Warring States Call

Chapter 2019 Chapter 229: Zhang Han died

Chapter 2019 Chapter two thousand 29: Zhang Han dies
"Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" More than 2000 shieldmen rushed up from left to right and gathered in front of Tu Sui to defend. Ren Xiao threw away the corpse in his hand, picked up the shield on the ground, and retreated.

Er Zhuzhao rode on a war horse, looked down at the fleeing enemy army, shook the whip in his hand, and said to He Basheng behind him: "Take the cavalry and charge there! No one will be left behind!"

"Understood!" He Basheng was riding a maroon horse, wearing a black bronze armor, holding a silver gun, with a thick back and arms like apes, glaring at the enemy below, his expression indifferent, and every word Said: "He Baqi! Follow me!"

"Drive... woo woo woo..." Countless wolves howled, He Basheng took the lead, pulled out the scimitar in his arms, bit it in his mouth, took out the longbow of the war horse, pulled it like a full moon, aimed at Ren Xiao, and drank coldly. :"middle!"

"Boom!" A muffled sound sounded, Ren Xiao was hit by an arrow in the back, rolled over, and fell down on the beach, with blood dripping from his mouth, gnashing his teeth, lying on the ground, calculating the distance of the enemy cavalry , suddenly pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and shouted angrily: "I will kill you!"

"Go to hell, two-legged sheep!" He Basheng took down the scimitar in his mouth, swung the saber, and slashed at Ren Xiao's head. There was a smile on his rough cheek, but in Ren Xiao's eyes, , It was like a ferocious beast, which made Ren Xiao shudder, like falling into an ice cave, struggling to slash and kill with a knife, but the charge of the horse and He Basheng's inertial force.

"Crack... Gulu Gulu!" He Basheng cut off Ren Xiao's head with a single knife, blood gushed out, and the head rolled down on the beach. He Basheng took the spear stuck upside down on the ground and shouted: In the past! Sirius is fearless! Warriors are invincible! Heba Iron Cavalry!"

"Let the arrow!" Tu Sui pressed the iron sword in his arms, a trace of anger flashed on his fortitude. He saw Ren Xiao die in the hands of He Basheng with his own eyes, and stared at the charging enemy army. Covered with bloodshot eyes.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

The cold arrows all over the sky pressed towards He Basheng's He Ba's iron cavalry like a dark cloud cover. He Basheng held the horse with both hands and shouted angrily: "Don't retreat, fight close to them. We have to use the scimitar in our hand. Go and take back our land! Harvest their lives"

Although the voice is not loud, every word of He Basheng represents the wish that every soldier thinks about day and night. They want to take back their land. Looking at the eyes of the enemy, it seems that they have been directly sentenced to death. In the face of overwhelming cold arrows, they urged their horses to charge forward crazily. Even if they were hit by several arrows, they all held on to the reins tightly and did not fall off their horses. They kept moving forward. This is faith and a long-cherished wish of life .

Seeing that the arrows were useless, Tu Sui suddenly pulled out a long spear, stepped up on his hips, and came to the forefront of the battlefield, shouting angrily: "Shoot the gun!"

"Crash into it!" He Basheng urges the horse, and it seems that the ground shakes in an instant, dust is flying, and the sound of people and horses colliding is endless. With a look of determination, holding a gun in both hands, glaring at He Basheng in front of him, he stabbed forward with both arms, and shouted angrily: "Kill!"

"Looking for death!" He Basheng was not afraid, and suddenly threw the scimitar in his hand, and the bloody scimitar circled in the air, like a hot wheel, and threw it straight at Tu Sui.

Holding the pistol in both hands, Tu Sui pre-emptively stabbed at He Basheng's horse's belly. Seeing that he was about to stab the horse, at this moment He Basheng directly picked off the horse.

"Puff!" The horse was stabbed by Tu Sui, and the huge force pressed on Tu Sui's body, as if it had stabbed a mountain, making it difficult to shake. The spear pierced through the horse's lower abdomen, and the horse screamed, directly pressing Tu Sui on the ground. on the ground.

"Touch!" The horse turned on his back, and the weight of the horse hundreds of catties pressed on Tu Sui's body. Tu Sui immediately spit out a mouthful of old blood, his whole body was trembling and suffocating, and his complexion turned purple.

"Ren Xiao! Tu Sui!" Seeing that the situation was not right, Zhang Han got on his horse immediately, looked at Xia Luqi and Qiang Li and said, "Don't stand still, you two, quickly lead 5000 people to Yunzhong County, here I am If you can solve it yourself, Yunzhong County must not lose anything!"

"No, if we leave! You will...!" Qiang Yan looked embarrassed, and hurriedly stopped Zhang Han.

"If the cloud is lost! I, Zhang Han, cannot absolve myself of the blame. If I make a mistake today, I, Zhang Han, will die without redemption. I will go to Yunzhong County quickly and cooperate with Li Bili. It is important to keep the cloud! Hurry up! Hurry up!" Zhang Han urged the two to leave quickly, holding silver guns, rushed to the battle formation, organized troops, and began to counterattack.

"Let's go! Don't lose too much because of small things!" Xia Luqi turned over and rode on his horse, looked at Zhang Han's back, took a deep breath, and immediately said, "There must be enemy spies on the border. Go back and check quickly, and you must not let them go." Pass!"

"Touch!" With the impact of flesh and blood, He Basheng picked up a battle ax from the ground and came to Tu Sui with a sneer in his eyes. He stepped on Tu Sui's face and looked up at the gradually brightening sky. Taking a deep breath, he said: "Ten years ago, in September, you destroyed my hometown, now I am going to destroy your home, and atone for the sins you committed."

"Crack!" The battle ax swung, cutting towards Tu Sui's throat, and immediately a deep wound showed flesh and blood, and blood bloomed like flowers on the other side. Tu Sui died on the spot. Eyes getting colder, the silver gun in his hand flicked around, and seven gun flowers were brushed out, shouting angrily: "Death!"

"Go away!" He Basheng swung his ax to kill Zhang Han, but at this moment a soldier hugged He Basheng, with blood on his mouth, and shouted angrily, "General! Kill him!"

"You're courting death!" He Basheng put his elbow on the soldier's lower abdomen, but the soldier only grunted, but hugged him even tighter. He hugged the soldier's thigh and turned around suddenly.

"Puff!" Zhang Han's complexion suddenly changed when the silver gun entered the soldier's body, but he didn't hesitate, and the strength in his hand increased a lot, and the spear pierced He Basheng's chest consecutively.

"Pfft...!" He Basheng spat out a mouthful of blood mist, looked at the long spear protruding from his chest, the corner of his mouth twitched suddenly, blood was dripping from the corner of He Basheng's mouth, and with his back to Zhang Han, he said in a choked voice: "You... ...You...how dare you...!"

"Swoosh!" Zhang Han withdrew his silver gun. The blood on He Basheng's chest stained his armor red. He spit out a mouthful of old blood. Staring at the sky, his eyes were empty and lifeless, the dark blue sky was filled with white clouds, and the wind was blowing sand and dust before He Basheng's eyes.

He Basheng felt the severe pain in his body, and only then did he see Zhang Han's face clearly. Zhang Han was nearly half a century old, with gray and disheveled hair. Looking at He Basheng's dead body, he said indifferently: "On the battlefield, you can make mistakes, but Absolutely not to be merciful, a pawn for your life is worth it!"

Gradually, He Basheng's eyes became darker, the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised, he looked at Zhang Han and said, "Zhang Han...you...you will be defeated...without a doubt!"

"Siege!" After fighting for half an hour, Zhang Han's soldiers had been strangled to death. Zhang Han held a silver gun, was dressed in armor, dripping with blood, and there were more than 80 corpses under him.

Seeing that Zhang Han needs to use a long spear to support his body, the surrounding soldiers are all vigilant, for fear that Zhang Han will kill and counterattack.

Er Zhuzhao rubbed his wrists, sat on the horse and watched Zhang Han's desperate fight just now, but Er Zhuzhao felt extremely shocked, urged the horse to come to Zhang Han, and said solemnly: "Zhang Han! You It is the General of the Central Plains, my family not only cherishes talents, but also intends to take control of the Central Plains, if you are willing to surrender, I can guarantee that your future life will be free and easy, without being affected by the red tape of the Central Plains, what do you think!"

Zhang Han trembled, staggered and almost fell to the ground. He hastily pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, supported his body with it, took a deep breath, looked tired, raised his head, and stared at Er Zhuzhao: "Victory!" who! Tell me your name!"

"Hey! My name is Er Zhuzhao, but I am not the commander of this war! The real commander is General Boyan. You will know how wise he is when you see him. Come! Take it! "Er Zhuzhao didn't want to talk nonsense with him, he waved his hand with the horsewhip, and the battle circle surrounded by hundreds of people was shrinking, gradually surrounding Zhang Han.

"Bo Yan! It's interesting, but I will never let anyone control my fate again!" Zhang Han shouted angrily, pulled out the sharp sword in his arms, and killed himself here.

"Kang Dang... Dang Dang..." Zhang Han's body rolled down the hillside full of corpses, a great battle destroyed decades of wisdom.

"Contain the corpses! Bring them back to the army! Wait for Master Boyan to send them down." Er Zhuzhao didn't talk too much nonsense, and with a wave of his sleeves, he directed the soldiers to take Zhang Han's body back.

The Wanyan tribe has no possibility of rising. The generals in the army died and fled. This tribe has disappeared in the long river of history. As for the more than 7000 captives captured by Zhang Han, they undoubtedly did not become Temujin's army, after this battle, not only was Temujin's strength not damaged, but it also expanded a lot.

In Yunzhong County, at this moment, Helian Bobo had already boarded the city wall, looking at the captured Li Bi, Helianbobo admired him quite a bit, with a wicked smile on his lips, staring at Li Bi and saying: "I admire you The spirit of not fearing death is for warriors! We prairie people have always admired it, so surrender."

"Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!" Li Bi laughed loudly, pretending to be crazy all day long, staring at He Lianbo, and said calmly: "This idiot Zhang Han, don't listen to me! Hu dog! Your doom is about to come, I have a million soldiers in the Central Plains waiting for you, if you are not afraid, please come here, hahahahaha...hahaha!"

Li Bi laughed loudly, then threw his arms away from the soldiers in front of him, looked at Helian Bobo, and was about to rush forward to kill him, when the vigilant soldiers behind him shot immediately, swinging their knives to fight Li Bi, Li Bi fought for [-] breaths alone, beheaded eight people, outnumbered, and committed suicide by jumping off the building.

Boyan stretched his waist and got out of the military tent. At this moment, Helian Bobo brought Li Bi's body, and Er Zhuzhao brought Zhang Han's body to him. They bowed respectfully and said, "Uncle Master Yan! Our mission is complete."

Boyan looked at the bodies of the two men, then shook his head slightly, and waved his hands to signal for everyone to carry them down. Boyan took a deep breath, and said for a while: "The situation is stable now, Er Zhuzhao leads the troops to guard Yunzhong County, remember! People! Don't act rashly for the time being, everything will be decided when Shan Yu comes, if you let me know who dares to rape and plunder, Er Zhuzhao...you know the consequences!"

"Subordinate...Understood!" Er Zhuzhao could only take a deep breath because of Boyan's majesty, and agreed.

"Okay! The task is well completed, one roast sheep per person!" Boyan waved his hand and yawned: "I haven't slept all night! I must be sleepy, everyone back down!"

"Yes! Lord Boyan!"

"The war has just begun! Han Yi, how will you fight back?" Boyan looked at the bonfire in front of him, his expression became more serious. Boyan never underestimated any opponent, but at the same time he would attach great importance to his opponent, while Han Yi Yi is the one he values ​​most.

"Ding, Jin Wushu, Wanyan Loushi, Wanyan Zongxiong, Wanyan Aguda, He Basheng, Zhang Han, Ren Xiao, Tu Sui, and Li Bi died in battle. Congratulations to the host for obtaining 81 summoning points. Summon points 1889 summon points!"

"Hmm!" Han Yi, who was sleeping on the march, suddenly turned over and gasped, his eyes burst out with murderous aura. Zhang Han and Li Bi were killed in battle. What does this mean? It means that Yunzhong County has fallen.

"Congratulations! Congratulations!" Han Yi was like a crazy beast, lost in the cloud, how would the 40 people in the county deal with themselves, you bastard!Zhang Han is a useless...! "Han Yi scolded bitterly, but then thought about the use of such scolding, Han Yi tried his best to suppress his breath and calm himself down.

"Wait!" Han Yi worked hard to wake up, and then realized that Zhang Han's strength is naturally needless to say, who is the person who can play Zhang Han in the palm of his hand? Did Temujin go south in person? ?
"Dian Wei!" Han Yi stepped out of the tent and looked at Dian Wei with a serious expression.

"Here!" Dian Wei clasped his hands to Han Yi with a solemn expression.

"Go! Send all the news from Yunzhong County in the past few days, don't let go of any of them, pass on the order! Speed ​​up tomorrow, without my order, you must not stop!" Han Yi stuck his waist, the whole body A little tired and crazy.

"No!" Dian Wei didn't dare to neglect, he could only walk back in response and disappeared into the night.

"Ha!" A smaller figure came out, and Han Huang attacked behind Han Yi with a fist. Han Yi suddenly turned his head, grabbed Han Huang with one hand, suppressed his inner irritability, and said to Han Huang, "Stinky boy! I!"

"Grandpa! Why can you ride a war horse! But I have to walk on foot. After these three days, my feet are bleeding!" Han Huang said, walking with a limp, pretending to be pitiful and cute, trying to please Han Yi is happy, but as everyone knows, this will only backfire.

(End of this chapter)

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