writing brushes in his hands, picked up the round shield and bronze sword on the ground, and shouted angrily: "Shields form formation, The spearmen are behind, and the archers gather to suppress the charge of the enemy cavalry! Hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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