Warring States Call

Chapter 2020 Chapter 230: Ziche is cold and hot

Chapter 2020: Two Thousand Thirty: Zi Che Leng Chi
"Put away your flattering and pitiful appearance!" Han Yi's face was stern, without the kindness of the past, and some were only stern and hated iron and steel. Looking at Han Huang, he reprimanded: "You are wearing armor! Clothes for soldiers! Soldiers don’t need pity and complaints, some just obey orders. From now on, your daily necessities will be the same as those of my soldiers, without any privileges. I will put you in the Imperial Guard for a few days No one knows your identity, and you can't eat the candy you've been thinking about day and night, things like today's grinding feet will happen often, child! Remember! You will never grow up without going through hardships!"

"Grandpa...Grandpa!" Han Huang saw Han Yi's cold side for the first time, tears were already rolling in his eyes, and his voice became much quieter involuntarily.

"Speak up! What are you afraid of! You are a man, and there is no grandfather in the barracks, so you have to call Gu the king! Do you understand?" Han Yi looked at Han Huang with incomparable sternness, and took Han Huang to the barracks. It's not for him to play around, if you don't stop him now, and want to train him in the future, it's pure nonsense.

"It's not fun here at all! I want to go back! I want to find my mother! Wow!" After all, Han Huang is still a ten-year-old child who has just started elementary school in modern times. Han Yi also knows that his tone is too strong, but since If you say it, you can't take it back. Han Yi rubbed his forehead, with some hesitation in his eyes, as if he couldn't make up his mind.

After a while, Han Yi took a deep breath and shouted angrily, "Go! Call Han Ming over!"

"No!" Chen Tangying shouted, Han Yi is now marching in Dai County, and Han Ming is the first to open the way for Han Yi's army and set up camp after transporting Nurhachi's tribe to the Great Wall.

Han Yi looked at the crying Han Huang, although he felt distressed, but he thought that his choice was right, if he didn't try his best, how could he become a talent if he didn't try his best?

Originally, Han Yi wanted to throw Han Huang directly into the imperial army and train him equally, but in the barracks, no one could control this kid. Once he cried, in case the people sent by Han Chen would take Han Huang's identity Expose, then all the hard work I have done will explode.

With the effort of half a stick of incense, Han Ming came to Han Yi wearing the Qingming battle armor and the Qingming sword in his hand. Now Han Ming has completely changed, without the immatureness of the past, with a beard on his chin, and the color of determination in his eyes , becoming more and more dignified, eight feet long, wearing strong and sharp clothes, with the air of a general. When he came to Han Yi's military tent, he glanced at the crying Han Huang. He thought it was some small soldier, but he saw Han Huang clearly. Behind Han Yi's face, his complexion suddenly became complicated and he frowned slightly. He came to Han Yi and said, "Why did you bring him here!"

Han Yi stretched out his hands and rubbed the center of his brows, put his hands on his waist and said with embarrassment: "I want to train this kid this time, but unexpectedly, this little guy has a little temper. Now that the big battle is coming, I don't have much time to take care of him. I want to take care of him." He puts him in your army, serves tea and water, and sets up camp, but all the hard work is entrusted to him! As long as you don’t lack arms or legs, you can do whatever you want!”

"Don't! I don't accept this task. On the battlefield, it is inevitable that there will be mistakes. If there is something wrong with him, and the crown prince doesn't fight for me, if you are really distressed! Send it back to Chang'an!" Han Ming looked at Han Huang, however, waved his hands again and again, expressing that he would not do it. This kid is a hot potato, and whoever picks him up will definitely do nothing good.

"That's enough...!" Han Yi was about to reason with Han Ming, but Han Ming waved his hand and said, "Don't do it! Let's go!"

Han Ming finished speaking, turned around and left after speaking, and Han Huang at the side recognized Han Ming, and shouted directly: "Fourth Uncle!"

Han Ming stopped directly, looked at Han Huang's timid little eyes, held Qing Mingjian's hand tightly, sighed for a long time, looked at Han Huang and said, "Follow me!"

"Okay..." Han Huang seemed to have a lot of resentment towards Han Yi, she made a face at Han Yi, and ran over with Han Ming, all the previous resentment was swept away.

Han Yi watched his uncle and nephew leave, he was relieved, and was about to return to the military tent, but a deep voice came from behind: "My lord! Is this... safe?"

Han Yi was stunned, looking back at the person who came, it was Xin Qiji, Han Yi regained the indifference of the previous king, and said with a tired expression: "Nothing is safe, send more people around Han Huang, and find a way to clear Han Chen's mansion." The sent guards are sent to Han Huang's side to protect his safety, find a few clever wolf shadows, follow Han Huang's side, report three times a day, I want to know his movements at all times, understand?"

"Your subordinate understands!" Xin Qiji cupped his hands and bowed, then took out a bamboo slip from his bosom, presented it to Han Yi, and said with a stern expression, "Hurry up at eight hundred miles, fly the pigeon to send the letter, Yunzhong County is gone!"

"Hmm!" Han Yi was very calm. If ordinary people knew the news, they would have been shocked. But Han Yi is the emperor, and he knew about this in advance, so he had to maintain a normal state of mind.

Han Yi caressed his beard, spread out the bamboo slips, read every word in his eyes, and said half aloud: "Tell Sun Wu! Send troops to Yunzhong! And let Huo Qubing and Wei Qing's soldiers and horses speed up to the previous position! "

"No!" Xin Qiji looked at Han Yi's face unchanged, and admired in his heart: the king is indeed the king, Yunzhong County fell, and he is so calm...

Han Yi stroked his beard, looked at the stars in the night sky with his black eyes, and muttered to himself: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, Temujin! It's time for you and me to fight!"

In mid-February, Sun Wu received an order from Han Yi to lead an army of [-] troops and set off three days earlier than the original schedule. Taking the Fourth Battalion of Fenglin Huoshan as the vanguard, Sun Wu first harassed and surveyed Yunzhong County. Launch an attack on Yunzhong County.

Xia Luqi and Qiang Yan, the two defeated generals, blamed themselves for dereliction of duty. At the moment when Yunzhong County fell, they had been moving around and harassing Er Zhuzhao's soldiers and horses in various places in Yunzhong County. Er Zhurong and Er Zhu Shilong are two generals.

Then he joined forces with Sun Wu and attacked Er Zhuzhao's soldiers from inside and outside. Er Zhuzhao originally had only [-] soldiers and horses in his hands, and he was not Sun Wu's opponent at all. The hatred of the soldiers, Er Zhuzhao held on for three days, lost [-] soldiers, and finally had no choice but to withdraw his troops and retreated to the grassland.

Su Dingfang and Lu Xiangsheng chased after them for [-] miles and beheaded more than [-] people before withdrawing their troops and returning to Yunzhong County.

However, Er Zhuzhao is also a ruthless person. He set dozens of fires in Yunzhong County successively, and it burned for nearly three days before it was extinguished. The originally prosperous Yunzhong County returned to before liberation. There are more than 5 people, most of whom are women and children. Women become tools for men to make fun of, and children are brought back to the grassland for domestication and directly become slaves.

At the end of a great battle, the entire Yunzhong County is in a very strange situation. In the barracks of Sun Wu's second person, there are a total of [-] strong and strong men who entered the barracks. Because of the control of the army, Sun Wu persuaded these people to return home , Let them cultivate with peace of mind, and leave the rest to them.

However, half a day later, a man named Zi Che Lengchi gathered [-] hot-blooded men and reorganized his troops, known as the Yunzhong Army. He heard that Han Yi's army had gathered in Yanmen, and led [-] militiamen to attack overnight. He took refuge in Han Yi and went out with the army.

When Zi Che Lengchi led 3 people to Yanmen Pass, Feng Yi thought that the enemy was attacking, so he immediately mobilized his soldiers to prepare. It happened that Sun Wu arrived at Yanmen Pass and hurriedly told Feng Yi, explaining the reason, Feng Yi disarmed and carefully After a closer look, there were [-] people, but they didn't dare to recruit them easily, but they were afraid that they would freeze to death at night, so they could only distribute some clothes and tents, and let them set up military camps outside the city by themselves, but they dared not let them enter the city.

In mid-March, Han Yi led an army of 40 to Yanmen Pass, and the entire military camp was full of embarrassment.

Han Yi sat on the main seat, listening to Feng Yi and Sun Wu's narration, Han Yi's brows darkened, Han Yi looked at Sun Wu and said, "Sun Wu! What's going on with this matter! Thirty thousand strong men joined the army, and only one is needed." explain!"

This matter can be big or small, if any one person dares to gather a crowd, if these people gather a crowd to rebel, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Your Majesty! When Er Zhuzhao fled, he took away tens of thousands of people. Most of them had family members of 3 people. Yunzhong County was originally the people on the border between Zhao and Qin. ...The minister is now... please punish the king." Sun Wu's explanation is self-explanatory, but in the final analysis, this matter is still his own fault, and Sun Wu must stop the responsibility.

"My lord! What happened here was not caused by General Sun Wu. Yunzhong County has just been pacified, and the county guard and county lieutenant have not yet been settled. This has caused today's situation!" Feng Yi cupped his hands and bowed to Han Yi, explaining the reason for this. !

"That's all! This time Sun Wu captured Yunzhong County, and the merits and demerits are equal. Someone summoned this caller Zi Che Lengchi!" Han Yi squinted his eyes and looked a little dignified. These 3 people must not be handed over to Zi Che Lengchi. Commander Chi must dispatch him.

After three sticks of incense, Zi Che Lengchi entered the hall, and Han Yi saw his appearance clearly. He was eight feet long and covered with a piece of wolf fur. Wearing thin clothes, without changing his face, he was calm in the face of Han Yi, first he saluted calmly, with an extremely respectful expression, all of which showed the extraordinaryness of this young man.

Han Yi groped his beard, seemed to be thinking about the sub-che Lengchi, but said in his heart: "System! Check the four-dimensional of the sub-che Lengchi for me"

"Ding, Zi Che Lengchi: Force 96 Commander 93 Intelligence 90 Politics 65, special reminder, when Zi Che Lengchi has not yet reached its peak, the system cannot detect its peak four-dimensional, this person should be the same as Zhao Hu, a talent left out by history , or be underappreciated in history and live in obscurity for a lifetime!"

"Young man! How old are you!" Looking at his age, Han Yi felt that he should be young, so he asked tentatively.

"Fifteen this year!" Zi Che Lengchi looked indifferent, but everyone present laughed. Looking at Zi Che Lengchi, Jia Fu clasped his hands on his chest, and said with a smile, "Little friend! Can't everyone here be you?" Uncle, let’s go home honestly! Leave the war to us!”

Facing everyone's cynicism, Zi Che Lengchi ignored it and looked at Han Yi with his eyes, as if as long as he got Han Yi's approval, no one else would care.

"Why do you have to gather everyone! Isn't it good to be in your hometown?" Han Yi stared at Zi Che Lengchi with a suspicious expression, and asked tentatively.

"My sister was snatched by Er Zhuzhao! I want to find her!" Zi Che said with a serious expression.

"Leave it to us! You go home!"

"My father said it! Fate is in your own hands! You have to do your own things." Zi Che Lengchi's eyes were full of determination.

"Who is your father!" Han Yi looked suspicious, and he should not be an ordinary person who can teach such a person.

"Zi bur needle tiger"

"Ziche Sanjie of the pre-Qin period?" Everyone restrained their voices. After all, everyone present had fought against them before, so naturally they had heard of their names.

"Where are your father and your two uncles?" Han Yi vaguely remembered that he had not received the news that the three died in battle, so he couldn't help but become suspicious.

"During the five years between Han Mie and Xiao Qin, his father and two uncles passed away one after another!" Zi Che Lengchi said this with a somewhat lonely expression on his face.

"System! I remember that Zibur and Zhenhu didn't die!"

"Ding, Ziche Zhenhu, Ziche is dying, and Ziche Zhongxing are indeed dead!"

"I remember you didn't say it!" Han Yi looked suspicious, a little puzzled, and followed the message to remind, there should be a reminder.

"Ding, because these three people live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and they are no longer a scholar, it is equivalent to returning to the life of ordinary people. Even if they die, the system will not remind them. Every person in the world who dies must remind the host. Isn't the system going to be scrapped? The host is also very annoying, so the system will only remind one's own camp or the enemy camp to die unnaturally. If it is a natural death, the system will not remind if it is not an important person."

"I see!"

Han Yi came back to his senses, stared at Ziche Lengchi, and said for a while: "Since you are the successor of Ziche, you must have some skills. How about this, I will make you General Ziche, and you will have five thousand soldiers under your command. Stay in the army for the time being and wait for the order. As for the 3 people under your command, let them go back to their respective towns! On the battlefield, they will not be of much help."

"My lord! These [-] are all loyal and courageous people! Leng Chi is willing to guarantee with his life that they can go to battle to kill the enemy!"

"Gu Ye can guarantee with his life. Their family members will bring them back. If these people stay on the battlefield, they can only be reduced to cannon fodder. If you really think about them, you should think clearly!" Han Yi looked at Zi Che Lengchi , with an indifferent face, now he has left the problem to him, if he insists on keeping these people, no one can guarantee how much he can save in a big war, and the death of these people may only be attributed to Zi Che Leng Chi body.

Looking at the hesitant Zi Che Lengchi, Han Yi waved his hand and said, "It just so happens that Yunzhong County still lacks soldiers to guard the place, so how about assigning them to Yunzhong County?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zi Che Lengchi's expression brightened, at least he would be able to explain something when he went back.

(End of this chapter)

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