Warring States Call

Chapter 2021 Chapter 231: Yue Wumu

Chapter 2021 Chapter two thousand 31: Yue Wumu

In the middle of March, Han Yi’s troops left Yanmen Pass, and tens of thousands of troops lined up outside Yanmen Pass. Today, Han Yi specially asked Han Ming to bring Han Huang to the front of the army. It was so dark, as if dark clouds were covering the earth, Han Yi took the horse rope, and Xiao Bai, who was under his crotch, came and wandered in front of the army, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar faces in front of him.

It doesn't matter whose sons, whose fathers, or husbands they are.

Han Yi pulled out the protection in his arms, and shouted angrily: "Where are all the soldiers!"


"Ten years ago! All the tribes in the grassland went south and mobilized millions of troops to fight in the land of Qianyan. King Zhao Wuling obeyed the emperor's blood order and gathered soldiers from the seven kingdoms to fight bloody battles with the Huns. In that battle, hundreds of thousands of troops died on the battlefield. There are rivers of blood, mountains of bones, heroes are born, and heroes are lonely, but we do not regret it! Because it is these heroes who have defended the peace of the Central Plains and kept the people of the Central Plains from being disturbed by war. Come back, let the war sweep away our hard-won peace, the art of war says, stop war with spears, since we cannot reach an agreement peacefully, then we can only defend our homeland with swords in our hands!" Han Yihu glared at the front, Looking at the soldiers in front of him, Han Yi's heart was agitated, and the voice of the messenger conveyed Han Yi's words intact in every barracks.

"Dignity is only on the edge of the sword! Truth is only within the range of crossbow arrows, so strength is the foundation of diplomacy, let them see our strength, so that they will not dare to go south for a hundred years!"

The chests of the soldiers heaved up and down, and their expressions were agitated. Han Yi stroked his beard, looked at everyone, and said with a stern expression: "Today, we will break through the northern border of the Huns and seal the wolves to live in Xu. Today, fight for your family! Fight for your country!" Fight! Let's go!"

"Anyone who violates our country's prestige will be punished even if he is far away!"

"Anyone who violates our country's prestige will be punished even if he is far away!"

"Anyone who violates our country's prestige will be punished even if he is far away!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... He has a clear path in mind.

The 50 troops headed towards the Hubei prairie. Where is the decisive battle and the main point of this war, Han Yi rode Xiaobai. The tender green grassland is so charming and fragrant, but as time goes by, This place will eventually become a place of death where blood flows like rivers.

Genghis Khan's hundreds of thousands of troops arrived here a few days ago. After all, they have always regarded this place as the main battlefield, so they naturally wanted to take the lead in surveying.

Genghis Khan rode a war horse, looked at the movement ahead, and looked back at Boyan beside him.

There was a resounding cry of an eagle in the sky, Helian Bobo on the side put on special leather gloves, the goshawk seemed to have found a landing spot, it slid down quickly, and landed on Helianbo's arm, Helianbobo Reaching out from his waist, he took out a piece of minced meat the size of an index finger and fed it to it, then took out the envelope tied to the goshawk's foot, and handed it to Temujin.

Temujin reached out to take it, glanced at it casually, and said after a while, "The enemy is coming!"

When everyone heard this, their expressions were solemn for a moment. Temujin waved his hand to signal everyone to relax, and then praised Boyan and said: "The battle in the cloud! You did a good job, you solved our serious problem, and killed more than 2 people. Han Jun, you have contributed a lot, and you have contributed a lot to the growth of the tribe!"

"Thank you, leader, for your compliment! These are what I should do!" Boyan bowed to salute with a smile on his face, and he was very respectful.

"Wait until this war is over! Let's handle your marriage together! I will personally preside over your wedding at that time." Temujin patted Boyan on the shoulder, his voice was thick and steady, yet caring.

"Thank you boss!"

"Drive... drive... drive...!" Su Dingfang was riding a horse. As a vanguard, he arrived at the battlefield first, looking at the enemy army that had been ready to go. become less attractive.

Yang Kan and Yang Hu looked at the battlefield below, they couldn't help swallowing their saliva, if it wasn't for the army behind them, they would run away now.

In an instant, the originally relaxed battlefield became extremely solemn, and the grace in the air made everyone remain vigilant.

"Survey the battlefield! Prevent the enemy from setting up an ambush first!" Su Dingfang stabilized his figure, got off his horse, and after arranging some tasks, he walked towards the back.

"Hey! Su Dingfang, what are you doing!" Yang Hu watched Su Dingfang run back, thinking: This guy won't run away."

"Hey! People have three urgencies! Watch out! Don't keep staring at me." Su Dingfang waved his hands, and started flirting with Yang Hu.

Seeing the movements of the Central Plains people, Mu Huali urged his horse to come to Temujin and said, "Boss! I would like to lead an army to charge and swallow this army!"

"No need!" Temujin stared at the Central Plains people who were cautiously sweeping the ground, squinted his eyes, and said with a normal face: "If they want to sweep, let them sweep, and it is useless to swallow this army. It will advance the war!"

"Boom...boom...boom!" With the drums on the line, Han Yi's army of 50 troops finally arrived at the designated place, the flags were flying, and the 50 domestic elites all entered the field. Prairie soldiers.

Han Yi rode the holy beast Xiaobai, and his expression became solemn. Looking at Temujin's soldiers and horses, all of them were cavalry, with a single type of arms, Han Yi began to look worried.

Han Xin and Wu Qi looked at each other, and they both ordered their subordinates to start preparing. The cavalry is not helpless, and they had better be fully prepared.

"The king of the Central Plains! This is my battlefield! If you cede the land of Liaodong and Liaoxi, I will let you leave here safely, how about it?" Temujin rode a horse, and under the protection of three thousand Mongolian cavalry, he approached slowly .

"Xiaobai! Let's go!" Han Yi shouted angrily. In an instant, the three thousand wolf shadows behind Han Yi and the three thousand ghost soldiers of Han Ming set off together, and Han Huang followed behind Han Yi.

When the king met, Han Yihu stared at Genghis Khan, looked at Genghis Khan and said: "Today's battle could have been avoided, but you are going south after all, this battle! After all, there is a winner or loser. Why talk so much nonsense? You are unable to conquer the country, and now that the Central Plains is unified, do you think you still have a chance?"

"King of the Central Plains! It should be a supreme honor to cut off your head, enough for my whole life?" Behind Temujin, a man wearing leather armor, holding a scimitar, and riding a bloody BMW stared at Han. Yi, with a scar on his face, and a black wolf fur on his shoulders, with a playful look in his eyes, looked at Han Yi as if he were looking at a sheep.

"I think! It will be more interesting to destroy your race!" Han Ming's cold voice sounded, his black eyes stared at the man who spoke just now, and the Qingming Qingtian Ji in his hand exuded a creepy look under the sunlight. cold light.

"Han Ming!" The middle-aged man stared at Han Ming. He seemed to recall Han Ming's past achievements in his mind, and his face was no longer joking. Even Temujin's face was ugly.

If we say who became the biggest winner after the Grassland War ended, it is undoubtedly Han Ming. The Yelu tribe on the grassland was directly destroyed in that battle, and now they can only rely on Temujin to survive. For Han Yi, their arrogance Allow themselves to underestimate him, but they dare not underestimate Han Ming.

"See you on the battlefield! If you can eat the lonely king, you are qualified to cross the Great Wall. If you can't eat it, your tribe will not be able to go south for a hundred years!" Han Yi said and patted Xiaobai's neck.

It was only now that Temujin noticed that what Han Yi was riding was a strange beast he had never seen before. It looked like a tiger, not a tiger, or a wolf, not a wolf, with horns growing on its head.

"Let's go!" Temujin also knew that the words were not speculative, and immediately turned his horse's head, returned to the army formation, took a deep breath, and shouted angrily: "Mu Huali!"

"Here!" Mu Huali was riding a war horse, holding a spear, staring at Temujin with a very respectful expression.

"Let the army head on! Defeat the enemy! Kuolejian, Chilaowen, Borhu, and Borshu, you four go to help Mu Huali!" Temujin said indifferently.

"Okay!" The four tiger generals responded, urging their horses to charge towards the forefront of the battlefield.

"Han Xin!" Han Yi took a deep breath and shouted angrily.

"Promise!" Han Xin rode on a war horse, holding a command flag in his hand, and shouted angrily: "Deng Ai! Blind!"


"A formation of [-] cranes and feathers! The shield bearers are in front, the spearmen are behind, and the tiger army and the tiger army are ready!" Han Xin took a deep breath, and tens of thousands of people began to gather in an instant, lying on the soft grass , stepping on a longbow, the bow was drawn like a full moon, and the soldiers of the former army gathered to form a defensive formation.

Holding an iron gun, Mu Huali urged the horse under his crotch, looked at the enemy's formation, a sneer appeared in his eyes, and said disdainfully: "This defensive formation is vulnerable to my cavalry! Smash them! kill!"

"Let it go!" Han Xin yelled angrily, and the soldiers lying on the ground suddenly fired arrows.

"Swish...swish...swish...swish" "The rain of arrows covered the sky and covered the sky, densely packed. There were as many as one hundred thousand arrows in this round. All the soldiers behind were enveloped, Mu Huali's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately turned his head and shouted angrily: "Don't stop, speed up, rush over!Stick to them, so that their bows and arrows will be useless, as long as we get close, we will win this battlefield!Kill it! "

At the critical moment, Mu Huali showed his super military talent. If he ordered defense or detour at this time, the impact speed of their cavalry would slow down, and they would be very passive. At that time, they would never be able to get close to the enemy. will make you more passive.

"Heavy armor sword and axeman! Step forward three hundred steps! Build a defensive circle!" Han Xin squinted his eyes, staring at Mu Huali, his eyes full of fear, he underestimated this person.

"Rush over with me!" With a flick of his iron whip, Niu Gao led 300 heavy-armored knives and axemen to form a half-moon shape, a full [-] meters away from the army formation.

Han Yi squinted his eyes, looked at the generals behind him, and shouted angrily: "Everyone, show your talents!"

"Where is the Beiwei Army!" Yue Fei's red shirt trembled, and the Hundred Thousand Beiwei Army shouted angrily, "Here!"

"Follow me!" Yue Fei led his army out with a gun in his hand, looked at the surrounding soldiers, and shouted angrily, "Where is Yue Yun!"

"Here!" Yue Yun yelled angrily, the silver hammer in his hand trembled for a while, his expression resolute and decisive.

"You lead the Beiwei Army's [-] cavalrymen to rush forward to kill the enemy's barracks. Without my order, you cannot retreat, and those who disobey the order will be killed." Yue Fei looked at his son, and entrusted him with the first and most dangerous task.

"The last general takes orders!" Yue Yun was not afraid at all, his silver armor was shining all over his body, he received the general and glared at the front, and shouted: "All the generals follow me to charge!"

"Ding, the second attribute of Yue Fei's Wumu attribute is activated. If the opponent he faces is a grassland, the force value will be increased by 5, the commander will be increased by 2, and the intelligence will be increased by 5. Overall strength increased by 5 points!"

"Ding, currently Yue Fei has four dimensions: force 106, commander 104, intelligence 100, politics 60"

"Ding, currently Yue Yun is affected by Yue Fei's attributes, the force value is increased by 5, and the current Yue Yun's force value is 108!"

"Ding, currently Zhang Xian is affected by Yue Fei's attributes, the force value is increased by 5, and Zhang Xian's current force value is 100!"

"Ding, currently Chang Yuchun is affected by Yue Fei's attributes, and the force value is increased by 5, and the current Chang Yuchun's force value is 104!"

"Ding, currently He Wuji is affected by Yue Fei's attributes, his force value is increased by 5, and He Wuji's force value is currently 103!"

"Ding, currently Peng Le is affected by Yue Fei's attribute, the force value is increased by 5, and the current Peng Le's force value is 105!"

"Ding, currently Yang Zaixing is affected by Yue Fei's attributes, the force value is increased by 5, and the current Yang Zaixing force value is 108!"

"Ding, currently Yue Fei Wu Mu's third attribute is activated, reducing the commander value of the enemy general by 3 points and intelligence point by 1 point!"

Out of the corner of Han Yi's eyes, he looked at the battlefield on the left, and saw the enthusiasm of the soldiers under Yue Fei's command. The incomparable shouts of killing shook the whole world, making people overshadowed. Han Yi murmured to himself: "Yue Wumu, You exploded after all...!"

"Slay the knife with the blood and the wind, and kill the captives for three thousand miles! The lights of thousands of families should be in the red dust, don't let the foreign invaders enter Yanhuang, kill!" Wei Qing cried out, and hundreds of thousands of infantry charged forward.

"Ding, Wei Qing refuses to activate the Hu attribute. If you face soldiers who are not from the Central Plains, the commander will add 3, the military value of the soldiers under his command will be reduced to 5, the soldier's military value will be increased by 10, and there is an 80.00% chance to reduce the local general's military value by 1 to 3. Points, reduce the enemy commander by 1 point in an all-round way!"

"Ah...!" Han Yi's mind was constantly showing the explosion of the attributes of various generals, but Han Huang was hiding behind Han Yi, with a look of fear. Han Yi looked back at him, stroked his forehead and said: "These are the trials you have to go through. They will hurt your people in the future. You have to learn to get used to them. Grandpa is looking forward to your transformation...!"

(End of this chapter)

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